The Passing of the British Empire Volume 33 | Number 38Houston Style Magazine Comcast Houston Honors Five Houstonians Agents of Change METRO Marks Commute Solutions MonthARTS: Gordon Parks HERITAGEHOUSTONExhibitCELEBRATESHISPANICMONTH

Ben Jealous Jackson

NEWS | COMMENTARIES | SPORTS | HEALTH | ENTERTAINMENT Support Black Owned Businesses Houston’s Premiere Weekly Publication, Since 1989 Complimentary Houston Jazz FestHouston, Are You VAX?2023 Chevrolet Tahoe Instagram: @StyleMagazineHTXTwitter: @HoustonStyleTAG US: #Team Facebook: @HoustonStyleMagazine SEPTEMBER 15 – SEPTEMBER 21, 2022 An RemovedInsurrectionistFromOffice

September 15, 2022 - September 21, 2022 www.StyleMagazine.com2

• Police-spec springs, retuned dampers and police-spec chassis calibrations
“We have carefully tuned this vehi cle to handle speed with confidence and control that is immediately apparent behind the wheel,” said Dominique Lester, chief engineer. “The pursuit-rated driving dynamics inspire excitement and confidence on the road, and we’re proud to have achieved this level of ride and handling in a full-size SUV largely through performance calibration and tuning.”The RST Performance Edi tion also has the numbers1 to back up its carefully calibrated systems:
• 0-60 mph in 5.78 seconds (compared to 5.95 seconds on base RST)
• 60-0 mph braking in 133 feet (compared to 139.4 feet on base RST)
• Top speed of 124 mph on the test track (compared to 112 mph on base RST)
Chevrolet delivers more power than any other Tahoe by introducing Chevrolet Performance induction and exhaust systems to this package that increase output of the standard 6.2L V-8 to 433 horsepower and 467 lb-ft of torque. That’s an increase of 13 hp and 7 lb-ft over the current RST’s available 6.2L engine. On the special edition, the 6.2L V-8 engine continues to be exclusively paired with the 10-speed automatic Standardtransmission.components
the RST Per formance Edition borrowed from the pursuit-rated Tahoe include:
• Police-spec Firestone Firehawk Pursuit 275/55R20 tires with specific 20-inch aluminum wheels in black
• Quarter mile in 14.2 seconds at 97 mph on the test track (compared to 14.4 seconds at 97 mph on base RST)
Chevrolet Introduces 2023 Tahoe RST Performance Edition with More Horsepower, Speed
That performance does not come at the expense of true SUV capability, as the Performance Edi tion offers the same 7,600-pound trailering capacity2 as the base RST when equipped with the 6.2L engine. In addition to the unique powertrain, chassis and suspension upgrades, the Tahoe RST Performance Edition comes standard with the Luxury Package, which includes a host of active safety features3 and driver convenience features.

In fact, the new Tahoe RST Perfor mance Edition leverages a number of chassis, suspension and other el ements from the pursuit-rated Tahoe PPV package for police, with many of the vehicle’s dynamics calibrated by the same engineering team.
The special edition Tahoe will sport a black “RST” badge on the rear tailgate. On the interior, standard sport pedals elevate the performance look and feel.
The Tahoe RST Performance Edition will make its public debut at the North American International Auto Show in Detroit. The package is priced at a starting MSRP4 of $8,525 and will be exclusively available on the 2023 Tahoe RST with the 6.2L V-8 engine. Production begins in Q4 2022 with U.S. and globally sourced parts at GM’s Arlington Assembly in Texas.

• Brembo front and rear brakes with unique Torch Red calipers. The front brake rotors are nearly 25% larger in diameter than the standard RST system
Detroit Auto Show
C September 15, 2022 - September 21, 2022 MINORITY PRINT MEDIA, LLC, HoustonD.B.A.Style Magazine & Phone: (713) 748-6300 • Fax: (713) 748-6320 ©2022 Houston Style Magazine, a Minority Print Media, L.L.C. Company. All Right Reserved. Reproduction in whole or within part without permission is prohibited. Houston Style Magazine has a 2019 Audit by Circulation Verification Council (CVC). Houston Style Magazine is a member of the Texas Publishers Association (TPA), Texas Community Newspaper Association (TCNA), National Newspaper Publishers Association (NNPA), Independent Free Paper of America (IFPA), Association of Free Community Papers (AFCP) and Members of Greater Houston Partnership(GHP). National Association of Hispanic Publica tions, Inc. (NAHP, Inc.), Houston Hispanic Chamber of Com merce (HHCC), League of United Latin American Citizens (LU LAC), Latin Women’s Initiative (LWI), National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ), Houston Association of Hispanic Media Professionals (HAHMP), National Association of Hispanic Jour nalists (NAHJ), and Supporters of Greater Houston Partnership(GHP)
For more info, visit
2023 Chevrolet Tahoe RST
• Police-spec lower ride height of 0.4 inch (10 mm) in front and 0.8 inch (20 mm) in the rear
By Newswire
hevrolet’s most popular fullsize SUV has been specially tuned for performance with the new 2023 Tahoe RST Perfor mance Edition. With more horse power and speed than ever before for retail customers, this special edition four-wheel-drive Tahoe is ready to impress performance enthusiasts who still want to sport around town in a full-size SUV.
“The 2023 Tahoe RST Perfor mance Edition is designed for those who want the best of both worlds — the everyday comfort and capability of a full-size SUV along with the driving excitement of a true performance vehicle,” said Scott Bell, Chevrolet vice president. “It leverages the proven capability of Chevy’s pursuit-rated police vehicle packages and motorsports success to offer a confident, engaging driving experience for our customers.”
• Performance-calibrated brake pedal feel
By Jesse Jackson, National Political Writer

