INSIGHTS Information from the Hoval Group | 2018 | No. 1
UltraSource® Low-noise, highefficiency heat pump Maximum performance, minimum noise.
HomeVent® Breathe deeply with our new air quality sensor
The new generation of comfort ventilation that detects odours.
Indoor climate system for food logistics
Outstandingly economical and environmentally friendly.
Heat for single-family homes An overview of our system solutions.
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change.
Charles Darwin British naturalist
Insights 01-2018
Dear Reader, Digitalisation is the trend that everyone’s talking about – and it’s set to change our industry, whether we like it or not. At Hoval, we’re welcoming this transformation with open arms. It’s a huge opportunity for us and for our partners. In spite of all the changes that this new technology brings,
The impact of digitalisation will ripple through to sales, too.
our products continue to stand out in our digital world. This
We are already seeing new players entering the online
year, we’re launching a number of promising new products.
market and directly approaching end customers to sell them
Our newest additions include our quietest and most efficient
new heating systems. This development shouldn’t come as a
air heat pump yet, a controlled room ventilation system that
surprise to us. In fact, we must recognise that our sector has,
guarantees perfect air quality and is operated using the same
for many years, failed to actively approach customers who
control system as Hoval heaters, and solar energy systems
might be interested in modernising their heating system –
designed specifically for quick and easy installation. You can
even though there is huge potential in this market.
find out more about all of these solutions in this issue of “insights”.
We must rethink our sales strategy, and the digital world can help. We must work with our partners to adopt a more active
Maximum efficiency can only be achieved when the highest-
role. Often, tradesmen are sceptical when manufacturers are
quality products are intelligently combined with controls to
the ones actively engaging with customers and generating
form a complete system – and this is particularly true of heat
interest in new systems. But if our partners are loyal, this
networks. With extensive expertise and decades of experience
approach is not a disadvantage. In fact, the opposite is true –
in this field, Hoval and its subsidiary Yados offer industry-
because if we can get customers on board, our partners will
leading products and a unique control technology concept
benefit and find it easier to win contracts, some of which
developed by our own in-house specialists. We’re pleased to
may previously have been inaccessible.
be able to tell you more about some of the projects we’ve completed in this field in this issue.
The future cannot be a continuation of the past. This quote from Peter Frick, the president of our Board of Directors, has
Heating and hot water provision accounts for the majority of
never been more fitting than it is today. We can afford to be
the energy consumed in Europe. In spite of political efforts
optimistic about the future – for our partners, for us, and above
to bring us closer to achieving our climate and energy goals,
all for the environment. Heating and climate technology and
modernisation activity remains at a very low level. We believe
digitalisation will be critical to the success of the energy
that digitalisation can – and will – be a key success factor in
the transition to renewable energy. So let’s make the most of the opportunities this presents and We must make it our goal to take our products “online”
be open to doing things differently!
wherever possible, as this move will generate significant added value for our customers. Our digitalised products will reduce energy costs, for example by taking the weather forecast into account; they will also boost reliability and – most importantly – comfort. Customers who already own online Hoval products will also be able to benefit from the innovative new services we have in the pipeline.
Insights 01-2018
Peter Gerner, Management Board Hoval Group Co-CEO
More heat from less gas for Grand Hotel When a hotel reaches a certain age, modernising the heating system can bring significant benefits. The four-star Permon hotel in Slovakia, which dates back to the 1970s, has done just that – and is now achieving huge cost savings.
Easily – and quietly – boosting performance ® UltraSource , the new heat pump from Hoval, is put to the test prior to launch by a heating professional in Austria.
Pioneering district heating network The district heating network in Andermatt has just welcomed its 100th subscriber. The Swiss tourist resort operated by Egyptian investor Samih Sawiris now also relies on district heating.
Insights 01-2018
Insights 01 | 2018
Indoor climate system for food logistics Project planning, delivery and maintenance: All from a single source. Achieving the most economical solution for your needs doesn’t get any easier – and the international food logistics company that recently built a new distribution centre in Poland agrees.
Controlled room ventilation ® Customers who opt for a HomeVent comfort ventilation system benefit from lower heating bills. And the new generation of appliances makes the work of planners and installers easier too.
Insights 01-2018
Easy to install and exceptionally quiet ® Designed for single-family homes: The new UltraSource heat pump is a highly efficient yet incredibly compact solution. The quietest pump in our range, the unit boasts countless other benefits – including for the installer.
Commissioning thermal solar panels – now in four minutes flat Every installer has probably muttered a few choice words under their breath when doing this kind of work: Commissioning thermal solar panels for a single-family home can easily take half a day. But Hoval has now solved this ® problem – with the SolKit aqua drinking water tank.
In focus: System solutions for single-family homes.
Heat for single-family homes: Systematic efficiency Need to plan the heating and ventilation systems for a new single-family home? Or are you looking to replace the heating system in an older building? The vast array of solutions on the market can be overwhelming. Hoval is an expert in heating and ventilation technology and can provide an overview of the options – for installers and their customers. At Hoval, we’ve taken one complicating factor out of the equation to make your life easier: All of our systems, from the most simple to the most complex, rely on the same control technology. Whether you’re looking for a system for a new build or an existing single-family home, Hoval ® TopTronic E control technology will be part of our package. This approach means that installers only need to master one control system, and that the customer can control all their heating and ventilation units using that same system – regardless of how many components are installed.
For new builds: The latest technology Are you planning a heating system for a new single-family home? The diagram below shows a complete system that is suitable both for smaller single-family homes and larger 2 buildings with up to 300 m of living space : ® UltraSource UltraSource®
® ® PV system diagram/HomeVent Schema PV/HomeVent Schema PV/HomeVent
® Hoval TopTronic® Control system Regelungssystem / Control system
HovalApp HovalDesk
Everything under control – even when you’re not at home
22 °C
Hoval customers enjoy the convenience of operating their heating system and comfort ventilation from their living room. But even if they’re on the road, they can use their smartphone and the HovalApp to access the control system – perhaps to turn up the heating if they’re coming home earlier than usual, so that the house is already warm on arrival. The HovalDesk portal provides the customer with an online overview of the performance and costs of the entire system. The Hoval control system fine-tunes the individual components of the system to ensure that their combined performance is even more efficient – helping to protect the environment and giving the customer great peace of mind.
UltraSource® B/T comfort
CombiVal ESR (300)
HomeVent® comfort FRT
The boiler room is equipped with an UltraSource ® comfort* air/water, brine/water or water/water heat pump. This boiler provides heat for the underfloor heating and heats the process water, which is stored by the CombiVal. The ® electrical energy that powers the UltraSource is generated primarily from the photovoltaic modules on the roof. The ® HomeVent comfort FRT* ventilation system supplies fresh air to the rooms and draws both heat and moisture from the outgoing air – saving many times the amount of energy required for ventilation. In summer, fan convectors distribute the cool air. With this solution, the building is entirely non-reliant on fossil fuels and emits no CO2 into its local environment. The photovoltaic modules easily cover a third of the building’s total energy requirements – including cooking, washing and lighting. This system is at the cutting edge of sustainable, future-proof technology.
Insights 01-2018
Renovation projects: No need to worry about laws and regulations! You know that you need to replace your heating system. But what exactly should you replace it with? Many homeowners hesitate over this decision because they find it difficult to wade through the countless options available to them, and because they are confused by the new regulations. Hoval can help: Our latest generation of heating and climate technology complies with the most recent standards, including the German Building Energy Act (GEG), which brings together the Energy Saving Ordinance (EnEV) and the Renewable Energies Heat Act (EEWärmeG) under one umbrella. In Switzerland, the cantonal drafts of the latest energy legislation (MuKEn) are currently a source of much debate; Hoval has also taken these regulations into account in the design of its latest units.
The SolKit aqua ® also helps the installer save time: The time required to commission a set of solar panels is reduced from around half a day to just four minutes. Find out more on page 32. Post-modernisation: 100% renewable heat It’s easy to convert the heating system in your single-family home to 100% renewable energy: For example by fitting an ® UltraSource B comfort* air/water heat pump, combined with ® ® UltraSol thermal solar panels and the new VarioVal * stratified accumulator. VarioVal VarioVal
UltraSource®©BB UltraSource Hoval TopTronic TopTronic®® Control system Regelungssystem / Control system HovalApp HovalDesk
Integrate a renewable energy solution – the easy way
22 °C
The integration of a renewable energy solution into your heating system is always a good idea, and this can be ® achieved with relatively little effort: Just fit UltraSol solar ® panels on the roof, and install an UltraGas gas condensing ® boiler in the basement as well as a new SolKit aqua * drinking water tank – and your new, environmentally friendly system is ready to go. SolKit® aqua HT SolKit ® aqua HT
® ® Hoval TopTronic Hoval TopTronic
Control system Regelungssystem / Control system
HovalApp HovalDesk 22
UltraSource® B comfort
VarioVal RLS (800)
The heat pump and solar panels generate the heat that the ® VarioVal needs to ensure that the system has constant access to sufficient heating and process water. And local CO2 emissions are reduced to zero. Systems can be expanded and integrated at a later date ® The TopTronic E control system is so flexible that you can add additional components to the system – and integrate them into the control system – at a later date.
This means that you don’t always have to install the most comprehensive solution at the outset. If you own a singlefamily home and intend to live in it for a long period of time, you can gradually make your heating and ventilation system more environmentally friendly by modernising it in stages.
SolKit® aqua HT
The UltraSol thermal solar panels heat up the system’s process water, which reduces the burden on the boiler. And the entire set-up is fine-tuned for maximum efficiency with ® the TopTronic E control system – further reducing the gas consumption of the already highly economical system. ®
Insights 01-2018
* Find out more: ® about the UltraSource heat pump on pages 28/29, ® about the HomeVent comfort ventilation system on pages 30/31, ® about the SolKit aqua drinking water tank on pages 32/33, ® about the VarioVal stratified accumulator on page 34.
In the market.
NEW WEBSITE: WE’RE ONLY JUST SETTING OUT ON OUR JOURNEY INTO THE DIGITAL REALM Hoval has given its website a makeover, and the new site is already live in Austria, with the German and Swiss pages set to follow shortly. For installers, the new site includes an online shop and a platform for electronic documentation. But for Hoval, digitalisation is about much more than just improving and extending our online presence. The new website looks good and is great to use – whether you’re browsing on a PC, tablet or smartphone. Iliyan Pavlov, who is heading up the Group-wide Hoval Digital project, describes the new Hoval internet presence as the “beating heart” of the company – for two reasons: Firstly, because internal and external experts put their heart and soul into the creation of the new site, and secondly because it forms a starting point for Hoval’s future digital strategy. All documents in one place The re-engineered, revised and modernised website opens up a whole host of new digital opportunities: “Depending on their access rights, our customers can now find all of the working documents they need in one location”, explains Julia Pirklbauer from Hoval Austria, where the new website and E-business area have already gone live. She continues: “Price lists, technical information, planning documents, drawings and brochures are now all available from the same place”.
Our internet platform is just the beginning. The digital solutions we’ve developed and will develop in the future for this platform are increasingly interconnected with our products and their control systems.
Order around the clock Installers can also use the E-business area to view and update their user data. The major benefit, however, is that they can now order products and components, compile a quotation under their own conditions, or obtain a full overview of quotations, orders and invoices at any time of the day or night. Digitalisation benefits everyone “The new E-business area brings great benefits for the customer and for us”, says Peter Gerner, Co-CEO at Hoval. He expects the company and its customers to see increased efficiency, and emphasises that Hoval is already “BIM-ready”, which will facilitate and speed up the work of planners. Hoval is also looking more generally at new digital services that its customer service team could offer. More developments in the pipeline “Our internet platform is just the beginning. The digital solutions we’ve developed and will develop in the future for this platform are increasingly interconnected with our products and their control systems”, says Co-CEO Fabian Frick. The introduction of TopTronic® E control technology and the optional online connection around three years ago marked an initial milestone in Hoval’s digitalisation journey. Over the coming years, customers can expect to see further new developments. Iliyan Pavlov, Project Manager for the Group, explains: “We’re continuing on our digital journey. We’re on the right track”. Hoval – set to celebrate its 75th anniversary in just a few years’ time – is morphing into a smart, digital company.
Fabian Frick Co-CEO
Insights 01-2018
HOVAL IS TRANSFORMING – INTERNATIONAL SALES FORCE CONFERENCE The first signs of Hoval’s transformation are already visible and tangible within the company: It is evident not only in our first-class quality products, but in the solutions that we can create by cleverly combining these products. This approach is central to our new website, which has already gone live in Austria: The site provides competent, informative and innovative content on solutions for single-family homes and apartment buildings, as well as for schools, hospitals, industrial premises and other market segments. Hoval wants to offer specific advice and support for customers in each segment. As Peter Gerner says: “If we can understand what our customers need and offer them the right solution, then our sales strategy is on the right track!”
“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change”. This quote from Charles Darwin may date back to the 19th century – but only now, in the 21st century and the age of the digital revolution, are we starting to discover just how true it is. Hoval has already embarked on its journey of transformation. At the international sales force conference, Co-CEO Peter Gerner used this quote from evolution theorist Darwin to capture the attention of his audience. “Transformation” was the topic of the two-day meeting, which was attended by 250 employees from 10 countries, all of whom were inspired and enthralled by Peter Gerner’s transformational attitude.
Transformation is also about using digitalisation in a way that benefits all of us – and that brings immediate advantages for our customers. Our new website and E-business area is just one example; others will follow across all of our products and services. The enthusiasm for this transformation among all of the speakers at the international sales conference was energising and infectious.
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ERP REGULATIONS FROM 2018: THE NEXT ROUND! While planners and installers are despairing about ever-changing and increasingly strict EU regulations, Hoval ® has some good news to share: Our RoofVent and ® TopVent climate units comply with the “Energy-related Products” (ErP) regulations that came into force at the start of 2018. ® The RoofVent roof ventilation unit has already been “ErP tested” as part of the product group “lot 6”, for which the EU issued an exemption in 2016. However, the rules were tightened with effect from 1 January 2018, and Hoval boosted the efficiency of its fans and cross-flow plate heat exchangers in good time for the new regulations, resulting ® in an overall increase in the efficiency of the RoofVent .
In summary, as well as achieving a further increase in ® effectiveness, all models of the RoofVent roof ventilation unit delivered since December 2017 meet the more stringent regulations. And there are benefits for customers ® too: The latest RoofVent units cost less to run, as they consume far less heat energy and electricity while operating significantly more efficiently. Planners can design systems based on reliable data, and the fans in the units themselves run even more quietly than their predecessors. What’s more, the price has remained the same.
Insights 01-2018
® TopVent now also ErP-compliant ® Since 1 January 2018, the TopVent recirculation and supply ® air unit and the gas-powered TopVent gas unit also fall under environmental design regulations. These products have been assigned to lot 21. The CE marking is now applied to these products to confirm that they comply with the environmental design regulations.
What’s the situation in Switzerland? Even in Switzerland – a non-EU country – planners, installers, owners, operators and end customers are benefiting from the changes: The ErP-compliant Hoval climate units also satisfy the stringent draft cantonal energy standards (MuKEn).
In the market.
NEW GROUP-WIDE MANAGEMENT ROLES Hoval is combining all of its heating and climate technology processes across the Group. Rolf Außerer, Thomas Felber, Rony Meier and Franz Pfaffinger will be applying their expertise to their new Group-wide management roles.
Hoval employees across the world welcome their new colleagues. The new colleagues and their work with the Hoval team will bring great benefits to the company and its customers.
Rony Meier joined Tom Felber took up Hoval last autumn the newly created as the Group Head position of “Group of Procurement/ Head of Customer Logistics, assuming Services” at the start responsibility for of the year. He has managing all of the many years of Group’s experience in procurement and customer services, logistics sites. having previously Rony Meier has successfully led a extensive experience in these fields and is also an large customer services organisation as a member of the management board. Tom Felber will be responsible for defining experienced manager. the strategic direction of the customer service department, and will be developing new digital services and optimising processes. Rolf Außerer, Franz Pfaffinger previously headed joined the Hoval up the marketing Group a few months department for ago in the newly climate technology. created role of “Head In addition to this of Group Production”. role, he has now In this role, he is taken on the Head responsible for all of Marketing role for production processes heating technology and locations within too. In his new role the Hoval Group. as Group Head of Marketing, he will work with his team on Franz Pfaffinger is a specialist in his field and a skilled strategic and operative marketing and brand management. manager, with experience of working in international roles.
NEW CEO FOR HOVAL SWITZERLAND: MICHEL LAMBELET HANDS OVER THE REINS TO DANIEL WELTIN Mr Weltin, you’ve joined us from construction supplier Hilti, where you worked as a manager for sites in Switzerland, Belgium and Liechtenstein. What have you learnt that you can apply to your new role at Hoval Switzerland?
Daniel Weltin. has succeeded newly retired Michel Lambelet as CEO of Hoval Switzerland. With a background in mechanical engineering, the new CEO understands the technical side of the business; he is also an experienced manager and holds an Executive Master of Business Administration.
Daniel Weltin: My experiences over the past few years have taught me that change is the only thing you can rely on. When change takes place, it is crucial that employees and customers are involved in the journey. On top of that, there are more fundamental, long-term issues surrounding topics such as energy policy and where that will take us. It’s critical that we stay on the ball and take the initiative to put forward and help to shape potential solutions. Switzerland is one of Hoval’s primary markets, and it’s highly competitive. Is that the kind of environment that motivates you? Daniel Weltin: All markets are competitive, that’s a fact we have to accept. We are relying on the strength of the company: the Hoval brand, its people, products and new networking technologies. If we can combine all of these ingredients in the right way, we will succeed – and our team of 350 people in Switzerland, all of whom are dedicated to serving Hoval customers, will be key to this success.
Insights 01-2018
In operation: Luxembourg.
Comprehensive system for new tram depot In 2017, Luxembourg relaunched its tram system. The new tram depot is as modern as the brand-new trams gliding along the tracks – and, as you’d expect for a public transport system, it’s environmentally friendly, too. The roof of the depot is fitted with UltraSol® thermal solar panels and RoofVent ® ventilation units, and TopVent ® recirculation air units are installed in the hall ceiling. Known as the “Tramsschapp” among locals, the new tram depot is – in spite of its short and snappy name – actually a large complex of multiple buildings: The yard is large enough to manoeuvre, clean and maintain the 32 trams that will eventually form part of the system. Once complete, the network will have the capacity to carry up to 10,000 passengers an hour in each direction. The first part of the system opened in December 2017.
‘green’ flat roofs. The roofs are also ® fitted with 29 UltraSol thermal solar panels, which provide heat for process water in warm weather conditions. Without these solar panels, the building would have needed a larger capacity gas condensing boiler. However, with solar support, an environmentally ® friendly and low-emission UltraGas (600D) twin boiler more than meets the building’s needs.
Fresh air through the ceiling
A complete solution from a single source
The “Tramsschapp” was built to fulfil a specific purpose, but it also bears a great responsibility: A responsibility towards its surroundings and the environment. The building was therefore designed with a comprehensive heating and ventilation system: The halls, which have a 2 total surface area of almost 11,000 m , are supplied with fresh air by seven ® RoofVent ventilation units. As they discharge the outgoing air, they recover heat. In the halls where the trams are washed and repaired, and where spare ® parts are stored, 20 TopVent units mounted on the ceiling distribute the incoming air. In the summer, the air is cooled, and in the winter it is heated – with both processes regulated entirely by ® the TopTronic C control system. – More on decentralised ventilation in the box. Heat from the sun ® The RoofVent ventilation units are a perfect match for the building’s planted
The planners designing the tram depot sourced all of the components – from ventilation and solar panels to heating
What’s more, all component maintenance is now handled by a single contact: General Technic, the Hoval Partner for the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. The experienced professionals at General Technic provided detailed advice to the tram depot planning team and supplied and commissioned all of the components of the system.
Compelling reasons to install a decentralised hall climate system Power rails run under the roof of the maintenance hall in Luxembourg’s tram depot, preventing the installation of air channels and ruling out a centralised solution from the outset. Instead, decentralised roof ventilation units were integrated into the roof; these units can be maintained from the roof without hindering or interrupting day-to-day operations. The decentralised solution also enables the building management team to control the units individually, perhaps to supply one zone with fresh air while another is set to recirculating mode to save energy. The Air-Injector vortex air distributor distributes the air without creating drafts. The warm incoming air is mixed with the room air to heat the hall, while maintaining the air speed in the occupied areas of the hall below 0.2 m/s. In the summer, when the incoming air is supplied at lower temperatures, the vortex blades adjust to a diagonal position so that the air flow enters the space horizontally. The cold air sinks slowly downwards to cool the space.
Efficient system: TopVent ® recirculation air units, … … RoofVent ® ventilation units …
Insights 01-2018
boilers – from Hoval, enabling them to construct a complete system using products from a single manufacturer. This was a sound strategy: The components are designed to work together and form an integrated, energy-efficient system.
… and UltraSol ® thermal solar panels.
In operation: Slovakia.
More heat from less gas for Grand Hotel
When a hotel reaches a certain age, modernising the heating system can bring significant benefits. The four-star Permon hotel in Slovakia, which dates back to the 1970s, switched to an UltraGas® (1440D) twin boiler at the end of 2010. Its year-on-year comparisons show significant savings.
If the investor hadn’t decided to go down this route, Hotel Permon would be consuming 25–35% more gas each year.
Miroslav Hruška
Insights 01-2018
It’s something that all hotel owners are familiar with: Each year, energy consumption just keep on rising, and the costs build up to eye-watering levels. Heating and hot water provision account for the majority of these costs. The building needs to be kept warm – regardless of whether or not the hotel is actually full – and guests expect immediate and unlimited supplies of hot water. If the hotel has a spa area, hot water can become a major cost factor. The owners of Grand Hotel Permon were all too familiar with these problems – but they have found a sustainable, long-term solution. The hotel is one of the largest and most exclusive in the Tatra mountains. Surrounded by natural beauty and offering the perfect base for hiking and skiing breaks, the Permon also boasts the largest spa and wellness centre in Slovakia. Modulation boosts efficiency Miroslav Hruška has completed numerous projects on behalf of Hoval in the Slovak Republic, and he was responsible for supporting Hotel Permon throughout the heating modernisation project and after its completion. Since ® December 2010, an UltraGas twin condensing boiler with an output of 1440 kW (x 2) has been supplying heat for the building and its process water. The latest generation of condensing technology is compact enough to fit in the existing boiler room. As it modulates its output based on current heat demand, the boiler does not need to constantly switch itself off and on again – which greatly improves efficiency. The ® UltraGas also recovers heat via its ® aluFer heat exchanger to achieve efficiency levels of up to 110%.
Insights 01-2018
Two return flows equal greater efficiency Miroslav Hruška highlights another important point about the system: “The ® UltraGas has two return flows – a high-temperature return flow at the top and a low-temperature return flow at the bottom. This creates the perfect conditions for efficient condensation in the lower part of the boiler. The exhaust gas cools down more quickly, which increases efficiency by up to 8% compared to condensing boilers with only one return flow”. Gas savings of 40,000 m each year
To cater for very low outdoor tem® peratures, the UltraGas has been connected to one of the existing gas boilers in a cascade set-up. In the summer, when only warm water is required, the Hoval condensing boiler operates on its own.
Miroslav Hruška has done the ® calculations: With the UltraGas , Hotel 3 Permon is saving at least 40,120 m of gas – equivalent to 423,266 kWh per year – compared to the previous system. The separate return flows generate a further 33,861 kWh/year in savings. Compared to 2010, when the previous system was still in operation until mid-December, natural 3 gas consumption fell from 716,040 m 3 to 580,688 m – even though the spa and wellness area was extended as part of the hotel renovation project. Miroslav Hruška concludes: “If the investor hadn’t decided to go down this route, Hotel Permon would be consuming 25–35% more gas each year. The hotel is also achieving a significant energy saving of 6290 kWh per year on its gas burner motors”.
Constant supply of hot water with Modul-plus “Just like hospitals and schools, hotels need a hot water system that can respond quickly and flexibly to fluctuations in usage. This is why we recommended that Hotel Permon opt for one of our tried-and-tested solutions: the Hoval Modul-plus calorifier. The system is capable of supplying ample hot water even if all the guests decided to take a shower at the same time, during spa opening hours. In addition to the reliably high performance levels, there are hygiene benefits too: The water flows through the heating cells of the Modul-plus and there are no stagnation zones, preventing Legionella bacteria from colonising the system. Since its initial launch in 1967, Hoval has continually developed the Modul-plus calorifier. We have sold more than 500,000 units to a wide range of customers, including exclusive hotels”. Miroslav Hruška
In operation: Switzerland.
Locally sourced wood is increasingly taking over as the main source of energy in the Swiss mountains. The Fiore di pietra (“stone flower”) building on Monte Generoso, designed by renowned architect Mario Botta, is heated by a Hoval pellet heating system. The attractive masterpiece, complete with its sustainable heating system,
Hoval specialises in and supplies all of the
invites visitors to enjoy breathtaking views – and
required technologies, enabling it to find
gain a glimpse into the future of efficient heating
the right solution for any application.
The trip up the mountain is a sensational experience in itself: The rack railway train takes forty minutes to transport its passengers from Lago di Lugano to the summit of Monte Generoso at an altitude of 1700 m. For 125 years, the trip has fascinated rail enthusiasts and tourists alike. Now, another exquisite view awaits the hoards of intrepid train travellers: Swiss architect Mario Botta, who became famous for his geometric churches, chapels, residences and office buildings, has created an angular stone flower for Monte Generoso. The Fiore di pietra houses two restaurants and a conference room, with panoramic windows for impressive views of the surrounding mountains and lakes – turning Monte Generoso into a magnet for architecture enthusiasts too.
Insights 01-2018
90 to 100 tonnes of pellets are sent up Monte Generoso each year. Each time stock gets low, the pellet tank is hoisted from a truck onto the railway. A stationary pressure pump is installed at the entrance to the storage room to stow the new pellets away safely until they are needed.
Cascades operating exclusively on renewable energy Although the previous building on the site was heated with oil, wood is a much more fitting choice for the new ‘stone flower’. The wood pellets are, of course, transported to the site by rail. But in this imposing landscape, a sustainable, CO2-neutral energy source is the natural choice. In the Fiore di pietra, two Hoval BioLyt (160) boilers provide a maximum heat output of 320 kW. Depending on the heating requirements, one or both of the boilers can be in operation at any one time. Two Hoval EnerVal (3000) energy storage tanks are the perfect complement to the system: They store the energy until it is needed, so that the wood pellet boilers do not need to immediately respond to fluctuations in demand by switching themselves on and off. This type of boiler achieves maximum efficiency when operated constantly. Fixed pressure pump to supply pellets
an air/water heat pump would not have been capable of delivering the necessary output in the low-temperature conditions on the mountain – and a brine/water heat pump was not an option due to the stony foundations. All of these factors provided further support for the decision to opt for pellets at this kind of altitude. Hoval specialises in and supplies all of the required technologies, enabling it to find the right solution for any application. Wood pellets have been proven to be an environmentally friendly alternative to oil in remote areas that cannot be supplied with gas and where heat pumps are unsuitable for climatic or geological reasons – and the heating system on Monte Generoso is leading the way.
But why opt for wood pellets over wood chip? Pellets save more energy per cubic metre, are more compact and require less storage space, and are easier to transport. In this challenging location, transport is a key consideration: To meet the anticipated annual heat demand of over 400 MWh, 90 to 100 tonnes of pellets must be sent up Monte Generoso. Each time stock gets low, the pellet tank is hoisted from a truck onto the railway. To get the pellets from the track or tank and into the storage area, a stationary pressure pump is installed at the entrance to the storage room to stow the new pellets away safely until they are needed. More reasons to opt for wood pellets The inevitable question has, of course, been raised: Would a heat pump not have been an easier solution? However,
Insights 01-2018
Nature has provided a CO 2-neutral energy source in the form of two BioLyt (160) wood pellet boilers.
In operation: Austria.
UltraSource : Exceptionally quiet, more heat ®
Heating professionals have been conducting pre-launch tests on the latest heat pumps from Hoval: In Salzburg, an installer commissioned an UltraSource® in his own home at the start of winter. And his conclusion in spring? The new air/water heat pump easily surpasses the performance of its predecessor. “The UltraSource® air/water heat pump has no problems supplying water at 55°”, says the installer, who reports a 7° increase in temperature compared to his previous system. With his wife and two small children, he lives in a low-energy home that was constructed around ten years ago, partially by the installer himself. The 200 m2 of living space require ® a heat output of 8 kW. “The UltraSource did not get close to its limits at any point over the winter. Not once did the integrated auxiliary electrical heating system have to step in”. “You just can’t hear it” However, before he even mentions these figures, the technology-loving installer has other things to report: “The exterior unit for the new heat pump is so quiet that you don’t even ® know it’s there”. The UltraSource is significantly quieter than the old heat pump, which was installed when the house was built. “The original pump was quiet. It didn’t disturb us or the neighbours”. And yet it was no match ® for the UltraSource , whose bladed design even manages to score points for aesthetics, too.
hot water storage tank. Thermal solar panels are installed on the roof. The solar heat is primarily directed to the hot water storage tank; in summer, the panels generate sufficient heat for the heat pump to not have to run at all. Everything under control – at home or via the app ® With the TopTronic E control system, the installer can keep everything under control – including via the Hoval app if he happens to be away from home. “When I’m out visiting a customer – something I do quite often – I can have a quick look to make sure that my family are nice and warm at home”. ® The HomeVent comfort ventilation system, which was installed in the building from the outset, is also integrated into the control system and visible in the app. “My wife was against controlled room ventilation initially, but now she wouldn’t be without it. We enjoy high-quality air all year round and throughout our well-insulated home”.
® The UltraSource , which is also available as a brine/water heat pump, was the perfect addition to this integrated system. Paving the way for Hoval customers to benefit from the technology in the future, the installer believes ® that the UltraSource will generate significant energy savings even before the end of the heating season: “I’m expecting to achieve savings of between 10 and 20%”.
Looks good and runs quietly: The exterior unit of the UltraSource ® air/water heat pump.
In the installer’s heating room, alongside the interior unit for the heat pump, is an energy storage tank and a standard
Find out more about the UltraSource ® on page 28/29.
Insights 01-2018
In operation: United Kingdom.
Ventilation and heating on a grand scale Vast fields of wind turbines generate energy along the coastlines of northern Europe, so the British city of Hull was a logical choice for Siemens to open a new turbine blade factory. The production facility is 185 m long, over 100 m wide and 15 m tall. With these kinds of dimensions, the ventilation and heating systems simply had to come from Hoval. The new plant in Hull was opened by none other than the Queen. Dressed in sophisticated blue, the monarch toured the enormous hall. She knows a thing or two about indoor climate herself – after all, all of her palaces are heated with Hoval technology, and Hoval holds a Royal Warrant to supply the British monarchy. A precisely positioned row of ® Hoval TopVent recirculation air units, adorned with the familiar red logo, run along the ceiling above the Royal visitor’s head. ® 34 TopVent units ® A total of 34 TopVent units are integrated into the ceiling in the eight zones of the Siemens Green Port Manufacturing Facility. These units supply air to the hall at the required temperature, without needing to install air channels, as would be the case in a centralised system. The Hoval units also prevent annoying drafts – after all, the turbine blades will see enough wind when they reach their final destination in the North Sea’s wind farms.
