Zahra Shafizadeh Esfandabadi
Architectural Conservator and Researcher

Heravi, Tehran, Iran
Zahra Shafizadeh
As a graduate in Conseravtion and Restoration of Architecturel heritage, I have research and professional experience in vernaculare and earthen architecture. I also am interested in cultural heritage, history, and traditional arts of the moddle east. Being a member of Iran’s calligraphers’ association, I am familiare with traditional ornaments and illustrations.
Master’s of Arts in Building and Urban Fabric’s Restoration
– Conservation and Restoration of Architectural Heritage
University of Art, Tehran
Thesis: Comprehensive Conservation of the City Fortifications as Architectural Heritage; Case Study: Technological Study and Restoration of Meybod Historical City Wal
Bachelor’s of Science in Materials
Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran
Thesis: Investigation of the Ceramic Batch Composition and the Factors Affects the Cooking Temperature of the Stoneware Ceramic Bodies Made of Domestic Raw Materials
Momtaz degree (equivalent to bachelor’s of art) in Nastaligh Calligraphy
Iran Calligraphers Association, Dezashib Branch, Tehran
Research Papers
• Shfizadeh-Esfandabadi, Z; Zamanifard, A; Nikzad, Z. “An approach to the evolution of the Meybod Sharistan’s city over time, from its foundation until now”. * Journal of Iranian Architecture & Urbanism (JIAU)* (Accepted for Publication in 2024-2025 academic year)
Bibliographic/Review Papers
• Shfizadeh-Esfandabadi, Z; “Bibliography of Vernacular Architecture Resources (1),” CIAV-IRAN Bulletin, no. 9, 2022, pp. 65-67.
Academic Seminars
• “An Approach to Risk Management and Protection of Cultural Heritage in Multi-Identity and Multi-Management Areas,” presented at the Third Scientific-Specialized Seminar on New Achievements in the Study, Protection and Restoration of Historical Buildings and Urban Fabrics, University of Art, Tehran, December 16 2018.
Invited Presentations & Guest Lectures
• “The Importance of the Interdisciplinary Studies in the Fields of Ceramics and Fine Arts,” online webinar for Materials and Metallurgy Scientific Society of Iran University of Science and Technology. February 4 2021.
Academic Researches
“Revitalization Plan of Zahir-od-dowleh Cemetery through SWOT Analysis”, Revitalization of Valuable Historic Sites course Conservation and Rehabilitation of Valuable Rural Textures course, University of Art, Tehran
“Historical Studies of Tarood village” Section in “Conservation and Rehabilitation of Valuable Rural Textures, Case Study: Torood Village”, Conservation and Rehabilitation of Valuable Rural Textures course, University of Art, Tehran
“Recognition of Tehran Sultani Jame’ Mosque”, Study and Identification of Historic Buildings and Fabrics; 2017
Professional Researches
“Studies and documentation of Pachnar Castle”, Collaboration with Nagh Andish-e Karshiv, Tehran
“The evolution of Iranian tiles”; Sa’di Tile Factury, Varamin
• Scholarship awarded for all tuition fee for the course “Conservation I: Introduction to the General Principles of Cultural Heritage Conservation”
HERITΛGE scholarship, Athen, May 2024
• Scholarship awarded for all tuition fee for the course “Conservation II: First Aid for Finds”
HERITΛGE scholarship, Athen, April 2024
• Finalist at National Stage: Three Minute Thesis Defense (Art Thesis) - 3MT Competition
Academic Center for Education, Culture and Research, Tehran February 2022
Social Media Coordinator; Associate Director of Education
Ivararc Group; Remote
• Translate contents from Persian to English for the group’s social media platforms;
• Provide idea around training courses to develop the group’s activities.
Building Pathology and Recognition Specialist
Naghsh Andish-e Karshiv, Tehran, Contract
• Conducted a physical study on Pachenar Castle building;
• Conducted comprehensive field documentation for the construction of Pachenar Castle;
• Wrote the anatomical and pathology reports of the castle building for the restoration plan.
Architectural Conservation Specialist
Hayat architecture and conservation Company, Tehran, Full-time
• Wrote building pathology and recognition reports about Saray-e Azizollahof Building;
• Supervised the Forough Farrokhzad House’s pathology and recognition in-situ workshop;
• Documented the results of Forough Farrokhzad house’s pathology and recognition workshop using 2D and 3D drawing software
Designer and Design Supervising Engineer
Chine-haye Novin Start-Up, Tehran, Contract
• Designed sustainable interlocking blocks using 2D and 3D drawing software.
• Gave advice on design;
• Edited the previous designs to modify them in terms of costs and quality.
Ideation Employee in Cultural Subjects
ChikMan Agency, Tehran, Contract
•Conceptualized the advertising scenario of Iran National Bank’s customer club using historical and cultural symbols of ancient Iran.
Calligrapher and Painter
Gonbade-e Mina, Tehran, Self-employed
• Make calligraphy and glass painting works as a professional artist.
Ceramic Engineer and Researcher
Saa’di Tile Factory, Varamin, Full-time
• Tested the quality of the tile glaze;
• Researched the composion of home tiles.
• Researched the history of Iranian tiles.
Head of the Materials, and Head of Architectural Restoration Sector
Habitan Team by Good Architecture Program - Remote
• Hosted the first live meeting of Habitan: “Vernacular architecture, responsible for disasters or not?!”;
• The secretary of the posts about materials on Habitan’s professional social media pages.
Member of the building technology and pathology team
Collaborative workshop on cognition the historical wall of Sultan Sheikhdad’s mausoleum - Yazd
• Building pathology and technology studies performing by field study;
• Documentation of results of the field study;
• Presentation about results of studies in a meeting with heritage administrators, university professors, and municipal managers of Yazd.
Member of the Scientific Committee of Vernacular Architecture
ICOMOS – CIAV (Iran) - Remote
• Worked in the “Collecting Resources of Iranian Vernacular Architecture” working group;
• Submitted a report to vernacular committee administrators on all working group activities from its establishment until March 2021.
Nastaligh Calligraphy Teacher
Herat Online School - Remote
• Taught Nastaliq (traditional Persian calligraphy) to Afghanistani girls deprived of formal education through an online platform;
• Established the department of calligraphy at Herat Online School.
• Persian: Native • English: Advanced • Arabic: Basic • German: Beginner