official statutes, in public monumentsso too Britain now wrestles with how to think about and teach its history. Just as there has been a fierce reaction here, so too in Britain, xenophobes demand a continued whitewashing of the history of violence, oppression and economic Inexploitation.fact,coming to grips with the reality of the past is part and partial of changing to meet the challenges of the modern day. The Britain that once ruled much of the world now struggles to rule itself. With Brexit, it has left the European Union. With the growing movement toward Scottish independence, it faces dissolution within. It is heading into the worst economic crisis in decades - even as inequality reaches ever more obscene extremes, yet its financial center - the City of London - looks abroad not at home for its investments. Demagogues call upon the mythic past while failing to deal with the current grim realities. What is needed is a politics that brings people together in a national project of renewal. Imperial nostalgia, global ad venture, the dominance of the financial elite stand in the way.
we mourn the passing of the Queen, we should not mourn, as Har vard historian Maya Jasanoff has writ ten, the passing of the British Empire.
Even with the Queen presiding over the Commonwealth of Nations, 56 states largely former territories of the British Empire, a slow reckoning of this past has begun. In 2013, Kenyan victims of torture won a lawsuit providing them with damages. In 2019, survivors from Cyprus achieved the same. Calls for reparations or for at least official in vestigation and apology for the horrors
in 1953 at age 25 in the wake of World War II, Queen Elizabeth II served as the face of the British Em pire, the head of not just a nation but a global empire which devolved into a global commonwealth. From her corgi dogs to her wardrobe choices to the family squabbles and scandals, Queen Elizabeth was a fixture - a symbol of stability in times of trouble.
Imperial nostalgia paints this as a picture of "white man's burden," the civilizing force of Britain benignly ruling over its subjects. In fact, 65 countries have to date claimed independence from Brit ain - and many of these only after brutal resistance from the British. The first of the many revolutions against the empire was that of the American colonies. Our Declaration of Independence declared independence from the British crown, after detailing "a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States." Our independence was achieved only by force of arms.

Queen Elizabeth II garners praise for her grace, her discipline, her commitment. Her passing should mark not only the end of an age, but the end of a delusion. Britain will not be made great again by looking backward, but only by un derstanding the reality of its past, and creating a new future.
"The sun never sets on the British Empire" was once literally true. At its height in the early 1900s, the tiny British island ruled over 412 million people, nearly one-fourth of the world's population at the time, and over 13.7 million square miles of territory, nearly one-fourth of the world's territory.
school boards and legis latures struggle with how to deal with its legacy of slavery - in textbooks, in
Britain's empire included many settler nations - like South Africa and Australia - that savaged indigenous populations to take their lands, their minerals and jewels, and too often their people.
ueen Elizabeth II's death at 96 has occasioned an outpouring of tributes and grieving across the world. Heads of state, including Joe Biden, mourn her passing. Common citizens have built mountains of flowers at her gate. The British football league even postponed its games for a weekend in her Crownedhonor.queen
In Malaya, Kenya, Cyprus, Yemen, Nigeria, Ireland and more, popular inde pendence movements were met with vi olent suppression, mass arrests and often torture. In many cases, Britain invented the tactics that Americans grew to know - from counter-insurgency campaigns to detention camps, to systematic torture.
Queen Elizabeth II at the opening of a new building at the Thames Hospice in Maidenhead, United Kingdom on July 15, 2022.

15 4 September 08, 2022 - September 14, 2022
Her commitment to her duties - however ceremonial - was praiseworthy. While as Queen in Britain her political opinions and preferences are by tradition masked, peoples across the world saw her as a source of solace and of concern. Even the reports of the racial tensions within the royal family did not disrupt that
You can write to the Rev. Jesse Jackson in care of this Newspaper or by email jjackson@rainbowpush.orgat:

Commentary By Ben Jealous

Judge Mathew’s ruling is a milestone in the effort to hold public officials accountable for trying to overturn the 2020 presidential election. It should provide a road map—and some moral courage—to other judges considering legal efforts to hold state legislators and others accountable for trying to under mine democracy.
Members and staff of the committee have spent countless hours digging through emails and other public records and interviewing former Trump admin istration officials and lawyers, members of Congress, and far-right activists who promoted Trump’s lies about election fraud. They are still at it. Among the people they hope to interview this fall are former Vice President Mike Pence, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, and far-right activist Ginni Thomas, wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas.
Judge Mathew ruled that a county com missioner who participated in the attack on the U.S. Capitol can no longer hold public office. The ruling was based on a section of the 14th Amendment to the Constitution, which was passed after the Civil War. It forbids anyone from holding public office if they had taken an oath to support the Constitution of the United States and then “engaged in insurrection or rebellion” against the Thecountry.judge found that Otero County
Commissioner Couy Griffin helped lead the mob that used violence to try to prevent Congress from affirming Joe Biden’s win in the presidential election. Griffin later bragged about his role and suggested that there might be another insurrection coming.
Truth is a first step toward accountabili ty. But it cannot be the only step.
Judge Francis Mathew upheld a lit tle-known provision of the U.S. Con stitution and removed a public official for participating in the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection. I hope other judges have the courage to follow his lead.
The committee’s public hearings this summer gave the American people a powerful dose of truth-telling about the lies and deceptions of President Trump, members of his legal team, and his political allies. The commit tee’s investigation is continuing, and we can look forward to more public hearings this fall.
Another important effort to hold powerful people accountable for the insurrection is being conducted by the House Select Committee that is investigating the insurrection and the schemes that led up to it.