Thanks to the building’s large doors, no mechanical fresh air supply is required. The decentralised units are controlled ® using Hoval TopTronic C technology, which communicates with the building control system via an interface. ® Four UltraGas twin boilers
The room and process heat is generated by four condensing ® Hoval UltraGas (575D) twin boilers and three large noncondensing boilers with low-NOX burners designed to minimise emissions. The Queen was fascinated by the 75 m long turbine blades manufactured and stored at the Siemens Green Port Manufacturing Facility. A single blade is valued at around one million pounds, equivalent to around 1.13 million euros. Siemens has invested 310 million pounds, or 350 million 2 euros, in the factory, which covers an area of 40,000 m . The team of around 1000 employees can work in comfort thanks to Hoval – as Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II knows from personal experience.
® Installation of TopVent ventilation units.
Siemens produces 75 m long wind turbine blades in the British city of Hull.
Insights 01-2018
Heat from low-emission heating boilers.
In operation: Switzerland.
Pioneering district heating network You need pioneers to achieve great things. And network provider Andermatt AG has just welcomed its 100th pioneer: Xaver Regli has had his home connected to the district heating network. Yet another pioneer in this field hails from Egypt: Samih Sawiris is building a tourist resort in the Swiss mountains which – just like the existing Chedi Andermatt luxury hotel – will rely on district heating. Hoval is also playing a crucial pioneering role in this process.
District-heated: Finished apartment blocks in the tourist resort in Andermatt.
Pioneers have the ability to think about the future, and the confidence to work towards their vision – and as pioneers, Xaver and Mina Regli-Schmid no longer need to worry about their heating. In the cellar of their home, they’ve ® installed a Hoval TransTherm Giro transfer station. The heat brought into their home via this station is generated in Göschenen, 350 m down
from Andermatt. It is transported to Andermatt through the district heating system, which runs through a former Swiss army tunnel. On arrival, the heat is distributed through the grid operated by Andermatt AG. Major Egyptian investor Samih Sawiris is following the same approach as the Regli-Schmids for his Andermatt Reuss
holiday resort: The six hotels, 28 exclusive chalets and around 500 holiday homes that the village will eventually contain can all be heated via district heating. The deluxe five-star Chedi Andermatt hotel is already open, and has attracted a great deal of attention with its unique combination of Asian flair and Alpine tradition. To keep this premium hotel warm at all times, and
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After we had put the contract out to tender, Hoval’s quote emerged as the clear winner in our comparisons
to ensure that guests can enjoy ample supplies of hot water, Hoval plate heat exchangers were integrated into the district heating transfer system. 17,000 MWh from local wood “In 2013, we commissioned the wood heating plant in Göschenen and the district heating network in Andermatt”, explains Christian Gisler, Managing Director of network provider Andermatt AG. “The network currently has a connected output of just under 10 MW”. The heating plant in Göschenen is the heart of the district heating system: “Since 2013, this plant has been generating 17,000 MWh of heat from local wood each year”, reports Christian Gisler. He continues: “This plant has saved us 1.7 million litres of heating oil”. Göschenen was selected as the site for the plant as it is ideally located to accept deliveries of wood from the south and the north, which helps to protect the environment. The plant is also equipped with a 5 MW Hoval Giga-3 (5000) boiler, which switches on if the biomass production system fails. Everything from a single source
Othmar Zgraggen
the transfer stations that allow the generated heat to be transferred from the district network to the connected houses”. The system also relies on ® Hoval TopTronic control technology: Each transfer station is equipped with this sophisticated control system, which is capable of communicating directly with the district heating’s higher-level control system. A full service package Service is also a key part of the package: A contact from Hoval needs to be available and close by throughout planning and installation, and to add new users to the district heating network at a later stage. “Hanspeter Kälin from Hoval provided us with a professional and competent service from the outset”, says Christian Gisler. Network provider Andermatt AG is now focusing on expanding its district heating network in Andermatt. The company plans to build a district heating network in Göschenen in the near future. And it expects to find ample pioneers who want to connect their buildings to the grid to reduce their CO2 emissions and help protect the environment.
“After we had put the contract out to tender, Hoval’s quote emerged as the clear winner in our comparisons”, recalls Othmar Zgraggen, one of the main initiators of the Andermatt district heating system. “We were able to supply the client with everything they needed”, comments Peter Gerner, Co-CEO of Hoval. “We supplied the large-capacity boiler and
Insights 01-2018
In operation: Ă–sterreich. Germany.
The heat network: A key driver of the energy transition
ge n i n Te
The success of the energy transformation process is strongly linked to developments in energy provision. Intelligent heat networks are an ideal solution for generating and distributing heat in a way that is both economical and environmentally friendly. The municipality of Teningen in Germany is leading the way and proving how these systems can benefit both operators and users. Just over half of all energy consumed in Germany is used to provide heat: More than 50% of this energy generates heat for buildings, while the remainder is used to provide process heat and hot water. These figures prove that the heating market holds huge potential to transform the energy supply market and reduce CO2 emissions. The primary objective of the energy transition is to effectively utilise the efficiency potential of regenerative energy sources, as part of a mixed renewable and fossil fuel solution where necessary. Sophisticated technologies and control systems are compatible with this kind of energy mix and provide an economically robust, stable and sustainable supply of heat.
government incentive programmes, local authorities will be able to exert huge influence and lobby for the construction and expansion of network-based heat provision.
Local heating network solutions are increasingly playing a key role in the energy transition. Long-term, open-technology systems allow renewable energies to be combined with optimised CHP systems and high-efficiency waste heat systems to significantly reduce the use of the primary energy source. Alongside regulatory frameworks and
The decision to build or expand a local heating network means investing in a long-term supply concept, with all of the costs that brings. Detailed feasibility studies and solid financial calculations based on location factors and economic variables are essential to establishing robust financial foundations.
For this strategy to be successful at a local level, the authorities will need to draw up strategic heating plans, take all of the framework conditions into account, and develop appropriate economical and technical concepts for districts, quarters and individual buildings.   Local heat network project: Variables and success factors
Careful use of energy at the edge of the Black Forest: The town of Heimbach is part of the municipality of Teningen in southern Germany.
Insights 01-2018
The economic performance of a local heating system is closely linked to the actual number of buildings connected to it. Only when sufficient numbers of subscribers have joined can investments be allocated and competitive heat prices generated. Synergies and potential savings, such as an upcoming heating modernisation project in a public property, should be evaluated and factored into plans from an early stage. In the municipality of Teningen, the energy consumption of municipal properties was above average for the district of Oberdorf, accounting for 8.5% of the primary energy demand. At the same time, increasing numbers of properties urgently needed a new heating system. Over 90% of the systems in Oberdorf were previously run on fossil fuels. The average age of the heating systems in the area was 17 years old. Local, regenerative heat sources were a crucial factor in favour of network-based heat provision. Teningen already had a biogas system, with a thermal output of 250 kW (kWth) and millions of unused kilowatt hours of energy per year to start its local network. A wood chip heating system installed in the school and sports centre provides a second source of heat, with an output of 600 kWth and surplus capacity. Up to 95% of the heating fuel consumed by the systems is supplied by a local saw mill. The short transport paths allow the operators to exploit the maximum energy potential of the biogenous solid fuel. The entire value creation chain remains in the local area; operators are no longer affected by external prices and resources, or price fluctuations or delivery problems. The new municipal infrastructure was completed with a solar panel system and an additional gas boiler with an output of 600 kWth, which is only operated if required. 3 Three storage tanks with a total capacity of 54 m serve to balance heat supply and demand. High-quality planning and efficient technology Professional planning and exceptional technology are key to an economically and environmentally effective local heat network. dme consult GmbH in Rosenheim was contracted to plan the 6 km heat network in Teningen. The challenge for the planners was to come up with an operational technical concept that would effectively reduce primary energy consumption. The supply and return temperatures in the network can greatly affect consumption levels. If consumption can be maintained at an optimum level by maximising spread, the pump capacity and pipe dimensions can be reduced – helping to keep investment costs down and preventing costly heat losses across the network. The Teningen system uses high-quality double-walled steel pipes with a reinforced insulating layer. Compared to single-walled pipes, the double-walled design significantly reduces the amount of heat lost to the surrounding area. The efficiency potential of a heating system is closely linked to how advanced the system technology is. In Teningen, Hoval subsidiary YADOS GmbH produced
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Tailor-made transfer station for the apartment building. The heating costs are stable for the residents.
