Sà’ah Nagháí Bik’eh Hózhóón
since 1996
Catalog 2016 – 2017
Naadàà’ Ãees’áán Dootã’izhí Blue Corn Bread
Diné Binaadââ’ Ch’iyáán www.nativechild.com
PO Box 30456 Flagstaff, AZ 86003
Traditional Navajo Corn Recipes
voice 505 820 2204 fax 480 559 8626
Bilingual Units Item No
Colors paper edition
$ 19.80
Colors card stock edition
$ 29.80
24 Shapes paper edition
$ 29.80
24 Shapes card stock edition
$ 45.00
Feelings paper edition
$ 17.80
Feelings card stock edition
$ 25.80
Numbers paper edition
$ 27.80
Numbers + activities card stock edition
$ 37.80
35 Diné Letters: Photo edition card stock in binder
$ 65.00
35 Diné Letters: Photo edition laminated, boxed version
$ 69.95
Food 70 Photos paper edition
$ 89.00
Food 70 Photos card stock edition
50 Animals paper edition
$ 65.00
50 Animals card stock edition
$ 98.00
60 Plants from Navajoland paper edition
$ 78.00
60 Plants from Navajoland card stock edition
50 Traditional Diné items paper edition
$ 65.00
50 Traditional Diné items card stock edition
$ 98.00
paper edition
$ 29.50
card stock edition
$ 45.00
Nature 35 photos paper edition
$ 48.00
Nature 35 photos card stock edition
$ 69.00
50 Insects and Spiders paper edition
$ 65.00
50 Insects and Spiders card stock edition
$ 98.00
50 Birds of Navajoland paper edition
$ 65.00
50 Birds of Navajoland card stock edition
$ 98.00
$ 125.00
$ 114.00
Please add 10% to cover FEDEX Shipping and Handling
The material is organized in deluxe three ring binders for convenient use and storage. The card stock edition is especially durable and is perfect for wall diplay.
beautiful color photos!
Flash Cards
Real photos printed in full color on heavy duty card stock
each unit includes: • 15 bingo boards • 300 bingo chips • call out cards • plus instructions laminated
From preschool through high school, the fun and easy way to learn Navajo vocabulary!
Item No Quantity
Flash Cards
Bingos 1010
Color Bingo Game + matching activities
$ 39.95
Bingo Food
$ 49.95
Bingo Wild Animals
15 Boards laminated 15 Boards laminated
15 Boards laminated
$ 49.95
Bingo Plants
Bingo Tradition 15 Boards laminated
$ 49.95
$ 49.95
Bingo Nature
$ 49.95
15 Boards laminated
Flash Cards 2021
Food 70 Photos Flash Cards laminated
50 Animals Flash Cards
50 Plants from Navajoland Flash Cards laminated
$ 64.95
$ 54.95 $ 54.95
35 Traditional Diné items Flash Cards laminated
$ 42.95
Transportation/Money Flash Cards laminated
$ 32.95
Nature Flash Cards laminated
$ 42.95
school bus
laminated photo cards small posters
Diné Be’Ináájí
Navajo Life Style
Title Item No Quantity 311 1 Tó éí Iiná Water is Life 312 1 Naadââ’ éí Iiná Corn is Life 313 1 Diné éí Iiná Sheep is Life 314 1 Diné Be’Ináájí Set of 3 posters
9.95 9.95 9.95 19.95
Small Posters
Traditional Concepts Item No
Earth and Sky
$ 9.95
Sun and Moon
$ 9.95
$ 9.95
4 Sacred Plants
All 4 Traditional Concepts Posters
$ 9.95
Sacred Mountains 4005 4006 3501 3502 3503 3504
Sacred Mountains
Item No Quantity
Traditional Concepts
4 Sacred Mountains 6 Sacred Mountains (includes Dziã Ná’oodiãii and Ch’óol’î’í) Dinétah Dziã Ná’oodiãii Huerfano Mesa Ch’óol’î’í Gobernador Knob Kits’iilí shattered house Tsé Hane’ Petroglyphs
34.95 49.95 9.95 9.95 9.95 9.95
$ 29.95
Small Posters
Diné Binaadââ’ Ch’iyáán Navajo Corn Recipes
Item No Quantity Title 308 3 Navajo Corn Recipes Set 1 all 6 Posters (41.65 per set)
Amount 124.95
Navajo Corn Recipes Set 1 all 6 Posters (29.99 per set)
Navajo Corn Recipes Set 1 all 6 Posters (22.50 per set)
Item No 2045 2046 2048 2049 2050 2051 2052 2053 2054 2055 2056 2059
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Item No Quantity
Item NoQuantity Title 301 1 Blue Corn Pancakes ßAbe’ Bee Neezmasí 302 1 Pinon Peanut Butter ßAtãish 303 1 Blue Corn Bread Naadââ’ Ãeesßáán Dootã’izhí 304 1 Steamed Corn Stew Neeshjìzhii 305 1 Blue Corn Mush Tanaashgiizh 306 1 Kneel Down Bread Ntsidigo’ì 300 1 Navajo Corn Recipes Set 1 all 6 Posters
Title Tradition (Táá Dinéjí) Bodyparts: Head Atsiits’iin Food Animals Plants Tradition items Four Seasons Colors Money Transportation Nature Map of the Long Walk
9.95 9.95 9.95 9.95 9.95 9.95 9.95 9.95 9.95 9.95 9.95 9.95
Traditional Activities Weaving 2060 2061 2062 2063 2064 2065 2066 2067 2068 4011
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Herding Sorting Cleaning Carding Dyeing Shearing Spinning Weaving Learning to Weave Traditional Activities Weaving Set (9 posters)
9.95 9.95 9.95 9.95 9.95 9.95 9.95 9.95 9.95 75.00
Traditional Activities 2057 2058
Brushing and Tying Hair Grinding Corn
$ 9.95 $ 9.95
Amount 9.95 9.95 9.95 9.95 9.95 9.95 49.95
small posters: Diné Bikéyah Item No Quantity Title Amount 3001 Monument Valley 9.95 3002 Painted Desert 9.95 3003 Agathla Peak 9.95 3004 Window Rock 9.95 3005 Grand Falls 9.95 3006 Wheatfields Lake 9.95 3007 Lukachukai 9.95 3008 San Francisco Peaks (Sacred Mountain West) 9.95 Diné Bikéyah I (8 posters) 4001 69.95
Diné Bikéyah 1: Diné Bikéyah 2: Diné Bikéyah 3: Diné Bikéyah 4: Diné Bikéyah 5: Diné Bikéyah 6: Diné Bikéyah 7: Diné Bikéyah 8:
Monument Valley Tsé Bii’ Ndzisgaii Painted Desert Halchíítah Agathla Peak Aghaaãâ Window Rock Tségháhoodzání Grand Falls Adahiilíní Wheatfields Lake Tó Dzís’á Lukachukai Mountains Lók’ach’égai San Francisco Peaks Dook’o’oosãííd
Diné Bikéyah I A series of significant places, public buildings, historic and sacred locations, and landscapes in Navajoland. The small posters measure 12 x 18 and can be used as a teaching tool or to decorate your classroom and offices.
