East Davidson baseball making serious run at CCC title. See Story, Page 7
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Lifelong Health
Get the latest in health from columnist Dr. David Lipschitz. See Column, Page 4
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Spring Daze slated for Saturday in Thomasville BY ERIN WILTGEN Staff Writer
From exotic jewelry to flags to tomato plants, the Spring Daze festival in Thomasville has it all. More than 80 vendors will pack the Chair City’s main street on Saturday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., making the event the biggest ever. “We’ve run out of spaces,” said Carol Brown, director of the Beautification Committee. “We’ve gone out and re-measured and even squeezed in some places to make room for everyone.” When Spring Daze began in 2004, the product tents clustered around the depot. “Now it goes all the way to the big chair,” Brown said. “It’s really grown.” Besides food vendors, businesses and individuals selling their wares, and organizations offering information, the event also features live music at the bandstands on Main Street. And with a beautiful weather forecast, Brown said she expects a large turnout. “It’s just a good atmosphere about it, it’s not hustle and bustle,” she said. “It’s not all commercialized. It’s not like a regular street festival.” Vendors offer a variety of goods. Though many
See DAZE, Page 3
BOE sets Hege hearing date Board members to meet after May 4 primary BY ELIOT DUKE Staff Writer LEXINGTON — Davidson County Board of Elections voted to proceed with an evidentiary hearing on May 7 to determine whether Gerald Hege is qualified to run for re-election as sheriff. The hearing will decide if the merits of 13 signed affidavits from protesters to disqualify Hege from the Republican primary based on the fact that he is a convicted felon and can not be in the custody, care or control of firearms are legitimate. “In the end, it’s not what we think is true, it’s what we are able to show at this time,” Jon Myers, BOE board member, said during Monday morning’s hearing at the Davidson County governmental building. “In the light of that, while not a determination on the merits and not a definitive answer on anything contained in the affidavits, in order to gain more information so that we can allow the parties to come forward and present their own information, at this time I would make a motion that, based on the verified affidavits, the information contained in those affidavits and the information available to us, that the board find probable cause exists to conduct a full evidentiary hearing to allow both parties to come forward and present the evidence that we need to know to make a final decision.” Myers said that according to
Davidson County Board of Election members (L-R) Jon Myers, Randall Lanier and Betty Almond review affidavits during Monday morning’s meeting at the Davidson County Governmental Center. Below, former Davidson County Sheriff Gerald Hege awaits the board’s decision as to whether he is qualified to run. of the affidavits to be true, and we look at what is known at this time, I do not think that we have confirmed information that all five requirements have been met.” Hege did plead guilty to two felony obstruction of justice counts in 2004 but had his citizenship rights restored and filed to become a registered voter on Oct. 10, 2008, after completing conditions of his probation. Ruth Huneycutt, BOE director, said that Hege signed an oath saying he met all the requirements to register to vote, but the board has no official
the North Carolina constitution, a person must meet five qualification guidelines to run for public office: The candidate has to be born in the United States or be a nationalized citizen, be at least 18 years of age or older, must have resided in his/her current precinct for the last 30 days, cannot be a convicted felon, or if the candidate is a convicted felon, he/she must have citizenship rights restored and be a registered voter. “While we may believe certain requirements have been met, it’s my personal opinion that we do not have documentation of all those things,” said Myers. “If we take the statements
See BOE, Page 3
Yard sale to benefit ‘Relay’ Ghost hunters make visit to TPD BY ELIOT DUKE
Staff Writer
The cycle of life and death is nothing new to Scott Kramer. As the director of Thomasville Funeral Home, Kramer has dealt with that delicate balance many times. But on Saturday, Kramer will help commemorate those who have fought against that balance through cancer. Thomasville Funeral Home, located at 18 Randolph St., will hold a yard sale celebration — complete with bingo, raffles and live music — from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Proceeds will benefit Davidson County Relay For Life. “We’re just trying to raise some money to get some research going to stop all this suffering,”
A team of ghost hunters spent the night at Thomasville Police Department earlier this month in search of an apparition some officers think has been roaming the halls for more than 50 years. The Winston-Salem Paranormal Society visited TPD on April 10 and stayed from 9 p.m. to 4
See SALE, Page 6
Nancy Joyce (left) and Scott Kramer sort through items for a yard sale to raise funds for Relay for Life.
a.m. in hopes of finding concrete evidence that a specter, believed to be that of a former inmate who hung himself in City Jail No. 1 on Oct. 30, 1956, is really haunting the far west corner of TPD at 7 W. Guilford St. While the team couldn’t guarantee a spirit does exist, some unexplained events that night are at least bringing them back for another visit. “I can’t say for 100
percent certainty that this is a ghost,” Sarah Sherman, lead investigator and cofounder of WSPS, said. “There was too much noise going on outside for most of the night. I, however, found these things to be odd and out of the normal from everything else on the recordings.” Maj. James Mills received a sample record-
See VISIT, Page 3
EDHS student sustains injuries after 30-foot fall BY ELIOT DUKE Staff Writer
Community Sponsor
A East Davidson High School student was airlifted to the hospital Monday afternoon after falling some 30 feet through a skylight at Thomasville High School. According to Thomasville Police De-
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Partly Cloudy 67/45
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What’s Inside
partment, Brian Shuler, 17, was listed in stable condition at Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center Monday evening after he and two other students were on the roof at THS clearing debris and working on a scaffolding as part of a masonry program. At around 2:10
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