YWCA 2012

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eliminating racism empowering women

www.ywcahp.com When one asks about the

We Are Growing Our Future, Join Us!

YWCA and what we do, the


he YWCA High Point has been delivering vital and unique services to children, women, men and families in our community since 1920. While some think of the YWCA only in the terms of the “pool”, the YWCA is more in that we provide opportunity for individuals to grow through our youth services, adolescent parenting, pottery and arts and the women’s resource center. As individuals grow into self sufficiency, they are able to lead productive, independent lives and contribute to our community’s growth. In 2011, the YWCA High Point worked with Freeman Kennett Architects to create a master plan for the YWCA High Point. This plan created a vision to renovate the existing facility located at 112 Gatewood Avenue. This facility was built in 1960 by visionary women and is owned by the YWCA High Point.

The YWCA High Point has had 2 campaigns in our 90 years of history. One in 1920 for $7000 to purchase the original home “The Hut” and the second was in 1959 for $351,000 to build the current facility on Gatewood Avenue. The YWCA High Point is committed to building on our Past, and much of our past is within our facility on Gatewood Avenue. To ensure that this facility can provide programming the YWCA will be renovating the facility to “Grow Our Future”. The YWCA seeks in this Growing Our Future Capital Campaign, gifts and pledges of $2 million. The campaign will begin in March, 2012 and solicitations will be completed by February 2013.

response is:

Front Porch Conversations


he YWCA partners with the City of High Point Human Relations Department to bring you Front Porch Conversations. Launched September 2007, this program is a series of panel discussions on various topics held on 3rd Thursdays at 12:00 noon at our local YWCA. The purpose of the program is to help keep the public informed about racial and social justice issues, to build multicultural & diversity literacy, highlight resources, and propose solutions.

March 15th – Voting Rights April 19th – Fair, Safe & Affordable Housing May 17th – Interracial Dating June 21st – High Point PRIDE

… When we talk about laps, it isn’t just swimming in our pool, it is about rocking babies … When we talk about weight lifting, we are asking you to help lift someone else’s load … When we talk about warming up for the race, it isn’t about our 5K Race, but the about the biggest race of all, the human race. … We are your statue of Liberty: Freedom, Justice and Liberty for all.


eliminating racism, empowering women

ywca of high point • ywca.org

Career Closet

Letter from Executive Director


n looking back over the past year, 2011 brought many blessings to the YWCA. To start the year, two eagle scouts completed their projects at the YWCA. Grey York built bookshelves for the Youth Services Area and Sam Hawley built storage cabinets in the Career Closet. In April, 2011, the YWCA was selected to be a SilverSneakers location, where our facility is now in partnership with various insurance companies to provide fitness and wellness opportunities to seniors in our community. In May, a new state of the art computer lab opened with the support of High Point Community Foundation. This computer lab now allows us to partner with GTCC for basic skills classes and with the Department of Social Services for Job Readiness classes. In August we received a call from a national nonprofit, KaBOOM! asking us to apply for a grant for a new playground. The YWCA was selected as one of eight locations in the nation where Humana was building brand new multigenerational playgrounds. This playground brought the community together and on October 29, 2011, over 275 volunteers came out to build the playground in seven hours. The playground will provide opportunities for all ages to come together and be active. The YW has provided over $30,000 in scholarships within Aquatics and Wellness for individuals and groups to participate in the improving their quality of life.


The YW’s Women’s Resource Center has provided more than 3500 individual services year to date through resource referrals, educational programs, the Baby Basics Closet, the Career Closet, computer lab and Ready To Ride Program. The YW provides a safe place for our youth to come and participate in youth development programs through financial assistance being awarded to 94% of the youth in the program. We have served over 350 youth this year. The Adolescent Parenting Program serves over 60 first time teen mothers, teaching parenting skills, offering support and encouraging continued education. Since 2002 100% of teen mothers in our program have earned their High School diploma or GED. We are breaking the cycle of early motherhood with only having one repeat pregnancy since 2002. Looking into 2012, our YWCA will continue to be a vital resource to women and children in our community. With the continued economic downturn, many families are finding themselves unable to meet basic needs. The YWCA is able to offer support through programs like the Women’s Resource Center, After School Care and the Adolescent Parenting Program. In the spring 2012 we will be opening an area with new fitness equipment. Thank you for investing in the lives of these women and children so that, together, we can make a difference in the Greater High Point community. - Heidi Majors, Executive Director

