2014 Day Camp Parent Handbook

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Day Camp Parent Handbook


Dear Parents: Welcome to the Highlands Ranch Community Association’s Day Camp program. We offer a quality program for children ages 5-12 years old at the Recreation Center at Southridge during the school year and programs for children ages 6-8 at the Recreation Center at Eastridge, 9-13 at the Recreation Center at Southridge and 6-12 at the Recreation Center at Westridge during the summer. This packet is designed to help guide you in understanding the policies and procedures of our programs. At the HRCA Day Camps, we offer a wide variety of activities to suit and stimulate every child. Our Day Camp is aiming to insure creative programming, including, sporting events, new and exciting field trips, and many more age appropriate and leader initiated monitored activities. The most important factor of each of these programs is YOUR CHILD’S SAFETY. The policy and procedures listed in this packet have been implemented to provide a safe and secure environment for your child(ren) as they enjoy their daily activities. Your cooperation is appreciated and necessary in assisting the staff in making this a quality atmosphere. It is the philosophy of the Day Camp to provide your child with a smile and a personal greeting upon their arrival each day. Our leaders are qualified child care professionals, certified in both First Aid and CPR, and are committed to providing a first rate program. At scheduled times throughout the year, we provide ongoing training for our staff in the areas of child development, conflict resolution, safety procedures, loss prevention and customer service. Our door is always open if you have a thought, concern, idea, or problem. Please feel free to stop by or call anytime. We have great things planned for your child at our Day Camps, including exciting things to learn and wonderful friends to make. Welcome again to the HRCA Day Camps! Sincerely, Meredith Parker Youth, Adult, and Education Supervisor 303-471-8880

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Your child was recently enrolled in a child care program that is licensed by the Colorado Department of Human Services. The license indicates that the program has met the required standards for the operation of a child care facility. If you have not done so, please ask to see the license and the last facility inspection. Most licensed facilities make every effort to provide a safe and healthy environment for children. Unfortunately, on rare occasions, an incident of physical or sexual abuse may occur. If you believe that your child has been abused, you should seek immediate assistance from your county department of social services. The telephone number to report child abuse in your county is listed below. Arapahoe County Department of Social Services Adams County Department of Social Services Douglas County Department of Social Services Jefferson County Department of Social Services Clear Creek County Department of Social Services Gilpin County Department of Social Services Park County Department of Social Services

303-636-1750 303-412-8121 303-688-4825 303-271-4357 303-569-3251 303-582-5444 719-836-2771

Colorado Law requires that child care providers report all known or suspected cases of child abuse or neglect. Child care services play an important role in supporting families, and strong families are the basis of a thriving community. Your child’s education, physical, emotional, and social development will be nurtured in a well-planned and effectively run program. Remember to observe the program regularly, especially with regards to children’s safety and health, equipment and play materials, and staff. For additional information regarding licensing, or if you have concerns about a child care facility, or if you would like to review a licensed facility file, please consult the Colorado Division of Child Care at 1575 Sherman St., Denver, Colorado 80203 or call 303-866-5958 or 1-800-799-5876.

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MISSION OF HRCA DAY CAMPS: To have a staff committed to professionalism, on-going training, courtesy, and enthusiasm as they guide children. To provide a safe, clean environment in a nurturing and caring atmosphere. To empower children by giving them the opportunity to make choices, participate in a variety of experiences, and to be treated with dignity and respect.

PROGRAM PHILOSOPHY The Youth Department philosophy begins with the belief that children should be authors of their own learning. By making choices and having their opinions respected, children develop self-esteem. By offering a wide variety of open-ended activities, we, at the HRCA, maximize the youth program experience. Children should never be forced to engage in an activity that he/she does not want to take part in. (Alternatives are scheduled to ensure that different personality types will feel included in the days’ activities.) While some children may excel in sports, others may be drawn to craft activities. Our responsibility as a staff is to create an atmosphere where all personality types will be stimulated.