Diné Bikéyah II Diné Bikéyah 9: Shiprock Tsé Bit’à’í Diné Bikéyah 10: Round Rock Tsé Nikání Diné Bikéyah 11: Mt Taylor Tsoodziã Diné Bikéyah 12: Dancing Around the Rocks Tsé Biná’ookahí Diné Bikéyah 13: Ganado Lake Be’ek’id Hatsoh Diné Bikéyah 14: Tsaile Butte Tsézhin Tsiits’iiní Diné Bikéyah 15: Spider Rock Tsé Na’ashjé’ii Diné Bikéyah 16: San Juan River Tooh
Diné Bikéyah 17: Diné Bikéyah 18: Diné Bikéyah 19: Diné Bikéyah 20: Diné Bikéyah 21: Diné Bikéyah 22: Diné Bikéyah 23: Diné Bikéyah 24:
Mount Blanca Sisnaajiní Hesperus Peak Dibé Ntsaa Coal Mine Canyon Hááhonoojí Fort Wingate Shash Bitoo Fort Defiance Tséhootsooí Fort Sumner Hwéeldi Baby Rocks Tsé’awéé’ St. Michaels Ts’íhootso
Diné Bikéyah III
Item No Quantity Title Amount Total 3009 Shiprock 9.95 3010 Round Rock 9.95 3011 Mt Taylor (Sacred Mountain South) 9.95 3012 Dancing Around the Rocks 9.95 3013 Ganado Lake 9.95 3014 Tsaile Butte 9.95 3015 Spider Rock 9.95 3016 San Juan River 9.95 4003 Diné Bikéyah II (8 posters) 69.95
Item No Quantity Title 3017 Mount Blanca (Sacred Mountain East) 3018 Hesperus Peak (Sacred Mountain North) 3019 Coal Mine Canyon 3020 Fort Wingate 3021 Fort Defiance 3022 Fort Sumner 3023 Baby Rocks 3024 St. Michaels 4004 Diné Bikéyah III (8 posters)
Amount Total 9.95 9.95 9.95 9.95 9.95 9.95 9.95 9.95 69.95
small posters: Diné Bikéyah
Title Item No Quantity 3025 Cabezon Peak 3026 Fish Point 3027 Angel Peak 3028 Pyramid Rock 3029 Yei Tsoh’s Blood 3030 Sleeping Ute 3031 Moqui Buttes 3032 Navajo Lake Diné Bikéyah IV (8 posters) 4008 Title Item No Quantity 3033 Navajo Mountain 3034 Rainbow Bridge 3035 Fluted Rock 3036 Narbona Pass 3037 Hubbel Trading Post 3038 Beautiful Mountain 3039 Cameron 3040 Sheep Hill 4013 Diné Bikéyah V (8 posters) Diné Diné Diné Diné Diné Diné Diné
Bikéyah Bikéyah Bikéyah Bikéyah Bikéyah Bikéyah Bikéyah
33: 34: 35: 36: 37: 38: 39:
Amount 9.95 9.95 9.95 9.95 9.95 9.95 9.95 9.95 69.95
Diné Bikéyah IV
Amount 9.95 9.95 9.95 9.95 9.95 9.95 9.95 9.95 69.95
Diné Bikéyah 25: Diné Bikéyah 26: Diné Bikéyah 27: Diné Bikéyah 28: Diné Bikéyah 29: Diné Bikéyah 30: Diné Bikéyah 31: Diné Bikéyah 32:
Diné Bikéyah V
Navajo Mountain Naatsisßáán Rainbow Bridge Tsé’naa Na’ní’áhí Fluted Rock Dziã Dah Si’ání Narbona Pass Béésh ãichíi’ii Bigiizh Hubbel Trading Post Jééhkaã Binaalyéhé Bá Hooghan Beautiful Mountain Dziãk’i Hózhónii Cameron Na’ni’á Hayázhí
Title Item No Quantity 3041 Blue Canyon 3042 Bear’s Ears 3043 Green Knobs 3044 Fingers (Chilchinbito) 3045 Los Gigantes 3046 Bahlaki 3047 Black Mesa 3048 Navajo Lake 4014 Diné BikéyahVI (8 posters)
Amount 9.95 9.95 9.95 9.95 9.95 9.95 9.95 9.95 69.95
Diné Bikéyah VI
Diné Bikéyah 41: Blue Canyon Bikooh Hodootã’izh Diné Bikéyah 42: Bear’s Ears Shashjaa’ Diné Bikéyah 43: Green Knobs Tsézhin Hodootã’izh Diné Bikéyah 44: Fingers Tsé’ Ndoolzhaaí Diné Bikéyah 45: Los Gigantes Tsé’ Áãts’óózíí’áhí Diné Bikéyah 46: Bahlaki Báálók’aa’í Diné Bikéyah 47: Black Mesa Dziã Yíjiin Diné Bikéyah 48: Carrizo Mountains Dziã Náhooziãii
Significant Landscapes and Places in Navajoland 50 posters 4014
Cabezon Peak Tsé Naajiin Fish Point ãóó Háálî Angel Peak Mà’ ii Dah Siké Pyramid Rock Tséchîîhí Yei Tsoh’s Blood Yé’ii Tsoh Bidiã Sleeping Ute Dziã Naajinií Moqui Buttes Dibé Dah Sitíní Navajo Lake Tó Aheedlî
Complete Collection
Special discount!
