Houston Zoo Strategic Plan 2023–25: Shaping Our Second Century

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Strategic Plan 2023–25


Table of Contents






Letter from Lee and Joe
Key Accomplishments
Mission, Vision, and Core Values
Strategic Priorities
Advance Conservation to Save Wildlife
Provide Outstanding Care to Animals
Deliver Meaningful Experiences
Enhance Organizational Excellence
Pro Forma


These last six years have been a truly transformational period in our history. Walk through the Houston Zoo and you will see many changes. The new McGovern Plaza is now fringed by the rugged coast of the Galápagos Islands exhibit. The orangutan habitat and The Hamill Foundation Black Bear Exhibit underwent top-tobottom renovations. The beautifully modern Cypress Circle Café is nestled in the lush Kathrine G. McGovern Texas Wetlands and bordered by the world’s largest tropical wetland, represented in South America’s Pantanal. Alongside these visible changes to our campus, we have worked to bring equally substantial changes to our institutional identity and practices. We have implemented higher animal care standards and shifted to a culture deeply rooted in our wildlife-saving mission. We have deepened and expanded our efforts to provide inspiring educational programs to communities across Houston. Amid this transformation, we persevered through unprecedented weather events and a global pandemic, celebrated our centennial, and raised over $152 million for the Keeping Our World Wild centennial capital campaign.

This strategic plan, Shaping Our Second Century, represents a continuation and refinement of the journey we began back in 2017. That journey commenced with the understanding that zoos and aquariums, as popular destinations embedded in their communities, must take an active leadership role in the conservation challenges that lie ahead of us.


Within the pages of this strategic plan, you will find a roadmap that articulates these priorities and outlines the wildlife-saving values that form the foundation of these efforts. Over the next three years, we will advance conservation to save wildlife, provide outstanding animal care, deliver meaningful experiences, and enhance organizational excellence.

Global events in the last few years have confirmed the urgency of our wildlife-saving mission. The most recent Living World Report indicates a loss of 69% of global wildlife populations since 1970. During the next three years, our priorities will lead us to refine our local and global conservation programs and ensure our collection and messaging aligns with those efforts. We will strive for even better sustainability at our Zoo, exemplifying best practices to our community by minimizing our own environmental impact.

Providing outstanding animal care remains a top priority in this strategic plan. Our 6,000 animals are the bedrock of all we do, and they are the reason nearly 1.9 million guests visited our Zoo in 2022. Though they may not speak, every day they help us tell stories of their wild counterparts, highlighting conservation challenges in jungles, savannas, equatorial islands and right here in the prairies, forests, and coastal wetlands of Texas. In the next three years, we will make improvements in our animal care practices, strengthen animal care staffing, complete several planned habitats, and begin the planning process for future exhibits.

As we work to be a true “Zoo for All” during the next three years, we will address diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility from many angles. We will continue to build a diverse staff, board, and leadership team. We will also assess and refine our educational programming and interpretation to ensure that we connect with all Houstonians, bridging gaps with new programming where needed. Alongside the important work lifting and including all communities here in Texas, we will continue to commit to conservation partners who are deeply embedded in their own communities. Over the next several years, we plan to develop new ways to measure these programs which include social solutions to environmental issues.

It is with pleasure that we invite you to explore the roadmap for the next three years — the first moments of our Zoo’s second century! We cannot wait to share our successes as we work towards improving all we do to save animals in the wild.

Thank you, as always, for being a friend to the Zoo.

Houston Zoo Strategic Plan 2023-2025 5

Key Accomplishments


During the years since our previous Strategic Plan was released in 2017, our Zoo transformed in many ways — from world-class exhibits and beautiful gathering places to a purposeful Zoo culture and increased global conservation efforts. We are proud to outline some of the key accomplishments that aligned with our eight previous priorities.


