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Pony Q&A
Q: Why do some people put ear bonnets on their ponies when they ride?
A: Ear bonnets for ponies are designed to:
• Keep insects away from your pony’s ears while you ride.
• Help dull loud noises which could scare your pony or cause him to lose concentration.
If your pony isn’t affected by either of these issues, then you don’t need to invest in one, but if your pony is sound sensitive or seems bothered by the insects around his head, then check them out!
ALSO - ear bonnets come in many different designs and colours, meaning you can choose to get one to match your saddle pad, boots or even your own outfit!
Q: Can I leave a headcollar on my pony when he’s in the paddock, as it makes him way easier for me to catch for a lesson?
A: Yes, you can, as long as it’s a field-safe halter that’s designed to break if your pony gets caught on anything. A normal nylon or rope halter is very unlikely to break if your horse gets stuck, so it is not suitable for paddock use.
It’s also important, however, to work out why your pony doesn’t want to be caught and see if you can help to fix that problem. Do you only ever catch him when you want to ride? If so, it might be a good idea to sometimes just bring him in for treats or a hand graze before turning him out again so he realises that being caught doesn’t mean he’s always going to work.
You must also rule out pain as the cause of not wanting to be caught. Chat to your vet, and have his teeth, back, feet, and saddle checked by experts. If it hurts him to be ridden, he definitely won’t want to be caught!

Q: I know I’m supposed to check my pony’s legs daily, but what am I checking for?
A: It’s important to check your pony’s legs daily to detect any signs of injury, heat or swelling.
To check the legs, start at the top of each leg and run your hand all the way down at the front and the back.
If you spot anything unusual, chat with your stable manager or contact your vet.
It’s also important to pick out and check his hooves every day. Here, you’re looking for bad smells, foreign objects (like rocks), loose shoes, or anything else unusual.