Diné Bikéyah I – VI (includes 6 Sacred Mountains) 50 posters
$ 199.00
small posters: The History Collection Item No Quantity
The History Collection I 5001 5002 5003 5004 5005 5006 5007 5008 4002
Man Woman Child Point of Interest In the Canyon At the Shrine Youth Yé’ii The History Collection I (8 posters)
9.95 9.95 9.95 9.95 9.95 9.95 9.95 9.95 69.95
Item No Quantity
The History CollectionTitle II Leaders of the Past 5009 5010 5011 5012 5013 5014 5015 5016 4007
Manuelito Chee Dodge Ganado Mucho Mariano Barboncito Cayetanito Narbona/Mariano Martinez/Chapatone Washington Delegation 1874 Leader of the Past I ( 8 posters, all of the above)
$ 9.95 $ 9.95 $ 9.95 $ 9.95 $ 9.95 $ 9.95 $ 9.95 $ 9.95 69.95
includes Navajo names and other biographical data and information
All photos were taken during Geographical Explorations and Surveys by the US War Department, Corps of Engineers in 1873. They were made in the Fort Defiance and Canyon de Chelly area five years after the return of the people from the forced internment at Fort Sumner. Astonishing details of clothing, life–style, activities and traditional food items are revealed in these posters.
Item No Quantity
The History Collection III Expedition of 1873 5017
Navajo brave and his mother
$ 9.95
Navajo boys and woman, Fort Defiance
$ 9.95
5019 5020 5021 5022 5023 5024 4009
Wahreo, a chief among the Navajos Old Fort Defiance Aboriginal Life among the Navajos Aboriginal Life among the Navajos, Canyon de Chelly Navajo Family Group Navajo Dance Expedition of 1873 ( 8 posters, all of the above)
$ 9.95 $ 9.95 $ 9.95 $ 9.95 $ 9.95 $ 9.95 $ 69.95
small posters: The History Collection Item No Quantity
The History Collection IV 1901 – 1916 5025
Canyon de Chelly
$ 9.95
Manuelito’s Family
$ 9.95
5027 5028 5029 5030 5031 5032 4010
Weavers The Silversmith A Shaman Mother and Child Mrs Red Burro Diné Tsosie’s Hogan History Collection IV
( 8 posters, all of the above)
Item No Quantity
$ 9.95 $ 9.95 $ 9.95 $ 9.95 $ 9.95 $ 9.95 $ 69.95
The History Collection V 5033 5034 5035 5036 5037 5038 5039 5040 4012
Getting Water Cradleboard Portrait Bobcat Cap Shiprock Harrieto (Fort Sumner) Children at Play Jim, Holding Bow and Arrow (Fort Sumner) Navajos, Lithography The History Collection V (8 posters)
4015 Item No Quantity
Historical Leaders of Native American Nations 2069 2070 2071 2072 2073 2074 2075 2076 2077 2078 2079 2080 4012
Geronimo Sitting Bull Red Cloud Chief Joseph Quanah Parker Satanta American Horse Wolf Robe Spotted Tail Gall He Dog Youkioma
Historical Leaders of Native American Nations Set (12 posters)
9.95 9.95 9.95 9.95 9.95 9.95 9.95 9.95 9.95 9.95 9.95 9.95 89.00
9.95 9.95 9.95 9.95 9.95 9.95 9.95 9.95 69.95
History Collection I – V (40 posters)
Complete Collection
$ 149.00
Special discount!