YWCA BOARD YWCA 2011 Board of Directors Shelley Delmestri President Ann Lynch Vice President Elizabeth Terrell Treasurer Melody Burnett Secretary Peggy Adams Allison Almond Ericka Best-Hunt KJ Grissom Debbie Irvin

Lorraine Klietsch Jan Lowd Lisa Poplin Deena Qubein Samuel Karen Resh Arlene Reardon Patti Saunders Terri Smith Joyce Trescot Gail Tuttle Nadine Williams Ann York YWCA Advisory Panel Edwin Bass Rae Beck Logan Si Bell

Bill Bencini Charles Cain Lou Cater Tim Ellenberger Carol Jollay Amo Kearns Paul Lessard Debbie Lumpkins Jim Morgan Pat Pate Linda Roney Bobby Smith Margaret Thompson

YWCA Staff Heidi Majors Executive Director Jill Smith Finance Director Jenny Sternecker Aquatics and Wellness Director Joy Ledbetter Adolescent Parenting Director Elizabeth Brannock Youth Services Director

asual Corner, Express, New York & Co. are just a few of the top names that can be found in The Women’s Career Closet Store at the YWCA. The YWCA of High Point supports women to get back into the workforce by dressing them professional clothes for job interviews and new work assignments. Women who are referred to the program are able to clothing. The Career Closet is also open to all as shoppers can come into the Women’s Career Closet Store and shop for name brand clothes for only a fraction of the original price. With our occasional insane sales, for example fill a bag for only 5 dollars, this allows people to get what they need without even having to look at the price tag! 100% of the money raised from Career Closet sales goes to the women’s services

department to help provide education and resources to clients who rely on us for support. “Our women’s resource center has so many ways to help out people in the community”. Not only does it provide resources to people who need direction, there are computer labs for people working at online classes, posting resumes or doing job searches.

Women’s Resource Center


he primary purpose of the Women’s Resource Center is to empower and support women and their families in achieving their personal and professional goals through information, education, referral and support services to eliminate the barriers they face. These objectives will be accomplished by providing services/programs in the following areas: Support Services include the Baby Basic Closet, Ready to Ride Program (provide car seats to low income families at a reduced cost), Women In Transition, Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Lunch & Learn and Support Group, and

additional Support Groups that will be made available based on the needs of the community at the YWCA. Women’s Empowerment Program includes Dollars and Sense, Economic Seminars, Empowerment Seminars, and a Career Closet providing clothing for individuals’ entering/re-entering the job market. The Resource and Referral Program includes one on one information and referrals of all Human Services Providers in the community; the Resource Library and there is also a computer lab where individuals can use for research, job searching and self education

Oil Painting The YWCA offers Oil Painting Classes and workshops under the instruction of Peggy Barnes. Classes are offered on various times for 4 weeks.

Dollars & Sense


he Dollars & Sense program for women is a basic financial understanding program aimed to help women and their families achieve financial independence through basic knowledge. The program is no only offered at the YWCA but through many partner agencies throughout High Point. Participants learn how to open

checking and savings accounts, what a credit rating is and how to improve it. They make a family budget and set goals in a fun environment and at a level anyone can understand. “Basic financial education does not have to be rocket science but it is essential knowledge, and knowledge is power, and our goal is to empower all women and their families”.

eliminating racism, empowering women

ywca of high point • ywca.org

Baby Basics Closet


imes are hard for most families but for some families in Guilford County it’s harder than others and for those families with infant children the YWCA has The Baby Basic Program. The YWCA is the only agency in Guilford County offering a program of this type. The Baby Basics Closet provides low income families with much needed items for their newborn/toddler at no charge, with infant care supplies. This much needed program helps relieve some of the stress struggling family’s face every day. All of the items in the Baby Basics Closet are donated by individuals, church groups and community organizations. “Care packages” are then distributed to the referred families by human service workers, nurses and other organizations.