New Mexico judge has done the country a big favor.
The principle that no person is above the law—that powerful people have to obey the laws like everyone else—is essential to a democratic society. If this principle is not enforced, corrupt lead ers will undermine the rule of law and democracy itself.
The committee’s efforts to get a full pic ture of the illegal scheming to overturn the election is essential. So is punishing wrongdoers and preventing future at tempts to subvert our elections.
Read More at:
A September 15, 2022 - September 21, 2022
By – Newswire
Learntechnology.more about METRO services at where you will also find useful tools like the Ride METRO app where you can plan your trip and even pay your fare from yourForphone.more info, www.RideMETRO.orgvisit:
September 15, 2022 - September 21, 2022 www.StyleMagazine.com6 LOCAL:METRO Marks Commute Solutions Month with Permanent Opening of HOV/HOT Lanes on Weekends/Holidays
Next Moving Forward Plan.
(Main Street and Northline), the Green Line (East End) and the Purple Line (Southeast), Park & Ride commuter buses, METROLift paratransit service, HOV/HOT lanes, Community Connector micro- transit and Star Vanpool.
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As part of H-GAC’s Commute Solutions, they highlighted the RideMETRO app as a key transit rid er tool, and provided updates on the METRO Next plan which is moving forward with more travel options for the future to help ease traffic congestion and improve air quality.
eginning Saturday, Sept. 10, METRO's HOV/HOT Ex press Lanes will remain open seven days a week permanently.
In 2020, the Authority introduced the METRO Rapid Silver Line, the region’s first bus rapid transit ser vice. Bike & Ride programs and road improvement projects are also part of METRO’s commitment to the region. Focused on investing in the region’s future mobility needs, the Authority developed the METRO
To mark this travel benefit for the region, and in recognition of Commute Solutions Month, METRO Chair Sanjay Ramabhadran,METRO President & CEO Tom Lambert, Harris County Commissioner Adrian Garcia, H-GAC's Director of Trans portation Craig Raborn and others gathered for a media availability.

The Metropolitan Transit Authority of Harris County (METRO) is the region’s largest public transit provid er, offering safe, clean, reliable, ac cessible and friendly transportation services. METRO’s transit network includes local bus, METRORail which includes the Red Line

METRO is also the first transit provider in region to pilot autonomous vehicle shuttle

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her advocacy, Harris County Commissioners Court initiat ed a contract for a master plan design for Burnett Bayland Park, located in Southwest Houston’s Gulfton com munity.

LUCY knowingBREMONDtheimportance and respon sibility of helping others in her com munity. She volunteers with several Houston area organizations — one of which is The Blue Triangle. The organization’s mission is to provide a safe environment for children, youth, and adults to meet, learn and recreate. When the Blue Triangle building, which is a Texas historical landmark and Houston’s oldest community centers, was damaged by Hurricane Harvey, Lucy was instrumental in making sure it was renovated and preserved so that future generations
“We are honored to celebrate the hard work and determination of these ser vant-leaders whose successful efforts will move us closer to an inclusive community and level the digital playing field for everyone,” Comcast Senior Regional Vice President Ralph Martinez said. “We are inspired by the accomplishments and passion of each of these honorees and are privi leged to shine a light on all they do to make a difference to so many in our Thecommunity.”inaugural awards were created to honor community members who drive transformative change through volunteerism, mentorship, advocacy, and civic engagement in either Digital Equity, Diversity, Equity and Inclu sion, or Environmental Sustainability. The awards program and nominations period were Here is a closer look at this year’s Comcast Agents of Change honorees.
in the Third Ward can thrive.

SIDNEY EVANS - Sid’s mantra is “do more for others than you do for yourself”. He’s known for his opti mism, ability to forge strong partner ships, and roll up his sleeves to work side by side with his peers in ad dressing the most critical issues for youth in marginalized communities. Drawing inspiration from his role model, his father, Sid has become an ally, an advocate and champion
Read More at: Agents of Change
MARIA HERNANDEZ – A Mexican immigrant and domestic violence sur vivor, Maria has overcome adversities that have driven her to advocate for safe spaces in underserved communi ties. She founded Madres del Parque (“Mothers of the Park”) to bring about true transformation and local environmental sustainability in the most densely populated and diverse area of Houston that notably lacks green
for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at work and in the community — most recently as an executive board mem ber at the YMCA of Greater Houston. Under his board leadership, the Y’s first computer lab was established and eventually became the foundation for its path in bridging the digital divide.
September 15, 2022 - September 21, 2022 www.StyleMagazine.com8
Lucy has chosen The Blue Triangle as the beneficiary of her $5K Com cast Agents of Change donation.

