MARCH 2017
MARCH 2017
What’s NEW Best Spots to Hide Easter Eggs…………..3 Chatuchak Park………………………………4 Comic……………………………………………..5 Current Event………………………………….6 Flood Relief…………………………………….7 Horoscopes………………………………………8 Hello, I’m a sponge, a Beyhive, and an aspiring Arts student……………………..10 Spring Festival………………………………14 Interesting Event…………………………..17 Sakura Viewing in March………………20 Spring Cleaning……………………………22 This Month in History…………………….23
MARCH 2017
Best Spots to Hide Easter Eggs Taurak Uppaputthangkul (Pink)
Indo ors: • • • •
Outdoors: •
• • •
Beneath the Rocks: It’s a good place to hide keys, why not Easter Eggs? In the car’s cup holder: Children won’t steal your car keys for fun, right? Bird’s Nest: Return it to nature, and make them climb. Inside the BBQ grill: Why would you put an egg in there? Inside a garden hose: Make them look harder.
• • •
Cereal box: Cereal in eggs? Eggs in cereal? No, thank you. Tissue box: Food isn’t supposed to be in the bathroom. Teapot: It looks innocent, doesn’t it? Egg carton: The best disguise is camouflage. Lamp: Replace the lightbulb with an egg. Why not? Carve a book and put it in: Like how you hide your phones in class. Somewhere (maybe on tall shelves) that kids can’t reach: Just to be mean.
“10 Unconventional Places to Hide Easter Eggs” ROMPER, Accessed on Feb. 25, 2017 “16 Creative Ways to Hide Easter Eggs” houzz, Accessed on Feb. 25, 2017 “50 Sneaky Easter Egg Hiding Spots” Survivlallife, Accessed on Feb. 25, 2017 “Where to Hide Easter Eggs: 15 Best Places To Hide Treats Outside and in the House“ Latin TImes, Accessed on Feb. 25, 2017
MARCH 2017
Chatuchak Park Nawaporn Trongtrirat (Tong)
When speaking of the word “spring,” a place that popped up to my mind was “Chatuchak Park.” Cool and pleasant scenery added up with the activities that take place there can provide a good mind boost during a short weekend. Sometimes, we travel to other countries so much that we forget about the precious little places in our own country.
More than just Park Chatuchak weekend market One of the world’s largest weekend markets, Chatuchak Market, is a place for real travelers. Every single thing can be found here at a local price. With more than 15,000 booths selling per day, a day of walking is worth the effort. Useful tips As big as Chatuchak market is, sometimes we’re uncertain of whether to buy the chosen items right at the time we found them. However, If you love that item so much, just purchase it, because there are too many sections and side-streets to explore. Each shop is so similar that sometimes even the local people can get lost inside. A good solution for that is to aim for your target and get there with a map that is located on the shelf at the entrance.
Chatuchak Park A heaven for healthy people. Come with good running shoes and earphones during the early morning, as well as a small amount of money in your pocket, and that’s more than enough. Also, in the northern part of the park there is a soccer field and tennis court, available for anyone to use.
MARCH 2017
JJ green market A chilled-out place for vintage lovers. After a long day of activities in the daytime market, the night market is required. Two sides of the floor are filled with stalls and bars. Many of the shops are
Mike. "Chatuchak and other markets in Bangkok." Into Asia. N.p., 26 July 2016. Web. 01 Mar. 2017. "Chatuchak Market in Bangkok - Bangkok Weekend Market." N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Mar. 2017.
Comic Dhitipond Taveevararuk (Min)
MARCH 2017
Current Event Binglong Chee (Binglong)
Snapchat Bad Beats Singaporean teen Jonathan Chow fell to his death
after a failed attempt at performing a Snapchat stunt. The incident occurred on February 24, 2017 at Orchard Central Mall. Thinking that he would land on a ledge made out of concrete, the 17-year-old teen jumped over the handrail and broke through the ledge that is actually made of plasterboard, and dropped to his death. Ruth, who was responsible for filming Jonathan's stunt, witnessed the whole accident, telling sources that her friend’s last words were: “Help me take a Snapchat video and I’ll jump.” “I knew it was dangerous, but before I could stop him, he already jumped over. I swear I wanted to jump over too, but I knew it was too late,” said Ruth.