THE HRCA DAY CAMP PROGRAM The HRCA offers a child choice based program for school-age children 6-12 years old, designed to develop your child’s self-esteem, challenge their cognitive skills and create a safe atmosphere where all personality types will be stimulated and can grow socially. We encourage each child to participate in the planned activities for at least 30 minutes, after which they will be given the choice to opt out to a new activity. An example of activities that your child may experience while at Day Camp include arts and crafts, cooking, theater, pottery, fitness classes, board games, athletics, daily swimming, hobbies and interests, reading, batting cages at Westridge, and weekly field trips. The core of our program activities occur between the hours of 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. Each day your child will need to bring a sack lunch and drink, swimsuit and towel, and wear clothing that will allow them to participate in a wide variety of activities. Tennis shoes are recommended. During the summer months, we recommend that you send a water bottle, extra T-shirt, sunglasses, and hat with your child each day. In the winter months, a jacket or winter coat, boots, and gloves will be needed for days at the park or playground. It is up to the judgment of the Facilitator to determine whether the weather is appropriate to go outside. In the case of excessively hot, cold, or inclement weather, the Day Camps will hold their programs indoors. Please note that the Day

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Camps do not provide on-site refrigeration, nor can lunches be heated up via the microwave. On field trip days, each child must bring his lunch in a disposable sack unless otherwise noted on calendar. An afternoon snack is provided everyday around 4:00 p.m. Please feel free to send an extra snack or drink with your child.

HOURS OF OPERATION During the year, the hours of operation for all sites are Monday through Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. We offer a full day program as well as a half-day program. The half day program is offered for families who need five hours or less of care for each day. As for the holidays, all sites will be closed on New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, the day after Thanksgiving, and on Christmas Day. On Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve, we will close at 5:00 p.m. In the event that the Day Camp must close unexpectedly, the families registered will be called and a full refund will be returned as well.

MEALS Lunch must be provided each day by the parents, unless the field trip incorporates a lunch. If your child forgets a lunch, one will be provided by the center at a cost of $10. Snacks will be provided by the center in the afternoon.

LATE FEE POLICY Parents/guardians must pick up children on time. We have implemented and adhere to our strict late fee policy. The Day Camp closes at 6:00 p.m. each weekday. There is a charge of $1.00 per minute for you child’s care after the program has closed. Please make sure to take the weather and road conditions into account when timing your arrival. After 6:30 p.m. the Douglas County Sheriff can be notified if parents have not contacted the Day Camp staff regarding their late arrival.

DAILY SCHEDULE The daily schedule for the Day Camps will vary throughout the year. For your convenience, we post a daily schedule on the board located inside the day camp room at each site. If you come to pick up your child during a time when we are utilizing another area of the recreation center, you can simply look on the schedule board to locate where your child is at any given time during the day. Please print a monthly calendar from the Day Camp web site for all upcoming field trips and special events. Our web site is: www.HRCAonline.org/Daycamp.

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Each day we take attendance at approximately 9:00 a.m. and break off into age appropriate groups, providing there are enough children and staff to justify more than one group. If your child arrives after this time, parents will be responsible for making sure your child is signed in and escorted to their designated group. Please make sure you check your child in with a day camp leader before leaving the building. All parents are required to sign their child in and out of the sign-in form each day when they drop off and pick up their child. Please note, a child may not sign himself/herself into the day camp – they must be accompanied into the recreation center by a parent, no matter the age of the child. The Day Camp Staff supervises the children at all times and in all locations. A roll call and a head count are conducted between every activity. Please note that the children in the afternoons, depending on the schedule, may watch a movie. All movies will be G or PG. All PG movies will have been selectively screened before viewing. Children who do not wish to watch the movie will be provided alternate activities, such as coloring, reading, or quiet games. At the close of the day, the day camp staff will check all bathroom facilities, halls and program rooms to ensure all children have been picked up, in addition to ensuring all children are signed out by a parent or guardian upon leaving.

FIELD TRIPS/EXCURSIONS/SPECIAL EVENTS OR ACTIVITIES HRCA day camps provide an excursion or special activity or event every full week of programming. Most excursions will be on Thursdays of each week during the year. In the summer, we also run field trips on Fridays for the Eastridge program, on Thursdays for the Westridge program, and on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays for the Southridge program. On field trip days, we ask that you drop off your child no later than 9:00 a.m. We will be off-site from approximately 8:30 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. No provisions are made for children who do not arrive by the departure time or who do not wish to go on the field trip. Emergency information forms and first-aid kits accompany the group on all excursions. If the field trip is off site, the day camps will get to the field trip by bus, the Ranch Rider, or walking depending on where the field trip is. The children are supervised at all times while on the bus, as we continue to maintain the 1:15 staff to child ratios. The children are to remain seated while on the bus and if an emergency should arise while on the bus, the Day Camp Coordinator will

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be in contact with both the supervisor on duty at the Recreation Center and the Youth, Adult, and Education Supervisor in addition to a contact at the bus service for further instructions. The Day Camps contract out with the Littleton Public Schools for use of their buses on field trip days. By signing the day camp application, you are authorizing permission for your child to ride the buses that our programs use for field trips. Please note a field trip can be either cancelled or changed due to inclement weather. See the Facilitator the day of the field trip in case of inclement weather. Note: There is no halfday program on excursion days.

