|News January 2012
Enhancing property values and creating quality of life through recreation, community events and leadership
January 2012
w i n t e r c u lt u r a l s e r i e s Treat yourself to the experiences of a variety of wonderful cultural performances, right here in Highlands Ranch, as we present the 2012 Winter Cultural Series! This series of four Thursday night performances pairs the best of song, dance, and more, without the hassles and prices of downtown entertainment. Highlands Ranch Cultural Affairs Association, the SCFD, Cherry Hills Community Church and Littleton Adventist Hospital are proud to make the arts enjoyable and accessible for all! Join us in kicking off the Winter Cultural Series on January 12 with the Aerial Stars over Denver for an acrobatic show with an aerial twist! On January 26 The International Youth Ballet will delight any ballet enthusiast with pieces from classical repertoire. Your little ballerina may dress up and dance in the aisles and meet with the performers after the show. Jon Schmidt is coming to Highlands Ranch on February 9. Jon has created a hybrid of music that is equal parts classical, contemporary, and rock n’ roll; you will be amazed. We conclude our series on February 23 with The Denver & District Pipe Band complete with Irish and Scottish Dancers. Watch the dancers as the unique sound of the bagpipes fills the auditorium. All shows are at Cherry Hills Community Church, 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. Tickets for each performance are just $7 in advance for members, $10 for guests ($10 the day of the show – cash or check only), $5 for children 12 and under, and children under two are free. Be sure to visit any HRCA Recreation Center or call 303-471-8859 to get your tickets today. All ticket sales are final and no refunds will be issued. For more information, visit www.HRCAonline.org.
director elections BOARD POSITIONS OPEN - Three Director Positions are available in 2012 and each will serve for a two-year term pursuant to the Bylaws of the HRCA. All interested Candidates must complete and submit the Candidate Data Form by 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, January 31, 2012 to the Administrative Office at Eastridge. Director Candidate Data Forms are located at all four recreation centers and online at www.hrcaonline.org under Community News. Directors are elected by District Delegates at the Annual Meeting of Delegates on March 20, 2012. If you are interested in this position, contact 303-471-8801 or jerry.flannery@hrcaonline.org. DELEGATE POSITIONS OPEN - In even numbered years (2012), members within even-numbered districts will elect a District Delegate. Elections take place at the Annual Meeting of Members on April 24, 2012, 5:30 p.m. If you are interested in running for a Delegate position, call the HRCA Administrative Office at 303-471-8802. March 12 is the last date for Delegate Candidates’ names to be printed on the notice mailed to members; write-in Candidates will still be accepted.
Building a lifestyle that you want to live
jerry flan n ery
Ceo and general manager
is published monthly by the Highlands Ranch Community Association, Inc.
HRCA|event weather line 303-471-8888 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Laura Hopkins 303-478-9103 Scott Lemmon 303-346-1412 Brock Norris 720-344-7107 Jeff Suntken 303-346-0664 Gregory Terry 303-329-6199 ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES 9568 University Blvd. 303-791-8958
Seasons greeting! I am honored to be writing you for the first time as the new CEO and General Manager for Highlands Ranch Community Association. I want to thank the Board of Directors for entrusting me with the opportunity to serve this great community. I also want to thank Peggy Zack, the Leadership Team, and the employees of HRCA for doing such a great job providing top level customer service and maintaining the mission of the organization during the search process. I firmly believe that the employees are our number one resource and the backbone of this organization! Please let me tell you a little about myself. I am a first generation American. My mother and father were born and raised in Ireland. My father married my mother after immigrating to the USA in 1951 and joining the United States Air Force. I mainly grew up in Arizona after my father retired in 1972. I was an Urban Planner when I started my career and began to rise through the ranks into managerial roles. I have spent 20 years in management. In July of 2007 I moved to Colorado where I managed the City of Commerce City. I love Colorado and consider myself to be truly blessed to be here in this community!
