syn-the-sis volume iii 1
syn-the-sis volume iii
12.25 m2
12.25 m2
12.25 m2
Do you know, according to MIDA, the minimum internal dwelling area to be provided for a “habitable� areas for one person is 37 m2.
essential living spaces
the spaces are designed by following a standard dimension of 3.5m x 3.5m x 3.5m cube form
responsive + coordination
pot-puri emphasis on the shared spaces, where people spend much of their time together. There are private units, but they are smaller and not the focus of the development.
the module 7
typology framework
unlike the typical housing types, residents are united by shared interest. Nevertheless, the configuration of the private spaces can be varied depending on the user as well.
the module 9
matrix mixture of essential & communal nodes
the ultimate goal of this typology is to ensure a healthy lifestyle surrounded by a good community environment by inserting a variety of communal nodes or shared spaces.
the configuration
the design is being arrange in clustering units into smaller groups to enhance the sense of community.
communal nodes (N) lifestyle
the communal nodes are break down into spaces for shared living, shared making, and shared growing.
communal nodes (N) lifestyle
when an outdoor space is shared, bounded by the communities’ units and offers activities for both adults and children, the community will be stronger.
communal nodes (N) lifestyle
the communal nodes are break down into spaces for shared living, shared making, and shared growing. every few modular cubes will be joint by a different communal nodes; with the platform to bridge the residents. small, un-programmed shared spaces are also scattered throughout the building, adjacent to the main circulation path, to encourage informal interaction between neighbors.
overall framework layout 1
overall framework layout 2
overall framework
Pot-puri has a simple and minimal design on the units which intended to facilitate use of communal amenity spaces. while introducing a variety of unit sizes to encourage residents to stay as their space needs change, thus making them more likely to invest in the community.
collective living sustaining community Pot-puri is a taxonomical scheme which encompass the design strategies in macro context of Jalan Utara Ring road and typological strategy for affordable housing to improve the neighbourhood living quality as a holistic urban intervention.
the typology 25
collective living sustaining community
therefore, small-scale, social but intimate settings of shared spaces is important to keep the community vibrant while not to forget on its neighborhood context where gradients of public to private can be sensed, but are not off-putting.
neighborhood living sustaining community
With urban context, ground level and elevated connections are highlighted to reduce traffic speed, encourage walkability through generous pathways for walking and cycling. With different nodes connected, the entity of Jalan Utara ring road is closely integrated with local buses and train stations, creating walkable city with ease of proximity between living and working. Such urban intervention allow a city which lesser dependence on forceful and defensive methodology, but utilizing natural surveillance to enhance neighbourhood safety and environment living quality.
neighborhood living sustaining community
Pot-puri is meant to increase the visibility of community-focused housing as well as create an active street-level zone for a community that sits in a pedestrian-friendly urban area. The ground floor area is open to the public where it responds to the surrounding neighborhood. Spaces like public plaza or courtayrd will be located to serve the residents and adjacent neighborhoods. Outdoor seating will be provided as well for larger events.
socialspatial relationship
Pot-puri developed a set of taxonomy which redefine the essential living of affordability and re-formulate the social-spatial relation between units and commons. Common space play an important role in reaching both residents and commercial users, as common spaces become platform which encourage interaction and social collaboration between existing and new tenants.
Pot-puri continued the urban design intent in reflection of the typological development to creating an affordable housing without compromising neighbourhood quality.
socialspatial relationship
socialspatial relationship
the shared zones can be divided into three scales, where each different scale connects different users in the space.
socialspatial relationship Interval levels of common areas are introduced to create visual and physical connection in vertical manners in correspond to dwelling typology which interlocks with each other, allowing efficient spatial configuration and commonality spatial usage inbetween.
pot-puri living
outdoor plaza
the community living
communal nodes
spillover activities
supporting commercial
architecture expression Pot-puri expresses architecture in its unit’s ‘Jenga’ formula, eliminating unnecessary architecture ornamentation; family units are stacked facing towards private existing residents and bachelor units and common spaces are orientate towards commercial main road expressing dynamic urban character for the new Petaling Jaya as a city center.
the city image Pot-puri hopes to offer an alternative perspective in affordable housing in relation to limited commercialization in housing typology; which redefine Petaling Jaya into a new paradigm urban catalyst which are both exciting and mature living-work urban condition.
see next volume
pa-ra-digm shift volume iv
in collaboration with:
GAde Design Workshop
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syn-the-sis volume iii
Tang Hsiao Seak ● Steven Ngu Ngie Woon Zuliana Alizan ● Albert Chua Kwee How ● Daniel Tiong Wei Wen ● Loh Kwan Seng ● Howie Lam Chee Hau ● Emily Sheehan