SPECIAL ACTIVITIES SUPERVISION If at anytime the Day Camps have a special activity, (i.e. – Mad Science, Star Walk, etc.) with regards to a group of people coming to offer an activity for the children, the day camp will still be fully staffed. The day camps will maintain a 1:15 ratio, not including the staff members from the special activity.

SAFETY The Department of Human Services requires all of the following procedures. All visitors must sign the visitor’s log. If children are going to be picked up by someone other than the parent or guardian, the parent or guardian must notify the Day Camp staff in writing letting them know who will be picking up their child. If the Day Camp staff does not recognize the individual assigned to pick up the child, the Day Camp staff will ask for identification. Children must be accompanied and picked up by an authorized person who signs the child in and out of the program. A child may not sign himself/herself into the day camp program – they must be accompanied by an adult, no matter what the age of the child. The leaders carry roll sheets to account for the children at all times. It is the policy of the HRCA Day Camps to maintain a 1:15 leader to child ratio. If there is an emergency while the Day Camps are on a field trip, the Day Camp program will proceed to the nearest exit and to a secure location. The Day Camp Facilitator will notify the supervisor on duty at the Recreation Center to notify them of the situation and all pertinent information will be posted on the Day Camp room door. In the case of a natural disaster, fire, or tornado, the Day Camp will proceed as a group to the nearest secure location and notify the recreation center immediately of their whereabouts. If appropriate, parents will be notified in order to pick up their children from the Day Camp. If a child should become lost, the Day Camp will follow established procedures to find the child immediately. We will look in the entire recreation center or place of the field trip, if applicable. After completing that, if the

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child is not found, the supervisor on duty will be notified and will help in trying to find the child. If the child is still not found, the parents will be notified and the Day Camp Coordinator and Youth, Adult and Education Supervisor will be notified. If necessary and appropriate, the Douglas County Sheriff will be called. Please, leave all valuables at home. The Day Camp staff is not responsible for lost, broken, or stolen items that come from home. This does also include money brought from home; it is also the responsibility of the child to put the money in a secure location so as not to be stolen. Also, at some of the centers, toys like electronic devices, trading cards, etc. are not allowed. Please ask your Facilitator to find out each site’s policy with regard to toys from home.

IDENTIFYING AND REPORTING CHILD ABUSE The Colorado Department of Human Services licenses the HRCA day camp programs. HRCA day damps follow all guidelines to ensure your child’s health and safety. Part of our commitment to your child includes the obligation by law to report any known or suspected cases of child abuse or neglect. For further information regarding licensing or if you have concerns about any of our facilities, please contact Colorado Office of Child Care Services at 303-866-5958 or Douglas County Human Services at 303-688-4825. Please see the attached letter from the Colorado Division of Child Care in order to report abuse of a child.

CHILDREN WITH SPECIAL NEEDS The HRCA Day Camps comply with the American with Disabilities Act. We are able to provide care for the children with a variety of special needs. One on one assistance can be provided only on a case-by-case basis, so please notify the Facilitator to set up an interview with you and your child. The HRCA also has a Therapeutic Recreation Program that operates in all of the Recreation Centers. If you have any questions regarding this program, please call the Therapeutic Recreation Office at 303-471-7043.

DISCIPLINE Children need to follow the guidelines developed for the Day Camp. Verbal reminders will be given to children who need reminding. Children who are consistently disruptive and disrespectful will be disciplined by a time out and loss of privileges followed by a discussion with the day camp leaders and if appropriate, with the Facilitator or Day Camp Coordinator. Problems, which are considered dangerous and/or serious, will be discussed with the parent or guardian immediately. Depending on the severity of

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the situation, a child may be suspended for a day, or permanently suspended from all HRCA Day Camp programs. Examples of behavior that could result in suspension and/ or expulsion include, but are not limited to:  Hitting another person.  Verbal threats to another person.  Refusing to communicate with a Leader or Facilitator  Refusing to respond to a verbal request from a Leader or Facilitator.  Damaging Highlands Ranch Community Association property.  Behavior that jeopardizes the reputation of the Day Camp program.  Behavior that is dangerous to the welfare of other children or staff of the program. It is our philosophy to reinforce children’s responsibility for their actions and choices. There is a distinct difference between discipline and punishment. Discipline requires discussing the issue/problem at hand. It is an opportunity for learning or teaching a life skill. Acquiring, maintaining, and utilizing specific consequences along with redirecting a child can be key components in the success in the use of discipline. There are a couple of important components to remember when using consequences. First, consequences are to be fair and related to the incident. Taking away food, water, or going to the bathroom should never be used as a consequence. Children are not to be subject to physical or emotional harm or humiliation. Corporal or harsh punishment will not be used as a means for punishment. Verbal abuse is not acceptable and authority to discipline will not be given to children.

