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Meet your neighbors ... Catherine & Kalin Sheppard

Guil-Rand’s littlest fireman comes to the rescue!

• Election results not surprising — page 4 • Randleman man faces child pornography charge — page 9

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Church news......5 Obituaries.............8 Classifieds........11 Police report.........4 Fire report..........4 Sheriff’s report......9

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Thursday, May 13, 2010

Archdale-Trinity News w w w. a r c h d a l e t r i n i t y n e w s . n e t

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Landowners unhappy with assessment A

mid the protests of a handful of property owners, Trinity City Council unanimously voted to confirm road improvement assessments of properties in Turnpike Industrial Park, near Business 85 on Turnpike Road.

BY ROBYN HANKINS The issue of the road improvements, which were completed in February, was first raised after a majority of property owners in the industrial park asked Council for help because the roads had deteriorated. Business representatives said they had difficulty conducting day-to-day operations and some had received complaints from vendors. “The Turnpike Industrial Park street improvement program began in December 2005, when a petition was submitted to the city asking that something be done about the roads,” Trinity City Manager Ann Bailie explained prior to the public hearing at the April 15 meeting. “These were private roads, and we have a process whereby the city will take over the roads if the property owners submit a valid petition and agree to pay half the cost of the repairs.” Bailie told the NEWS that the city’s policy to take over private roads requires that the cost of bringing the roads up to state standards be split evenly between the city and property owners. This is done by assessment once a valid petition is submitted by a majority of property owners whose lands represent a majority of the lineal footage abutting the roads to be improved. The other half of the repairs would be paid for by the city, who paid the entire cost of the project up front. The original estimate for the improvements was $1.35 million, including a contingency fund, but the economic downturn made the price competitive. The final cost was $581,146. The assessment was based on area served (lot size) and is payable over a 10-year period. During the public hearing, however, Council heard from a handful of property owners opposed to paying any assessment. Jim Long told the Council that his stepdaughter’s property is being farmed, not used for industry. “She’s being assessed to help pay for that road even SEE ASSESSMENT ON PAGE 4

Trinity High School nurse Jacquovia Morehead confirms Principal Denise Lackey’s fear — an outbreak of ‘senioritis.’ Seniors Lindsey Bazen, left, and Taylor Thompson, right, exhibit the Photo by Debbie Hightower symptoms.

School finds cure for ‘senioritis’ — graduation


mass outbreak of ‘senioritis’ is expected among all Trinity High School seniors, said Principal Denise Lackey, but the cure is in sight. Graduation will be held Tuesday, June 8. BY DEBBIE HIGHTOWER The effects of senioritis are well known to most experienced educators. Symptoms include frequent “I dunno” responses and rolling eyes. Parents have symptoms, too. “How much will it cost?” sums up all the worries. THS nurse Jacquovia Morehead warned that the “disease” is contagious and more complicated symptoms are expected as students and staff feel the pressures of endof-course testing and senior boards. Until the cure arrives June 8, educators recommend that seniors follow this strict schedule: Today: About 127 seniors will present their gradua-

tion projects. Saturday, May 15: The prom is at Showplace in High Point. Thursday, May 20: Seniors will receive their yearbooks after the class picnic, set from 5 to 6 p.m. in the theater lobby. Friday, May 21: The THS tradition of capping will be held at 9 a.m. in the gymnasium. Sunday, June 6: Baccalaureate will be held at 6 p.m. at Trinity Baptist Church. Tuesday, June 8: A senior breakfast and graduation practice will be held at 8:30 a.m. in the stadium. Graduation is at 6 p.m. In case of rain, graduation will take place in the gymnasium. If graduation is held in the stadium, each senior may invite 10 people. If graduation is held in the gym, tickets are limited to four. The NEWS will publish a special graduation section for the June 3 edition. To advertise, call Donna Prawel at 888-3596.

Creekside opens temporary entrance

Little Miss Trinitys crowned


rom 26 contestants, four queens wear Little Miss Trinity crowns.

India Benfield reigns as Little Miss Trinity; MacKenzie Freeman, Tiny Miss; Katelyn Heaton, Young Miss; and Ramsey Luther, Teen Miss. The pageant, in its 27th year, is a fundraiser for the Trinity High School Athletic Booster Club. The pageant was held May 1 in the gym. Each queen won a $50 savings bond. The pageant was highlighted with performances by the 2009 queens: Ali Johnson, Little Miss; Hailey Nance, Young Miss; and Hannah WelbornLewis, Teen Miss. Other talent performances were by Kylie Holt, Emma Stone and Emma Holt as “The Chipettes,” Olivia Doane, Elizabeth Church and Jordyn Hill. The pageant welcomed a host of visiting queens: MacKenzie Farley, Priscilla McCroskey, Reagan Davis, Olivia Doane, Paige Wainright and Photo by Terry Strom, Kelly Christmas Kasey. Pictured from left are Ramsey Luther, Teen Miss; Katelyn Heaton, Young For more information about the winners, turn to page 3. Miss; India Benfield, Little Miss; and MacKenzie Freeman, Tiny Miss.


isitors to Creekside Park and Randolph Community College’s Archdale Center have to enter the park via Mose Drive. Park Drive was closed last week and will remained closed as Creekside gets a face-lift. Mose Drive was repaved to accommodate traffic during the construction. Patrons need to exercise caution, as the temporary entrance is closer to the “blind hill” near Tom Hill Road. The new entrance will add safety, with a location farther from that hill and with alignment across from Country Lane. A roundabout, part of a new, designed look, will slow down traffic. A parking lot will be added for the upper ballfield. Parks and Recreation Director Elaine Albertson hopes the work will be completed in time for Archdale’s annual Fourth of July celebration. The construction contract requires completion by September.

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