"Singapore Teen Falls to His Death in Snapchat Subway Stunt Gone Wrong." Fox News, "Singaporean Teen Falls to His Death Trying to Film a Snapchat Stunt." NextShark,
MARCH 2017
Flood Relief Purichaya Eiamkanchanalai (Por)
The flea market that the high school Thai teachers and students have set up may have come and passed, but I would like to dedicate this space to acknowledge the hard work that everyone had put in as well as explain how the idea came to be. To start, this flea market is different from other flea markets that TCIS used to host. One reason for the difference is how the proceedings are directed to a specific cause, which is to help the Thai Southerners who have been affected by major floods. The idea first came out from the high school Thai department. Upon hearing of the major floods that the South had been experiencing, the Thai department decided to take action and help those in need. Since TCIS is located in Bangkok, there was little that the school could do directly; therefore, it was decided that TCIS would help the flood relief by giving donations. Once it was decided, Kru Rung asked teachers, students, parents, and staff to donate items that could be of use. These items were sorted out by their usefulness. Items that could be of use to the flood victims were donated directly, but those that could not be of immediate use were put to sell in the flea market. The items that were left behind to be sold were purchased by the students. It may sound like something simple for students to be selling these things; however, you might recall some students had to miss the block before lunch, and some had to give up their lunch breaks to help. Nonetheless, there were little to no complaints over this matter, which goes to show that the Thai students were working selflessly for this cause. In the end, TCIS was able to raise a considerable amount of money to donate to this charity. All of this was made possible, because of all the effort that the students and teachers put in. We demonstrated teamwork as we worked through the flea market, and we also had kindness in our hearts to help the less unfortunate. The donations that this event raised would definitely help other Thais. Therefore, if someone tells you that you cannot make a difference, because you are just a high school student, think again. You can go a long way with cooperation and organization.
MARCH 2017
Horoscopes Gabrielle Martina P.Toledo (Gabbie)
Pisces (February 19 - March 20) • There will be some good changes coming your way. However, you will be facing a few challenges along the way too, which will require some concentration, but the more you do, the easier it’ll be to get in the direction you want to go!
Aries (March 21 - April 19) • You will finally start to see those rewards that you’ve been working so hard for! This will be true for those areas where you’ve invested all of your time and effort into.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20) • You will start the month with difficult changes but will get great results. You’re a steady bull, so you can handle the hardships!
Gemini (May 21 - June 20) • The worst is finally over and it gets better from here. You have a way of seeing both the positive and the negative side of things, but be sure to stay positive! 8
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Cancer (June 21 - July 22) • You have had good things happening to you recently, but they require you to let go of things you feel very attached to. Remember that the best is yet to come!
Leo (July 23 - August 22) • This month is all about reaching your long-term goals. Keep your eyes on the prize and remember that challenges are a part of the game. If you give enough effort, you will end up winning!
Virgo (August 23 - September 22) • It’s time to finally take a break from all of your hard work! You’ve been steady, faithful, and practical recently, so prepare to be rewarded. Don’t forget to reward yourself for a job well done.
Libra (September 23 - October 22) • Be sure to reflect on all of the things you’ve accomplished these last few months. You’re not able to do all things at once, so stay focussed on the important things.
Scorpio (October 23 - November 21) • Being kind to yourself is important this month, so go easy on yourself! You have so much to look forward to this year, so continue to stay positive and strong!
Sagitt arius (November 22 - December 21) • It’s been a tough couple of months for you; but hang on, you’re almost there! Being responsible for certain things will help you, as power always follows responsibility.
Capricorn (December 22 - January 19) • Remember to always be calm and patient when things don’t go your way. Try not to take your anger on someone else
Aquarius (January 20 - February 18) • Dont forget to find inspiration and motivation in the strangest places. Be calm and don’t worry about your troubles. Greenfield, Lisa. "March Horoscopes from March 2017 Horoscopes." E! Online. N.p., 01 Mar. 2017. Web. 03 Mar. 2017. "Planetary Update by" Free Horoscopes, Astrology, Numerology and More... N.p., 07 Mar. 2017. Web. 10 Mar. 2017. 9
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MARCH 2017
ello, I'm a sponge, a
Beyhive, and an aspiring Arts student Wasupol Trongtrirat (Golf)
nce again, my article is “a little bit different” from those other columnists - it is about my life rather than a Spring related topic. University applications and interview sessions are what most high school students are looking forward to, right? So, allow me to walk you through my experience applying to the Bachelor of Arts in Language and Culture (BALAC) Program at Chulalongkorn University. I have some tips just for you:
et’s begin with a snapshot of the interview day through simple characters: Mr. A, Ms. B, and Mr. Me; this way you can get a glimpse of how the interview goes on that lovely Saturday morning. CHARACTERS 1. MR.A 2. MS.B 3. MR.Me
As soon as I entered the building and glanced around the waiting room, I saw hundreds of candidates: some were frowning, some were smiling, and some were talking to themselves. And me? I was a combination of all three and a little bit EXTRA, since I put on the character of Beyonce, sitting up straight with a positive attitude (no twin though). After not long, the staff called out for Candidate Number 0007. “I’m here,” I cried confidently, raising my hand higher than I normally would. In less than five minutes, I arrived at room 0005 and found that there are two girls and one boy waiting as well. I started to feel nervous, and I could hear my voice crack; however, I kept it calm and manageable like Beyonce does before her concerts. “Candidate Number 0007, please.” “Candidate Number 0007, please.” “Candidate Number 0007, 10
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please.” “Candidate Number 0007, please.” “Candidate Number 0007, please.” I’m sorry, he actually just said it once, but it just felt like he called my number a thousand times. Here’s what happened.. Ms. B: Could you please introduce yourself?
