TVT Rate Card 2011

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Thomasville Times Local Names, Local Faces, Local News Published Mornings - Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday

Retail Advertising Rates & Data RATES EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2011

210 Church Avenue, PO Box 1009, High Point, NC 27261 • 336-888-3500 • Fax 336-888-3642 1. PERSONNEL Mike Starn, Publisher Lynn Wagner, Advertising Director Elizabeth Hyde, Advertising Sales Manager

2. REPRESENTATIVES Retail Advertising: Annissa Beal (336) 888-3524

3. TERMS AND CONDITIONS – All local rates are non-commissionable – Rates subject to change upon 30 days written notice. – The advertiser may not lend his/her contract rate to any other organization or individual. – Charges to an account are due and payable within 30 days of billing date.


ADVERTISING - is paid in advance of publication until the advertiser has established credit with the Thomasville Times. Unfulfilled contracts are subject to a short rate. Contracts are considered to be in force beyond term unless canceled by either party upon 30 days written notice. The current rate cards shall be considered an addendum to all current contracts. ERRORS - the publisher is not liable for slight typographical errors or other minor mistakes that do not lessen the value of the advertisement. The publisher’s liability for other errors is limited to the publication of the advertisement or the refund of money paid for the advertisement. Please check your advertisement on the first day of publication. The Thomasville Times will not give credit for errors after the first insertion. The Thomasville Times will not be held libel for the omission of an advertisement. All claims for adjustments must be made within 5 business days of insertion of advertisement. All make good ads must run within 5 days of original insertion. INDEMNIFICATION - the advertiser and/or advertising agency agrees to defend and indemnify the publisher against any and all liability, loss or expense arising from claims of liable, unfair competition, unfair trade practices, infringement of trademarks, copyrights, trade names, propriety rights or violation of rights of privacy resulting from the publication of any advertisement. POLITICAL ADVERTISING - Political advertisements are subject to State Board of Elections regulations. All political advertising must be paid in advance. GOING OUT OF BUSINESS - advertising is payable in advance. CONTRACT RATES - are not interchangeable between retail, classified or national categories.

TAX - Should any tax be levied on advertising charges, the advertiser or agency assumes responsibility for payment thereof. BROKERED SPACE - The Thomasville Times does not accept brokered space. DISPLAY ADVERTISEMENTS - must be at least one column wide by one inch deep. Advertisements exceeding 18.5 inches in depth will be charged for full column (21”). Copy Regulations (a.) The Thomasville Times reserves the right to revise or reject any advertisement. (b.) The Thomasville Times is not responsible for orders, cancellations or other instructions given over the telephone without written confirmation. (c.) The Thomasville Times reserves the right to identify “news-style advertisements” with the word “advertisement”. (d.) Position is not guaranteed but the Thomasville Times will make an effort to accommodate the advertiser’s request. Requested positioning may be guaranteed with 15% premium.

5. RETAIL ADVERTISING RATES A. OPEN RATE $11.52 per column inch B. PICK-UP RATE $7.25 per column inch Retail advertising run in The High Point Enterprise or Archdale-Trinity News may be run in the Thomasville Times for the above pick-up rate. No copy changes allowed. C. CONTRACT DISCOUNTS 1. WEEKLY SPACE RATES Min. Inches 52 Week 13 Week Per Week Rate Rate 4” $7.69 $8.25 8” $6.66 $7.23 15” $6.30 $6.87 2. ANNUAL DOLLAR VOLUME Open $11.52 $1,200 $8.99 $3,000 $8.09 $4,750 $7.29 $6,000 $6.94 $7,250 $6.59 $9,750 $6.26 $18,000 $5.95 $35,000 $5.75 3. SPECIAL CLASSIFICATIONS Political (Net Cash In Advance).....$11.52 in. Obituary..........................................$9.33 in. Legal Notices............................... $10.07 in. Church, Charity & Civic...................$9.33 in. Special Sections.............................$7.95 in.

