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Keeping your pony cool
As the temperatures rise during the hot summer months, we must pay special attention to the well-being of our ponies. Just like humans, ponies can be susceptible to heat stress and dehydration, so it's essential to take proactive measures to keep them cool and comfortable. In this article, we'll explore some valuable tips on ensuring your pony stays cool and healthy in hot weather.
1. Adequate hydration
Proper hydration is paramount for ponies in hot weather. Ensure your pony has access to clean and cool water at all times. Monitor their water intake regularly, and consider adding electrolyte supplements to their diet to replace the minerals lost through sweating. Encourage drinking by providing water in shaded areas and keeping water buckets clean.
2. Shelter and shade
Ponies, like other animals, need a reprieve from the scorching sun. Ensure your pony has access to shelter and shaded areas throughout the day. Whether it's a well-ventilated barn or natural tree cover, providing a cool space will help your pony escape the heat and prevent heat-related stress.

3. Proper ventilation
If your pony spends significant time in a stable or barn, it's crucial to ensure proper ventilation. Adequate airflow helps dissipate heat and prevents the buildup of hot air. Consider using fans or opening windows to promote air circulation. Avoid confining your pony in poorly ventilated spaces during the hottest parts of the day.
4. Grooming and clipping

Regular grooming is essential for maintaining your pony's coat health and temperature regulation. Brushing helps remove excess hair, dirt, and sweat, allowing the skin to breathe. In some cases, especially for ponies with thick coats, consider a summer clip to reduce the amount of insulation and allow your pony to keep cool.
5. Timing of exercise
If you engage in regular riding or exercise routines with your pony, plan activities during the cooler parts of the day, such as early morning or late afternoon. Avoid strenuous activities during the peak heat hours, as this can lead to overheating. Pay attention to how your pony copes with the heat and adjust the intensity and duration of your sessions accordingly.

Beware African Horse Sickness (AHS)
Culicoides midges are most active first thing in morning and in the evening. Whilst riding in the early morning and late afternoon is more comfortable for you and your pony, you must make sure you use lots of insect repellant as the culicoides midge is most active at these times. The culicoides midge is the insect responsible for spreading AHS, so make sure your pony is vaccinated against this deadly disease, and that he has plenty of insect repellant on before he starts his ride.
6. Wetting down
A quick way to cool your pony is by wetting them with cool water. Use a sponge or a hose to wet the coat. Wetting down your pony can provide instant relief from the heat.

Flies and other insects can exacerbate stress in hot weather. Use fly sprays or fly sheets to protect your pony from irritating pests. Additionally, consider using fans or fly traps in barns to create a more comfortable environment.

Take home message
Taking proactive measures to keep your pony cool during hot weather is essential for their well-being. By providing adequate hydration, shelter, ventilation, and grooming, along with mindful exercise and insect control, you can ensure that your pony stays comfortable and healthy even in the sweltering heat. Regular monitoring and adjusting of your care routine based on weather conditions will go a long way in maintaining your pony's overall health and happiness.