HEALTH If your child becomes sick or injured during Day Camp hours, you will be required to make arrangements to have him/her picked up as soon as possible. Staff will notify the parent or guardian of any non-emergency bumps, bruises, or scrapes incurred during the course of the day.

MEDICATION The HRCA Day Camps are in compliance with the Nurse Practice Act and employ a nurse consultant that meets monthly at all of our day camp programs. The nurse is supplied to us through Children’s Hospital and has met all qualifications as directed by the Colorado Department of Human Services. Medication must be in the original container and the parent AS WELL AS THE PHYSICIAN (or physician’s representative) must sign the

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medication authorization form. The day camps can accept a faxed copy of this form from the doctor’s office. All administered medication is documented in a medication logbook located in the Day Camp office. All medicine is stored in a locked cabinet that is located in the Day Camp office and only day camp personnel have the keys. The only way an over the counter medication can be administered is with the physician’s permission.

REGISTERING FOR DAY CAMP The HRCA Day Camps are licensed by the Department of Human Services and are required to comply with all regulations set forth by that organization. The Day Camp must have on file a current application with both parent and child information, emergency contacts, medical information, waiver, and permission slips. In addition, there must be a copy of your child’s immunization card with the doctor’s signature on file. The Day Camps may accept a copy of the immunization card. To reserve a space with the HRCA Day Camps, payment must be received prior to your child’s attendance. The HRCA Day Camps have two ways of reserving space, advanced reservation or drop-in reservation if space is available. Drop-in reservation refers to registering your child for Day Camp on an “as needed” basis. All advanced and drop-in registrations must be pre-paid in full for all days that you wish to reserve. You may register for such days as much as two months in advance or as late as the morning of the same day. Please keep in mind, no space is guaranteed until payment is received. Please call ahead to verify that space is still available. On school in service days, holidays, and during the summer months, the day camp staff recommends that you reserve your space at least two weeks in advance – again – payment reserves the spot. Payment must be made at the registration desk or online, and the receipt brought back to the Day Camp room. When registering your child, you will need to know what days and location you are registering them. Please note that payment can not be made by giving it to the Day Camp staff. The registration desk must take all payments, linking it to your household.

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REFUND POLICY School Year Program: Southridge Day Camp: The day camp must be notified of a child’s absence by 9:00 a.m. the morning of the absence* in order to receive a refund for that day.

Summer Programs: Eastridge Day Camp: Due to the number of weekly excursions and the program’s responsibility to confirm participant numbers to excursion destinations, refund requests will only be granted if made two weeks prior to the requested week*.

Southridge Day Camp: Due to the number of weekly excursions and the program’s responsibility to confirm participant numbers to excursion destinations, refund requests will only be granted if made two weeks prior to the requested week*.

Westridge Day Camp: The day camp must be notified of a child’s absence by 9:00 a.m. on Monday of the requested week in order to receive a refund for that day. *At this time the Day Camp will credit your account. Please note that all refunds are subject to a $5.00 processing fee. If you choose to withdraw your child from the program, please notify the Day Camp Coordinator as soon as possible. **There is no refund of the Annual Day Camp registration fee. Please email Angela.Munger@HRCAonline.org or call the Facilitator to provide notification of your child’s absence. Day Camp Coordinator Office: 303-471-8928 Angela.Munger@HRCAonline.org Angela Munger

Westridge Day Camp 9650 Foothills Canyon Blvd. Office: 720-348-8213 Cell: 303-718-4718

Eastridge Day Camp 9568 University Office: 303-471-8825 Cell: 303-718-4719

Southridge Day Camp 4800 McArthur Ranch Rd. Office: 303-471-7041

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DAY CAMP RULES The Day Camp has specific rules that we expect every child to follow. We suggest that you review the rules with your child prior to attending Day Camp so that your child is aware of what will be expected of him/her while at Day Camp. If you have any questions, please talk to your Facilitator. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

I will remain with my group at all times. I will listen to my Day Camp Leaders. I will keep my hands and feet to myself. I will use only encouraging words with my neighbor. I will clean up after I am finished. I will be team players and a good sport, win or lose. I will respect the Day Camp room and its property. I will play safely. I will tell a Day Camp Leader if I am injured or see anything that could be dangerous. I will try new things, meet new friends, and have lots of fun!

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