|News April 2012
Enhancing property values and creating quality of life through recreation, community events and leadership
April 2012
new hrca board members
easter egg hunt
Christina Caputo
Scott Lemmon
Craig Ziesman
The HRCA Delegates elected three new Board members to serve two-year terms. New members Christina Caputo, returning Director Scott Lemmon, and Craig Ziesman were elected at the March 20th Annual Meeting of Delegates. We would like to congratulate the new directors on their successful election. For more detailed information on our new board members and complete election information go to www.HRCAonline.org/ leadership. Thank you to Laura Hopkins and Greg Terry for their years of service.
annual meeting of members
The Easter Bunny is coming to the Ranch! Bring your Easter basket to collect lots of goodies. Please share and limit each child to six eggs so every child will get some eggs. Be sure to bring your camera so you can
Tuesday, April 24, 5:30 p.m. Recreation Center at Eastridge
snap a photo with the Easter Bunny.
Pursuant to the Bylaws of the Highlands Ranch Community Association, Inc., the Annual
The hunt is separated into age groups
Meeting of Members in each Delegate District shall be held to elect a delegate from that
of 1-3 years, 4-6 years, 7-8 years, and
district if required.
9-11 years. Parking is limited and the
Elections for even-numbered districts and districts without representation are being held
hunt starts promptly at 10:00 a.m.
this year. Sub-associations elect delegates at their Sub-association Annual Meeting. If you
SHARP – don’t be late!
are interested in representing your district or if you have any questions about being a delegate, please call 303-471-8802 for more information.
The Easter Bunny comes rain, snow or shine! After the hunt, drop
The presence, in person or by proxy, of ten percent (10%) of all district members entitled
your empty eggs off at any HRCA
to cast votes is required to constitute a quorum at the Annual Meeting of Members. Your
Recreation Center to recycle them
participation whether by returning the proxy forms or attending the meeting is greatly
for future use.
appreciated. You can determine what district you live in and who your district candidate is at www. hrcaonline.org/leadership.
Saturday, April 7 • 10:00 a.m. SHARP!. • Northridge Park • Free for HRCA Members; Guests $5
Building a lifestyle that you want to live
Jerry f lannery
CEO and general manager
is published monthly by the Highlands Ranch Community
New Board Elected - Happy April to everyone! Last
Association, Inc.
month at their annual meeting, the delegates elected the new Board Members. I want to congratulate, Christina Caputo, Scott
HRCA|event weather line 303-471-8888 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Christina Caputo 303-471-0867 Scott Lemmon 303-346-1412 Brock Norris 720-344-7107 Jeff Suntken 303-346-0664 Craig Ziesman 303-791-6557 ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES 9568 University Blvd. 303-791-8958 RECREATION FACILITIES
organization. Please refer to the HRCA web site for full details on the other items that were voted on at the March 20, 2012 meeting. I also want to take this opportunity to thank Laura Hopkins and Greg Terry for their incredible commitment to making HRCA a better community in which we can all take pride in for years to come! Elections for delegates in even-numbered districts are April 24, 5:30 p.m. at Eastridge. Please keep your eyes out for the proxy that will be sent to you in the mail and vote to elect a delegate to represent you. Trash Service - The HRCA’s preferred trash and recycling services provider is Pro Disposal, Inc. (www.prodisposal.net). Beginning April 1, new trash and recycling rates will be $12.93 per month due to the high and rising costs of diesel fuel. Before the
HRCA and Pro Disposal’s agreement went into effect two years ago, homeowners were
Recreation Center at Northridge
paying between $18 and $26 per month so this is a great value to HRCA homeowners.
8801 Broadway
Our community saves well over $2,000,000 for trash and recycling services each year
as a result of this agreement. For complete details on the trash program go to www.
Facility Hours: M-F 5:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m.
Sa. & Su: 6:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Recreation Center at Eastridge
Events and more events - This month begins the busy spring and summer
9568 University Blvd.
Facility Hours: M-F 5:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m.