Sid has chosen the YMCA of Greater Houston as the beneficiary of his $5K Agents of Change donation.
he honorees will give $25K in total Comcast donations to local nonprofits and will be presented with City of Houston Proclamations later this month for their commitment to the community. Starting today, Houston area viewers will begin learning about each winner through features on local primetime television. Features will also be shared on Comcast Houston’s Twitter (@ComcastHouston) and Facebook (@Comcast) pages.
By – Newswire
n September 1st, the CDC recommended that all ages 12 years and older in the U.S. receive an updated Covid 19

total U.S. population have received at least one dose of the vaccine. September 15, 2022 - September 21, 2022

As of the same date, 610.7 million vaccine doses have been administered in the U.S. Overall, about 79.2% of the

As of September 7th, the current 7-day average of daily new cases (70,488) decreased 18.8% compared with the previous week’s average of 86,853.
We must continue to be vigilant about our health and continue to do what is necessary to protect ourselves, our families, and our communities.
For more info,
By – Newswire
e to develop Houston’s future leaders


Being up-to-date about the vaccines is the best way to protect against severe illness, hospitalization and death asso ciatved with Covid 19.
About 224.4 million people, or 67.6% of the total U.S. population have been fully vaccinated.
possible along with your flu vaccine.
The former first lady's portrait was painted by Sprung, who describes her work as "contemporary realism." The image depicts Michelle Obama in a blue dress, seated on a sofa in the Red Room of the White House. The artwork was painted from photographs taken in different locations on the White House's State Floor.
The long-awaited return of a White House tradition
Wednesday's ceremony in the East Room marked a rare occasion for a celebration among two presidential administrations, where President Joe Biden and first lady Jill Biden convened a who's who of administration officials past and present -- from the unique van tage point of having served in both. The pieces, which will hang inside the White House for decades to come, are the first official portraits added to the White House Collection since then-President
McCurdy told the White House His torical Association in an interview that his process focused on working off of a photograph of the former President. The photorealistic image of the former Pres ident, dressed in a black suit with a gray tie, is painted against a minimal white backdrop -- a signature of McCurdy's artworks. McCurdy said his paintings take at least a year to complete. They often have a pearly appearance.
The Records and Information Management Department of the Houston Independent School District is preparing to destroy personally identifi able information which was maintained to provide educational services for qualifying students. This information includes referral data, notice/ consent documents, assessment reports with supporting data, ARD com mittee deliberations and IEP documents. Records are destroyed 5 years after cessation of services. Cessation of services results when a student graduates, is dismissed from Special Education Services, moves out of district, or drops out of school. Records currently being destroyed are for Special Education students whose services ceased in the 2016 – 2017 school
September 15, 2022 - September 21, 2022 www.StyleMagazine.com10
For more information, visit:
Houston ISD Records & Information Management Department 4400 W. 18th Street Building B Houston, Texas 77092 Email: HoustonSchooolIndependentDistrict Houston Style Magazine – HISD AD PROOF –09/01/2022 • PO#28 22-09-01

NATIONAL : Barack and Michelle Obama make first joint return to the White House for unveiling of official portraits
ormer President Barack Obama and former first lady Michelle Obama's official White House portraits were unveiled during an emo tional ceremony at the White House on Wednesday -- marking their first joint visit to the building since they left in 2017 and the return of a Washington tradition last celebrated 10 years ago.
many of the conventions of traditional political portraiture.President Obama's image was painted by Robert McCurdy and Michelle Obama's portrait was painted by Sharon Sprung.
both generated hope for millions of people who were left behind for so long -- and it matters. You both did it with such grace and such class. You dreamed big and secured lasting wins for the American people, helping lift their burden with a blessing of hope," he continued. "It's so underestimated ... just having hope. This is the gift of the Obama presidency to the country and to history."The former President subse quently led a standing ovation for Biden, saying in the East Room, "Thanks to your decency and thanks to your strength -- maybe most of all thanks to your faith in democracy and the Ameri can people -- the country's better off than when you took office. And we should all be deeply grateful for that.
By Maegan Vazquez, CNN/ – Newswire
Obama held a bipartisan unveiling cer emony for George W. Bush and Laura Bush in 2012. Biden used the unveiling ceremony to reflect on the Obamas' accomplishments in the White House, saying that the former first couple "made history.""You

Notice of Destruction of Special Education Records
The history-making portraits of the Obamas stand in contrast to those of other US presidents and their spouses hung on the White House walls, depicting the first Black President and first lady through the perspectives of contemporary artists working outside
of these students or the adult student (aged 18 or over), may contact the Records and Information Management Depart ment at 713-556-6055 before November 18, 2022, should they wish to obtain the record being destroyed. These records may be needed in the future for Social Security benefits or other purposes.
They’re usually smooth and firm. In most people, the lesions range from about the size of a pinhead to as large as a pencil eraser (2 to 5 millimeters in diameter). They may become itchy, sore, red, and/or swollen. September 15, 2022 - September 21, 2022

to the British Consulate
A Look Back at Queen Elizabeth's Visits to Houston and the State of Texas

and the many
expats who add to the vibrancy and diversity of our city."
I also send my
"Our city will fondly remember her for her tireless service to the United Kingdom years, longer than any other monarch. prayers to the royal family as they navigate this mournful time, rejoice in the reunion of Queen Elizabeth with her husband, Prince Philip. condolences General Houston British

