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A GOOD CALL: Local telethon benefits United Way. 1B

December 15, 2009 125th year No. 349

FAREWELL DONNA: 42-year-old female gorilla dies at N.C. Zoo. 2A

www.hpe.com High Point, N.C.

HOLIDAY HOOPS: Local tournament promises big fun. 1D

50 Cents Daily $1 Sundays

Council wants more on Market Overlay plan BY PAM HAYNES ENTERPRISE STAFF WRITER

HIGH POINT – A land-use proposal that would limit the development of new furniture showrooms to one area within the city may be expanded. High Point City Council members agreed on Monday they wanted to hear more information about an alternative Market Overlay District plan with extended boundaries. After the Planning and Development Department presented a rough draft of an alternative plan, the council approved a motion to return the plan to staff so it could be further developed and brought back to the council in the future. The alternative plan includes an

area of showrooms between High Avenue and Church Avenue that previously were excluded. Planning Director Lee Burnette said the line could be extended even further, allowing the Market Overlay District to grow considerably in size. The market district proposal is based on a Core City Plan recommendation to confine showrooms to a specified downtown area, freeing up other areas for other businesses to develop downtown, which traditionally has been dominated by furniture showrooms. Under the new proposal, showrooms previously not included would be drawn into the lines and become conforming showrooms that could develop their existing properties without per-


mission from the city. Within the ther information because she said larger district would be a small- it was the best plan for a market er growth area, Burnette said, district she had seen so far. “This is probably the best of where only new showrooms could a win-win situation I have seen since we started talking about the Market Overlay,” she said. “I don’t think this is going to be harmful to anybody that I can see in this phase.” Randy Short, owner of a showroom on Wrenn Street, said during the public hearing that he objected to the idea of a market district. “It really doesn’t make a lot develop. Also, once an existing showroom outside of that growth of sense to do this now,” he said area changed its occupancy use, about economic conditions. “I it could no longer revert back to stand to lose a lot of property value a showroom. if the plan is left the way it is.” Council member Bernita Sims made the motion to receive furphaynes@hpe.com | 888-3617

Council member Bernita Sims said it was the best plan for a market district she had seen so far.

North Carolina A&T State University Assistant Professor Tiece Ruffin presented at the third International Symposium on Service Learning: Service Learning in Higher Education, hosted by the University of Indianapolis in Athens, Greece.


Mail mania

CENTER CITY: Trinity to consider grant for proposed park. 1B

Post offices add extra staff for busiest day BY PAM HAYNES ENTERPRISE STAFF WRITER

TRIAD – They came with packages and boxes tied with ribbons and bows, cards, letters and presents for far-off places. They were customers at post offices across the Triad on Monday – the U.S. Postal Service’s busiest mailing day of the year. The Postal Service estimated it would process 830 million pieces of mail on Monday, a 40 percent increase from the average daily volume of 583 million. The busy surge is created when mailing deadlines for holiday packages and Christmas cards near, said Murdoch McMillan, retailer supervisor at the High Point Post Office at 315 E. Green Dr. “Our business has been heavy and steady,” McMillan said on Monday. “We’ve seen a lot of parcels and Christmas cards as we predicted. This will probably be our busiest


Russell Allred, 79 Henry Blackmon, 96 Rufus Bostic Jr., 85 Nancy Craven, 79 Donald Dement, 52 Elizabeth Doutaz, 86 L. Mayfield III, 56 Lois Millikan, 81 Mattie Myers, 84 Dorothy Oakley, 87 John Robinson Jr., 79 Hazel Snider, 95 April Sparks, 43 Gladys Sparks, 75 Sharon Ward, 61 Obituaries, 3A, 2-3B



Rachel Howard sorts packages at the High Point Post Office on E. Green Drive Monday, the heaviest mailing day all year. day of the year at the post office.” McMillan said post office locations in High Point added extra staffing for the day to operate as many windows as possible. He said he encourages customers to mail their packages as soon

as possible as the parcel post deadline nears on Wednesday. “After that, you don’t want to be in the post office,” he said. Darin Shamburger, clerk supervisor at the Asheboro Post Office at 1030 S. Church St., said the post office

saw more packages traveling through than anything else on Monday. He also said deadlines were a pressing issue. “We encourage people to mail a package the cheapest way you can go,” he said. “You’re pushing it to

mail it that way right now and get it there by Christmas.” Morning fog kept some customers away from the Linwood Post Office at 4276 Old Linwood Road, but traffic increased there around noon. “We made sure we

had plenty of help to wait on customers,” said Gina Shaw, officer in charge at the post office. “We have plenty of stock and forms on the floor for customers who wanted to add extra services.” phaynes@hpe.com | 888-3617

Input sought on Randolph school zones The second option would have come a sixth-through-eighth-grade school for the Wheatmore High Braxton Craven Middle remaining School district; Archdale Elemen- a sixth-grade school for the entire ASHEBORO – Randolph County tary would become a sixth-grade Archdale-Trinity area, while Archdale-Trinity Middle School would Schools will seek public comremain a seventh- and eighthments on three different options grade school for the entire Archto reconfigure attendance lines in dale-Trinity area. Trotter said he the Archdale-Trinity school dishas received two comments from trict, a school official said Monpeople who were in favor of it. day night. “It is some mixed comments,” Marty Trotter, the system’s asTrotter said. “... One of the comsistant superintendent of operaments was to build a middle tions, told the Randolph County school as quickly as possible. We Board of Education Monday night all know that’s what needs to haphe has received a variety of responses on two options that the school for the Trinity High School pen, but we are trying to work board had previously narrowed district; and Braxton Craven Mid- within what we’ve got as far as down from a list of six possible dle would become a seventh- and facilities at this point.” Trotter now will seek public ways to redistrict lines for stu- eighth-grade school for the Trindents in kindergarten through ity High District. Trotter said comments concerning a third ophe has received three comments tion that would convert Trindale eighth grade. Under the first option, Arch- from people who were in favor of Elementary into an sixth-gradeonly school. Under that option, dale-Trinity Middle would be- option one. BY DARRICK IGNASIAK ENTERPRISE STAFF WRITER

Superintendent Donald Andrews said the goal is to have a decision by the fall of next year.


Braxton-Craven Middle would become a seventh-through-eighthgrade school for the new Trinity area, and Archdale-Trinity Middle would feed into the Wheatmore High area. Trotter also said he was hoping to examine some property on Surrett Drive that may be ideal for a new middle school to feed into Trinity High. However, the board would need funding from the Randolph County Board of Commissioners for all of the options, including building a new middle school. Superintendent Donald Andrews said the goal is to have a decision on one of the options by the fall of next year. Residents may comment on the options on the Randolph County Schools Web site. dignasiak@hpe.com | 888-3657

Mostly cloudy High 62, Low 34 6D


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