2 minute read
Freedom, Opportunity, Lifestyle
I’ve lived here in Costa Rica now for 18 years and have never really looked back at my former life as an architect and consultant in Chicago — except for my beloved White Sox and Giordano’s stuffed pizza! Sigh.
When people ask what made me move here? Why Costa Rica? I don’t even hesitate when responding: “Freedom, opportunity, lifestyle.” Pretty simple.

A lot of folks from the USA can be a little shocked at my response. How can you have more freedom in Costa Rica than in the country that defines freedom itself? Well, it has a lot to do with the culture here versus the culture there. People aren’t really uptight like they are in “El Norte.” There’s more of a “live and let live” attitude toward how one goes about his or her daily life. Folks don’t call the police — they come over and talk to you and work things out. What you do on your side of the fence is your business. So long as no one’s getting hurt, it’s all “pura vida.” I no longer have the feeling that someone is constantly breathing down my neck. And, frankly, I don’t have to deal with toxic U.S. politics 24/7/365.
Opportunity has presented itself to me in a couple of different ways. When I moved here, I started a property management business with an associate. That led to real estate, which led to digital marketing, which then led back into real estate. And now I’m fortunate enough to be working for Tres Amigos Realty Group and am kind of
Freedom, Opportunity, Lifestyle
See the Website for the rest of the story howlermag.com