ME : To introduce myself briefly, my name is Wasupol Trongtrirat. If I were to compare myself to a living thing, I would compare myself to a sponge that had been taken from a little pond to the the ocean. Meaning: about 4 years ago, I moved from a regular Thai school to Thai-Chinese International School, and by moving to an International school, I came across various cultures such as Thai, Taiwanese, American, Korean, Filipino, and Canadian. Aside from the main cultures, my school also has a number of subcultures. For instance, we have cosplayers, gamers, and korean fans who call themselves “ตง” in Thai. What I find intriguing about these “ตง” is
“oppa” and girls “unnie,” which are really cute and friendly terms. Moreover, I’m a part of these sub cultures too:
I’m a
Ms. B : Oh, you are Beyonce’s fan!!
ME : Exactly (: Mr.A : So, aside from the fact that you enjoy new cultures and languages, are there any other reasons why you would compare yourself to a sponge?
ME :
myself to a sponge not only because I love absorbing new cultures, but I also filter through them at the same time. I always learn and share my culture with my friends during class discussions. I also call other culture lovers a sponge too….. So the reason for this is that many people usually misunderstand a sponge as a plant, when it’s an animal. SO, it’s similar to how people usually see culture lovers as someone who does not matter to their lives; however, these people are very essential to a society as a whole. MR.A and MS.B : nod their head harmoniously with an undefinable smile
boys 11
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ME :
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international school, I tried to improve my English skills in many different ways such as listening, reading, watching English-based media like “I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings,” “Rupaul the Drag Race,” “Hurricane Biance,” and Beyonce’s songs. And I feel that this media taught me so much about the idea of discrimination against both sexes and genders. Mr.A : Since you have mentioned about the discrimination on sex and gender, do you think racism and discrimination still exist in Thailand ?
ME :
Yeah! Definitely.
would say that RACISM and discrimination still exists in Thai society even though we have ended slavery since the time of King Rama V. To illustrate, the cosmetic advertisement on whitening cream “Being white is how you win” or “แคขาวกชนะ” (I look at the female interviewer) shows how people are judged based on their skin color. However, I found a very interesting advertisement called “ 8 angels” when I took the BTS this morning. In this billboard,
I noticed that although it is a cosmetic product and called “8 angles,” which will often be represented by all female ambassadors, it actually has “Aof Pongsak,” a famous Thai singer who openly identifies himself as gay. This really shows the gender fluidity and acceptance of minorities in Thailand. Mr.A & Ms.B : BIG SMILE ( what is that mean ? good ? bad ? ) • What jobs are you planning to do after graduating from this faculty ?
ME :
I have not decided on
an exact job; however, I would choose to be either a writer or a representative for the UN since I have worked as a columnist for the school newspaper (The HOWL) and joined the MUN (Model United Nations) several times. So, I’ve found my passion for writing and helping other people. Mr.A & Ms.B : So how do you think BALAC can help your job as a writer ?
ME :
found that being aware of cultural differences is very helpful since writers draw connections to many cultural subjects that are not his or her own. Take Beyonce’s recent 12
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controversy about cultural appropriation on her new music video “Hymn for the weekend” for instance. If we are not aware of cultural differences, we might unknowingly create cultural conflicts. Mr.A: So why do you think Beyonce is accused of cultural appropriation ?
ME :
I think it is because
Beyonce is actually an AfricanAmerican singer, and she integrates Indian cultures into her music video. So, it seems like she is using a characteristic of other cultures as her own, and that may cause the misconception about that particular culture. yeah….. Ms.B: And why do you think she does it?
ME :
I think it’s because
her fans normally perceive her as a QUEEN. As a Beyonce fan, I know it right away that she is now not a queen for AmericanAmerican people, but a QUEEN and GODDESS of Asians like me based on her golden-shining dress at the Grammy Award this year and the flowery dress in her music video. So, she or her team tried to promote her image as a queen….. (I haven’t finish my line yet……)
MARCH 2017
ME :
right !