“See Them. Save Them.” brand rolled out and internalized by staff, volunteers, and partners

Dedicated >6% of operating budget to field conservation

Increased involvement in sea turtle rescue efforts and hired two full-time sea turtle keeper positions

Aired five prime-time KPRC Zoo Conservation Specials

Conservation partners have adopted the Zoo’s wildlife-saving strategies

Assisted other zoos/aquaria in fostering a culture of conservation


Beautiful, award-winning exhibits: McNair Elephant Habitat, Kathrine G. McGovern Texas Wetlands, Hamill Foundation Black Bear Exhibit, Orangutan, South America’s Pantanal, and Galápagos Islands

Renovated guest spaces: spacious, Green Restaurant-certified Cypress Circle Café and modernized McGovern Plaza, gift shop and Zoo entrance

Integrated interpretive planning with project planning

On grounds interpretation team; realigned volunteer program to focus on guest engagement


Developed Continuum of Learning to inform programming for all ages

Expanded award-winning Saving Wildlife School Partnership program

Created culture of evaluation-based decision making to support saving animals in the wild


Aligned collection with field conservation priorities

Created a comprehensive, highly effective animal wellbeing program based on trust, transparency, and continuous improvement, including restructuring of Animal Welfare Committee

Developed output-based species-specific wellbeing assessments to inform programming and ensure our animals are thriving and living the best life possible

Launched our first animal care night team

Advanced care by increasing connections among veterinarians, curators, and husbandry teams

Leveraged staff skills to support applied research and conservation partnerships

Incorporated state-of-the-art animal management facilities in all new exhibits

Established the Houston Zoo as a global resource for research and husbandry



Committed to Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Access and change initiatives

Increased professionalization of human resources — recruitment, training, compensation, evaluation, recognition, and enhancements to work environment

Created deeper connection to our mission by helping all staff directly relate their work to saving animals in the wild

Enhanced culture of safety via better processes, collaboration, and communication


Leveraged technology — mobile web, virtual programs, and online ticketing

Strengthened partnerships with Texas Medical Center, other community neighbors, and corporations

Implemented guest service training

Improved arrival area to enhance guest comfort, orientation, and enjoyment

New and improved facilities — Cypress Circle Café, Green Kiosk, Flamingo Terrace, and Zoo Store


20+ LEED Accredited staff

All projects designed with sustainability as a priority

Green Plan and water conservation initiatives

Eliminated single-use plastics and increased sustainability messaging

Significantly reduced waste to landfills


Initiated incorporating business intelligence (Customer Relationship Management software and process)

New investment strategies to maximize income

Raised over $152M for our Centennial Capital Campaign

Implemented dynamic pricing

Development team established a planned giving program and grew donor clubs and events

Houston Zoo Strategic Plan 2023-2025 7

As donors, we’re deeply invested in the future of the Houston Zoo because our personal passion for saving wildlife exactly matches with the vision of the Houston Zoo. Lee and the Houston Zoo team not only embody this passion in their numerous global wildlife conservation projects but also as education ambassadors in sharing the conservation message to both the local Houston and wider Texas communities.

Our longstanding support of the Houston Zoo has seen those first visits grow into deep commitments and long-lasting friendships.

Mission & Vision

As we enter the second century of our organization, we will continue to face the many threats to our planet's wildlife and wild places. The Zoo remains committed to the mission and vision that were launched at the start of our previous plan, each of which embodies our desire to make change here in Texas and around the world.


Connect communities with animals, inspiring action to save wildlife.


Be a leader in the global movement to save wildlife.

Core Values

Our values represent ideal behaviors and core beliefs of the Houston Zoo that inspire our actions and guide our decisions. These values both reflect what the Zoo is doing today and where we are headed in the future. As we embark on this new Strategic Plan, these values will keep us accountable. We love animals and are committed to saving wildlife.



We welcome everyone and strive to be accessible to all.


We provide the highest quality of life for our animals and an exceptional experience for our guests.


We are accountable for ethical practices, measureable results, and delivering on our promises.


We fulfill our mission through open, active, and respectful collaboration.

We nurture and protect the resources and relationships in our care for the long-term health of our zoo.

