This right panel of a diptych available at the Sept., 2016, 100,000 Poets for Change Denver event, "Clan Between the Wor[l]ds," is titled "Pareidolia." Forthcoming in 2017, the book’s illustrations are by artist David Allen Reed, who states the following about "Pareidolia"--" This illustration is a paradox of perception, in which I combine motifs of humankind’s many moral dictates, faiths, and ideals of a greater good, by means of symbols and language. By juxtaposing and contrasting these visual deceptions against a background of irreconcilable brutality, I simultaneously expose and obscure their true nature." BNWO was originally published in its shorter, rudimentary form in "Stiletto2: The Disinherited," [1994] which won the Colorado Prize in Literature. The new book is revised & expanded from the original. BNWO is performed monthly in installments by Michael Annis on the New American Dream Radio Show.