Mr.A : You know there is business related to this, don’t you?
ME :
Okay, so I would say
that this is a very complex question. I think it can be viewed in 2 different aspects, which are business and culture. AS for the business, I think it’s a very strong marketing plan to promote her music video by employing different cultures, which will of course catch our attention. As for the cultural perspective, I think it’s still not that bad since it’s so interesting how artists in hybridized worlds can incorporate different cultures into one and create an art piece. Take me as an example, my friends and I might never know there is a rich Indian and African cultures, racism, and feminist if artists like Beyonce didn’t enchantingly integrate them into her works such as 2017 Grammy performance, and Formation world tour. Mr.A& Ms.B : Thankyou ( smiling )
much..sawadee krub 13
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MARCH 2017
As soon as I closed the door, every candidate looked at me. Now you know what I did? I put on Beyonce’s character again and walked like everywhere is
the runway. SLAYED? Leave your comment on my Facebook
Spring Festival Emma Chen (Emma) and Chia-wen Hsu (Gill)
Spring: one of the most important seasons in the world. Spring is the season which follows a frigid winter and precedes a boiling hot summer, which is when the green plants start to appear; when the coldness of winter starts to disappear; when the animals starts to wake-up; when the people celebrate the change of new weather and harvest of vegetables. Due to different regions, religions, traditions, and cultures, different countries have their own unique spring festivals. fiesta where the whole town is set ablaze! Las Falla is a famous spring festival in Valencia, Spain, from March 15 to 19 of every year. During the festival, people have to go through an entire month of minimal sleeping, fireworks blooming, and lots of eating, of course! Las Falla, which means “the fire” in Valencian, is a festival which focuses on nintos (toys, puppets, or dolls) made of huge cardboard, wood and plastic statues. The nintos often have a theme or a story, and will remain in place until March 19. Then, young men with axes chop the nintos into pieces, during midnight of the same day; the local bombers (firemen) will set the fire on ninots, burning the nintos into ashes. This festival is a celebration for St. Joseph, the patron saint of carpenters. In the Middle Ages, carpenters used to hang planks of wood to keep the candle burning, and at the onset of Spring, they would burn the wood and celebrate the end of darkness. 14
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Besides from the burning in Las Falla, there are also countless activities during the festival; for example, bullfights, parades, paella contests and beauty pageants around the city. Fireworks will explode everywhere at anytime, and the highlight is the daily, mascletá, which occurs in the Plaza Ayuntamiento is at exactly 2pm. The most colorful festival of the world!! Holi, as known as Holaka or Phagwa, is a festival in India and Nepal. The celebration lasts from the end of February to the start of March, and has an ancient origin to celebrate the triumph of 'good' over 'bad.' In a legend of India, the story is between an evil king Hiranyakashipu and his son, Prahlada. King Hiranyakashipu has a longevity power, he cannot be killed by neither a human being nor an animal, neither indoors nor outdoors, neither at day nor at night, neither by astra nor by any shastra, and neither on land nor in water or air. However, Prahlada disagrees with his father, so his aunt Holika tricked him to pyre with her, and tried to killed him in a bonfire. However, Prahlada survived from the fire. During the celebration of Holi, people will throw colored water and powders to friends and family. After the Holi celebration, it is believed that people will have ended and rid themselves of past errors. Holi marks the start of spring and the start of a new year, enjoying the changing season and making new friends.
A transitional celebration with a history over 4000 years!!!! The Chūn Jié, or Lunar New Year, is also known as the spring festival in Taiwan and China. “Chun” represents spring in Chinese, which also means the Spring will now begin. What we commonly know about how the Chinese celebrate their New Year is that they do things like dressing in red, giving out red envelopes, sticking red couplets, and saying “Gong xi fa cai” to wish everyone a happy New Year. However, there are many more things the Chinese,Taiwanese,and Hongkonese do during this celebration. 15
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According to legend, the ancient Chinese believe that before New Year’s, the monster called “Nian” with a long head and sharp horns would show its appearance . The monster eats any human beings and animals, so the villagers are all afraid of it. One day, the villagers finally discovered the monster’s deadly weakness. People realized that pasting red couplets on doors, burning bamboo to make a loud cracking sound, and wearing red clothes will keep the monster far away from their village. Therefore, these became real traditions for the Chinese that have lasted even until now! On the week of the Spring festival, adults should return home and gather with their families. No matter how far they are, it’s important to eat a proper and happy meal with their parents. In Taiwan, each day of the spring festival week will have tasks that the Taiwanese are required to do. For example, due to traditions and religious beliefs, people would go to the temple to burn incense and pray to the Buddha for good fortune for the new year. For families, they would worship ancestors and clean the graves, which is a very meaningful activity. One interesting event that most Taiwanese people love to do is to play “mahjongs,” which is similar to gambling with cards. Trust me, it’s not strange to hear loud noises from your neighbors playing mahjongs at midnight. The most meaningful part is watching the dragon and lion performance, with interesting TV broadcasts and beautiful fireworks. The children would not sleep before New Year’s Eve because it means that they have to grow one year older! (no matter when you’re born.) As a conclusion, these events and activities are not just meaningful because of history, but also because of their unique culture, and joyful participants who make these spring events wonderful. "The Story of Chinese New Year (年的传说)." The Story of Chinese New Year (年的 N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Mar. 2017.