11 Houston Zoo Strategic Plan 2023-2025

Since joining Zoo Crew, my passion for protecting the Earth and its inhabitants has increased significantly. Due to this, I have made it a priority to educate myself on how I can change my habits in order to make my footprint as small as possible, and I have passed that information on to my friends and family.


Strategic Priorities

As the Houston Zoo enters our second century, we are more committed than ever to connecting communities with animals, inspiring action to save wildlife. Each of the four priorities in this Strategic Plan are critical to the fulfillment of our mission.

The Zoo serves our city by bringing together Houston’s diverse communities and an incredible range of animals representing species from across the globe. Caring for 6,000 animals and maintaining our 55-acre campus requires a devoted staff from many different fields, ranging from accounting to zookeeping. Hundreds of dedicated volunteers generously contribute their time to support our animals and guests. At the same time, two million guests visit every year to connect with our animals. And around the world, our wildlife-saving conservation partners do work in their own communities to save many of the animals seen at our Zoo.

By pursuing the priorities set forth in this Strategic Plan, we will not just do more, but do better–for our guests, volunteers, and staff; for the animals in our care; for our city; for our global wildlife-saving partners; and for the critically threatened species and habitats that require urgent conservation action.


To be a global leader in the movement to save wildlife, we will improve our conservation efforts across many fronts. Data and evaluations will deepen the impact of our partners’ work all around the globe, while also strengthening our own conservation programs that help save endangered species right here in Texas. We will also continue to ensure our animal collection and messaging are aligned with these conservation efforts. And we will decrease the environmental impact of our day-to-day operations through continued reductions in water, energy, and waste.


Our 6,000 animal ambassadors are the reason that guests visit our Zoo. Over the next several years, we will continue to prioritize the best animal care possible through evaluation of our wellbeing assessment program, an increase in skilled and experienced staff, equipment acquisition, and improved habitats.


As we work towards being a “Zoo for All,” we must ensure that all residents of our incredible city and out-of-town guests are welcome. We will continue our Inclusivity, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility (IDEA) journey. We will increase diversity among staff, volunteers, board, and programs, while building connections to new communities and organizations. Drawing from guest feedback, we will make the Zoo experience even better through personal interaction with guests, increased guest comfort, and improved satisfaction regarding animal visibility. Our educational programs will be evaluated, expanded, and adjusted to include new communities, inspiring an appreciation of wildlife among people from all walks of life.


The Houston Zoo will continue to improve operations across departments, in our culture, and in our day-to-day activities and emergency plans. In the next three years, we will receive objective professional confirmation of operational excellence through Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) accreditation and United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) inspection. We will improve our on-campus security, streamline software systems, and implement emergency preparedness, response, and resiliency. A new Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system will activate best practices in external communications to support conservation, animal care, and guest experience. We will create an optimal work environment and culture through avenues including recruitment, professional development, and the new HZHQ office-garage. As we look to the future, we will aim to generate net earnings to support planned investments in facilities, strategic initiatives, and endowment/long term investments.

15 Houston Zoo Strategic Plan 2023-2025



Refine regional and global wildlife-saving initiatives to more effectively reduce threats and sustain wildlife populations


A. Document and evaluate partnership results and make improvements and investments based on findings

B. Maintain and grow conservation spending equal to or greater than 6% of the Zoo's annual revenue budget and maintain ranking among the top five AZA institutions in total field conservation spending

C. Continue to align conservation program selection and support with Zoo collection and exhibition focus

We will deepen our conservation work in Texas and around the world, formalize our financial commitments, and build on existing accomplishments in sustainability.