Sa: 6:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Su: 7:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.
season of events. If you don’t have a Highlands Ranch calendar to track all of our events, please visit Eastridge to buy one or check them out online at www.HRCAonline.org/events. Some upcoming events include the Easter Egg Hunt, Home Improvement Expo, Kids’
Recreation Center at Westridge
Expo, Computer/Electronics Recycling and Paper Shredding, and Volunteer Fair. The
9650 Foothills Canyon Blvd.
Home Improvement Expo is a great opportunity to get new ideas to implement in your
home and increase its value. Dispose of your unwanted computers and electronics
Facility Hours: M-F 5:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m.
Sa: 6:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.
responsibly at the recycling event. Paper shredding is a convenient way to protect your
Su: 7:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.
privacy. Proceeds from the recycling events go to the Scholarship Fund and Cultural Affairs
Recreation Center at Southridge 4800 McArthur Ranch Rd.
Facility Hours: M-F 5:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m.
Association. See page five for event details. proposed bylaw amendments - At the March 20th Annual Meeting, the
Sa: 6:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m.
Delegates passed proposed ammendments to the Bylaws. These amendments will go
Su: 7:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m.
through the several review processes before being implemented.
Copyright ©2012 Highlands Ranch Community Association, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission is required to redistribute, reproduce, modify or republish information from Highlands Ranch Community Association, Inc, in print or electronically.
Lemmon, and Craig Ziesman for their continued service to our
Happy SPring everyone!
April 2012
HOA news trash reminders
in memoriam
With the arrival of warmer weather, everyone is anxious to get outside and enjoy their yards and the sunshine. However, spring is often a windy time of year in Colorado. Loose trash blowing around the neighborhoods is unsightly and can be dangerous if it gets into open space areas or is washed down the storm sewer and collects in the wetlands where many bird species nest. Both the HRCA and the HRMD are partnering in an effort to alleviate unsightliness in the community, and in maintaining the open space, by requesting that residents and business owners ensure their trash and recyclables are properly secured. This can easily be done by not overfilling recycle bins, placing heavier items on top of lighter ones, compacting your trash as much as possible to make heavier and less likely to blow over, placing it in secured trash bags, and by using trash and recycle bins with lids. Even in the best of circumstances, it is sometimes difficult to keep trash contained, but with high winds it’s even more important that trash be kept in trash cans, and cans be kept upright when they are at curbside. A reminder that trash can be placed at the curb the evening before your scheduled pick-up day, and cans are to be stored out of sight again the same evening of pick-up. If cans are out at the street or visible from the street any other time, then they are in non-compliance. Being conscientious about when trash cans are put out will keep our neighborhoods looking and smelling better in the warmer weather, and a few extra
gordon von stroh It is with great sadness that we acknowledge the passing of our dear friend and dedicated volunteer, Gordon Von Stroh. Gordon Von Stroh was an active professional, educator, and community volunteer who devoted a good portion of his life to giving back to the community with his knowledge, time, and heart.
minutes spent appropriately bagging, and securely tying down trash can make all the
Gordon chaired the HRCA
Development Review Committee
We can all do small things as residents that will make a huge impact in the community such as carrying a plastic bag to collect dog waste when walking dogs in the common areas, or picking up stray trash along the streets or in the parks and open space. Taking pride in our community and doing our part to ensure that it remains clean and beautiful, will ensure that Highlands Ranch will continue to be a great place to live, work, and play.
for more than 20 years, providing indelible wisdom and profound expertise in the field of commercial development. As our community mourns the loss of Gordon, our thoughts are with his wife Patrice and family members.
Fyi |
Quarterly Assessments
IMPORTANT CHANGE NOTIFIC ATiON HRCA’s payment mailing address has changed. If you make your payments through your bank by electronic bill pay, make sure you update the address to the following: HRCA, PO Box 910843, Denver, CO, 80291-0843
b o a r d u p d at e s The March Board Meeting motions are available at www.HRCAonlline.org.
Second quarter assessments are due April 1, 2012. Thank you for your payments!
