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Jimmy Johnson wins fourth NASCAR championship. See Sports, Page 7

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Coming Thursday


Look for a preview of the Bulldogs third round playoff game against Lexington.


119th Year - No. 24 50 Cents

Stores, residents prepare for Black Friday BY KARISSA MINN Staff Writer

This Friday, shoppers all over the city, county and nation are expected to fill retail stores, taking advantage of the retailers’ major sales as they get started on their Christmas shopping. Black Friday is typically the biggest single shopping day of the year, but in a recession, it may be harder for some to justify purchasing much — even at heavily discounted prices.

Thomasville resident Angela Wood said that she wants to take advantage of the Black Friday sales, but she may not have the money to shop. “It’s been really tough, especially with my husband being the only one working, and he has to work according to the weather,” Wood said. “I’m unemployed right now, unfortunately. I’ve been looking for a job, but it’s hard, because in our financial situation, we don’t have a computer. Everybody wants to do everything online, and we’re not there yet.”

Wood said that she has gone shopping on Black Friday before and doesn’t like the crowds, but she goes to buy items while they are on sale. “I hate crowds, but I know I’ve got to do what I’ve got to do sometimes,” she said. Carol Foley, also of Thomasville, said that fighting the holiday crowd has become too much for her. “It ain’t worth it,” Foley said. “I just do my shopping before then, and after everybody else calms down.”

Parade kicks off holiday season

She said she went shopping on Black Friday once in Lexington and once in Thomasville, and then she decided she was done with that chaotic experience. Not everyone minds the crowds and the excitement, though. Thomasville resident Craig McDaniel said that he would love to shop on Black Friday, but he won’t be able to this year. “I would go if I didn’t have to work,” said McDaniels, an airplane mechanic

See PREPARE, Page 3

Purdue pushes for Yadkin bridge replacement funds

“I have been very hopeful ever since we put the application in,” the govGREENSBORO — Gov. ernor said. “The North Beverly Perdue reiter- Carolina Railroad has a ated, during a recent visit project [for which they to the Triad, how the state want stimulus money] and I just simply told leadership them, ‘Your project is was wholeimportant, but North heartedly Carolina has one project behind the [competing for aid from effort to sethe federal discretionary cure a fedfund] and that’s the I-85 eral grant Yadkin River Bridge.’” to pay for One reason Perdue has replacebeen so upbeat about the Perdue ment of the state’s chances of receivbridge that crosses the Yadkin River ing this grant is that it has received support outon Interstate 85. “Every member of the side of North Carolina. “We’ve had the mayor [N.C.] congressional delegation has signed on of Atlanta and other folks [in support of this proj- from out-of-state weigh in ect],” Perdue said dur- that, even though it is in ing a recent interview at our state and that comthe Sheraton Greensboro munity (at the DavidsonRowan county line), the At Four Seasons. “All of our state’s [U.S.] repre- bridge is extremely imsentatives and senators portant for I-85,” she said. agree with me that, even “It’s really a major hub for interstate commerce up though there and down the are other eastern seaprojects, this board. If that is the one we ‘It’s really a bridge were must concenmajor hub for to collapse, it trate on.” would totally Last Februinterstate comdecimate ary, Perdue merce up and America’s announced economy.” that North down the eastInterstate Carolina had ern seaboard.’ 85 runs from made only — Gov. Bev Perdue Petersburg, one request Va., to Montto the newly gomery, Ala. created fedThere are eral discrecurrently no tionary fund — and that was $300 mil- toll booths on this heavlion to replace the Yadkin ily traveled highway, but River Bridge. She said elected officials have said there was $1.5 billion in privately and publicly this fund and last week that if the federal grant is Sen. Kay Hagan pointed not received, a toll charge out there were already would be necessary to $58 billion in requests help pay for a replacement throughout the country bridge in that location. In for assistance from this addition to replacing the bridge on I-85, the projfund. Despite the stiff com- ect would widen a stretch petition for these dollars, of 6.8 miles of the interPerdue remains optimis- state in both counties tic that North Carolina from four lanes to eight, will be successful in its as well as improve interefforts to receive this $300 See BRIDGE, Page 3 million grant.


Times Correspondent

Above, children from Bobbi’s School of Dance wave to onlookers at the annual Christmas Parade Saturday. At right, Susie Truell (aka Cat in the Hat) rides with children from Communities in Schools on the Thomasville Times parade float. The parade was sponsored by the Fair Grove Lions Club. TIMES PHOTOS/ZACH KEPLEY

Ministry offers free Thanksgiving dinner BY KARISSA MINN Staff Writer

His Laboring Few Ministries is preparing for its annual Thanksgiving dinner, which serves anyone who needs a hot meal this Thursday. Preacher Steve, with His Laboring Few, said that people can sit and eat the free meal at Carter Brothers Barbecue, 2305 North Main St. in High Point, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Thursday. They also can pick up meals to go.

In addition, His Laboring Few delivers plates to shut-ins and the elderly who can’t come get a meal. “It’s something that we started in 1993 to help people who may not have the opportunity to have a Thanksgiving meal, and who may be alone,” Steve said. “We get to minister with them, talk with them, pray with them and just spend time with them.” It has since expanded into a partnership with Carter Brothers, which opened its doors to the

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ministry eight years ago and donates some of the food. The dinner will be a traditional Thanksgiving meal that includes turkey, yams, green beans, dressing, gravy and dessert. Steve said that there is typically enough food on each plate to feed two people. “It’s just an opportunity to help in the community, draw people together, and share Thanksgiving and truly be thankful for the Lord Jesus Christ, first of all, and then

See DINNER, Page 3

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Partly Cloudy 65/45

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