In operation: Österreich. Germany.
high-performance, return-optimised components that store, distribute and transfer heat and provide hot water. The Hoval Group company, based in Hoyerswerda, specialises in complete energy solutions designed to cover the entire energy supply process, from generation through to distribution. All components and energy generators are integrated into Hoval’s own higher-level control and communication system ® Hoval TopTronic supervisor, which YADOS supplies under the YADO|LINK name. Find out more about control technology on page 25. The result: High energy efficiency and competitive initial investment costs The heat network in Teningen – which was partially funded through European Union subsidies – has now been in operation
In the first year alone, the municipality saved 351,000 l of heating oil by switching to network-based provision, which equates to a CO2 reduction of 1100 t.
for over two years. The heat generation costs incurred by subscribers have stabilised, and customers are paying less to heat their homes than they would with fossil fuels. What’s more, users are spared the ordeal of finding somewhere to store heating fuel; they don’t need their own heating system or chimney, which reduces their maintenance and repair costs in the long term. In the first year alone, the municipality saved 351,000 l of heating oil by switching to network-based provision, which equates to a CO2 reduction of 1100 t. This pioneering project has been lauded on several occasions for its positive environmental contribution, including by the “Systematic climate protection” subsidy programme run by the environment department in the German state of Baden-Württemberg.
Image at the top: The transfer station regulates the pressure and temperature of the heating water and calculates the required individual flow temperatures. Central image: The biogas-fuelled heating system is accompanied by a container, which holds the hydraulic station with heat extraction module and network pumps. Image at the bottom: The lead system provides a real-time visual display of heat network operation.
The authorities are planning to expand the heat network in a second and third phase of construction, with the aim of further improving the area’s energy efficiency and economic performance. Around 200 additional households with 450 consumers, the school complex, two kindergartens and the local outdoor swimming pool will also benefit from a costeffective, stable and environmentally responsible heat supply.
Find out how the German municipality of Mertingen is organising its heat network on pages 24/25.
Insights 01-2018
In operation: Liechtenstein.
Belaria hybrid SRM: “The perfect solution for my home” ®
Although launched only recently, the Belaria® hybrid SRM gas-hybrid heat pump is already proving its worth. The pump is the perfect solution for upgrading heating systems in detached and semi-detached homes – and not only because it is fuelled by renewable energy. Hubert Wolf from Vaduz tells us why he opted for this innovative new option. When Hubert Wolf moved into one half of a 120-year-old semi-detached home that once belonged to his aunt, the results of his renovation project were even better than he could have hoped for. The other half of the property is occupied by a baker, who lives in the house and also runs his business from the premises. The three floors of the house where Hubert Wolf now lives were modernised in two phases. He installed underfloor heating on two floors, and radiators on the third.
electrical engineer, Hubert Wolf knows what he’s talking about. “The exterior unit is incredibly quiet, too”, he adds. Compact
mode – which the owner can opt to change if gas prices go up or down – ® the Belaria hybrid SRM can prioritise economy or the environment. ® “The Belaria hybrid SRM worked perfectly from the outset”, concludes Hubert Wolf. “And it immediately responds to demand”: If he feels a little cold in the winter, Hubert simply sets the temperature a degree higher using the control module in his living room. Hubert Wolf explains the third major benefit of the new technology: “It’s a cost-effective solution, even when operated primarily on renewables”. A recent visit from an engineer friend served to confirmed Hubert’s choice: “He was thoroughly impressed and said that he would be considering this system when he needed to modernise his heating”.
In the small principality of Liechtenstein, it’s easy to network and make connections. When he saw the building, Philipp Hasler – responsible for heat pump product management at Hoval – immediately ® realised that the Belaria hybrid SRM would be the perfect solution for this unassuming but newly renovated home.
The interior unit of the heat pump ® includes a TopGas combi gas burner – making it no larger than a conventional wall-hanging gas condensing boiler. Hubert Wolf is pleased with these compact dimensions: “A traditional gas boiler would have required a water heater for process water. And there wouldn’t have been enough space in ® the cellar for the boiler”. The Belaria hybrid SRM hybrid heat pump boasts an integrated instantaneous water heater. Whenever Hubert Wolf needs hot water – to shower, bathe or for laundry – he has plentiful supplies on tap.
Easy installation
Unique hybrid concept
“The exterior unit for the air/water heat pump was installed facing the mountain on the sloping side of the house”, explains Hubert Wolf. “A 10 m cable connects the exterior unit to the interior unit. The cable installation process was quick and easy”. As a former
If the heat pump can’t quite meet demand on the very coldest days in winter, the hybrid system springs into action and activates the gas boiler. This is the key ® USP of the Belaria hybrid SRM: The heat pump and gas boiler can operate at the same time. Depending on the
Heat pump and gas burner in one: Space-saving Belaria ® hybrid SRM.
The exterior unit of the air/water heat pump is hidden behind the building.
Insights 01-2018
Belaria ® hybrid SRM: For detached and semi-detached homes. The simplest and most cost-effective modernisation solution that incorporates renewable energy. Also satisfies country-specific regulations such as MuKEn in Switzerland.
In operation: Germany.
Municipality constructs its own heat network
ng e i t r e
The municipality of Mertingen in southern Germany is taking energy provision and environmental protection into its own hands and constructing its own heat network. The first part of the system was commissioned at the end of 2017: A major milestone for the trailblazing community of 4000 residents. Using the latest control technology, the municipality has succeeded in created a highly efficient heating system. If an existing ecological chain is already in place, why not simply extend that chain? For many years, the “Bio-energy centre� in Mertingen has been producing biogas and energy from regional biological waste. A large dairy farm also sends its waste to the biogas plant. The previously unused surplus heat generated at the centre will now be fed into the new heat network.
As part of the project, the municipality of Mertingen joined forces with German firm GP Joule to form Pro Therm Mertingen GmbH. GP Joule plans, constructs and operates energy production plants designed specifically with climate protection and the energy transition in mind, focusing in particular on public sector clients. GP Joule owns 45% of the shares in Pro Therm Mertingen GmbH; the municipality has retained the remaining 55%. The total bill for the construction of the heat network is expected to come in at just over two million euros.
Insights 01-2018
70 connections planned At the end of 2017, 20 homes in the north of Mertingen were connected to the first 2.1 km stretch of the heat network. This year, a further 4 km of pipelines will be laid, covering the south and east of the area. At least seventy buildings, including premises occupied by local businesses, will ultimately benefit from the completed heat network. 840 t reduction in CO2 per year The engineers at GP Joule are expecting to see an 840,000 kg reduction in annual CO2 emissions. The base load of up to 1.5 MW will be provided by the biogas plant. Two wood pellet boilers and a gas boiler are planned to cover peak loads. On completion, the Mertingen heat network will have a capacity of up to 3000 MWh. YADOS transfer station Pro Therm Mertingen is using YADOS technology to transfer heat from the pipes to individual buildings. YADOS, based in the German town of Hoyers-
Control technology that stays on top of everything ® “The Hoval TopTronic supervisor or YADO|LINK control technology allows the user to precisely control and monitor the entire network, including energy generators and supply pumps. All of the relevant system data is recorded at integrated nodal points and transferred to the control system via a control unit; the control system then analyses and displays the data in visual form.
If any anomalies or faults occur in the generation and distribution processes, these issues can be rectified immediately, in real time. The control system also allows the user to modify and optimise the mode in which the system is running at any time. Depending on consumer behaviour, the return temperatures can even be remotely adjusted during operation”. Karl Gentner, YADOS
werda, joined the Hoval Group around two years ago. The company has been contracted to manufacture and supply the transfer stations for the new system. Higher-level control technology The system relies on Hoval TopTronic supervisor higher-level control
technology, which YADOS supplies under the YADO|LINK name. The technology incorporates and monitors all components of the heat network. “The intelligent, access-protected system results in a high-precision, stable overall solution”, says Karl Gentner from YADOS. Read more in the “Control technology” box.
The Hoval TopTronic® supervisor or YADO|LINK control technology allows the user to precisely control and monitor the entire network, including energy The first home was connected to the heat network in December 2017.
generators and supply pumps.