"Chinese New Year Story - Legend of Monster Nian." Chinese New Year Story, Legend of Monster Nian. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Mar. 2017. "The Best Spring Festivals From Around the World." Travel Channel. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Mar. 2017. "Las Fallas De Valencia, Spain - Spanish Traditions | Don Quijote." DonQuijote. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Mar. 2017. "Ancient Tradition." Festival Of Colors USA Celebration. N.p., 29 Oct. 2016. Web. 10 Mar. 2017. 16
MARCH 2017
Interesting Event Poom Suksirivecharuk (Poom)
Chulasic Fun Run “Rawr! Nope, actually it’s a Ruff!” Date of Event: 18 March, 2017 Location: 60th Anniversary Building Veterinary Science, Chulalongkorn University For dog lovers, Chulalongkorn University is hosting a 1 kilometer fun run for you and your dog. Let your dog wag its tail all day and make it a memorable weekend for you and your dog. The whole campaign is free of charge and every attendant gets a certificate for joining the run. So, why not let your dog make some new friends?
Hand Sketching and Character Design Workshop “Your Idea, Your Design” Date of Event: 11-12 March, 2017 Location: HUBBA Thailand, Soi 19 Ekkamai 4, Sukhumvit 63 If drawing cartoons or anime is your interest, but you have no idea where to start, then you might want to join this workshop. Here, you will learn about the basics of hand sketching to character design in just two days from an experienced designer. On the first day, they will teach you how to sketch a basic character. On the second day, they will teach you how to draw those characters in perspective and other techniques that you will be using every time you design things. So, join them if you’re interested.
Artbox “Time for Eat ‘n Chill” Date of Event: Now-30 April, 2017 (Only open on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday) Location: Near MRT Kamphaeng Phet Station 17
MARCH 2017
By now, most people should know Artbox already because it has opened since last year. If not, Artbox is an open-air flea market that has tons of booths and shops that sell food, clothing, accessories, etc. If you already went to Artbox before, you might know that the food and snacks there are pretty amazing and unique. Another thing that is interesting about the market is that it has a hipster look, where everything seems retro and simple at the sametime. If you don't have anything to do this weekend, then gather some friends and go chill at Artbox.
The Bright Weekend Flea Market “New People, New Idea” Date of Event: 10-12 March, 2017 Location: 1st Floor, The Bright Rama 2 Mall If you’re looking for unique home decorations and accessories, then this is the place. Just like Artbox, The Bright Weekend Flea Market opened this stop for crafty people to officially sell their product. This means that there might be daily-use products with a whole new design that you might have never seen before. Even if you’re not planning to buy any decorations, you might get some inspiration for crafting and creating your own designs.
Coldplay A Head Full of Dreams Tour Concert “Oh, angel sent from up above……” Date of Event: 7 April, 2017 Location: Rajamangala Stadium The concert might be performed in April, but you should get your tickets now while they are still available. Almost everyone who listens to the international top charts might have already heard the song “Hymn for Weekend” because it was on the top of the chart around last year. They still have some standing tickets that haven’t been sold out yet, so you’re interested, then this is the time to get your ticket. It has been 13 years since Coldplay held a concert here in Bangkok, so you shouldn’t miss this chance to meet the band this April if you’re a real fan.