H RCA o n l i n e . o r g
ranch updates spring in the backcountry
Yes, the spring equinox has passed but the true sign of spring around here is the Wildcat Mountain Trail System reopening after a long winter. The trail system reopened March 31st after its closure for wintering wildlife. However, the Wildcat Mountain Trail to the top of Wildcat Mountain will remain closed through July as the Golden Eagles have returned and are nesting on Wildcat Mountain again this year. The Waterin’ Hole Loop and Ponderosa Loop are open for your enjoyment. Golden Eagles and their nests are protected by Federal Law. Violation of the closure could result in a $100,000 fine. The Archery Range in the Wildcat Mountain Area is open for the season on April 1. Season passes are available at any recreation center. Individual passes are $35 or $55 for the entire family. Day passes are $4 per shooter. Be sure to keep your eye out for the new Activity Guide coming this month. The Backcountry has everything from Full Day Adventure Camps to horseback rides, archery and firearms lessons, to nature hikes. We’ve got it all right here!
c o mm u n it y se rvice day neighbors helping neighbors The Highlands Ranch Community Association is partnering with Cherry Hills Community Church for the third year on a large scale Highlands Ranch community clean up day, Love In Action, on April 22. The day will consist of well over 2,500 volunteers going into the Highlands Ranch community to help with spring clean up projects such as picking up litter along major arterial streets, work to spruce up and beautify the schools, recreation centers, the Backcountry Wilderness Area, and help with the recycle electronics event at Town Center North. The event is from 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. Several area restaurants will give our volunteers a discount if they have participated in the day’s events and are wearing their event t-shirt when they come in. It will be a great opportunity to give back to our community and encourage our neighbors to reach out and help each other in times of need. Join us in helping our neighborhood. To sign up or for more information, visit www.CHCC.org.
respon sib le recyclin g Join us on April 22 at the Kaiser Permanente building parking lot (Lucent Blvd. and Highlands Ranch Parkway) for two responsible recycling options: Computer/Electronics Recycling Electronic components contain materials that are very harmful to our environment. For a list of items being recycled, visit our web site. Additional charge for TVs is $20/small, $40/large. Suggested $20 donation to benefit the Cultural Affairs Association and the Community Scholarship Fund. Computer/Electronics Recycling is 11:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Paper Shredding Relying on your personal shredder or using a regular waste disposal service may not ensure that sensitive information is being safely destroyed and can be more expensive than you think. XpresShred is a member of the National Association for information Destruction (NAID) and whose services are cost-effective, environmentally responsible, and highly secure. Limit of three bags or boxes of confidential/sensitive paper. Residential only. No trash, newspapers, magazines, phone books. $10 suggested donation to benefit the Cultural Affairs Association. Paper Shredding is 11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. or until the truck is full.
April 2012
upcoming events h o m e i mp r o v e m e n t e x p o
Volunteer Fair
We’ve put all of the resources for your home improvement projects that you’ll ever need in one convenient place. Everything under the sun from construction, remodeling, redecorating, landscaping, and more at the conveniently located Home Improvement Expo. Get a great estimate from some of the most respected and reputable companies in the business. See the latest innovations and educational interactive displays. Get all your questions answered and take advantage of the many show specials and discounts. Prizes and drawings! Free admission and parking. Saturday & Sunday, April 28 & 29 • 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. • Eastridge • Free and open to the public • Exhibitors, only a few spaces still available. Call 303-471-8854.
This is an opportunity for nonprofit organizations to showcase their volunteer needs and for residents to learn about volunteer opportunities all under one roof. Find a service organization to
9Health Fair The 9 Health Fair promotes health awareness and encourages individuals to assume responsibility for their
volunteer for at the Volunteer Fair. Nonprofit organizations that would like to be part of this event may
own health. The annual 9Health Fair offers free or low-cost
email mhoran@hrcaonline.org for
medical screenings. Each year the Highlands Ranch fair is
more information.
coordinated by the Highlands Ranch Lions Club and hosted by the HRCA. Please check the web site at HRCAonline. org/events for screening details and costs. Used eyeglasses will be collected by the
Volunteer and make a difference in your community.