Refine the Zoo’s propagation, rescue-release, and conservation research programs


A. Increase the Houston toad population through best practices in husbandry and reintroduction

B. Increase the Attwater’s prairie chicken population through best practices in husbandry, rearing, and reintroduction

C. Increase the effectiveness of our sea turtle rescue work

D. Increase the Zoo’s breeding/release impact by adding at least one Texas species to our program based on needs, capacity, and potential partner engagement

E. Continue leadership in EEHV research and treatment with Baylor College of Medicine


Continue to align the Zoo’s animal collection with AZA’s sustainability goals and with our conservation and guest engagement goals


A. Align Zoo collection with regions of conservation focus

B. Evaluate the Zoo’s level of involvement in AZA SAFE and Species Survival Plan® (SSP) collection sustainability and conservation breeding programs

C. Align Zoo collection with guest engagement goals


Advance sustainability initiatives in alignment with proven science, best practices, and emerging technology to achieve a lower carbon future


A. Reduce emissions from the Zoo's vehicle fleet, equipment and employee transportation by increasing fuel efficiency and use of alternative transportation

B. Reduce energy use

C. With retail/food partner SSA Group, improve waste collection to optimize aluminum can recycling and increase post-consumer composting collection by 100%

D. Reduce water consumption from 80 million gallons/year to 71m gal/yr by 2030 to achieve water use that is equal to the annual rainfall on our 55-acre campus

E. Assess animal feeding protocols to reduce feed waste and expand sustainable sourcing

F. Reduce waste production

17 Houston Zoo Strategic Plan 2023-2025


We will ensure our animals thrive at our Zoo with increased care capacity, evaluation of our wellbeing assessment program, and the initiation of the next phase of exhibit improvements.



Increase our capacity to deliver outstanding animal care


A. Extend hours of care through staffing and technology upgrades

B. Build resiliency in care through expanded staff cross-training and development

C. Determine necessary staffing and equipment investments to provide optimal care for our animals


Evaluate and refine the Zoo's assessment-based animal wellbeing program and structure


A. Objectively evaluate the Zoo’s animal wellbeing program to facilitate continuous improvement

B. Improve internal animal wellbeing monitoring and data use


Implement campus improvements to enhance animal wellbeing and initiate planning for future major projects starting in 2025 or beyond


A. Complete currently planned improvements

B. Revisit facilities master plan and begin planning for next phase of improvements

19 Houston Zoo Strategic Plan 2023-2025


We will deliver meaningful experiences to our guests through a diverse team, improved accessibility on campus, and inspiring conservation education programs that welcome people from all walks of life.


Reflect the Houston community in our Board members, staff, volunteers, alliances, partnerships, and programs


A. Provide access to the Zoo and its programs for people of all backgrounds and experiences

B. Continue to build a diverse and representative Board

C. Strengthen partnerships with Texas Medical Center and Museum District communities



Create spaces that welcome, engage, and inspire all by implementing planned campus improvements and initiating planning for future major projects


A. Complete planned improvements to further enhance the guest experience

B. Revisit facilities master plan and begin planning for next phase of improvements

C. Improve guest comfort

D. Improve guest experiences utilizing guest feedback and mission-based Zoo priorities

E. Increase guest engagement and satisfaction on site through personal encounters with staff/volunteers and enhanced technology

F. Increase guest satisfaction regarding animal visibility


Deliver compelling conservation education programs that welcome, engage, and inspire all


A. Build transformational relationships with program participants and communities with the goal of shaping wildlife-saving identities

B. Continue culture of evaluation-based decision-making to increase effectiveness of informal and educational programs

C. Collaborate with the community to co-create experiential programs focused on the protection and appreciation of wildlife


Use best practices in on-site interpretation and education to deliver Zoo messages to our guests


A. Increase guest awareness of and participation in wildlife-saving actions

B. Increase guest awareness and perceptions of positive animal wellbeing

21 Houston Zoo Strategic Plan 2023-2025


We will enhance organizational excellence, implementing systems in resilience and safety, activating best practices in external communications, and aligning workplace culture with our values and mission. A new approach to business goals, based on revenue — not attendance — will combine with a robust development process to support our future.