Karl Gentner, YADOS
A historic moment in summer 2017: The ground-breaking ceremony for the heat network.
Insights 01-2018
In operation: Poland.
Indoor climate system for food logistics: Outstandingly economical and environmentally friendly Project planning, delivery and maintenance: All from a single source. With each component designed to work in complete harmony with the building control system. Achieving the most economical solution for your needs doesn’t get any easier – which is why an international food logistics company opted for Hoval ventilation and heating systems for its distribution centres in Poland. All of the systems satisfy the most stringent environmental standards. It was winter in Poland: There was a blistering chill in the air and a thick covering of snow on the ground. But ® luckily, Hoval’s RoofVent indoor climate units are easy to install, and are supplied assembled and ready to fit. For this project, Hoval delivered 17 ® installation-ready RoofVent units; the food logistics client had already installed
11 RoofVent® units on the roof of another of its distribution centres. They were lucky, too, that the indoor climate units are decentralised: There was no need to install awkward and bulky ventilation channels, which saves space under the flat roof of the warehouse and makes installation even simpler. The right boiler ® ® for the RoofVent : UltraGas RH-type RoofVent ® units are designed to ventilate and heat large open halls. They are supplied with heat by gas heating boilers: In this case, three con® densing UltraGas boilers with outputs of 150, 850 and 1000 kW respectively. This wide operating range allows the heating output to be flexibly adjusted based on demand throughout the year, optimising energy use. The 11 Hoval indoor climate units already installed elsewhere are also
combined with Hoval heat generators, ® including an UltraGas (1000) and two ® smaller wall-hung TopGas condensing boilers with an output of 45 kW each. In both installations, flexibility means economy. Integrated into building control system All of the ventilation and heating components, including in the newest distribution centre, are equipped with ® the TopTronic control system. This control system communicates with the higher level building control system so that all of the components can be controlled and monitored from one place – which also improves the economic performance of the system. Systematic energy and power savings “With a utilisation rate of over 100%, condensing boiler technology is by far the most economical solution”, says
Easy installation – even if the roof is covered in snow: RoofVent ® indoor climate units are supplied ready to install.
Insights 01-2018
With a utilisation rate of over 100%, condensing boiler technology is by far the most economical solution.
Lukasz Lepiarczyk Managing Director Hoval Poland
The distribution centre was also constructed during the winter months.
Lukasz Lepiarczyk, Managing Director at Hoval Poland. “On top of that, our ® RoofVent units also boast a highperformance energy recovery system”. He continues, highlighting yet another economical and environmental benefit: “Compared to a centralised ventilation system, pressure losses are minimal with decentralised units. This easily reduces energy consumption by over 30%”.
the room at the right temperature, without creating a draft in the occupied area. Depending on the position of the vortex blades, the incoming air flows exactly where the heat is required. This technology serves to further reduce energy requirements, while ensuring that the conditions in which the food is stored remain constant.
Air-Injector generates additional savings
The food logistics company has received LEED Platinum certification for its latest distribution centre in Poland – ® thanks to the installation of RoofVent technology. The Platinum award is the highest level of certification issued by
® Each RoofVent unit is also equipped with an integrated Air-Injector vortex air distributor: The incoming air enters
Insights 01-2018
Awarded LEED Platinum certification
the organisation for “Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design”. The units also satisfy the latest, more stringent regulations of the EU’s ErP or Ecodesign Directive*. Ecology goes hand in hand with economy: The energy you save is the most cost-effective energy of all. Because energy saved costs nothing.
* Turn to page 9 for more information on the ErP regulations.
In detail: UltraSource® – the latest generation of heat pumps
Easy to install, ready to connect and exceptionally quiet Hoval installed its first heat pump in 1975. With over 40 years of experience, the company has now launched its latest generation of UltraSource® heat pumps. Designed for single-family homes, the pump is a highly efficient solution for small spaces – and it’s exceptionally quiet too, emitting just 28 dB(A) of noise at a distance of 3 metres.
From left: The exterior unit of the air/water heat pump, UltraSource® comfort and UltraSource ® compact (with integrated hot water storage tank).
UltraSource ® air/water and brine/water heat pumps are a highly efficient solution that take up very little space in your home. The “Compact” models feature an integrated hot water storage tank, so there’s no need to install external storage facilities. ® The UltraSource also puts an end to the preconception that heat pumps are excessively noisy. Hoval has compared the noise produced by the exterior units of various air-to-water heat pumps, and found that at just 28 dB(A) at a distance ® of 3 metres, the UltraSource is the quietest pump in its performance class.
The interior units also boast an exceptionally quiet performance. ® The UltraSource is so quiet that you don’t even have to
consign it to the cellar – it can easily be installed in a games room or utility room. Simple installation The new unit brings benefits for installers too: The ® UltraSource can be transported up narrow stairwells and through tight corridors. If the hot water storage tank is integrated into the unit, the two components can be separated for transport into the home, and quickly and easily reassembled at the installation location. ® Hoval supplies its UltraSource heat pumps ready to connect. The connections are positioned for corner installation and designed for maximum flexibility. To perform maintenance on
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the heat pump, the engineer only needs to access the front of the unit. The changeover valve for hot water generation is integrated into all models, saving time and effort. Save money with integrated control system ® Last, but by no means least: All UltraSource models are ® equipped with the TopTronic E control system. This ® system ensures that the UltraSource produces heat in line with demand. The modulating heat pump operates at maximum efficiency throughout the year, helping to reduce running costs.
Other Hoval products – including UltraSol thermal solar panels ® and HomeVent comfort ventilation – can be incorporated into the control system. Even photovoltaics can be integrated ® so that the UltraSource can take advantage of solar power. The control system is at the centre of the system solution, with each complementary component working in perfect harmony with its counterparts to deliver a more energy-efficient performance. ®
Efficiency – attractively packaged ® The efficiency delivered by the UltraSource heat pump is among the highest in its performance class. The secret lies in the sophisticated Hoval technology, which has undergone continual development over the years.
The interior unit looks almost like a piece of furniture. And the exterior unit of the air/water heat pump impresses with its appearance too – in fact, its slats lend it a similar aesthetic to a modern piece of garden furniture or part of a façade.
A look inside the exterior unit of the air/water heat pump.
Insights 01-2018
In detail: HomeVent ÂŽ comfort FRT comfort ventilation
New compactness, new flexibility The controlled ventilation of rooms makes life more pleasant and saves heating costs. The new generation of HomeVent ÂŽ comfort ventilation now also makes the work of planners and installers even easier.
Insights 01-2018
Fresh air brings in new flexibility: The four ventilation ports for fresh air, supply air, outgoing air and exhaust air are all fitted on top of the new ® HomeVent comfort FRT units. This means that the units can be placed directly on the floor, as they no longer have ventilation ducts at the bottom, or they can be placed on the wall as before. This also works the other way round: If you do not want to run air ducts in the ceiling but in the floor ® instead, simply place the HomeVent comfort FRT unit so that the four ventilation ports face downwards. High performance in cabinet width But Hoval would not be Hoval if we did not offer more than just unprecedented levels of flexibility. With its width of ® only 560 mm, the HomeVent comfort FRT ventilation unit fits into a built-in cabinet constructed in accordance with EU standards. This means there is no need for a technical room, even for the powerful ® HomeVent comfort FRT (451). It can also be brought into the building without great effort: Compared to the ® previous HomeVent comfort FR (500), the almost equally powerful FRT (451) weighs over 90 kg less, at just 39 kg. Powerful fans are what make this unrivalled lightness and compactness possible. And thanks to the compact design, users can change the filters themselves. Sound insulation with special „twist” A further exclusive Hoval innovation can be found in the sound insulation, which is fitted as a box on the Home® Vent comfort FRT comfort ventilation unit: Depending on the spatial and local conditions, the ventilation ports for outside air, supply air, outgoing air and exhaust air must be arranged differently on the top of the unit, to prevent any mutual interference between the drawing in of fresh outside air and the output of stale outgoing air. For this reason, Hoval routes the ventilation ducts through the sound insulation box as required. Available in three different versions, the box ® makes the HomeVent comfort FRT even more flexible, while the unit itself always remains the same.