- Mayor Sylvester Turner
September 15, 2022 - September 21, 2022 www.StyleMagazine.com12

for 70
I offer
and I
Antigua and Barbuda marked 40 years of independence from Britain, calls grew louder for slavery Frustrationreparations.withthe
“The exemption has made it impossi ble for women or people from ethnic minorities working for her house hold to complain to the courts if they

“I think most Antiguans would want to replace the Queen now,” historian Ivor Ford told BBC News during the “Youngcelebration.people can’t relate to the Royal Family; they don’t understand their purpose. Even older people like me would love to see us become a republic. The head of state should be someone who is elected like in America,” Ford concluded.
Harry expressed frustration over the lack of family support when British media members and others launched racially motivated insults at Markle.
“I just didn’t want to be alive any more,” Markle told Winfrey. “And that was a very clear and real and frightening constant thought.”
They said Buckingham Palace didn’t dispute their findings.
By Stacy M. Brown, Senior National Correspondent, NNPA Newswire
Earlier, many in Great Britain and around the globe called on the Queen to deal with the fallout over com plaints that Buckingham Palace had no official response to the murder of George Floyd and the global Black Lives Matter Movement.
“These incidents aren’t just histor ical — royal family members have been ignoring accusations of racism since as recently as June 2020, when the Queen failed to respond to accu sations that the royal honors medal is ‘highly offensive’ and resembles the killing of Floyd,” Royal Insiders Mikhaila Friel and Rachel Hosie wrote in 2021.
Instead, officials offered without explanation that there’s a separate process for hearing discrimination Incomplaints.2020,when
isn’t necessarily complicated, but filled with enough ambiguity and action and inaction, that it might be easy to understand why people of color might view her different that the adoring throng mourning outside of Buckingham
mmediately following the death of Queen Elizabeth II, notable media personality Jemele Hill urged her peers to put the monarch’s passing in “Journalistsperspective.aretasked with putting legacies into full context, so it is entirely appropriate to examine the queen and her role in the devastating impact of continued colonialism,” Hill Elizabeth’stweeted.legacy
Further, a 2021 exposé in The Guardian revealed documents that shed light on Elizabeth’s continued exemption from race and sex dis crimination
ThePalace.longest-reigning British mon arch’s history on race will forever exist as part of her legacy.
believe they have been discriminated against,” the journalists found.
Queen and colo nialism also grew palpable. September 15, 2022 - September 21, 2022
NATIONAL: Queen Elizabeth’s Legacy Through the Lens of Colonialism and Black Lives

David Pegg and Rob Evans said they discovered papers at the National Archives as part of an ongoing investigation into the royal family’s use of an arcane parliamentary procedure, known as Queen’s consent, to influence the content of British laws secretly.
“We didn’t know as much about our history then as we do now,” Mikael
She told the BBC she and others would continue to demand repara tions.
“And I guess one of the most telling parts and the saddest parts, I guess, was over 70 female members of Parliament, both Conservative and Labor, came out and called out the colonial undertones of articles and headlines written about Meghan. Yet no one from my family ever said anything. That hurts.”
point was when [Prince] Harry was asked by a family member ‘how dark Archie’s skin might be,” Markle told Oprah Winfrey in a 2021 Archieinterview.isMarkle and Harry’s son.
“England has enjoyed the benefit of our slave labor right up to today, and they need to be honest, admit it, and find a way to reconcile,” Mikael
“Mostinsisted.people couldn’t care less if [Elizabeth] is head of state or not. The Queen is not a significant part of anybody’s agenda.”
Markle revealed that she began hav ing suicidal thoughts while pregnant with Archie in early 2019.
“It’s hard to imagine the Queen showing support for BLM — and anti-racism in general — when in her 69 years on the throne, she has failed to address the racism that undeniably exists in the institution of the royal family,” the duo concluded.
“For us, for this union and the spe cifics around her race, there was an opportunity – many opportunities –for my family to show some public
“They reveal how the Queen’s chief financial officer once informed civil servants that “it was not, in fact, the practice to appoint colored immi grants or foreigners” to clerical roles in the royal household, although they were permitted to work as domestic Peggservants.and Evans wrote that the Queen had remained exempted from equal ity laws for more than four decades.
“Reminder that Queen Elizabeth is not a remnant of colonial times. She was an active participant in co lonialism. She actively tried to stop independence movements and keep newly independent colonies from leaving the Commonwealth. The evil she did was enough,” Twitter user YaaAsantewaaBa wrote.
support,” Harry stated during the same interview.
Antiguan businesswoman Makeda Mikael recalled how as a child, she attended ceremonies that celebrated the Queen against her will.
However, the palace offered only tepid Beforeresponses.andduring Elizabeth’s reign, journalists claimed the royal family looked the other way – and even enabled – racism.
“, I wasn’t taught African or Caribbean history. So I knew ev erything about British and European history and nothing about ours.”
While her role in colonialism and its devastating impact on Black people continue to gnaw at many, the latest generation had an up-close view into the Queen’s relationship with her mixed-race daughter-in-law Meghan Markle.“Alow
September 15, 2022 - September 21, 2022 www.StyleMagazine.com14