MARCH 2017
Pladao Group Summer Camp “ Love the Nature, Make the Future” Date of Event: 26-30 April, 2017 Location: Phe-Samedvilla, Rayong The Pladao Group Summer Camp is not hosted in March, but if you’re interested, the registration form is already available on their website. Basically, the trip is a bonding trip and beach cleaning in Rayong that is organized by university undergraduates. So, if you’re over 16 years old and want to meet new people, or you just love to help nature, then you should get your sheet signed up now. “Basic hand Sketching + Character design Process” Eventpop, . Accessed on Feb. 28, 2017 “Artbox Thailand ” Facebook, . Accessed on Feb. 27, 2017 “Fill Up You Life Summer Camp ” Pladaogroup, Accessed on Feb. 28, 2017 “Coldplay A Head Full of Dreams Tour ” Thai Ticket Major, . Accessed on Feb. 27, 2017 “Chulasic Fun Run ” Facebook, . Accessed on Feb. 28, 2017 “The Bright Weekend Flea Market 2017 ” All Thai Event, . Accessed on Feb. 28, 2017
MARCH 2017
Sakura Viewing in March Maggie Wei (Maggie)
The pink frostbites in the fragile tree branches resembles the face of a blushing child. The sheets of white and pink gradually floating back to the earth reminisce the twirling skirts of a graceful ballet dancer. People say you have to enjoy, at least once in a lifetime, the joyous spirit of spring under the sakura trees. If you are planning to go for a sakura picnic, these are the best places to visit in the blooming March. Plan your visit in late March to experience the first blooms in most of Japan, including in provinces of Kagoshima, Hiroshima, Kyoto, Osaka, Nagoya, and Nara from March 27th to 30th, along with Tokyo, Nagasaki, Fukuoka, and Yokohama from March 24th to March 26th.
Yoshinoyama in Nara is a mountain range in the heart of Nara, famous for its 30,000 sakura cherry trees. During its bloom, from late March to Early April, you can visit
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Yoshimizu-jinja Shrine, where 1,000 cherry trees are located, or hike up to reach the Hanayagura Observatory to see the whole Mt. Yoshino.
Ueno Park in Tokyo is the place to go to for the epitome of the hustle and bustle of the hanami (sakura watching) parties. 1,000 night lanterns will be lit up at night for you to experience night time sakura viewing. Boat rentals, museums, and zoos are all recreations aside from picnics in Ueno Park. An important suggestion will be to get there early, or the place would be flooded with visitors before you know it!
For historic sakura sightings, visit Tokugawa Ieyasu's Nagoya Castle in Aichi and the site of Toyotomi Hideyoshi's famous party of 1,300 high classed royalties in Daigo-Ji Temple
in Kyoto.
"2017 Japan Cherry Blossom Forecast." Kyuhoshi. N.p., 22 Feb. 2017. Web. 01 Mar. 2017. "Where to See Cherry Blossoms." Where to See Cherry Blossoms in Japan. Japan National Tourism Organisation, n.d. Web. 01 Mar. 2017.
MARCH 2017
Grace Tirabassi (Grace)
Spring is marching along and you know what that means? Spring cleaning! Time to freshen up yourself by refreshing your room. Of course, getting your room back in shape might be harder than you think because putting things back in place isn’t always the smoothest process. Anyways, here is a list of troubles you might run into when you’re spring cleaning and how can you solve them.
Being distracted One of the greatest obstacles that prevent us from getting anything done when it comes to cleaning up things is nostalgia. You might end up finding an ancient toy or a diary filled with your angsty tween memories. Then what? The moment you set it down you realized 30 minutes have passed and you’ve accomplished absolutely nothing. So set it down! Remind yourself that you can admire and think about your childhood when you’re DONE with everything.
Too much junk Whether you’re digging through your closet or your desk, you’re bound to find trash. Maybe it’s a bunch of old tissues (ew), a very inedible looking muffin, or perhaps a collection of posters of a band you used to like. Taking 20 trips back and forth to that trash can can really wear you out and discourage you. Therefore, an easy solution is to (temporarily) bring a trash can into your room if you don’t already have one. If you think you’ll be disposing more, I recommend a large plastic bag.
Too much useful junk I understand that it can feel wasteful to throw out a pair of jeans that were only 3 sizes too small. Probably because technically there was nothing wrong with the pants. You’re right! But just because something’s useless to you doesn’t mean it is to someone else. Give away stuff to your friends or family members. Even better, donate clothes you’ll never wear or toys 22
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you’ll never touch to an orphanage or anyone in need. Sometimes little things like these can really make a difference in other people’s lives.
Having no clue what to do Sometimes cleaning your room is like writing an essay for history class: you have no idea how to get started, feel too lazy to do it, and don’t know really know what to do in general. I would recommend going to YouTube and watching room organizing videos. I know it sounds weird but, trust me, it works. Plus, they’re just really satisfying to watch overall.
This Month in History Chern-tay Shih (Kevin)
March 2nd •
Dr. Seuss ’ Birthday On this day, Theodor Geisel, also known as Dr. Seuss, was born in
1904 in Springfield, Massachusetts. He was a beloved childhood author. Theodor Geisel, who used his middle name as his pen name, wrote a lot of famous books such as “Lorax,” “The Cat in the Hat” and “Green Eggs and Ham.” Geisel graduated from Dartmouth college, where he was just an editor of the school’s magazine, and continued his studies at Oxford University. Back in America, he became
advertisement agency, and because of his wife’s encouragement he became a professional illustrator. In 1957, his first bestseller, “The Cat in the 23
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Hat,” was published.