RECREATION FACILITIES 303-791-2500 Recreation Center at Northridge 8801 Broadway Facility Hours: M-F 5:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. Sa. & Su: 6:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Recreation Center at Eastridge
At the time of authoring this article, I have been on the job for only 10 days. In that time I have held more than 20 individual meetings with HRCA managers, supervisors, and employees. I have attended two meetings at the Douglas County Facility, a service award luncheon, and several meetings involving the Board of Directors and Delegates. I have only scratched the surface and have a full calendar focusing on external contacts for January 2012. I have learned so much and everyone has been tremendously helpful in welcoming me into the community.
9568 University Blvd. Facility Hours: M-F 5:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. Sa: 6:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Su: 7:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Recreation Center at Westridge 9650 Foothills Canyon Blvd. Facility Hours: M-F 5:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. Sa: 6:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Su: 7:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Recreation Center at Southridge 4800 McArthur Ranch Rd. Facility Hours: M-F 5:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. Sa: 6:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. Su: 7:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. Copyright Š2012 Highlands Ranch Community Association, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission is required to redistribute, reproduce, modify or republish information from Highlands Ranch Community Association, Inc, in print or electronically.
The future is bright for Highlands Ranch! I look forward to working with everyone in 2012 to implement the vision and mission of the Board and Community. In fact, the Board of Directors and I are scheduled to hold a retreat in January to set the goals for the next year. Stay tuned for more detail and I hope to see you in the months to come! Happy Holidays!
Fyi |
Quarterly Assessments
First Quarter Assessments are due January 1, 2012, in the amount of $127.00. Please be aware when you provide a check as payment, you authorize HRCA either to use information from your check to make a one time electronic funds transfer from your account or to process as a check transaction. Should you have any questions regarding your account or need to make an address change, please call 303-791-8958. HRCA encourages the use of the direct debit program to pay your quarterly dues. Save time, postage, and ensure that your payment is never late. Please visit our web site at www.hrcaonline.org for more information.
January 2012
2012 BUDGET hrca The annual budget for the Highlands Ranch Community Association, Inc. (HRCA) is a financial and operational document that is designed to carry out the obligations of the HRCA. The annual budget also follows the policies of the Board of Directors which reflects the requests for services and facilities by the members.
TRANSFERS Operating Transfers - Capital Equipment...... $9,000 Transfer To Administrative Reserve Fund.....32,750 Backcountry Fund Transfer............................. 185,000 Total Transfers.................................... $227,250
The HRCA budget anticipates the level of services to be provided, the costs of doing so, and the funds that will be available to provide these services. Types of services and facilities provided are determined by the Community Declaration. The Board of Directors determines the level of service with input from membership, committees, and Delegates. The complete 2012 budget is online at www.hrcaonline.org.
DUE FROM PRIOR YEARS OPERATING FUNDS........................ ($66,350)
REVENUE Assessments .............................................. $13,100,130 Multi-Facility Program ..................................4,566,150 Membership / Contract / Guest Fee............. 366,820 Facility Rental ................................................... 141,100 Office Lease ..........................................................63,800 Childcare ...............................................................42,320 Indoor Tennis Courts Block-Time ............... 118,000 Vending Commission .........................................35,625 Other Revenue................................................... 135,315 TOTAL REVENUE........................ $18,569,260
REVENUE Assessments Revenue................................ $1,524,500 Late & Lien Fee Revenue................................. 275,500 Transfer Fee Revenue....................................... 169,500 Legal Fee Revenue............................................. 170,000 Sub-Association Services Revenues............... 334,000 Investment Interest / Dividend Revenue.............. 250 Other Revenues....................................................89,100 Community Events Revenue ......................... 361,700 Total Revenues................................. $2,924,550
EXPENSES Northridge Operating Expenses Staff ....................................................................$983,670 Facility Maintenance ........................................ 148,495 Utilities................................................................. 274,420 Pool Maintenance & Supplies.............................32,000 Office Supply & Equipment Expenses...............14,030 Miscellaneous Operating Expenses..................16,055 Total Northridge Operating Expenses....................... $1,468,670
