Houston Plastic and Craniofacial Surgery
More Baby Boomers Undergoing Cosmetic Surgery Procedures Baby boomers constitute about 28% of the US population. About 76 million boomers are turning 65 in the next two decades, i.e., 10,000 boomers every day. The interesting thing is that many are turning to cosmetic surgery to look younger. Women want to improve their facial features to make them appear as young as they feel. Pew Research Council data shows that the typical Boomer feels 9 years younger than their chronological age, which explains why they want to look younger physically too. According to a recent report, Utah has the highest number per capita of boomer-aged adults getting cosmetic surgery procedures. It provides some interesting information about this demographic segment and the demand for aesthetic treatments: • Elective cosmetic surgery among boomers have increased by about 65% in the last decade • Non-invasive cosmetic surgery procedures are up 87% in this time period