Rehabilitation of the cemetery’s complex and its neighborhood
• Academic course project;
• 2018 - 2019
Zahir al-Dowleh Cemetery
Recognition of the town and the city wall’s evolution
• Thesis project;
• 2019 - 2021
Sharistan and its City wall
Restoration of The Southern Side of the City Wall
• Thesis project;
Calligraphy, Islamic Geometric Patterns, Handcrafts
• 2017 - 2024
• 2019 - 2021 Extra Art Works

Meybod Sharistan and its City wall
Rehabilitation of the cemetery’s complex and its neighborhood
Zahir-od-dowleh cemetery is one of the historic cemetries of Tehran. Many contemporary Iranian political, cultural and social figures are buried in this place, but unfortunately there are lots of problems in this place. For example erosion of decorations and destruction of the visual space of the cemetery are the main damages. Threre are administerative issues as well which caused limited visiting chances for visitors. I’ve provided some informations of this place and suggested ways for solving the spacial problems.
The cemetery and its neighbors after rehabilitation
Category: Rehabilitation design project Size: Large Year: 2018-2019

The Site’s Analysis

The Site plan of Cemetary and the Neighbor Cemetaries in the current condition. Black borders shows the current cemetery’s area. The red borders shows seperated parts of the cemetery. the western side has been replaced with a 5 story building.

The Maine Damages to the Site’s Uraban Landscape and the Current Condition:

Urban Rehabilitaion
The historical cemeteries and its neighborhood suggested to revitilize as a Historical-Cultural center. In order to reach this goal the sky landscape must return to the initial condition through long-term urban plans.
More considerations includin:
- Changing traffic rout directions to reduce damages of massive car trafficcs such as air pollution, noise, and the earth vibrarons.
- Northern cemetery added to the complex.