EXPENSES Staff................................................................. $1,052,920 Payroll Taxes...................................................... 112,350 Employee Benefits ............................................ 297,770 Legal Fees & Recording .................................. 266,400 Payroll & Accounting Services...........................15,360 Sub-Association Services Expense................. 302,400 Volunteer Expenses.............................................16,000 Office Lease Expense...........................................62,500 Newsletter Expense.............................................81,000 Community & Business Relations.......................7,000 Memberships / Subscriptions.............................10,400 Office Supplies & Expenses................................21,250 Postage....................................................................74,250 Printing....................................................................35,000 Computer Expenses.............................................81,300 Utilities / Janitorial / Telephone.........................14,100 Liability Insurance.................................................20,300 Travel / Vehicle Expenses...................................27,200 Other Expenses....................................................72,800 Community Events Expenses.......................... 193,350 Total Operating Expenses............... $2,763,650 Net Operating Revenues.................... $160,900
Eastridge Operating Expenses Staff ................................................................ $1,391,910 Facility Maintenance ........................................ 250,400 Utilities................................................................. 294,100 Pool Maintenance & Supplies.............................51,100 Office Supply & Equipment Expenses...............15,700 Miscellaneous Operating Expenses..................11,260 Total Eastridge Operating Expenses....................... $2,014,500 Westridge Operating Expenses Staff ................................................................ $1,035,210 Facility Maintenance ........................................ 196,500 Utilities................................................................. 227,110 Pool Maintenance & Supplies.............................40,660 Office Supply & Equipment Expenses...............19,580 Miscellaneous Operating Expenses..................21,700 Total Westridge Operating Expenses....................... $1,540,760
Southridge Operating Expenses Staff ................................................................... 1,220,420 Facility Maintenance ........................................ 188,930 Utilities................................................................. 242,890 Pool Maintenance & Supplies.............................53,210 Office Supply & Equipment Expenses...............19,400 Miscellaneous Operating Expenses..................12,760 Total Southridge Operating Expenses....................... $1,737,610 Total Facility Operating Expenses.$6,761,540 Multi-Facility Expenses Program Expenses Staff................................................................. $1,822,905 Contract Services.............................................. 505,215 Supplies & Expenses.......................................... 425,500 Total Program Expenses.............. $2,753,670 Operating Expenses Staff ................................................................ $1,368,760 Payroll Taxes - Employer’s Portion (All Staff).............................................................. 709,745 Employee Benefits (All Staff)........................1,517,100 Other Employee Expenses (Training/Uniforms)........................................... 140,185 Mileage and Vehicle Expense.............................16,800 Telephone / Internet......................................... 106,100 Liability Insurance.............................................. 249,500 Bank Charges, Credit Card & Trustee Fees...................................................... 121,250 Professional Fees (payroll, legal & audit).........65,450 Computer Equipment & Assistance.............. 128,950 Office Equipment Lease.......................................31,200 Memberships & Subscriptions............................11,650 Activity Guide Production & Postage..............57,460 Newsletter Printing & Postage..........................26,600 Reserve Study & Consulting...............................10,000 Other Services & Expenses................................44,550 Total Multi-Facility Expenses.......... $4,605,300 Transfers Bond Principal and Interest Payments.... $3,597,500 Transfer to Recreation Reserve Fund......... 800,000 Capital Purchases..................................................67,250 Transfer to Bond Fund from Bond / Supplemental Reserve.........................(16,000) Total Transfers................................. $4,448,750 GRAND TOTAL EXPENSES....... $18,569,260 DUE FROM PRIOR YEARS OPERATING FUNDS.................................... $0
b o a r d upd a t e s The December Board Meeting Motions are available at www.HRCAonline.org.
