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Howard Hamlyn
I've lived w/ AIDS since May 11th 1984 and I'm Public about it. I am a Heterosexual man and we are a rarity to having this virus from the beginning and it's taken courage for me to be public. If only people knew the real stigma and how one really feels to have this and the times you just feel completely alone. I have many friends and family that are from all walks of life and beliefs on this account so keep it respectful and if you must use vulgarity then please consider keeping it clean in your comments in respect to the others or they'll be deleted. I at times share quite a bit and if I've not written it or created it then I'm sharing it because I either believe in it or support it or the party that has posted it. I do share my opinions in most of the posts I share. Your welcome to be a part in what I share publicly as a subscriber or as a friend -- but to be my friend your going to at times have to agree to disagree because I'll debate in things I fully have knowledge in otherwise I'll not waste our t