• Zahir-od-dowleh Cemetery-Museum Complex:
- The internal pedestrain routs is planed.
- The western buildingd (building No.1) is converted to a two-story building which is used as the museum.
• Pedestrian-Oriented Sidewalk:
- The out pedestraim routs is planed.
- The pedestrain is unavailable for cars’ acces.
- Plants are suggested to make a better sense of the place and enhance the air quality.
• The Northern Cemetery Complex:
- The northern cemetery is open to visitors too.
- The door is in its place and the two cemetery is kept seperated, although the historical-cultural complex in an extended garden-cemetery complex works.

Meybod Sharistan and its City wall
The historic city wall of Meibod is one of the best ramained city walls in Iran. This city wall has historical, aesthetic, functional, and architectural values. Over the years, much damage has been occured to it, but it still maintains its existence. In this project I focused on the evolution of Meybod’s Sharistan and city wall during history by illustrationg transformations in building’d functions, the city development, and evolutions’s of the city wall. This project is derived from my master’s thesis titled: “Comprehensive Conservation of the City Fortifications as Architectural Heritage; Case Study: Technological Study and Restoration of Meybod Historical City Wall”
The eastern side of Meybod city wall after rahabilitation
Category: Recognition and rehabilitation design project
Size: Large Year: 2019-2021

2-1 Recognition of the town and the city wall’s evolution
The urban evolution

Median period
Sasanian period
First Islam period
Qajarid period
The town evolved through four main stages to reach the last traditional foem in Qajar era. In all these times it was equipped with citadel and ramparts. The citadel called Narin Qale’ and estimated to be the first residential core of the town.

Recognition of City Wall’s Components:

• Gates
There were four gates in Meybod city wall in the direction of cardinal direction. The eastern gate opened to the Kooche Deraz way, and is not exist now.

The ramparts, called Baroo(s) on Meybod city wall have different characteristics in different sections. The height and construction of the walls depend on the topography of the ground on which the city wall is placed.

• Towers
Before modern urban streets, there were more towers on the city wall. Only 11 towers has survived of 25 towers.

• Ditches and Ditch-gardens:
During the Qajar period, the use of ditches saw a change. In this period, ditch gardens (Bagh-e Khandagh) were made. Ditch gardens were essentially the pre-existing ditches repurposed into private gardens.

2-2Restoration of The Southern Side of the City Wall:
The southern side of the fence has been considered in its remaining three parts, the damage caused to each part has been determined, and treatment and performance have been considered for each.
The main damage caused to these parts was natural damage caused by rain and wind and the growth of plants. Human damage also includes the accumulation of waste in the boundaries.

- The spilling of clay materials due to humidity and wind;
- The growth of plants in the ditch bed;
- Garbage accumulation in the bed of the ditch.
- The lack of harmony between the doors and windows and facades of new buildings with the historical body of the city wall.
- The lack of harmony between the doors and windows and facades of new buildings with the historical body of the city wall;
- Garbage accumulation in the bed of the ditch;
- The spilling of clay materials due to humidity and wind;
- Wall subsidence.
• Restoration of part 1:

The humidity has provided the ground for the growth of plants and has caused the washing of earthen materials.

The plants are destroyed and mud mortar is used to cover the damaged areas.

According to the principle of minimum intervention, it has been tried to limit the changes to eliminating disturbing and damaging factors and reducing public access to the ditch area. Considering that this space is one of the few remaining parts of the southern ditch, it can be used for archaeological studies.
• Restoration of part 2:
Damages: Treatment:

The doors and windows are made of materials with strong contrast with the vernaculare forms and materials. Also, the building eqipments has disturbes the appearance of earth walls.

The traditional doors and windows are designed. They are compatible with the form of the city wall used in the building, and the adjacent spaces are also covered with straw.
• Restoration of part 3:
Damages: Treatment:

Rain moisture and surface and underground water have washed the walls.
The wind has caused the surface of the walls to crumble.
The earth subsidence has caused the wall to crack

The executive details of the restoration of the space and its use as an urban thoroughfare have been drawn and a simulation image of its condition has been prepared.
Extra Art Works