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Ledford sweeps West Davidson in court action.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
See Sports, Page 7.
119th Year - No. 34 50 Cents
Local resident makes citizen’s arrest BY ELIOT DUKE Staff Writer
An Archdale man got more than he bargained for Tuesday when he tried to steal from a Thomasville company. According to a Davidson County Sheriff ’s Office press release, Joey Duane Eads, 27, of 6148 Mendenhall Place in Archdale, was in the process of stealing scrap metal from an outbuilding across the street
a neighbor who advised from Cox Transport & him that a white male Oil Company at 299 Gate was inside one of the outRoad when a concerned building across from his citizen intervened. A residence,” Sheriff Daman, who lives on Old vid Grice said. “He was Greensboro Road, spottold the suspect was in ted Eads going in and the center of three buildout of the buildings and ings for quite awhile.” approached the suspect. Eads Grice said that the man Once he realized a crime approached Eady, who was taking place, the man held Eads at gunpoint un- was piling up pieces of scrap metal, including aluminum til police arrived. “The man received a call from and copper, with a handgun.
The citizen, who Grice didn’t want to name, had a concealed weapon permit and managed to detain the suspect while waiting for deputies to arrive at the scene. “We certainly appreciate his bravery and assistance,” said Grice. “But we would advise people to take a more safe course of action, like just observe until we get there. If it got confrontational, and a situation arose to where deadly
Fire safety urged amid holiday season
force was needed for a misdemeanor larceny, that might not be good for the person. There are things someone can do like get a description of the vehicle and things of that nature rather than intervening.” Dean Cox, owner of Cox Transport & Oil company, said the same neighbor called his business and said someone was rummaging around in the
See ARREST, Page 4
Food drive offerings trickle in slowly
Staff Writer
Staff Writer
Lights, candles and cooking may make the holiday season festive, but without proper care, they also increase a family’s risk of a home fire. “Unattended cooking is the leading cause of U.S. home fires and home fire injuries, usually involving the stovetop,” said Dolly Hulin, fire and life safety director at Thomasville Fire Department. “We recommend that parents create a ‘kid-free zone’ at least three feet around the stove or any areas where hot food and drinks are prepared.” The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) recommends that people stay in the kitchen when frying, grilling or broiling food. When simmering, boiling, basting or roasting, check food
See SAFETY, Page 4
TPD TOY DRIVE The Thomasville Police Department recently concluded its annual toy drive. The toy drive began in November and ended last week with the presentation of the toys to Cooperative Community Ministries, who will distribute the toys to local children. Members of the Thomasville Police Department and other city departments donated a variety of toys for all ages. The Police Department has led this drive for over 10 years and says it will continue to support this effort in helping the community. Front, from left are Officer Jeremy Rowe, Officer Brandon Widener, Lt. Raymond Widener, Officer Chet Jarrell (back) Officer Eric Taylor, Ann Williams, Sonja Crumbley, Sgt. Jason Baity and Cindy Pope.
This year, the Thomasville Times/Parks and Recreation Community Food Challenge needs the community’s help more than ever. The need is much greater than in recent years, but donations are off to a slow start. Only 1,800 items into the goal of 10,000, the Times encourages its readers to give anything they can to help serve local families. “We’ve seen a drop in the number of businesses signing up for the food drive this year, as well as the number of items each are able to collect,” Times Editor Lisa Wall said. “Our hope is to have a big push in donations these last few weeks to help these agencies serve families in need in our community.”
See FOOD, Page 3
Economy takes toll on donations BY ELIOT DUKE Staff Writer
Tough economic times not only affect how much people can give to their own families, it impacts the amount of money that is often donated to local organizations whose main purpose is helping those in need. So is the case for the High Point-Thomasville chapter of the American Red Cross. Over the past year, monetary donations are down considerably, forcing the nonprofit organization into making some difficult decisions. “I would say donations are down between 10 and 12 percent,” Bob Ziegler, executive
‘We are already on a cost-saving mode and have been for quite awhile.’ — Robert Ziegler High Point-Thomasville Chapter, American Red Cross director for the local chapter, said. “We’re already on a costsaving mode and have been for awhile.” One of those cost-saving measures involved the organization not filling two positions in the past year. Ziegler said
Community Sponsor
a staff member had to be laid off a year ago and another position left vacant has yet to be filled. Volunteers have stepped up and helped fill the void, and the nonprofit has had to look at other ways to save every dollar. “We’ve got a couple positions that we’re not filling for the time being,” said Ziegler. “We’ve changed some internal operations, like working with a cheaper copy machine. Every little thing we can find and do, we’re doing.” Due to lack of donations, Ziegler said the local Red Cross is having to dip into reserve funds to get by while op-
See TOLL, Page 4
Robert Ziegler, executive director of the High Point-Thomasville American Red Cross gives blood during the Holiday Blood Drive Tuesday.
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