Receive objective professional confirmation of operational excellence


A. AZA accreditation completed without exceptions

B. Exceed animal care standards and regulations set by USDA


Create an even safer, more resilient Zoo


A. Improve perimeter security plan

B. Formalize and implement Incident Command System (ICS) as an operational and emergency response standard

C. Support local and national emergency preparedness efforts to conserve and sustain animal life and safety

D. Complete electrical infrastructure resiliency project

E. Consolidate disparate software into an integrated, effective Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) platform to increase operational efficiency



Activate best practices in external communications to support conservation, animal care, and guest experience


A. Optimize communications with guests and institute a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system

B. Effectively engage with public officials and civic representatives


Create optimal work environment and culture to align staff with mission, vision, and core values


A. Increase staff diversity

B. Improve physical staff working conditions

C. Evaluate Zoo department structures to support optimal functionality and business operations

D. Create a robust support system for new exhibits, events, and staff spaces

E. Continue efforts to offer competitive, fair compensation and benefits based on market and industry data

F. Enhance workforce wellness, recognition, and culture

G. Refine and expand opportunities for staff to learn and grow professionally

H. Optimize internal communications

I. Refine and implement a succession plan that focuses on developing future leaders for key roles in the organization


Generate net earnings to support planned investments in facilities, strategic initiatives and endowment/ long term investments


A. Achieve earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) of at least $10 million annually for the next three years

B. Increase non-gate revenue in existing locations and Jack’s Café, new event space, and new programs

C. Maintain strong fiscal discipline around expenditure growth

D. Increase philanthropic support for general operations

E. Commission fundraising feasibility study in support of next capital campaign

F. Optimize effectiveness of Development activities and processes

G. Build endowment and increase other long-term funds by strengthening planned giving and optimizing use of existing endowments and board reserves

23 Houston Zoo Strategic Plan 2023-2025

I want to tell you with all honesty, that without the support and confidence of the Zoo, in our capacity and passion, the Galápagos Program would have closed its operations due to COVID-19. You have allowed us to keep the Galápagos education & conservation program. We promise to keep fighting and working hard to respond to your trust and never will you feel let down. We are the seed that you take care of and we promise to grow as big as the mustard tree.

Pro Forma


Our success as an institution, and with the Strategic Plan, is underpinned by sound financial practices and planning. This Pro Forma provides a high-level financial framework that will support and build upon goals and objectives we have set for the next three years.

11/15/2022 based on 3Y Strategic Plan Priorities, Goals, & Action Items

27 Houston Zoo Strategic Plan 2023-2025 Summary View 2022 Adopted Budget 2022 Actuals 2023 Adopted Budget 2024 Outlook 2025 Outlook Attendance 1,957,165 1,868,479 2,121,000 2,140,000 2,140,000 Revenue Earned Revenue $ 39,193,200 $ 41,123,400 $ 44,521,500 $ 48,254,300 $ 49,127,400 City Management Fee 10,620,000 10,774,700 11,200,200 11,536,200 11,882,300 Contributed Revenue 6,754,500 8,347,700 7,060,100 7,432,800 7,733,400 Revenue Total $ 56,567,700 $ 60,245,800 $ 62,781,800 $ 67,223,200 $ 68,783,100 Labor Expense Base Salary and OT $ 22,319,500 $ 22,167,300 $ 24,532,400 $ 26,249,700 $ 27,721,700 Benefits 5,255,000 4,462,400 5,804,700 6,211,000 6,559,300 Contract Security Services 545,000 545,700 632,900 664,600 689,900 Labor Expense Total $ 28,119,500 $ 27,175,400 $ 30,970,000 $ 33,125,300 $ 34,970,800 Non Labor Expense Other Operating Expenses $ 14,757,400 $ 14,166,000 $ 16,503,400 $ 17,978,600 $ 17,988,700 Marketing, Membership and Fundraising 3,432,200 3,045,900 3,529,900 3,706,400 3,847,600 Non Labor Expense Total $ 18,189,600 $ 17,211,900 $ 20,033,300 $ 21,685,000 $ 21,836,300 Total Expenses $ 46,309,100 $ 44,387,300 $ 51,003,400 $ 54,810,300 $ 56,807,100 EBITDA $ 10,258,500 $ 15,858,500 $ 11,778,400 $ 12,413,000 $ 11,976,000 Proposed

1513 Cambridge Street, Houston, Texas 77030 www.houstonzoo.org

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