Featured Entertainment:
Houston First Corp. is presenting Recuerdos de Juventud, Memories of My Youth by local artist, Guadalupe Hernandez. The exhibit is on display through November 6, 2022 in Partnership Tower, 701 Avenida de las Americas, Houston, TX 77010. (2nd Floor Garage Lobby of Partnership
6:00PM – 6:30PM: DJ Mexican Black bird - Kicks off the day with Afro-Tejana sounds
6:30PM – 7:00PM: Vanessa Alonzo con Mariachi - Mariachis with world-re nowned lead singer, and Houston na tive, Vanessa Alonzo performs
7:00PM – 7:15PM: DJ Mexican Black bird - Returns with Afro-Tejana sounds
7:45PM – 8:00PM: DJ Mexican Black bird - Returns with Afro-Tejana sounds
This family-friendly day of fun will in clude arts and crafts stations, face-paint ing and more. Watch as Gelson D. Lemus aka w3r3on3 paints a live mural on the Avenida wharf and shop in an open-air market at Discovery Green Flea by Night.
Art Additionally,Exhibit:
By – Newswire
Dancers - Brazilian samba dancers from LD Dance Company will per form, as well as Argentinian tango danc ers featuring bandoneon player Pablo di Lauro with dancer Susana Collins

Other Activities: September 15, 2022 - September 21, 2022
7:15PM – 7:45PM: Tango & Salsa

taken on family trips to Mexico and his hometown of San Mi guel de Allende, Hernandez reinterprets his childhood memories and family stories, uniquely and beautifully cele brating his cultural identity with two countries.
ouston, TX (September 12, 2022) – The public is invited to join Houston First Corp. (HFC) as it presents Party on the Plaza in celebration of National Hispanic Heritage Month.
acts of community service taught her to always honor her ances tors, respect all people, and operate
In honor of the contributions and achievements of Latinos and Hispanic Americans, the plaza at Avenida Hous ton will come alive Saturday, September 17, 2022 from 6 p.m. - 10 p.m. with mu sic, dance, visual art and other festivities all free to the public The longest week ever
Avenida Houston is located between the George R. Brown Convention Center and Discovery Green Park. doing but knew they felt great helping people, which made them feel eternally Performingblessed.
8:00PM – 9:30PM: Latin Caravan Band - The main event, Charlie Pe rez and His Latin Caravan band will perform popular musical styles from Latin America including, Cuban, Salsa and Brazilian samba.

The City of Houston Mayor’s Office of Cultural Affairs guides the City’s cultural investments with policies and initiatives that expand access to arts and cultural programs in the community, at tract visitors and leverage private investment.
The following music industry stakeholders are appointed to this first music board:
“This ordinance aligns with the City’s Arts & Cultural Plan that
• Henry Guidry, Swisha House
fosters an environment where art and culture flourish for the sharing and benefit of all citizens and visitors. We are incredibly grateful for the establishment of this music board and Mayor Turn er’s vision,” said MOCA director Necole Irvin.
About the Mayor’s Office of Cul tural Affairs
Mafia, among others.”
• Jagi Kaital, White Oak Music Hall
• Ericka de Leon, Hip Hop Vintage Flea Market, Bgirl City
• Vice-Chair, Mark Austin, Houston Music Foundation
The Houston Music Directory provides musicians and music industry professionals a chance to create a profile, connect across businesses, support services and music industry professionals, and also help the City of Houston market our creative community. Musicians and music pros can now register in the new Houston Music Directory.
lic meetings to discuss key issues in theadvancinglocalmusic industry and provide recommendations for improvement. The first listening session with the music commu nity will be held on October 25, 2022.
• Present top challenges and/or opportunities based on music community feedback
By – Newswire
The HMAB goals include the following:
“It will continue to add to our City’s rich history and allows us to continue to foster our vibrant music scene for years to come.”
Learn more at :
While many Houston musicians are known worldwide, the local music scene is the foundation of the City’s musical roots.
• Jason Kane, Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo
• Anne Lundy, Community Music Center of Houston
• Secretary, Eric Jimenez, Prairie View A&M University
• Develop policy recommendations in support of musicians and music industry
• Chair, Jason Woods (Flash Gordon Parks), Mo’ Better Brews
The HMAB will hold regular pub
September 15, 2022 - September 21, 2022 www.StyleMagazine.com16
Appointed by the Mayor and approved by City Council, the inaugural board represents the diversity, interests, and expertise of Houston’s music community.

“Houston has a long history of cultivating careers of homegrown talent who have succeeded on the global stage. When you think about Houston music history, you immediately think of some of the popular musical artists working today,” said Mayor Sylvester Turner. “But our city also helped bring top-notch musicians and institutions like Archie Bell & the Drells, Sugar Hill Studios, Pea cock Records, ZZ Top, Kashmere Stage Band, Geto Boys, UGK, DJ Screw, Robert Earl Keene, and La
• Anna Garza, Girls Rock Camp Houston
LOCAL :City of Houston Establishes First Houston Music Advisory Board

he Mayor’s Office of Cul tural Affairs recognized the need to establish an advisory board to impact and influence the City’s work. The ordinance will permanently estab lish the HMAB made up of nine (9) action-oriented members to continue this work.
• Encourage registration to the new Houston Music Directory slated to launch Fall 2022

