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East Davidson takes the court against Trinity in first game of the season. See Story, Page

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Inside Today


Find recap of UNC’s win over Michigan State in today’s Sports, Page 7.


119th Year - No. 28 50 Cents

A Family Affair

Jobless rate in county sees slight increase

Thomasville family shares passion for the stage

BY ELIOT DUKE Staff Writer

Davidson County’s unemployment rate climbed in October as more and more people continue struggling to find work. According to statistics released by the North Carolina Employment Security Commission, the unemployment rate in Davidson County rose to 13.1 percent last month, which is up from September’s mark of 12.5 percent. Davidson was one of 74 counties in the state that saw an increase in unemployment. “While some of the increases are seasonal, there is a continued effort throughout the state from this recession,” ESC Chairman Moses Carey Jr. said. “Helping the jobless find work continues to be one of our major

BY ELIOT DUKE Staff Writer

At this year’s Shakespeare Festival in High Point, one local family will bring a definite Thomasville flare to the play “A Christmas Carol.” Meredith Stephens, a Chair City native, and her four children will all take part in the 32nd anniversary of the play based on the classic Charles Dickens novel, which starts this Friday night at the High Point Theater. The show will run until Dec. 20. “It’s great because I think these are the memories that they will carry with them,” Meredith Stephens said. “These are the stories they will tell their children and these are the experiences, I hope, they will want to recreate with the next generation.” This year marks the fifth year Meredith Stephens has been involved with the play, and her children are no strangers to the limelight either. Megan, 15, Laura, 13, James, 11, and Sarah, 7, are all appearing for at least a third time. Two years ago, Sarah, at age five, became the youngest person ever to take part in the show. Friday will be the first time all five family members are performing in “A Christmas Carol” together. Meredith, who home schools her children, relishes spending time with them and feels the acting experience teaches all four invaluable life lessons.

‘We have seen some hiring over the past month, but we also know that layoffs continue to take place.’ COURTESY PHOTO

— Moses Carey Jr.

The Stephens Family — mom Meredith and children Megan, Laura, James and Sarah — all are acting in the Shakespeare Festival’s production of ‘A Christmas Carol.’

ESC Chairman

“They get a lot more out of acting than just the acting,” said Meredith. “They learn about self-control, discipline, working with others in an ensemble situation, giving of yourself because people are depending you, and those are the most important things we take away from it. The confidence they gain from being on stage in front of 900-plus audience member allows them to take that skill into anything they do later in life.” James Stephens is making his third appearance in the play, but this year will be much different than the previous two. James assumes the role of Tiny Tim, the son

of Bob Cratchit who suffers from a debilitating disease in the play. While James said there are some challenges to playing Tiny Tim, living with a family full of actors does have its advantages. “It’s going to be hard being Tiny Tim at my size,” James said. “I’m 4’9” and that will be a little challenging. It’s really fun doing this with my family because we can work on the scripts and can practice lines with each other and still have fun with it. Our family is very happy with our acting.” Laura is playing Tiny Tim’s sister, Martha Cratchit, Sarah will be Ebenezer Scrooge’s finance’s

THS to sponsor Latino College Night Dec. 15 BY ELIOT DUKE Staff Writer

Most students take for granted the chance to go to college, as the opportunity is often known to them from a very early age. Latino students, however, are often unaware what direction to take when it comes to furthering their education beyond high school. Thomasville High School will be offering such students a chance to find out more information about what opportunities are out there for those who would like to earn a college education. On Dec. 15, THS, in conjunction with Fayetteville State University (FSU), is

holding Latino College Night from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. where Hispanic students can find out more information on applying to a university or community college and financial aid and scholarship availability. “This is intended to encourage students to take advantage of educational opportunities,” THS counselor Karen Harris said. “This is the first time we’ve had a joint partnership with the university system to get the word out. Latino students will get to learn what’s available for college and what resources are available to them.”

Community Sponsor

daughter, as well as the character Want, and Megan is part of the guests at Fezziwig’s. James also will play a young Scrooge with Meredith filling a variety of roles, including Mrs. Dilber. “A Christmas Carol” debuted at the Shakespeare Festival in 1977 and has become a holiday tradition in the Piedmont. The play, currently directed by Pedro Silva, has been performed more than 600 times, seating more than 400,000. Ticket prices range from $10 to $31 and are now on sale. For more information, call 8873001 or visit Discounts are available.

goals. We have seen some hiring over the past month, but we also know that layoffs continue to take place. Meanwhile, the ESC is aggressively working to finish the necessary programming of our computer system so that the new extension of claims can be filed and paid.” There are currently 10,091 people out of work who are actively seeking employment in Davidson County, where more than $95 million in unemployment benefits has already been paid out in the past year. Davidson County’s labor force is 76,863, which is down some 3,500 workers from February. In that span, the number of unemployed people decreased by nearly 700

See RATE, Page 3

TREE GLORY Thomasville Medical Center held its annual Tree Lighting Tuesday night in the main lobby. The trees will be on display now through Dec. 28. TIMES PHOTO/LISA WALL

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