Large Posters Item No Quantity
Navajo Nation Chapters Map 1 Poster Navajo Nation Chapters Map 3 Poster Navajo Nation Chapters Map 5 Poster Navajo Nation Chapters Map 10 Poster Navajo Nation Chapters Map 25 Poster Navajo Nation Chapters Map 50 Poster Navajo Nation Chapters Map
7014 7015 7016 7017 7023
1 Poster Nanise’: Plants from Navajoland 3 Poster Nanise’: Plants from Navajoland 5 Poster Nanise’: Plants from Navajoland 10 Poster Nanise’: Plants from Navajoland 25 Poster Nanise’: Plants from Navajoland
7018 7019 7020 7021 7022
1 Poster Diné Alphabet 3 Poster Diné Alphabet 5 Poster Diné Alphabet 10 Poster Diné Alphabet 25 Poster Diné Alphabet
$ 9.95 $ 24.95 $ 29.95 $ 59.95 $ 129.95 $ 199.95
Plants from Navajoland 14.95 29.95 39.95 69.95 149.95
Diné Alphabet 14.95 29.95 39.95 69.95 149.95
bilingual: Navajo and English
7029 7024 7025 7026 7027 7028
Photos From The Past Large Posters 18x24
12 Portraits large posters 18x24 laminated 7001
Navajo Matron
7002 7003 7004 7005 7006 7007 7008 7009 7010 7011 7012 7013
The daughter of the Desert Solid Comfort Navajo Belle Many Goat’s Son A Navajo Man Tom Ganado Many Goats A child of the Desert Navajo Child Little Maid of the Desert The Youth From the Desert Land 12 Portraits Collection
19.95 19.95 19.95 19.95 19.95 19.95 19.95 19.95 19.95 19.95 19.95 19.95 199.95
Bilingual Books Published by Native Child Naadââ’ dóó Naadââ’ Ch’iyáán: Healthy Foods, My First book about Corn by Native Child Dinetah
This book is intended to address the cultural needs of children, enabling them to become familiar with corn as a native food plant and a traditional food source. Corn is the most important Diné food and also very healthy and nutritious. It is sacred and is used in ceremonies and prayers. Using genuine and delightful photos that reflect Navajo culture, the book introduces children to 11 traditional Navajo foods made with corn and teaches them their names in the Navajo language. This book also teaches children about the colors of corn and helps them to recognize 10 different parts of the corn plant in Diné Bizaad. An English translation for the Navajo language vocabulary of colors, parts of corn and foods is included. Students are encouraged to answer with a full sentence. At the end of the book there are also a couple of pages that check the knowledge that children have gained. Item No Quantity 905 1 Naadââ’ dóó Naadââ Ch’iyáán My First Book About Corn 906 10 Naadââ’ dóó Naadââ Ch’iyáán My First Book About Corn 10% Discount 907 20 Naadââ’ dóó Naadââ Ch’iyáán My First Book About Corn 25 % Discount Title
Amount 14.95 134.55 224.40
Diné Binaadââ’ Ch’iyáán: Navajo Corn Recipes by Native Child Dinetah
Here is the reference book we all have been waiting for: Not only does this book include 20 authentic traditional recipes and how to prepare them, it also includes traditional cooking utensils, explains how to make juniper ashes and teaches you other basic traditional cooking methods. You’ll find all the necessary ingredients listed and the amount to use. The food items are also all labeled in Diné Bizaad, and you will find a wealth of information written in Navajo related to food. A resource about tradtional corn food has not been gathered and published like this before. Tanaashgiizh (Taa’niil) ’Alkààd Bááh Dootã’izhí Naadââ’ Ãees’áán Dootã’izhí K’íneeshbízhii Ntsidigo’í Nijilo’i Táá bijáá’í Naadâ’ást’é
42 pages color
Ãees’áán Ditãogí ßAbe’ Bee Neezmasí Bááh Dootã’izhí Naadââ’ Ãee’ Shibéézh Neeshjîzhii Ts’ááãbáí
’Adóola Dah’ Yistin Náneeskaadí Ãeeh yilzhoozh Tsé’ást’éí ’Atãish Amount 14.95 134.55 224.40
Item No Quantity 315 1 Diné Binaadââ’ Ch’iyáán Navajo Corn Recipes 316 10 Diné Binaadââ’ Ch’iyáán Navajo Corn Recipes 10% Discount 317 20 Diné Binaadââ’ Ch’iyáán Navajo Corn Recipes 25 % Discount Title
Navajo Alphabet
by Native Child Dinetah
The letters in this Navajo Alphabet book are introduced with beautiful photos, reflecting Navajo culture, tradition and environment. Each Navajo word is spelled out in Diné Bizaad, and its corresponding English translation. Putting the Navajo consonants and vocals into a cultural context, affirms the Navajo Child’s language and identity. An added explanation and short introduction to the Navajo alphabet by Young and Morgan at the end of the book will be helpful for the reader. Item No Quantity 5121
Navajo Alphabet Navajo Alphabet 10 % Discount Navajo Alphabet 15 % Discount Navajo Alphabet 20 % Discount
14.95 134.95 189.95 254.00
Bilingual Books Published by Native Child Native Child has republished the first ever written and illustrated bilingual books. For the first time since the 1940s, these booklets are made available again to the schools in their original bilingual version, illustrated by leading Navajo artists of the twentieth century. Some are also collected and translated by Robert Young and William Morgan. These bilingual picture books are too beautiful and too historically significant to be forgotten – they describe and illustrate traditional Navajo ways that have been slowly disappearing in the last 65 years, since they were first printed at Phoenix Indian School.
Coyote Tales
by Hildegard Thompson (Adapter), Robert W. Young & William Morgan (Author), Andrew Tsihnajinnie (Illustrator)
The original Navajo Coyote Tales - beautifully colorized. For the first time since the stories were published in 1949, children and adults can read the tales of Coyote the Trickster again in Navajo and English. This edition has been newly typeset in Navajo and designed to closely resemble the original. Coyote stories were told by the elders when gathering around the fire place at night in winter. It was the traditional way to educate young listeners. Six of these delightful tales were originally collected in Navajo 75 years ago from older story tellers and translated into English. Navajo artist Andrew Tsihnajinnie's illustrations accompany the tales – we have enhanced these outstanding drawings by reproducing the original black–and–white illustrations in color. Enjoy how coyote is always trying to trick someone, but things rarely turn out quite as he plans!