Evolve’s Equity Program aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and boost economic activity in Houston’s historically underserved neighborhoods. Microgrant funding opportunities are set to open in fall 2022.
Evolve Houston is a nonprofit orga nization focused on improving air quality and reducing greenhouse gas emissions by supporting and enabling the Greater Houston area to increase EV adoption. “The Complete Communities Initiative bridges the gap between equity and opportunity for our city’s most under-resourced and underserved neighborhoods. Residents living in the Complete Communities have made it clear that iit is past time to address the transportation and climate change challenges that impact their quality of life,” said Shannon Buggs, Director of the Mayor’s Office for Complete Communities. “Increasing chronic air pollution and lack of equitable mobility has disproportionately affected lowto-moderate income neighborhoods. With the help of community leaders,
Evolve Houston Director of Equity and Investment. “Evolve's eMobility Microgrant Initiative will empower and elevate residents’ voices, drive further community investment, and prioritize the communities who are most impacted by climate and mobility challenges.”
Evolve’s Equity Corporate Catalysts, GM and bp, have catapulted the Equity Program forward with generous contributions. Funds raised will make a direct impact within the underserved regions of Houston.

of environmental injustices experienced within these communities.
the Evolve Houston Equity Program provides a pathway for our City to ensure that every resident lives in a healthy, sustainable and thriving Evolvecommunity.”established the Equity Program to address poor air quality and limited access to public transportation in vulnerable communities. Through the eMobility Microgrant Initiative, Evolve will invest in local community-led efforts focused on increasing access to all forms of electric mobility and EV charging stations. This initiative will provide additional support to mitigate the negative long-term effects
For more info, visit September 15, 2022 - September 21, 2022
will facilitate a peer-re view process to award microgrants to local electromobility “eMobility” proj ects that address community mobility needs in the Greater Houston area. Grant applications are open until September 16th, 2022, online at apply.evolvehous
“bp is proud to support Evolve in addressing one of the key challenges of the global energy transition: making sure low-carbon energy investment gets to areas that need it most,” said Emily Leung, VP of bp pulse Americas, bp’s EV charging brand that is part of bp's ambition to become a net zero company by 2050 or sooner and help the world get there too. "This program is a small but important step in that direction for the City of Houston, and we wish Evolve every success with the launch.”
“Evolve Houston is committed to supporting a just transition to a more sustainable transportation system, so all residents can receive the benefits of eMobility. The Greater Houston area has made significant progress in improving livability. We must continue and bring the eMobility revolution to Houston’s communities that remain disproportionately in need of a cleaner environment, better services, and diversified economic development,” said Grace Millsap,
volve Houston announced an all-new Equity Program with the launch of the eMobility Mi crogrant Initiative funded by Evolve Corporate Catalysts, General Motors and Thisbp.initiative
By – Newswire

"A Night of Jazz with A Touch of R & B”
Tougaloo alumni and friends gathered after two years to help raise dollars to support the college directly and for scholarships for future Houston-area Tougaloo College students.

September 15, 2022 - September 21, 2022 www.StyleMagazine.com18 SEE MORE + FROM AROUND THE WORLD 2022 SEE MORE PHOTOS AT

Annual Luncheon & Business Expo Sponsorship opportunities available (713) 644-7070 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7, 2022 Hilton Americas-DowntownLUNCHEON11:45AM–1:30PMBUSINESSEXPO10:00AM–3:00PMBusinessAttire The Largest Annual Luncheon & Business Expo in Houston Event Underwriters September 15, 2022 - September 21, 2022
Houston Hispanic Chamber of Commerce

The Leader of Houston’s New Majority®

Now Houston and surrounding areas can enjoy Burns classic barbecue closer to home at one of their four locations.

cery store began to carry their barbecue sauce which expanded to pop-ups at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic.
By Alexandria Jack, Culinary Writer – • Newswire

September 15, 2022 - September 21, 2022 www.StyleMagazine.com20
began in 1973 when Roy Burns Sr. started selling barbecue to the Acres Homes community. People trav eled from all over the world to try this
urns Original BBQ, a Houston staple in Acres Home, has of ficially opened its third on-site bistro inside Kroger's Katy, located at 2700 West Grand Parkway Katy, TX

Those pop-ups and community efforts
The Katy on-site bistro location offrs sandwiches, sides, and family packs that customers can order to-go or dine in at the store. Brisket, links, turkey, ribs, chicken boudin, and monster potatoes will be available, along with classic sides like mac n cheese and baked beans.
barbecue hotspot that is full of history. Now you don't have to travel 40 miles around the city," said Cory Crawford, one of Burns Original BBQ owners," We are just grateful to expand and touch different demographics around the city."
Burns Original BBQ started its partner ship with Kroger in 2019 when the gro
They worked together to provide food for METRO drivers and Kroger vol unteers that delivered free groceries to Houstonians with disabilities or identi fied as food insecure.
led to the in-store bistro collaboration that creates access to one of Houston's famous black-owned businesses.
During this well-deserved celebration of the third on-site Kroger location, there was an appearance by Acres Homes’ very own Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner and a long line of excited pa trons.
Check out Burns’ barbecue website to order online from their Katy, Pearland, Summerwood, or their home base in September 15, 2022 - September 21, 2022 FEATURED ARTIST CINDY OLMES OCTOBER 8-9 2022 SATURDAY & SUNDAY 10 AM TO 6 PM DOWNTOWN SAM HOUSTON PARK & ALLEN PARKWAY n 250+ National & International Artists n 19 Disciplines of Art n Live Music & Entertainment n Active Imagination Zone n Frost Bank VIP Hospitality Lounge n Haak Wine Garden n Art Installations & Exhibits n Food Truck Park n Craft Beer Garden n Culinary Arts Stage TICKETS ON SALE www.bayoucityartfestival.comNOW

All loans are subject to credit approval.