H RCA o n l i n e . o r g
ranch updates b a ckcou n t r y T RAIL C L O S U RE
T ouc h dow n T u r f b i r t h d a y Pa r t y Plan your birthday party celebration at Westridge with the Touchdown Indoor Turf Party! This two-hour party features an hour on the turf with customized activities such as sports, parachute activities, obstacle course, and magic bubbles. Then, enjoy a fully-decorated “theme party” room and cake. Become part of the party vs. planning the party. Book now at 720-348-8267. January and February space and time slots are filling fast!
2 0 1 2 H i g h l a n ds R a n c h R a c e S e r i e s The 2012 Race Series will host nine runs (5K to a 20 miler), two
The Wildcat Mountain Trail System (east of Monarch Blvd.) is closed for the winter beginning January 1. The trails reopen March 31. The land surrounding the trails is traditional wintering ground for many of the elk that reside in the Backcountry Wilderness Area. The trails are closed during the winter to allow the elk and deer to get through the winter with minimal human disturbances. Elk, and other herbivores, must conserve as much energy as possible during the winter months when nutritious food is scarce. If energy is directed toward fleeing humans then surviving the winter becomes a much more difficult task. The Highlands Point Trail System remains open as well as all of the Douglas County East-West Regional Trail. For more information: call: 303-471-8885 or e-mail: mgiebel@ hrcaonline.org. Trail Maps are available at www.hrcaonline.org/backcountry. Keep up to date on the Backcountry, trail conditions, and programs at www. facebook.com/HRCABackcountry.
adult triathlons (sprint to Olympic length), two kids’ triathlons, and six mountain biking races. The Cinco De Mayo will now have a 5K and 15K option. All Race Series events are open to everyone, from the new runner to the more competitive athlete. Bring the entire family for great races that keep you on the move! Registration is now open for the 2012 season. Our first race of the season is the Sunday Bloody Sunday 5K and 5K Challenge on February 5, 8:30 a.m. at Westridge. This race uses the Super Bowl 5K course with an optional challenge course! Plan to encounter a few obstacles along the way. We hope to see you there! The Highlands Ranch Race Series also hosts some fantastic running and mountain biking programs. The Highlands Ranch Running Club is a great way to stay motivated throughout the year. Visit www.highlandsranchraceseries.com for more information including package pricing and special offers.
P r o D i spos a l T r a s h & r e c y c i n g Do your part for a cleaner environment and make recycling your new year’s resolution. The HRCA is partnering with Pro Disposal to offer a Preferred Provider Trash and Recycling program for residents of Highlands Ranch. In addition to low monthly fees, this opt-in program offers free singlestream recycling. One preferred provider means reduced traffic for a safer and more environmentally-friendly community. To sign up with Pro Disposal, call 303-791-3827. For more information, visit www.prodisposal.net.
January 2012
upcoming events
COFFEE TASTI N G Join the baristas from Starbucks to learn about the new Blonde Roast along with how to pick, brew, taste, and pair coffee with yummy accompaniments, all courtesy of Starbucks. This unique program is a lot of fun and due to the fact that this event sells out, we are offering two sessions! Proceeds benefit the Highlands Ranch
The Highlands Ranch Cultural Affairs
Community Scholarship Fund. Participants must be 16+ years of age to attend.
Association is partnering with Great
Saturday, January 7 • 8:30 – 10:00 a.m. or 10:30 a.m. – Noon • Eastridge
Wall Chinese Academy to celebrate
Recreation Center, Community Room • $10 Members, $13 Guests• $13 for
the Chinese New Year. Chinese
everyone the day of the event, if not sold out
New Year is a time to welcome longevity, wealth, prosperity, and eliminate any negative chi from the past. This begins the Year
FAT H ER / D AU G H t ER s w e e t h e a r t B ALL
of the Dragon, which is marked
Little ladies and their dads are invited to dance the
by excitement, unpredictability,
night away at this special Valentine’s Day Ball. Create
exhilaration, and intensity. Come
special memories with your daughter while enjoying
enjoy exciting Chinese dragon, lion,
refreshments and dancing to a DJ! Each girl will receive a
and folk dances and amazing Chinese
corsage, a commemorative photo, a special gift, and have
martial art-Kung Fu demonstrations.
the opportunity to make a special Valentine. Carriage
All children will receive a red
rides will be available for an additional $3 per person, weather permitting.
envelope, the traditional means
Friday, February 3, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. • Saturday, February 4, 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. &
of giving a blessing to the younger
6:30 - 8:30 p.m. • Southridge, Debus Wildcat Mountain Auditorium • $25 each
generation in the Chinese New Year.
members, $33 each guests; if not sold out
The Cultural Fair and Taste of China will also be on hand from noon – 5:00 p.m.