Navajo Life: A Bilingual Children's Picture Book
by Hildegard Thompson (Author), Andrew Tsihnajinnie (Illustrator), Robert Young & William Morgan (Translator)
This book tells the story of a Navajo girl named Bah and her brother Kee, beautifully illustrated by Navajo artist Andrew Tsihnijinnie. First published in 1946, it was used in schools and to teach literacy to adults on the Reservation. The bold and graphic illustrations by Andrew Tsinajinnie reflect Navajo life of that era. He was already making a living as an artist at the time and was named an Arizona Living Treasure in 1991 . Native Child has colorized the illustrations to introduce a new generation of readers to this great artist and children’s book. Preschool level.
Item No Quantity 572 1 5101 10 5102 15 5103 20 510
13.95 Navajo Life illustrated by A.V. Tsihnajinnie colorized Preschool–up 125.50 Navajo Life illustrated by A.V. Tsihnajinnie colorized Preschool–up 10 % Discount 177.75 Navajo Life illustrated by A.V. Tsihnajinnie colorized Preschool–up 15 % Discount 223.00 Navajo Life illustrated by A.V. Tsihnajinnie colorized Preschool–up 20 % Discount Navajo Coyote Tales (original) Navajo text by R.Young & W. Morgan, illustrated by A.V. Tsihnajinnie colorized 14.95 134.95 Navajo Coyote Tales 10 % Discount 189.95 Navajo Coyote Tales 15 % Discount 254.00 Navajo Coyote Tales 20 % Discount 14.95 Navajo Alphabet 134.95 Navajo Alphabet 10 % Discount 189.95 Navajo Alphabet 15 % Discount 254.00 Navajo Alphabet 20 % Discount
Bilingual Books Published by Native Child Item No Quantity 513
Little Herder in Autumn Little Herder in Autumn Little Herder in Spring Little Herder in Spring Little Herder in Winter Little Herder in Winter Little Herder in Summer Little Herder in Summer
Grade 1 up (adjustable to preschool level) 10 % Discount Grade 1 up (adjustable to preschool level) 10 % Discount Grade 1 up (adjustable to preschool level) 10 % Discount
Diné Bizaad Shi ã Nízhoní
12.95 116.55 12.95 116.50 12.95 116.50 12.95
10 % Discount
Ann Nolan Clark’s moving stories of Navajo life as seen through the eyes of a young Navajo girl are available in print again. These poetically rendered, bilingual accounts of Navajo culture and traditions describe a sustainable way of life that is rooted in the land and linked to the seasons. First published in 1940, they were an outstanding achievement for their sensitively rendered cultural content, establishment of a written Navajo language, and for the sheer beauty of Navajo artist Hoke Denetsosie’s illustrations. These unique books are among the most interesting and groundbreaking of all American children’s literature. Item No Quantity
Little Man’s Family 573 574 575 576 577 578 579
$49.95 Little Man’s Family: The Complete Collection (all below) Little Man’s Family: Preschool level (original black and white) $ 8.95 $ 8.95 Little Man’s Family: Primer (original black and white, K–2)) $ 14.95 Little Man’s Family: Reader (colorized) $ 7.95 Little Man’s Family: Preschool level coloring book $ 7.95 Little Man’s Family: Primer coloring book $ 7.95 Little Man’s Family: Reader coloring book
I am a Navajo boy. Diné ’ashkii nishli. A Navajo boy describes his family’s traditional way of life in the nineteen-forties of last century. It centers around a life with sheep and describes all the steps in processing the wool and weaving a rug. His father builds a hoghan out of logs, and he takes part in a cleansing ritual in the sweat lodge. Originally published in 1940 as a black and white edition by the educational division of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, Native Child Dinétah has colorized the illustrations in the Reader to make it attractive again to a new generation of readers. Beautifully illustrated by a Native Navajo artist, Gerald Nailor, the book reminds us of a slower, healthier way of life.
Diné Bizaad Dictionaries The Navajo Language by Young & Morgan The Elements of Navajo Grammar with a Dictionary in Two Parts Containing Basic Vocabularies of Navajo and English
This book is a source of vocabulary and grammatical information that is indespensable for teachers and students of the Navajo language. Beginning with an explanation of the Navajo sound system, the publication is followed by a 125 page long outline of Navajo grammar. The work presented is also composed of a two part dictionary: 247 pages Navajo – English and 101 pages English – Navajo. Young and Morgan have used painstaking care in gathering, arranging and describing the numberless complex details of Navajo language. Originally published in 1943, it was supplemented with ‘The Vocabulary of Colloquial Navajo’ in 1950, using a wealth of sentence examples for each verb entry. Both publications are now once more made available by Native Child Dinétah. 480 pages
A Vocabulay of Colloquial Navajo
by Young & Morgan
This dictionary is a handy practical tool for Navajo language learners and teachers at various levels. It is meant to be a companion volume to ‘The Navajo Language’ book by Robert W. Young and William Morgan. The book deals largely with extended word meanings used in colloquial Navajo and encompasses 480 pages. Originally published in 1951 and printed by Phoenix Indian School, this publication is still the best alternative to the scholarly work Young and Morgan compiled later: in 1980 the two books were combined into a reference grammar and dictionary for the academic library.