If you need to repair or improve your home, you deserve to have a trusted partner to help you find the right loan product for your unique needs.
By Kathy Coleman, ARTS Editor – • Newswire

speeches and interviews. “Extending the Museum’s commitment to photography from the civil-rights era, and following our presentation of the exhibition Soul of a Nation in 2020, which included Gordon Parks’ famous 1942 American Gothic, I am very pleased that we are able to present Parks’ landmark project for Life magazine, in collaboration with the Gordon Parks Foundation,” commented Gary Tinterow, Director,
relevant to our current moment as it was to Life’s readers in 1967. I am grateful to the Gordon Parks Foundation for the opportunity to present these nev er-before-seen works and to celebrate Parks’ legacy.”Read
More at:
Margaret Alkek Williams Chair, of the MFAH. “Parks is well known as one of America’s most important 20th-century photographers; this exhibition will fur ther illuminate his accomplishments as a writer and journalist, as well.”
On the road with Carmichael and the SNCC that fall and into the spring of 1967, Parks took more than 700 photographs as Carmichael addressed Vietnam War protesters outside the U.N. building in New York, with Martin Lu ther King, Jr.; spoke with supporters in a Los Angeles living room; went door to door in Alabama registering Blacks to vote; and officiated at his sister’s wedding in the Bronx.
Visit us at or call (800) 51-FROST.
n 1967, Life magazine published photographer Gordon Parks’ groundbreaking images and profile of Stokely Carmichael, the young and controversial civil-rights leader who, as chairman of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, issued the call for Black Power in a speech in Missis sippi in June 1966, eliciting national headlines, and media backlash.
There may be money in your house. And not just in the couch cushions.
In his finely drawn sketch of a charis matic leader and his movement, Parks, then the first Black staff member at Life, reveals his own advocacy of Black Power and its message of self-determi
nation. On view only at the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston (October 16, 2022 to January 16, 2023), the exhibition Gordon Parks: Stokely Carmichael and Black Power will present the five images from Parks’ 1967 Life article, in the context of nearly 50 additional pho tographs and contact sheets that have never before been published or exhib ited, as well as footage of Carmichael’s
Commented Lisa Volpe, exhibition cura tor and associate curator of photography at the MFAH, “Gordon Parks’ portrayal of Stokely Carmichael illustrates his unmatched talent in producing illumi nating and sensitive profiles. Through dynamic photographs and a personal text, he sketches both and his subject and the complexities and tensions in herent in the ongoing struggle for civil
September 15, 2022 - September 21, 2022 www.StyleMagazine.com22 September 15, 2022 - September 21, 2022
recognized as transcendent. A member of one of the most vibrant groups of artists of modern American art during the late 50’s and 60’s in New York City, Mr. Whitten frequented the jazz clubs Birdland, Minton’s and The Village Vanguard with the jazz greats of the time including Art Blakey and John Coltrane. Chronicled in his Notes from the Woodshed, Mr. Whitten took inspiration and guidance from the im provisational nature of jazz and created some of the most stunning artworks of the modern era, many honoring his
This evening’s program celebrates the integral relationship that Jazz and Modern Art have shared throughout the 20th century.
All performances at Miller Outdoor Theatre are FREE!
Opening for the Cookers will be Nellie McKay, a soulful jazz musician, pianist, vocalist, composer, and arranger, was raised in Harlem and quickly became a favorite of New York City jazz royalty. McKay is also renowned as a play wright, actress, author, and philosopher. McKay will perform from her album “Sister WinnerOrchid”.oftheNational Medal of Arts,
The Houston Jazz Collective presents The American Masters Series featuring the hardbop supergroup The Cookers, jazz artist Nellie McKay, and the art work of acclaimed artist Jack Whitten. “Player for player there’s no better working band in jazz than The Cook ers.” (Andrew Gilbert, Boston Globe.) This critically acclaimed septet starring original generation jazz icons Billy Harper, Billy Hart, David Weiss, George Cables, Eddie Henderson, Cecil McBee and Donald Harrison are “…a dream team of forward-leaning hard-bop…” (Nate Chinen, New York Times). The
ickets will be available starting September 16th at 10:00 AM at Miller Outdoor Theatre!

Jack Whitten’s artwork is widely
By Newswire
For assistance with handicap accessible seating, please call the box office in Theadvance.performance is LIVE on stage and online! This performance will be lives treamed! You can choose to watch it on our the Miller Outdoor Theatre website, the YouTube Channel, or Facebook!
musician/mentors. His artwork and writ ing are prominently featured on stage.
ART: Miller Outdoor Theatre Is Hosting The Houston Jazz Festival Produced By The Houston Jazz Collective

For more info, MillerOutdoorTheatre.comvisit
Cookers will perform from their new record “Look Out!”.
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