Participatory Video and social Skills PROJECT DETAILS: for Training disadvantaged Adults Budget: 387.321 € Health psychology manageContribution from ment org. services NEWSLETEU: 75% TER Duration: 24 months (2011—2013)
PROJECT PARTNERS - Centro Studi e Formazione Villa Montesca (Italy) - Coordinators - Health Psycology Management Organisation Services (UK) -Public Institution Roma Community Centre (Lithuanian) - Education Center and Social Support for People with Disabilities (Greece) - PATER (Pacto Territorial por el Empleo en La Ribera) (Spain) - Chancengleich in Europa (Germany)
Project n° 517865-LLP-1-2011-1-IT-GRUNDTVIG Agreement n° 2011-3304/001- 001 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use, which may be made of the information contained therein
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Participatory Video and social Skills for Training disadvantaged Adults (VISTA PROJECT)
OBJECTIVES OF THE PROJECT Research on social inclusion by means of Participatory Video methodology
THE VISTA PROJECT The project VISTA explores the method of Participatory Video (PV), to serve as a means of therapy for marginalised and disadvantaged adults with varying disabilities. Adults will explore issues that are significant to them within a safe therapeutic environment . The process will involve the use of a video recorder to document their experiences The use of Participatory Video (PV) methodology gives a voice and a face to those who are normally not heard or seen, even in participatory programmes
PARTICIPATORY VIDEO Participatory Video (PV) is a set of techniques that involves a group or community in different settings to create and shape their own stories through film making. It is a process that empowers and enables individuals to take action to solve their own problems and to communicate their needs and ideas to decision-makers and/or other groups and communities. As such, PV is seen as a highly effective tool to engage and mobilise marginalised and disadvantaged individuals and to help them implement their own forms of sustainable development based on their needs. PV allows individuals to make their own film in which they can shape issues according to their own sense of what is important and also control how they are represented
Conduct video/audio interviews with experts within the field of PV Conduct PV workshops to empower marginalised and disadvantaged communities through video methodology To deepen communities’ understanding of Participatory Videos, its uses and underpinning principles To equip communities with hands-on skills/techniques and practical steps for initiating Participatory Video process To provide communities with an opportunity to reflect on issues relevant to their experiences VISTA PROJECT PARTNERSHIP WEBSITE: