3 minute read
from DQ Magazine Issue 8B
by hqmagazine
Teaching your dog to give kisses, also known as 'doggy kisses' or 'giving love,' can be a fun and endearing trick. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you teach your dog to give kisses:
1. Create a calm environment: Begin training in a quiet, calm environment where your dog feels comfortable and relaxed. This will help them focus on the training without distractions.
2. Get your dog's attention: Call your dog or wait for them to come to you of their own accord. Ensure your dog is in a positive and receptive mood for training.
3. Use a verbal cue: Choose a verbal cue or command that you will use each time when you want your dog to give kisses. For example, you can say 'Give kisses,' 'Kiss,' or any other phrase you prefer.
4. Offer your hand: Present your hand or fingers close to your dog's nose. This will naturally pique their curiosity.
5. Add a tasty incentive: Apply a small amount of a tasty treat or some peanut butter to your fingers. Make sure it's a treat your dog enjoys and is motivated by.
6. Encourage sniffing and licking:
As your dog sniffs or licks the treat on your hand, use your verbal cue ('Give kisses') to associate the action with the command. You can also gently move your fingers towards your face to encourage more licking.
7. Positive reinforcement:
Immediately reward your dog with praise, affection, and the treat when they give kisses. Use positive reinforcement to let them know they've done the desired behaviour correctly.
8. Repeat the process:
Practice the 'Give kisses' command regularly in short training sessions. Repeat the steps, gradually reducing the use of treats as your dog becomes more familiar with the command.

9. Consistency is key: Be consistent with your cues and rewards. Use the same command and reward system each time to reinforce the behaviour.
10. Practice in different settings: Generalize the behaviour by practising in various environments and situations. This helps your dog learn to give kisses on command regardless of the surroundings.
11. Respect your dog's comfort level: Pay attention to your dog's body language. If they seem uncomfortable, respect their feelings and try again later or in a different way.
12. Be patient and positive: Teaching tricks takes time, so be patient and have fun with the process. Keep training sessions positive and enjoyable for both you and your dog.
Remember that every dog learns at their own pace, so tailor the training to your dog's personality and preferences. Positive reinforcement, consistency, and patience are the keys to successfully teaching your dog to give kisses.