500 pages
Navajo–English Dictionary by Wall & Morgan First published in 1958, this is a simple and concise Navajo–English only dictionary. It has over 9000 entries and contains many useful every day expressions. It was originally intended for the native Navajo speaker to learn English and for non Navajos who want to acqure some knowledge of the Navajo language.
An Ethnologic Dictionary of the Navajo Language
75 pages
by the Franciscan Fathers, St Michaels
First published in 1910, An Ethnologic Dictionary of the Navajo Language is still the standard and most complete work of traditional Navajo life, social customs, religion and material culture. Its unique approach through the medium of language gives an insight into Navajo culture, unlike that of any other work. It is unique in many respects: it is an intimate, detailed and informative account of the traditional Navajo universe in all of its manifestations. This book is a great resource not only to the general reader, or student and scholar of Navajo culture, but also for Navajo parents who want to pass on traditional teachings to their children to ensure the longevity of the culture of their ancestors. 537 pages Item No Quantity 5107 1 5108 10 5109 15 5110 20
Title The Navajo Language by Young & Morgan The Navajo Language by Young & Morgan The Navajo Language by Young & Morgan
10 % Discount 15 % Discount 20 % Discount
Amount 26.95 242.00 343.00 431.00
The Navajo Language by Young & Morgan Colloquial Navajo by Young & Morgan
Colloquial Navajo by Young & Morgan
10 % Discount
Colloquial Navajo by Young & Morgan
15 % Discount
Colloquial Navajo by Young & Morgan
20 % Discount
Navajo–English Dictionary by Wall & Morgan
Navajo–English Dictionary by Wall & Morgan
10 % Discount
Navajo–English Dictionary by Wall & Morgan
15 % Discount
Navajo–English Dictionary by Wall & Morgan
20 % Discount
An Ethnologic Dictionary of the Navajo Language
An Ethnologic Dictionary of the Navajo Language 10 % Discount
29.95 269.50
Bilingual Books Published by Native Child The Navajo Historical Series were created with the help of Robert W. Young and William Morgan. The stories given by the Diné people are told in their own words – they were originally collected in Navajo and then translated into English. Item No Quantity
Navajo Historical Series republished for the classroom bilingual 596 597 820 821 822 823 824 825 892 893 894 895
1 10 15 20 1 10 15 20 1 10 15 20
The Trouble at Round Rock by R. Young and W. Morgan Grade 4–up The Trouble at Round Rock by R. Young and W. Morgan 10 % Discount The Trouble at Round Rock by R. Young and W. Morgan 15 % Discount The Trouble at Round Rock by R. Young and W. Morgan 20 % Discount The Ramah Navahos by R. Young and W. Morgan Grade 4–up The Ramah Navahos by R. Young and W. Morgan 10 % Discount The Ramah Navahos by R. Young and W. Morgan 15 % Discount The Ramah Navahos by R. Young and W. Morgan 20 % Discount Navajo Historical Selections: Adahooniãigii Grade 4–up Navajo Historical Selections: Adahooniãigii 10 % Discount Navajo Historical Selections: Adahooniãigii 15 % Discount Navajo Historical Selections: Adahooniãigii 20 % Discount
12.95 116.55 165.10 207.20 9.95 89.55 126.32 179.20 14.95 134.95 199.60 239.20
The Ramah Navhos: Tã’ohchiníjí Diné Kéédaht’ínii Baa Hane’ by the Son of Former Many Beads, Translated into English by Robert W. Young & William Morgan
Bilingual: Navajo/English: Son of Former Many Beads begins his narration by telling us that his parents had been rounded up by Kit Carson’s troops, were driven to Fort Sumner during the Long Walk period and managed to escape from imprisonment to live with the Chiricahua Apaches. He was born among the Chiricahua two years later, and returned with his family to their homeland after the tribe had been released from internment at Fort Sumner. His father, Many Beads eventually moved back to the Ramah area with his family. His narration spans the time before first contact with the white man, to the thirties of last century, relating the struggle for survival against intruding Mormons, the railroad company and the US government. This interview was recorded in 1930 and written in the Navajo language in 1954 by linguists, Young and Morgan.
The Trouble at Round Rock
by Left Handed Mexican Clansman and others
Bilingual: Navajo/English: This book tells the story of the trouble at Round Rock between Navajo Agent Shipley and Black Horse during October 1892. The stories were originally recorded in Navajo, and then translated into English. The Trouble at Round Rock includes three first–person accounts remembering the Navajo side of the event for future generations. The original edition of 1952 was printed in a limited number of 5200 books. Native Diné speakers will recognize an elaborate Navajo throughout the book that lends itself perfectly to teaching the language in the classroom today.
Navajo Historical Selections: Ádahooní’ãígíí by Robert Yound & William Morgan Bilingual: Navajo/English: The selected articles were published in Navajo in a monthly newspaper: Ádahooníłígíí. The newspaper was distributed from 1943 to 1957 throughout the Reservation and was a predecessor of the contemporary Navajo Times. Ádahooníłígíí contributed to the standardization of Navajo orthography. The paper was edited by Robert W. Young and William Morgan, Sr. whose task it was to create a simplified Navajo alphabet with Roman letters found on an English typewriter keyboard. We find stories about the traditional Navajo country–about the Four Sacred Mountains and how the clans were created, as well as a story about Navajo scouts on the trail of Geronimo. Articles about the livestock reduction period and the resulting economic and social disaster and the long range 10 year rehabilitation program after World War II are also included. Perfect for teaching advanced Navajo language class.
The Navajo Treaty includes: copy of the original hand written Treaty, historical events leading up to the Long Walk, Manuelito’s and Jesus Arviso’s biography, collected of 1868 and recorded oral history stories (Hwéeldi Baa Hané)
History comes alive between the pages of this book. It contains the Treaty of 1868 and many other documents, illustrations, maps and photos of the events leading up to this important day in Navajo history. The book draws its content from primary material and gives access to an extended amount of historical resources, that never before have been documented in one publication. It leads to a better understanding of a very painful history. It is put together to be the perfect book for your Navjo history class in High School or College. An extended bibliograpy gives access to online resources that let you explore source material even further. Item No Quantity
NavajoTreaty of 1868 598 599 826
1 10 15
Navajo Treaty of 1868 Navajo Treaty of 1868 20 % Discount Navajo Treaty of 1868 25% Discount
24.95 199.95 279.00
includes map of Long Walk and photos of places along the routes
Diné Bizaad Dictionaries Rediscover an important Navajo Language Grammar and Dictionary These out of print books contain a wealth of knowledge about Diné culture, tradition and history that you will not find in contemporary publications. For over 60 years native speakers and consultants contributed to these publications: Albert G. Sandoval of Lukachukai, David Shorty of Ganado, Frank Walker, Slim Curly of Crystal, Frank Mitchell of Chinle, Philip Davis of Lukachukai and David Bighiini, (all mentioned in the introduction) made this comprehensive work possible. It was written by Berard Haile, who came to Diné Bikéyah in 1898, and who already in 1912 published an ethnological dictionary of the Navajo language, which is also available from Native Child again. Item No Quantity Title 5125 1 Learning Navaho Vol 1& 2
Amount 49.95
Learning Navaho Vol 3 & 4
A Stem Vocabulary of Navaho Language English–Navajo
A Stem Vocabulary of Navaho Language Navajo–English
We only have a limited amount of copies available of the Stem Vocabulary of Navaho Language. Secure your copy today, this opportunity may never come again, these books have been out of print for decades!
The Navajo War Dance
A Brief Narrative of Its Meaning & Practice by Berard Haile, 1946
From the book, introduction: The thousands of young Navajo men who went overesas in the recent world war had no war dance held for them in preparation for combat. They are full fledged warriors who have seen and met and conquered the enemy; have seen and possibley lost blood in the struggle.They have seen many slain enemies. They will not forget any of these sights soon. In years to come they may recall these scenes, perhaps be haunted by them in sleep and dreams, alarming alike to their families and relatives. The family or entire group of relatives decides what to do in this case. More than likely then a preliminary sort of ceremony will be held. Even that requires a singer, so yu look up a tribesman who knows a few songs to get the blackening done.
Item No Quantity 5129 1 5130 1
Title The Navajo War Dance The Navajo Fire Dance
Amount 19.95 19.95
The Navajo Fire Dance
A Brief Account of Its Meaning & Practice by Berard Haile, 1946
Text from the book, Haile describes all the different events taking place: Locally the dance is called the Fire Dance in which dancers chase one another around a huge fire and that is not done in any other Navajo dance. For that same reason they are known as fire dancers which, by no means inplies the they carry firebrands or handle live fire. We have also called them white dancers, not so much on the score of having their bodies painted white, but because they cause the downy feather to reappear after it had disappeared. The dance is also called the Corral Dance, by reason of the corral of boughs in which the huge fire must be built.
Bilingual English/Hopi/Spanish
Little Hopi Hopihoya Hopi Text by Albert Yava
by Edward A. Kennard
Illustrations by Charles Loloma
bilingual English/Hopi Little Hopi is made up of comical tales about the young Peeni and his experiences growing up. They include the story of Peeni receiving his bow and arrow from the katsinas, the mischievous “little warriors” shooting up the watermelon patch, and Peeni and his uncle going on a rabbit hunt. The stories provided bilingual reading material for children in Hopi schools at the time. For the purpose of language instruction, they serve the children then and now well by presenting traditional Hopi life accurately in the Hopi language. The book describes many of the activities Hopi youth was engaged in at that time. Little Hopi was a collaboration in the early forties between the BIA’s Indian language specialist Edward A. Kennard, a Hopi Tewa interpreter Albert Yava and the artist Charles Loloma. Although a painter, potter and sculptor, Loloma became best known later on in life for his jewelry, which has been exhibited at museums and galleries around the world. Kennard collected Hopi oral traditions from Albert Yava, translated them into English, and then with Yava translated them back into written Hopi. Item No Quantity 908 1 909 1
Sun Journey La Jornada del Sol Little Hopi Hopihoya
Sun Journey 124 pages
La Jornada del Sol
Amount 14.95 19.95
202 pages
A Story of Zuni Pueblo
by Ann Clark (Author) and Zuni artist Percy Sandy Tsisete (Illustrator)
Sun Journey is the story of a young Zuni boy’s return from boarding school and his preparations for the Shaloko ceremony in his pueblo. As the returned school boy reconnects with his community, his formal education becomes less important. His Native people’s culture and traditions turn out to be of higher value than formal schooling alone. In the 21 chapters, the boy and the reader learn from his grandfather the important lessons of Zuni life through the seasons - from making and planting prayer-sticks, gathering of wild plants and planting corn, to the yearly trip to the Salt Lakes and traditional stick races, games and dances. Suitable for ages 8 and up, this delightful and valuable resource describing traditional Zuni life will intrigue readers of all ages. Originally published in 1945, Sun Journey is a reissue of a volumn in the Pueblo Series of Indian Life Readers, Publications of the Branch of Education, Bureau of Indian Affairs. For the first time since 1945, the book is available once again in its original bilingual edition: Native Child Dinétah is republishing it in English and Spanish.