4. PREPRINT RATES Open 6X 12X 24X 36X 48X card/single sheet 42 40 39 38 37 36 4 Pg. Tab 46 44 42 40 39 38 6 Pg. Tab 49 46 45 43 42 41 8-16 Pg. Tab 64 61 59 57 55 53 20+ Pg. Tab 85 80 75 70 67 64 Times – Tues., Thurs., & Sat. 4,300 Horizons – Wed. 18,000 Shipping Address for inserts: Durham Herald Sun 2828 Pickett Road, Durham, NC 27705 Drivers may call for directions: 1-800-672-0061 and ask for option #7 Reservations and materials must be received at least 10 days prior to publication. 5. FREQUENCY DISCOUNTS Advertisers who wish to repeat an ad within 7 days pay full price for the first insertion will get a 40% discount on the 2nd insertion, 50% on the 3rd and 60% on the 4th insertion. Subject to the following: – No copy or size changes. – Discounts will be applied to lowest priced insertions in the schedule. – Does not apply to color charges.

6. Horizons

Thomasville Times Total Market Coverage Publication 18,000 Total Circulation Carrier Delivered Every Wednesday Daily Rate Applies

7. Color Rates Black & One Color...................................$75 Black &Two Colors................................$150 Black &Three Colors..............................$200

8. Special Services A. Outproofs: Proofs emailed - hand delivered on request. B. Tearsheets: Max.10 Tearsheets C. Art Services: Includes Special Layouts, All Newspaper Art Services. D. Co-Op: Complete Dept. Including Separate Co-op Bills & Tearsheets with Regular Statement if Notified When Scheduling Ad.

9. Special Days TV/Entertainment – Wednesday- Horizons Best Food Day – Thursday Real Estate – Saturday Religion – Saturday

11. Display Deadlines All advertising copy to be released to our representative in time to process for deadline. ISSUE DEADLINE TUESDAY...........................................THURSDAY 5:00 PM THURSDAY............................................MONDAY 5:00 PM SATURDAY......................................WEDNESDAY 5:00 PM HORIZONS......................................WEDNESDAY 5:00 PM FOR FOLLOWING WEEK

Holidays – 24 Hours In Advance Of Deadline; Special Sections – Five Working Days In Advance Of Printing Date; Ask for Special Section Schedule with deadline information.

12. Classified Advertising Rates Open Rate....................................$18.86pci. Call our representatives at 336-888-3555.

13. Legal Rates

Legal Liner...................89¢ perline/per day.

14. National Advertising Rates Open Rate.....................................$16.09 in. Call for volume contract pricing. Standard agency discount of 15% applies.

15. Circulation Statement of ownership management and circulation available on request.

16. Mechanical Requirements 85 LINE SCREEN Screen angles are Cyan-105, Magenta-75, Yellow-90, Black-45 Compensate for 30% dot gain on press Page Width: 10 Inches or 60 Picas Page Depth: 21 Inches Tabloid Page Size 10”x 10” Ads over 18” in depth will be charged full column depth of 21 inches. RETAIL - 6 column ad format 1 Col. 9p2 1.5278 Inches 2 Col. 19p4 3.222 Inches 3 Col. 29p6 4.9167 Inches 4 Col. 39p8 6.6111 Inches 5 Col. 49p10 8.3056 Inches 6 Col. 60p 10 Inches Double Truck 126p 21 Inches CLASSIFIED - 6 column ad format 1 Col. 9p2 1.5278 Inches 2 Col. 19p4 3.222 Inches 3 Col. 29p6 4.9167 Inches 4 Col. 39p8 6.6111 Inches 5 Col. 49p10 8.3056 Inches 6 Col. 60p 10 Inches Double Truck 126p 21 Inches


Adobe Acrobat PDF files are preferred. We recommend using compression software such as Stuff-lt or Zip-lt to reduce the size of your file. Place all ad elements in one folder, then compress the entire folder before sending. – E-mail is preferred delivery method. Please send to: – CDs also are acceptable – TIFF, EPS, JPEG, PSD, and AI files are accepted. – All picture files should be at least 200 dpi (300 dpi for specialty magazines); Line art should be 600 dpi. – AP Adsend, AdTransit or FastChannel. – Acceptable software format for native files: Adobe InDesign CS1 or CS2. – We do not accept file from Pagemaker, Excel, Quark, Powerpoint or Publisher. – Color ads must be CMYK not RGB. For questions regarding electronic delivery please call your representative.

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