March 3rd •
Turni ng Point for Helen Keller
On this day in 1887, Johanna Mansfield Sullivan Macy, also known as Anne Sullivan, began to teach Helen Keller - the author of “The Story of My Life” - who lost her sight and hearing at the age of two. Under Sullivan’s protection and guidance, Helen Keller eventually graduated from college and became a public speaker, an author, and a political activist. Anne Sullivan was later named as “The Miracle Worker,” and she remained Helen Keller’s companion until Anne’s death in 1936.
(Helen Keller) •
(Anne Sullivan)
“The Sta r-Spangled Banner” Becomes Official
On September 14, 1814, Francis Scott Key, an American lawyer, composed the lyrics to “The Star-Spangled Banner,” the national anthem of U.S.A, after witnessing the British bombardment of Fort McHenry. Later, in the 19th century, “The Star-Spangled Banner” was only used in the 24
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U.S. army. It wasn’t until 1931 that “The Star-Spangled Banner” became the official anthem and signed as a law.
March 4th •
Franklin Delano Roosevelt Inaugurated On March 4, 1933, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, commonly known
as FDR, was inaugurated as the 32nd president of United States. He was the only president who was elected twice, and he led the U.S. through the Great Depression and World War II. In his inaugural address, he delivered an idea called “New Deal” as a new opportunity for employment. Although it was a rainy day when he was delivering his inaugural speech, his speech radiated optimism and hope.
Lincoln Ina ugurat ed Not to mention that this day in 1861, Abraham Lincoln
became the 16th president of United States. Before Lincoln was elected, several states had left the Union fearing the election of the Republic would have threatened their rights - especially slavery. In Lincoln’s inaugural address, he extended the Olive Branch to the Southern slave states and also intended to enforce laws to the states that seceded, and he went on to state that he would not
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make slavery illegal to the South.
Eighth A ir Force Bomb Berl in On this day in 1944, U.S. Eighth Air Force launched their
first ever bombing raid against the German capital. Before the American bombing raid against Germany, The British Royal Air Force (RAF) had been doing this almost daily; however, RAF had become exhausted because of the great damage that Germany had inflicted on them. This made the U.S. Eighth Air Force pursue the night bombing raid, and their primary target was the German Capital: Berlin. It was their first time, so the raid was considered “none too successful.”
March 5th •
Boston Massacre
On the night of March 5, 1770, a group of American colonists gathered around the Custom House in Boston protesting and taunting
The protesters,
themselves the “Patriots,” were protesting about the taxation measures passed by the British parliament. Later, Captain Thomas Preston, the commanding officer at the Customs House, told his men to guard the building, and the colonists started to throw snowballs and other things at the soldiers. One of the privates was hit; his rifle was discharged. A moment later, other soldiers start to shoot at the crowd, and five colonists were either killed or injured. The “Boston Massacre” wasn’t really a massacre, but it was, later, advertised as a battle for American 26
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Liberty and caused the removal of the British in America.
March 11th •
MacArthur Leaves Corregidor On this day in 1942, after struggling from saving the
Philippines, U.S. General Douglas MacArthur left the island fortress of Corregidor to Australia under the orders from the U.S. president, Franklin Delano Roosevelt. He left 90,000 American and Filipino troops behind, who were lacking food, supplies, and support; these people would soon be captured by the Japanese troops. He was deeply disappointed for his loss, so he made a statement promising his men and the Filipinos, “ I shall return.” The statement became his famous quote. Two years later, after the U.S. successfully captured all other islands in order to recapture the Philippines, General MacArthur landed his troops in 1944 on the shore of Leyte. That day, he made a radio broadcast saying that “People of the Philippines, I have returned!” The U.S. troops began to recapture Leyte, Luzon, Bataan, Corregidor, and the capital of the Philippines: Manila. Unfortunately, only one-third of MacArthur’s men that were left behind on March 11, 1942 survived to see his return.