About the Author The author Ann Clark began teaching at the Zuni Black Rock school in 1923, serving there for 25 years. She taught in various schools with Native American students for an additional 17 years.
About the Illustrator Born at the Zuni Pueblo in New Mexico, his Native American name is "Kai Sa," meaning Red Moon. He is also known as Percy Sandy Tsisete. He married Peggy Mirabel of the Taos Pueblo, and they lived in Taos. As a child at the Zuni Day School, he was told to paint and discovered he loved the activity. At age 18, he took formal art instruction at Albuquerque and also studied at the Sherman Institute in Santa Fe. His goal as an artist became "depicting authentically the customs of my people”.
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PO Box 30456 Flagstaff, AZ 86003
voice 505 820 2204 fax 480 559 8626
Audio/Video Item No Quantity
Radmilla Cody: Within the Four Directions CD
Radmilla Cody: Seed of Life CD
Radmilla Cody: Spirit of a Woman CD
Radmilla Cody : Shi Kéyah: Songs For the People CD
Radmilla Cody: Prescious Friends CD
Herman Cody: My Way CD
Jay Begaye: Horses Are Our Journey
Jay Begaye: The Beauty Way
Jay Begaye: The Colorful World
Children’s Songs
Item No Quantity
Navajo Lullabies and Children Songs (P.M. Begay) CD 17.99
Navajo Nursery Songs (P.M. Begay)
Native American Lullabies
Najah Delbert Blackhorse CD (Children’s songs)
17.99 17.99
Traditional Songs
Navajo Shoe Game Songs CD
Navajo Songs (traditional from 1933 and 1940) CD
Traditional Navajo Songs CD
Navajo Nation Swingers: Waiting With The Cellular CD
Navajo Nation Swingers: More of that Song and Dance CD
Navajo Nation Swingers: You are Mine
Where Were You When I Was Single? Old Time Sheepherder Songs CD
Blackhorse Mitchell: Don’t Let Go!
Liãtsoiitah Ye’ii Bi Cheii
Navajo Christmas: Todi Neesh Zhee Singers
Apache Blessing and Crown Dance Songs Joe Tohonnie Jr.
17.99 626
Sharon Burch: Yazzie Girl
Sharon Burch: Colors of My Heart
Sharon Burch: Touch The Sweet Earth CD
Delphine Tsinajinnie: Mother’s Word
Kansas Begay: Native Rose
Audio/Video/DVD Amount Amount
Native American Church Songs
Item No Quantity 618
Verdell Primeaux: Veterans and Honor Songs CD
Primeaux and Mike: Peyote Ways CD
Primeaux and Mike: Healing Winds CD
Delbert Blackhorse: Humbly We Pray
Primeaux and Mike: Road to Peace
Primeaux and Mike: Reunited CD
Shanise: Okeymow Maskiki
Pow Wow/ Round Dance
Tinesha Begaye: Melodies of the Purple Horizon
Round Dance songs by Arianne Sheka
Southern Style Blacked Out (Pow Wow) CD
Item No Quantity
The code and language that the Japanese could not break in the Pacific war, nor even know its origins. How the Navajo Code Talkers came about, their training and the uses to which they were put to in the island hopping war against the Japanese. Plus the prices the Navajo paid and the long term secrecy which they were bound by. Then ultimately the long deserved recognition for their heroic efforts in helping win the war. All this is shown by archive footage and photographs, plus interviews with the people involved.
Exploring the personal and heartfelt story of the Navajo Code Talkers, this program tells the stories of the young Navajo men recruited from harsh government boarding schools into the Marines during World War II. From 1942-1945, the Code Talkers devised an unbreakable code in their native language and transmitted vital messages in the midst of combat against the Japanese.
Sheep is life: Story of he Navajo-Churro sheep which is the original domestic breed that sustained the Navajo, Pueblo and Hispanic people for nearly 400 years. On the verge of extinction a generation ago, the Navajo-Churro is making a comeback. Used for both wool and as a source of lean, healthy meat. the Churro is a desert animal that can take care of itself; is more droughttolerant; has a higher lambing rate; has healthier lean meat; can produce two wool crops a year; and that the wool is easier to use and more durable.
Item No Quantity
Blackhorse Mitchell : “The Creation Of Traditional Navajo Pottery. It shows how our pottery is made—the clay that is used, how it is molded and finally how it is fired using traditional fuels. The DVD is geared towards first–time makers of Native pottery and also includes some explanation of traditional Navajo symbols. The film is in Navajo with English subtitles narrating the lessons. “ Perfect for classroom use. Amount
Mud: The Creation of Traditional Navajo Pottery bilingual DVD
A Gift from Talking God: the Story of the Navajo-Churro DVD
Navajo Code Talkers DVD
True Whispers: The Story of the Navajo Code Talkers
We accept purchase orders and offer net 30 day terms for payment. Credit cards also accepted. Please call us at 505 820 2204 to pay by credit card. For personal orders by mail a money order or cashier's check must accompany your order.
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Our modules are designed to teach and learn basic Diné language skills in the classroom. They are bilingual (Diné and English) and reflect the Diné child’s daily traditional and contemporary environment.
phone: 505 820 2204 fax: 480 559 8626 email: info@nativechild.com
We are thankful for any feedback and suggestions from teachers, schools or centers using our curriculum material.
mail: Native Child PO Box 30456 Flagstaff, AZ 86003
Visit us on www.facebook.com/dinetah and see our latest announcements