Contact: Mercy Maclean Director of HP-MOS Phone: + 44 (0) 5603116460 Fax : + 44 (0) 8712003701
Registered and Principal Office 7 Blacksmiths Lane, Rainham, RM13 7AD, Essex Phone: + 44 (0) 8712003077 Fax: + 44 (0) 8712003701
Press Release HP - MOS and its 5 European partners are engaged in a project using, Participatory Video (PV) methodology as means of therapy for Training disadvantaged Adults
Project Title: Participatory Video and social Skills for Training disadvantaged Adults (VISTA)
The main objective of the project is to work with six different European institutions/ organisations form the UK, Greece, Italy, Lithuania, Spain & Germany to research and explore the use of Participatory Video (PV) as a set of technique to involve groups or communities in shaping and creating their own stories in a therapeutic context
The target groups of the project are people with mental disabilities from the UK, unemployed with psychic or social hardship form Italy, Roma community from Lithuania, adults with physical disabilities from Greece, groups of long-term unemployed with social difficulties form Spain and disadvantaged migrants from Germany
The use of Participatory Video (PV) methodology in this project serves as a means of therapy by documenting the experiences of marginalised and disadvantaged adults from their own perspectives within a therapeutic context
Documenting the experiences of marginalised and disadvantaged adults from their own perspectives, initiates a process of analysis and change, that celebrates their experiences, whilst stimulating creativity both within and beyond the groups
The use of Participatory Video (PV) methodology gives a voice and a face to those who are normally not heard or seen, even in participatory programmes
The project has received finding from the European Commission