Adolescent Parenting Program


he Adolescent Parenting Program has been a Hallmark Program of the YWCA High Point since 1986. The program supports adolescent parents ages 19 and under who are still in school or working toward GED completion to acquire job skills, improve parenting abilities, delay future pregnancies and help them become self sufficient while being able to support themselves and their families. Through individual goal planning, home and school visits and group sessions monthly with guest speaker discussing a wide range of issues that adolescent parents encounter daily. The YWCA encourages mom and baby bonding while offering Mom and Tot Swim Lessons. Our participants are empowered to become self-sufficient and build a better future for their babies. In the previous school year the program has

had 5 participants to graduate from high school and continued there education at a Community College. This year we are proudly to announce that we have 4 participants graduating from school and wish to further there education. The program encourages participants to further there education by scheduling college tours with the surrounding colleges. The Adolescent Parenting Program shapes and inspires participant to think critically about decision making. Programs and activities are planned to enhance and increase prior knowledge that participants have about a particular topic. The YWCA does not view this program as a support group, but more as family unit working together, supporting and encouraging each other to reach their goals.

Diversity 101: Starting Points and Definitions


earn the basics of cultural competency and its importance to your organization. Participants examine the differences in bigotry and racism, ethnicity and race, power and privilege and a host of topics to start the journey towards cultural competency. Structured

activities enable participants to appreciate the value of cultural competence in the workplace and everyday society. This class is offered on a monthly basis from 8:30 am to 1:30 pm and cost $40, which includes lunch. March 1st, April 5th and May 3rd.

Diversity Dramatist

programs to colleagues on a wide-range of diversity issues for staff development and community relations. The second tier is a program format featuring a series of live dramatic scenarios by trained Diversity Dramatist for the purpose of stimulating discussion between audience members and the actors about cultural misperceptions, assumptions, marginalization and miscommunication. On April 9th & 10th, students from the community will be trained in the Diversity Dramatist model and will then be ready to go out into the community to perform for various groups.


he Diversity Dramatist is a new program for the YWCA High Point. This program began in 1995 by Dr. Charlotte Hamlin of Guilford College. In the fall of 2011, Dr. Hamlin has turned over the copyrights of Diversity Dramatist to the YWCA of High Point. Diversity Dramatist is a two tier program. The first is a training program which will prepare non-professional actors from organizations and the community to become Diversity Dramatist and provide on-going live drama

AT A GLANCE ywca • save the dates

Summer Camp Registration Opens: 3/1/12 Diversity 101 March 1st 8:30 – 1:30 Art & Spirituality March 6th – 27th Tuesdays 6 pm – 8 pm

ywca After School Registration Begins for 2012-13 School Year July 2nd Parents Night Out September 21st Monster Mash October 26th 7 pm – 10 pm

Prom Dress Sale March 10th

YWCA 5K Challenge For Change November 10th

Lifeguard Class starts March 16th

Parents Night Out November 16th

CPR / AED Class March 17th

Ginger Bread House Workshop December 13 5:30-7pm

Diversity 102 March 22nd t 8:30 – 1:30

Discounted Family Days $2.00 pool guest fee Feb 26, March 25 & April 29

Customer Service In the Real World March 29th – 8:30 – 1:30 Diversity 101 April 5th 8:30 – 1:30 Administrative Professionals Appreciation Luncheon April 25th 11:30 - 1 Diversity 102 April 26th 8:30 – 1:30 Parents Night Out April 27th Politics & Fashion (Fashion Show) April 28 at 7pm Diversity 101 May 3rd 8:30 – 1:30 Hip Hop Show May 25th @ 8 pm Summer Camp Begins June 11th

Pottery Work Shop “Casserole Dish” March 14th- make pottery March 21st- glaze pottery Pottery Work Shop “Woven Baskets” April 11th- make pottery April 18th- glaze pottery Pottery Work Shop “Flower Pots” May 9th- make pottery May 16th- glaze pottery Pottery Work Shop “Chip and Dip Set” June 6th – make pottery June13th- glaze pottery Youth Pottery Summer Camp June 18th – 22nd - 9 am - noon June 25th – 29th - 9 am - noon $110 members $135 Nonmembers

For more information on any of the programs you see featured in this section, please call: 882-4126 or email: hmajors@hpywca.org

Aquatics & Wellness New Wellness for the New Year! Jump into our wellness programs and our new fitness equipment The YWCA offers various classes to target all of our members and upcoming members, including yoga, Zumba, Yoga, Silver Sneakers and more. Keep a look out for our brand new fitness equipment for our fitness room coming in May 2012!

Silver Sneakers

Hop into our pool!

Swim Lessons

Water Fitness

Red Cross

The YWCA is partnered with Silver Sneakers. Silver Sneakers is a fun, energizing program targeted for older adults and seniors to help live a fit, active and independent lifestyles by encouraging physical activity and offering social events.

We are opened all year long! Book your next birthday party, boy and girl scouts, baptisms, after school groups, socials and church groups! Contact jsternecker@ywcahp. com. The pool is open to lap swimming, groups, family gatherings, and fellowship.

We offer swimming lessons for all ages 6 months and older. Prices start at $40 for members, $60 for nonmembers. Private swim lessons are also available. We also offer the opportunity to daycares and school groups to arrange a time for field-trips and swim lessons. Book your next swim lesson with the YWCA.

The YWCA offers water fitness classes for seniors, and adults. We have classes targeted to arthritis, rehabilitations and strength training. Morning, afternoon and evening classes are available.

Looking to become a certified lifeguard? Looking to become certified in CPR? Or First Aid? Enroll in a class at the YWCA today! The YWCA is an authorized provider for health and safety classes for the American Red Cross.

YWCA Summer Camp Program Summer is an exciting time. Almost every school aged child looks forward to what will happen each summer all year long. Children that come to the YWCA High Point summer camp can expect the long wait to be well worth it! The program is for youth ages 4 years old (must be entering kindergarten) to 8th grade and is open from 7:30am to 6pm Mondays through Friday. There is a junior staff program for high school students who are interested in working with youth. Any child that attends is going to get to do things they have never done before while

also participating in things that have been favorites for all. The YWCA has a wide variety of programs from swimming, computer lab and bible study to arts, crafts and life skills. Children will have fun while in a safe environment surrounded by positive adults who want to see every child grow. The magic about the YWCA program is that members will have a wonderful time but they will also have learned a lot when they have finished. They will have new skills, and gain a stronger understanding of what they expect from themselves and new experiences that will impact their futures.


he Pottery Studio at the YWCA in High Point is going into its fourth year of operation! Despite the success of our program since opening three years ago, many members of the community have commented that they had no idea the YWCA had such a studio and offered classes to the public. Indeed we do. Earlier this year the studio space was expanded into two generous rooms; the original smaller space is now being used for glazing and firing, and the newer, more spacious room is for production. We have four pottery wheels, lots of work space, and a variety of

equipment for both wheel work and hand building. The studio offers a variety of class times with three instructors. The primary instructor is Brooke Avery who is a very talented artist with fine arts degrees and a tremen-

dous amount of pottery experience. We currently offer 6-week sessions and workshops. We are always looking for more students, and welcome anyone to jump in at any time, with a pro-rated fee

if a session has already started. Monthly workshops are offered for small groups of people who want to try pottery for the first time or who want a night out with a special group of friends. Our studio also takes pottery orders from organizations and individuals. We have contracted to make small to large orders of bowls, casseroles, mugs, etc for school donor gifts, wedding parties, golf tournaments, nonprofit needs, etc. It is a friendly, fun atmosphere where we all continue to learn from each other, non-experienced and experienced potters as well.

The Pottery Studio

Youth Services

YWCA After-School Program The YWCA afterschool program is open Monday through Friday from the time schools let out till 6pm. We serve youth from Kindergarten to 8th grade. At the YWCA of High Point we pride ourselves on creating a fun safe environment that pushes all our members to be excellent in everything they do. Funding for partial scholarships is provided by the United Way. The programs that are implemented provide participants the potential to grow in a large variety of areas. Weekly, after school members are given the chance to participate in activities such as swimming, arts

and crafts, bible study, group/ team building activities, service learning, computer lab, outdoor recreation (on a brand new state of the art multigenerational playground), free daily snack and much more.

provides homework help, various activities, snacks and small staff to child ratio programs focused on youth development and personal growth for each participant in a variety of fun beneficial ways.

It is the goal of the YWCA to not just be a place kids can go to but a place kids and their parents can grow. In a society full of so many opportunities good and bad it is important to provide students with a wide range of tools, opportunities and experiences. The YWCA believes this can better prepare our participants to be successful in life. Daily our program

The YWCA is devoted to growing healthy, strong, well balanced youth. Our staff cares about each child that comes through our doors and desires to help each one reach his full potential. We constantly strive to be the high point of our participants lives while exemplifying youth development in the High Point Community.

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