March 15th •
Dea th of the Roman Dictator (Julius Caesar) 27
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On this day, Julius Caesar, a dictator of the Roman Empire, was murdered by his own senators at a meeting hall. The conspiracy against Caesar was planned by as many as sixty noblemen, including his brother-inlaw, Marcus Brutus. Actually, on March 18, Caesar was prepared to leave Rome to go to war and appointed a member of his army to rule over the Roman Empire while he was away. Caesar was already aware of his senators hating him, but before the assassination took place, he dismissed his guards. Not to mention, he also got a warning note long before the assassination, but decided to ignore it. After he entered the hall, the senators surrounded him, each holding a dagger and ready to kill him. Then Servilius Casca struck the first blow. The other senators also joined in, and he was stabbed 23 times. After Marcus Brutus wounded Caesar, Caesar said, “You, too, my child?” As Marcus Brutus was his trustworthy ‘son,’ this made Caesar disappointed. After the assassination, Brutus issued a coin called Ides of March, which is a remembrance of this assassination.
March 17t h •
Dea th
Pa trick’s day) On this day in 461 A.D., Saint Patrick, a Christian missionary, a bishop and, an apostle of Ireland, died at Saul, Ireland. Saint Patrick was known to have ministered Christianity in Ireland during the fifth century. 28
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There are many legends about him, such as how he forced out reptiles, such as snakes, out of Ireland, or used a three leaf clover to describe the Holy Trinity. A millennium later, the Irish have observed his death as a religious holiday.
March 19th •
La s
Ga mbli ng
(Nev ada legalized gamb ling) During the Great Depression in 1931, settlers in Nevada made an attempt to make a vote for legalizing gambling. Before the Great Depression hit the U.S., Nevada had a large mine called Comstock Lode, and the mine was a major discovery of silver ore for the U.S. which was a great way to earn money. However, the Nevada’s mines were in decline when the Great Depression hit, but Nevada’s state government took a step forward in legalizing gambling. Later, Nevada, Las Vegas, became a famous place to gamble, as well as for its casinos and nightclubs.
March 21st •
Pl ot of Hitler Assassinat ion On this day in 1943, during Heroes’ Memorial Day: a day to honor German soldiers
who participated in the Great War, Hitler attended the annual memorial dedication in a museum, Berlin, and Col. Freiherr von Gersdorff also attended the dedication, but he didn’t come for the ceremony, but for Hitler. Before the Heroes’ Memorial Day, Maj. Gen. Henning 29
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von Tresckow, who was responsible for many conspiracies against Hitler, chose Col. Freiherr von Gersdorff as the suicide bomber. The bombs were planted in each of his pockets; the plan was to let Gersdorff walk up to Hitler and ignite the bomb, and the bombs each had a 10minutes fuse. Once Gersdorff was at the exhibition hall, Gersdorff was informed that the Fuhrer will only inspect the exhibition for 8 minutes, so Hitler got away by his dumb luck.
March 25th •
Fire ki lls 145 at Triangle Shirtwaist factory Triangle Shirtwaist Fire, probably one of the tragic and darkest moments of America's
industrial history, happened on this day in 1911. The factory hds a cramped space with workstations packed with a lot of poor migrants workers in the station, and most of them were teenage women who did not speak English. At the time when the accident happened, the manager turned on the fire hose, but fire hose was rotted and its valve was rusted shut. Workers fled to every exit they can probably find. There were four elevators, but it could only carry 12 people at a time. However, the elevators broke after four trips, and workers began to jump down from the shaft to their death. Therefore, few workers and managers took another route by taking stairways that lead to the street. There were two stairways; however; one was locked from the outside and the other one opened inward. Not to mention, the fire escape was poorly constructed, it can only hold a few workers
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at a time, so some workers were trapped inside and burned alive. Those who were trapped in the eighth floor of the building jump out from the window. The firefighters can’t do much about it since their ladder can only stretched out as high as the seventh floor, and their safety nets weren’t so strong catching three women at a time. Consequently, the accident resulted with 145 workers killed. Blanch and Harris were suspicious because of their past history on factory fire, so they were put on trial of this accident.
March 31st •
Eiffel Tower Opens On March 31, 1889, the Eiffel Tower was dedicated in Paris in a
ceremony authorized by the tower’s designer, Gustave Eiffel, and the ceremony was attended by French Prime Minister Pierre Tirard, high ranked officials, and 200 construction workers. In 1889, to honor the 100th anniversary of the French Revolution, the French government planned to make an international competition for a monument to be built in Paris. Out of all the designs that were submitted, Eiffel’s plan stood out most. Eiffel was the best and a master of metal construction who have designed the framework of the Statue of Liberty before. However, his plan on building the tower was criticized by critics that his design would be structurally unsound and farfetched. Untroubled, Eiffel completed his great work under the budget in two years and lost only one construction worker which is a remarkably low casualty number for a big project like this. The elevators were not completed by March 31, 1889; however, Gustave Eiffel and a few people ascended the tower by stair to raise
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the French flag. Today, it remains largely unchanged and is one of the world’s top tourist attractions.
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MARCH 2017
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