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TMC to hold annual Christmas Tree Lighting today at 6:30 p.m. DCCC takes the court against Vance-Granville.

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Syndicated Columnist Dr. David Lipschitz offers tips to preventing holiday depression. See Page 4.


See Sports, Page 7

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

119th Year - No. 27 50 Cents

State enacts new laws for cell phone usage BY ELIOT DUKE Staff Writer

Nearly 50 new state laws come into effect today that will change the legal landscape of North Carolina in a variety of ways. Effective today, using cell phones to send emails or text messages while driving is illegal and is punishable by a $100 fine and court costs. Violations will not result

in points on a driver’s license or insurance surcharges, and the law does not apply to on-duty police officers, firefighters or ambulance drivers. North Carolina joins more than a dozen states who have passed such legislation. Capt. James Mills with Thomasville Police Department and Davidson County Sheriff David Grice said officers will go easy on motorists caught

‘We need to do our best to let people know that this is a new law and you can receive a citation for a violation.’ — Capt. James Mills Thomasville Police Department texting behind the wheel as more and more people learn of the new law. Passengers in a vehicle are still allowed to use their cell phones for such

tasks. “We need to do our best to let people know that this is a new law and you can receive a citation for a violation,” Mills said.

“You’re basically doing multiple things when you drive. Adding texting is ultimately distracting because you’ve got to see what you’re sending and read what you’re receiving. It will be up to officer’s discretion, initially, but I think most will issue warning citations until most citizens are familiar with the law.” A key challenge for police will be determining whether a person is ac-

tually violating the law by texting or sending an e-mail. Grice said his officers will have to make the discretionary call, as the legislation doesn’t offer a lot of guidance when it comes to enforcement. “It’s hard to tell if someone’s texting or just dialing a phone number unless they just drive beside you,” said Grice. “Sometimes in the grand

See LAWS, Page 6

Council approves new guidelines for flea markets BY ELIOT DUKE Staff Writer


‘SOUP FOR SOUTHMONT’ Members of the Davidson County Civitan Club collected non-perishable food items for the Upper Room Food Pantry. Stacking items from the ‘Soup For Southmont’ project are (from left) Chaplain Anna Louvet, PresidentElect Stacey Wright, Karen Craven and Secretary Sissy Lambeth. See Story, Page 10.

Thomasville City Council unanimously approved an ordinance amendment for flea markets at a special session Monday night. Feeling that flea markets and open air sales require additional regulation to ensure public safety, City Council outlined new guidelines regarding parking, location and inspection certification approval. A public hearing allowed citizens to express both support and opposition to the new ordinance. “Thomasville should continue to allow different entrepreneurs the opportunity to be able to continue making sales at

the flea market,” resident Earl Harrison said. “I’m asking that the city consider allowing the spirit of entrepreneurship to be among our city.” Thomasville resident Barney Hill opposed the ordinance and questioned whether or not it included indoor flea markets and if the recent moratorium would be lifted as well. “A flea market is supposed to be a place where you might get fleas on you,” said Hill. “It is slightly sleazy, and maybe even a little bit dangerous. That is the charm. Strapping this venerable American institution into the straightjacket of respectability will destroy its essence, and take away

See MARKETS, Page 6

TMC to hold annual lighting of the Christmas trees BY LISA WALL Editor

The lighting of the Christmas tree is a long-standing holiday tradition as families come together to string lights and garland and hang their most prized decorations in the spirit of the season. Thomasville Medical Center has established its own tradition with its annual Christmas Trees of Davidson County display, which will begin today at 6:30 p.m. in the hospital lobby. Old-fashioned carolers from Mt. Zion Wesleyan Church will offer sounds of the season as visitors enjoy the magical experience of 60 trees being lit simultaneously. Even good ole Saint Nick

will makes a special appearance for the holiday festivities. Hot cider and cookies also will be served. “This is the [TMC] Foundation’s gift to the community during the holidays and serves as a holiday greeting to those who support us throughout the year,” said Linda Hunt, executive director of the Thomasville Medical Center Foundation. “It is truly a spectacular sight to stroll through the lobby of sparkling and festive Christmas trees.” Jane Wilder, TMC community relations director, says the event has become so popular that many retirement communities bring residents in by the bus load to

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Thomasville Medical Center will have its Christmas tree lighting tonight at 6:30 See TREES, Page 6 p.m. in the hospital lobby.

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Sunny 55/35

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