• Merlot and Monet – Friday, January 13, 6:00 - 8:00 p.m., Southridge. Discover your creativity with a little music, wine, paintbrush, and canvas. Create a masterpiece, Winter Trees, ready to take home and display. Bring your friends! • Calling all beneficiaries for The Taste of Highlands Ranch – Become a beneficiary for the HRCA’s silent auction at The Taste of Highlands Ranch. Download an application from the web site or pick one up at any HRCA Recreation Center. Application deadline is February 24. Please check the web site for the most current event information and prices.
H RCA o n l i n e . o r g
Saturday, January 21 • Performances: 1:00 - 2:00 p.m. and 4:00 - 5:00 p.m. Cultural Fair: Noon - 5:00 p.m. • Southridge, Debus Wildcat Mountain Auditorium • $7 Member, $10 Guest and $10 everyone day of event if not sold out (ages 2 and under free if the child sits on a parent’s lap)
recreation aquatics/sports/fitness COMPETITIVE S WIMMING DISCOUNT S The HRCA offers some of the highest quality competitive programs in the area. Build endurance and improve skills with Youth Summer Swim Teams and Master Programs for adults. Enjoy family discounts when enrolling for coached aquatic programs or for signing up for all four months. See details in the new Activity Guide. Ensure your spot and register online now at www.HRCAonline.org. For more information, e-mail kcornelison@ hrcaonline.org or call 303-471-8942.
N e w Z u mb a t o m i c Class! Zumbatomic classes are specially designed for youth ages 8-13 with the same style and high energy of regular Zumba classes. Kids get fit,
INFANT S WIM RESOURCE (I SR) RETURNS ISR integrates swimming skills that are developmentally appropriate for young children to build confidence for a lifetime of fun in and around the water. Infants can learn to hold their breath underwater, roll onto their backs, and float unassisted. Toddlers can learn to hold their breath underwater, swim with
rock out, and have a blast with the
their head down, and roll onto their back to float. For more
latest music and choreography from
Information: 303-330-8602, j.potter@infantswim.com, or www.infantswim.com.
hip-hop to reggaeton. Zumbatomic classes increase kid’s focus, boost
Kids S tay Acti ve on Sch ool Holidays
metabolism, and improve
No School Days Falcons Sports Camp will get your kids off the couch and let them burn
coordination. These classes require
off some energy. This camp offers the opportunity to explore a variety of sports and other
pre-registration, but daily drop-in fee
fun games. Join us at Westridge on January 16 and 20, 10:00 - 2:00 p.m.
options are available. Call 303-4717044 for more information. Y o g a In s t r u c t o r T r a i n i ng If you have ever wanted to become a Yoga Instructor or just further your understanding of this art, then Yoga Immersion Training is for you. Training takes place two weekends a month at Westridge from January-
Youth Flag Football With Tebow fever running high, it’s the perfect time to get your children excited about youth flag football. This program is an organized non-contact setting with basic skill development for boys and girls ages 8-12 on Saturdays, March 17 - April 2. This league plays on the indoor turf at Westridge. If you are interested in coaching or have questions, contact Shannon.bertram@hrcaonline.org or 303-471-8869. Registration deadline is January 21. Sign up now – this league will sell out!
