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Thursday, November 26, 2009
119th Year - No. 25 50 Cents
Suspect in armed robbery sought BY LISA WALL Editor
Thomasville Police are searching for a man they believe robbed Members Credit Union Monday morning. Kelvin James Crosby, 28, has been identified as a suspect in the case by the Thomasville Police Department, and is wanted on a charge of robbery with a dangerous weapon. Crosby was last known to be living in High
just as she should have Point. He is wanted on — and the suspect left similar charges in High on foot in an unknown Point and Winston-Sadirection.” lem, according to a TPD At this time, police are press release. not releasing any infor“We received a call at mation on the type of 10:25 a.m. Monday and weapon used in the robwere told there was an armed robbery in progCrosby bery. Anyone with inforress at [Member Credit mation regarding this Union] 100 Lines St.,” said TPD Sgt. Les Rickard. “He crime or Crosby’s whereabouts, entered the bank and demand- are asked to contact the TPD at 475-4260 or Thomasville Crime ed an undisclosed amount of money. The teller cooperated — Stoppers at 476-TIPS (8477).
CRIME STOPPERS Anyone with information on Crosby’s whereabouts are asked to call 476-TIPS. All calls are confidential.
Improvements to Davidson Academy property approved BY KARISSA MINN Staff Writer
The Davidson County Board of Commissioners voted Tuesday to fund improvements to the former Davidson Academy property, which the board purchased in July. Assistant County Manager Zeb Hanner said that commissioners originally were given a cost of $327,000, but that number was reduced to $272,019 after taking out in-house labor costs. The two buildings will be used by Davidson County Senior Services, Davidson County Parks and Recreation and DavidsonWorks. It will allow DavidsonWorks to be located nearer to the Employment Security Commission, and it also will give the county health department more room in the building it shares with the organization. Local citizen Barney Hill spoke against the budget amendment during the public address, objecting to commissioners spending more money on the property after their $1.825 million purchase. “On the night of the vote, the chairman told you that you were buying a ‘turnkey facility,’” Hill said. “It’s not ‘turnkey’ if it needs $272,000 of upfits.” The amendment was approved 6-1, with Commissioner Larry Potts voting against. Potts said that he appreciated the work done by county employees to estimate and reduce the cost, but he didn’t see why
See PROPERTY, Page 11
TREE TRIMMING TIME Roy McMahon prepares a Christmas tree for a customer Tuesday night at Goldies Christmas Tree Lot, located at the corner of National Highway and Hasty School Road near Midway Plaza. Goldies offers fresh trees ranging in price from $23.50 to $30 from 9 a.m. to 9 a.m. daily.
Program looks to fill Christmas ‘wish lists’ BY LISA WALL Editor
There is little more heart warming than seeing the joy on a child’s face as they rip into paper and ribbons on Christmas morning to find that special gift. Fairgrove Family Resource Center is working to ensure that every child can enjoy that experience this Christmas. Through their Gifts from the Heart program, the resource center is looking for sponsors for more than 350 children who otherwise might not have a gift under the tree this year. “Gifts from the Heart is a very rewarding experience for anyone that participates in the program,” said Terri Nelson, director of Fairgrove Family Resource Center (FFRC). “Many families sponsor children in lieu of exchanging gifts with each other because they want to make sure that there is no child that wakes up Christmas morning without a gift under the tree. “Our goal is to make sure that there isn’t any child wondering why Santa didn’t come to see me.” Sponsors for Gifts from the Heart are asked to spend $100 for each child. A clearly defined “wish list” is given to the sponsor, which includes items of need and a few wants
See WISH, Page 11
Organization highlights other families with ‘extreme’ needs BY KARISSA MINN Staff Writer This month, one family battling cancer in Davidson County received a dream home from ABC’s “Extreme Makeover: Home Edition,” with the help of thousands of volunteers and supporters. The Creasey family of Lexington needed the help that was given to them, but so do many other families all across the county. Caron Myers, director of Davidson County Cancer Services, said that there are 700 cancer patients currently in the county. A significant number of them are so sick that they can’t work or do repairs on their own home. “We already knew that there were
Community Sponsor
several needs in the community,” Myers said. “What the extreme home makeover has done is let us know that together, this community could rally together and do this for other families.” The family of Kate Thornton, who was diagnosed with leukemia last August, was in the running for the extreme home makeover. The Thomasville family may not have received a dream home, but Kate is getting to take her first trip to Walt Disney World in Florida, thanks to the MakeA-Wish Foundation, which helps grant the wishes of children with lifethreatening illnesses. She left Sunday and is coming back Saturday.
Four-year-old Kate Thornton rides with her mother Susan See NEEDS, Page 11 Saturday in the Thomasville Christmas Parade.
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