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At just 560 mm wide, the HomeVent ® comfort FRT fits into a standard cabinet.
TopTronic ® E: A single control unit for all components ® The HomeVent comfort FRT room ventilation system can be controlled by the same system as the Hoval heater, which supples heat for rooms and domestic hot water. The room control unit with touch-sensitive display shows all of the important system data at a glance. In addition, the HovalApp for smartphones is now available on iOS and Android. When you’re on the move, you can easily adjust your comfort ventilation or heating in just a matter of seconds.
In the latest generation of HomeVent comfort ventilation units, Hoval has also improved its odour sensors. If, for example, you are busy cooking or if a hearty dish is on the table, the associated odours will be removed from the air even more quickly. ®
The new generation of HomeVent comfort FRT units is available in three ® performance classes. The HomeVent 3 comfort FRT (251) circulates up to 250 m of air per hour in single-family homes, 3 the medium model up to 350 m , and the most powerful model, designed for villas 3 and commercial buildings, up to 450 m . ®
In detail: SolKit aqua drinking water tank.
Commissioning thermal solar panels – now in four minutes flat Every installer has probably muttered a few choice words under their breath when doing this kind of work: Commissioning thermal solar panels for a single-family home can easily take half a day. But Hoval has now solved this problem – with the SolKit ® aqua drinking water tank. Just four minutes is all it takes to get the job done. As any installer will no doubt testify, commissioning a set of thermal solar panels on the roof of a single-family home can be a complex and time-consuming process. However, solar thermal technology is renowned for its reliability and outstanding environmental performance. In recent years, Hoval has steadily grown its market share with ® UltraSol solar panels. In Switzerland alone, the company has virtually doubled its solar thermal market share – in one of the world’s largest, and therefore most competitive, solar energy markets. ® This progress is a clear sign that the UltraSol is proving a success. If only the filling and commissioning process were simpler, particularly in single-family homes – that would be the dream of many an installer. With the launch of the ® SolKit aqua drinking water tank, Hoval has made this dream a reality. The new system reduces the time required to ® commission an UltraSol system from a few hours to just four minutes.
The UltraSol ® solar panel is ultra-light for easier transport and installation.
® SolKit aqua: The secret’s in the case
SolKit aqua, the new drinking water storage tank, is equipped with an especially large heat exchanger and a set of solar fittings. The secret behind the rapid rate at which the solar panel system can be filled and commissioned lies in its red case, which is a key part of the commissioning kit: The “Speedbox” contains two ready-to-connect hoses and a valve for quickly and easily filling the large-volume heat exchanger with solar fluid from the canister via a selfcontained system. And the panel can be commissioned while the solar fluid is flowing into the system – even when the sun is shining. There is no longer any need to climb onto the roof, and something that used to be a problem in a solar circuit – the presence of air in the system – has been turned into an advantage. ®
The “Speedbox” reduces the commissioning time to just four minutes.
Insights 01-2018
Low stagnation temperature for more stable operation Following commissioning, practically all of the solar fluid is located in the ® heat exchanger of the SolKit aqua . While air can be found in the connecting pipes and the collectors, this doesn’t stop the panel from working safely and reliably. Air is distributed together with the solar fluid in the pipes, as well as in the upper pipe sections of the heat exchanger. The lower pipe sections are completely filled with fluid, as the water flows down while air rises – guaranteeing reliable system operation. Any minute amounts of solar fluid residue in the collectors retain their function, as the collector design prevents the maximum temperature being exceeded. What’s more, the low stagnation temperature prevents excess pressure in the system. Combination options with heat pumps or condensing boilers ® The SolKit aqua LT model is designed to be combined with heat pumps and ® holds 500 l. The SolKit aqua HT model is ideal for gas or oil condensing boilers, and is available with a capacity of 400 or 500 l.
The SolKit ® aqua drinking water tank is the key to this fast commissioning process. It is equipped with an especially large heat exchanger and a set of solar fittings.
Insights 01-2018
In detail: VarioVal ® hot water tank.
Reduce energy consumption by up to 30% with a stratified accumulator Every heating system needs a heat storage tank – and there is a huge range of models to choose from. The right storage tank will help you save energy and space. The VarioVal® layers the water according to the temperature, reducing the energy consumption of a single-family home by up to 30%. For builders of single-family homes, economic and environmental factors will rank highly on the list of priorities: Thermal solar panels will be installed on the roof, and a heat pump is likely to be among the considered options. The house also needs to be compact and comfortable. It may not have a cellar.
combined with a heat pump and with thermal solar panels. The other model is designed for use with gas or oil conden® sing boilers. Whichever option you choose: The VarioVal helps save energy.
And which is the most suitable hot water storage tank? ® Hoval’s answer is the VarioVal : An energy-efficient and incredibly compact solution that provides heating water and warm tap water.
If you need any more evidence of the outstanding efficiency ® of the VarioVal , look no further: The independent Institute for Solar Technology, which is part of the HSR University of Applied Sciences located in Rapperswil in Switzerland, ® tested a heating system comprised of a VarioVal , heat pump and solar panels, and compared the performance of ® the VarioVal to that of products from other manufacturers. Thanks to its stratification technology, the unit was proven to be the best in the test. Hoval experts believe that the investment in ® a VarioVal is a more ecologically and economically sound choice than opting for a highly insulated heat storage tank of a high energy efficiency class.
Layering the water generates savings ® The VarioVal layers the water based on its temperature, with the warmest water at the top and the coldest water at the bottom. This layering means that, rather than having to heat the entire contents of the tank to the maximum temperature, only the much smaller top layer needs to be heated to this level. It stands to reason that this significantly reduces the energy requirements of the overall heating system while improving its efficiency considerably.
Quick, hygienic and easy process water supply ® In the VarioVal , potable water is heated rapidly via a heat exchanger. There is no need to store large volumes of warm water and, as a result, there are no heat losses. Legionella bacteria is prevented from colonising the system. The water used for personal washing, for example, meets the highest hygiene standards.
Tried and tested for proven efficiency
Free up wall space The fittings for the heating system can be mounted directly ® on the VarioVal itself, freeing up space on the wall for you to use however you please Combination options – including renewable energy sources ® The Hoval VarioVal stratified accumulator is available in three models. Depending on the selected option, it can be
The VarioVal ® is an energyefficient and incredibly compact solution that provides heating water and warm tap water.
Insights 01-2018
Service is part of the package As technology continues to develop and progress, you can rely on one thing remaining unchanged: our service. Advising planners and installers and supporting the end customer is part and parcel of the package we offer at Hoval – it always has been, and it always will be. Whether we’re providing heating, cooling or ventilation solutions, for a new build or a modernisation project, or for a single-family home or a large building: Hoval is keen to share its expertise. Our experienced advisors work to identify your exact requirements, which they then use as the basis for their proposed solutions. Need to commission or perform maintenance on a system? We have a team of over 300 Hoval customer service engineers in Germany, Austria and Switzerland alone, as well as teams in other countries. We’re available for you around the clock, 365 days a year. Regular maintenance will extend the service life of your installed systems. With Hoval Service, your investments will retain their value for years to come – and you can rest safe in the knowledge that your systems are operating as economically as possible. Hoval strives to be a strong and reliable partner for planners and installers, and investors, system operators and end customers alike.
Hoval customer services brochure from 1981.
IMPRINT „Insights” - the Hoval Group magazine Appears biannually at varying times. Responsible: Management Board/Marketing PUBLISHER: Hoval Aktiengesellschaft Austrasse 70 9490 Vaduz, Liechtenstein EDITING: Veronika Köb/Andrea Schädler (coordination) Ernst Carli (design), Ursula Trunz (text) PRINTING: EBERL PRINT GmbH, Immenstadt i. Allgäu Printed on environmentally friendly paper. Online version available at
Insights 01-2018
Hoval Aktiengesellschaft
Austrasse 70 | 9490 Vaduz Liechtenstein
4217309 _ Insights 2018 | No. 1
Responsibility for energy and environment.