April. Participants will end class as a
Soccer Socials
registered yoga instructor through
Mark your social calendar for January 16. The HRCA is putting on its first monthly soccer
Yoga Alliance at the 200 hour level.
social at Westridge, 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. Co-ed and family options are available. Play 3v3 in a
Call 303-471-7048 for information
fun environment for all levels of play that is more social than competitive. Check out the
and payment options.
new Activity Guide for more information.
January 2012
education youth & adult F a n ta s t i c a n d N e w f o r Y o u r C h i l d r e n ! January kicks off a season of new and exciting programs at the HRCA! For the artistic family, consider enrolling in KidzArt, Abrakadoodle, or Young Rembrandts art programs. Programs are for children ages 2-17 with fun subjects that will stretch your child’s imagination. If your children like to get their hands dirty, enroll them in our children’s pottery classes. Our Fairy Garden class will excite children who will get to make their very own special clay garden decorated with fairies and flowers. Or, consider Imagination Creation where your child can make their very own bathroom set, school kit, or kitchen place setting. These fun clay programs are for children ages 2½ - 17.
If your children like being in the kitchen, enroll them in our new children’s cooking classes: Food Made Fun for 2-5 year olds or Holiday Helpings for 6-9 year olds. Does your child enjoy being dramatic? Encourage them to try a theatre class! TOYS for children ages 5-8 and Silver for children ages 9-12 begin January 25 and are wonderful productions that get children practicing their stage presence and public speaking. Through the Looking Glass is our spring musical and is a great performance opportunity for your child. If your child enjoys explosions and wacky science, consider putting him or her in our Science Matters programs. See page 19 of the new Activity Guide. For more information on these great new programs, call 303-471-8928.
Merlot and Monet This fun, new painting experience for adults allows you to discover your creativity with a little music, wine, paintbrush, and canvas. Bring your friends and enjoy this fun and
imaginative night. Winter Trees is our theme on Friday, January 13, 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. at Southridge. For more information, call 303-471-8853.
Cheer and Pom The HRCA is excited to bring you our brand new cheer and pom program for 6-12 year olds. These fun classes will prepare children for team dance try-outs and improve confidence in their skills. With stunts and jumps, chants, and formations, your cheer student will love these classes. For your mini-pom student, kick-
lines and jump fundamentals will inspire them to take it to the next level. For more information, call 303-471-8881.
P r i vat e L e s s o n s Explore a wide variety of private lessons to suit you and your family. We offer art, pottery, or music lessons including piano, flute, clarinet, saxophone, and guitar. These classes, led by
professionals in their field, are a great way to introduce you or your child to something new. For more information, call 303-471-8853.
Kids Corner Burr! It’s cold outside and you’re looking for something fun for your 2-6 year old to do! Check out our new theme-related kids programs like, Fun with Elmo for 3-20 month olds, Curious George for 2-4 year olds, or Snack Attack for 3-6 year olds.
H RCA o n l i n e . o r g
Check out all of our new children’s themes on pages 28-30 of your new Activity Guide. For more information, call 303-471-8881.
9568 University Boulevard Highlands Ranch, CO 80126 303-791-2500
Need a roofer? Find it on Click It!
Scan with your smartphone to visit Click It! now
facility closures January 1 - All facilities closed for New Year’s Day January 2 - Administrative Office closed Check the web site for the most up-to-date closure information. Postmaster: Time Sensitive Material. Please deliver by 12/31/11.
community partners
For event details, see page 5 or visit HRCAonline.org
January 7 Coffee Tasting January 9
Board Working Session* 6:00 p.m.
January 12
Winter Cultural Series - Aerial Stars over Denver
January 13
Merlot and Monet
January 17
RAC & Board Meeting* 6:30 p.m. (Recreation Advisory Committee monthly meeting of Delegates)
January 21 Showtime at Southridge - Chinese New Year January 26
Winter Cultural Series - International Youth Ballet
* These meetings are at Eastridge and open to our members. The HRCA’s ability to bring events to Highlands Ranch is made possible in part by our Community Partners, the Highlands Ranch Cultural Affairs Association (CAA), and the Scientific and Cultural Facilities District (SCFD).