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關 於 我

CHENG HO YAN (852)68596207/(886)0975 753 435 hoyan0712@gmail.com 94年7月12日

Studying in Taiwan is the changes to broaden my horizons, learning different cultures, comparing the two education and style atmosphere, is a good opportunities to in touch with different things . To explore my interest, especially in Taiwan try to do carpentry, ceramics, and even in the PingTung teaching the aboriginal how to painting, these are special experience in my life.

2014-2016 E D U CA T I O N A L BG

Bachelor’s Degree Graduate School of Visual 學 歷

Com munication Design Taiwan Kun Shan University 2012-2013 Higher Diploma of Visual Communication (Photography) HKDI

2015SUMMER Carpenter木匠兄妹 (Internship) 2015Feb High School Career Exploration Academic and E XP ER I R NC E O F WO EK

Career Experience Growth Camp(Photographer) 工 作 經 驗

高中職涯探索學術與職涯體驗成長營 2014SUMMER SeekingI 4C活動(Design team) 2013SUMMER Joyous Kitchen -Jubilee Ministries (Clerk) 2012SUMMER Photography assistant of Raymond Wong Studio(Internship)


Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Premiere

Adobe Illustrator

Photo retouching

Adobe In-Design

Microsoft Word

Adobe LightRoom

Power Point

技 能

2014-2016 Design of church activities 2015-12 高士課輔班服務學習(Art Tutor) 2014-3-7 E X P E R I R N CE O F LI F E

特 殊 經 歷

Participated in DreamPower 學生創業研習活動 2014-2016 Studying in Taiwan - Kun Shan University 2011-9 Participated in Pei Ying Secondary School Students’ Union 2009-2011 Pui Ying Secondary School Fellowship staff

2016Golden Pin Concept Design Award 2016 Product Design preliminary selection「金點概念設計獎」產品設計 -Shortlist COM PE TITI ON

2016「新藝新聲-兩岸青年視覺藝術交流展」立體類 -Exhibitors 比 賽

「2016 VGW」放視大賞 -Shortlist 2015創新創意校內比賽﹣Second 2015小吃大器 小吃餐具及包材設計競賽﹣Special Recognition Award 2015小吃大器 小吃餐具及包材設計競賽﹣ Quality award 2015 Taiwan International Student Design Competition 擁抱-Election 2015 「臺灣青年 新創獎 文創設計競賽」-Election

E XHIB ITO N : -「新藝 新 聲 - 兩 岸 青 年 視 覺 藝 術 交 流 展 」 立 體 類 - 巡迴 浙 江 省 中 國 美 術 學 院 美 術 館 , 台北 、 中 、 南 區 協 會 會 員 學 校 及 救 國 團 劍 潭 青 年 會館經國堂集賢廳 -2 0 1 6 青春 設 計 展 You t h I nnov a t iv e D e s ig n Fe st iv a l -2 0 1 6 台北 新 一 代 設 計展 Y O D EX -2 0 1 6 高雄 放 視 大 賞 SH O RTL IS T: -2 0 1 6 G o l de n Pi n C onc e p t D e s ig n A wa r d 2 01 6 P ro du c t Design p relimina ry selec t io n 「金點 概 念 設 計 獎 」 產 品 設 計 - S hor t lis t -2 0 1 6 「2016 V G W 」 放 視 大 賞 - S hor t lis t

-TA ST E O F S HA D O W P a nk ing + TA ST E O F S HA D OW C UP + s cen t e d te a Pan k ing + s cen t e d te a D M

-TASTE OF SHADOW CUP Situation diagram

家後 Lo a d M e m o r y

Inside the wooden box stores the precious memory. With music melo dies playing, it brings me back to the old days. The long and plain rhythm in contrast to my exciting heartbeats makes the air static and dynamic as my emotion. The three door leaves – Family Su pport, Jin Door and Latched Love– as like as doors of men’s heart, represent three different emotions and different stages of life, – a plain story to be last forever; an imprinted love to be deeply sealed off; a flourishing dream to be unfolded by oneself.




繪本-YA HA LA BU(塵埃)封面,封底

繪本-YA HA LA BU(塵埃)蝴蝶頁

繪本-YA HA LA BU(塵埃)內頁

繪本-YA HA LA BU(塵埃)內頁


「純風」青年活動 LOGO




-Book Cover Design

插畫 手工藝 illustration.Interest



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