Highlands Ranch Lions Club. Questions should be directed to 303-791-0099 or
Wednesday, April 18 • 5:00 –
email ddcc@mho.com.
7:00 p.m. • Southridge • Free
Saturday, April 21 • 7:00 a.m. - noon • Eastridge • Most screenings are free.
to attendees and nonprofit organizations.
• Heritage/Adventure 5K/10K Run – Saturday, April 7, 8:30 a.m. at Red Tail Park. The course’s challenging trail and scenic vistas are inspiring. Enjoy Native American activities, prize giveaways, food and beer. • Kids’ Expo – Saturday, April 14, noon - 3:00 p.m. at Eastridge. Kids and parents, come enjoy fun activities and get information on summer programs. For more information, see page 7. • Taste of Highlands Ranch – Friday, May 4, 6:00 - 9:00 p.m. at Eastridge. “The Taste,” a
Military & Veterans Emp l o y m e n t E x p o Attend employment attainability classes and meet with employers who are hiring. Visit
community favorite, features all you care to enjoy of wine, beer, spirits, and
www.mvee.org for
sumptuous cuisine from over 30 area restaurants. A silent auction will benefit the
more information.
American Cancer Society. Must be 21 years of age or older.
Tuesday & Wednesday, April 24-25
Please check the web site for the most current event information.
at Douglas County Events Center, Castle Rock.
H RCA o n l i n e . o r g
recreation aquatics/sports/fitness SUMMER SWIM LESSONS FILL QUICKLY On-line registration is available now for summer swim lessons. Visit the web site to enroll before the most popular times are filled. Why choose HRCA? Just a few of the reasons include low class sizes, longer class times, an on-deck instructor for all sessions, convenient times and dates offered at multiple locations, multiple participant discounts, and fun! Join an ever-growing community of families who realize the importance of learning swimming skills which can be used for a lifetime. Learn more at www.HRCAonline.org. Click on Aquatics under the Recreation tab, then click on Swim Lessons. Or, you may email losborne@ hrcaonline.org or call 303-471-8867. S F B C R e - B o o t Ch a l l e n g e All fitness levels ages 13-adult are welcome to participate in this year’s Special Forces Boot Camp Re-Boot Challenge! Work out six days a week for six weeks with a variety of cardio drills, body strength, and flexibility exercises and see your fitness results improve. Monday - Friday classes are at Eastridge from 6:00 - 7:00 a.m. and Saturday’s strength class is at Northridge from 9:30 - 10:30 a.m. For details, visit www.hrcaonline.org/ specialtyfitness. G u i d e d M e d i t a t i o n a nd Gentle Yoga Practice relaxation techniques including deep breathing, visualization, meditation, and yoga in the Hawk Room at Westridge. Reduce everyday stress and boost energy and mood. This class requires advanced registration: Activity # 823853. Call 303-471-8851 for more Fitness/ Martial Arts information.
Heritage/Adventure 5K & 10K The course’s challenging trail and scenic vistas are inspiring. The majority of the course is on dirt paths and trails with only a small segment of sidewalk. Enjoy Native American activities, prize giveaways, food, and beer on April 7 starting at Redtail Park. For details, visit www.highlandsranchraceseries.com.
Spring Spike Sand Volleyball Join us for this pre-season kickoff tournament. This tournament lasts two days. Men’s and Women’s 4v4 is Saturday, April 28 and Co-ed 4v4 is Sunday, April 29. Stick around for a post tournament celebration after the finals.
USTA Junior Team Tennis USTA Junior Team Tennis program is an eight-week program for junior tennis players, Parent information meetings are Monday, May 1, 6:00 p.m. at Northridge and Tuesday, May 2, 6:00 p.m. at Lebsack Tennis Center at Redstone Park. The Lebsack meeting includes information on the CARA youth tennis program. For more information, call 303-471-8940 or visit www.HRCAonline.org.
Spring Break Falcons Sports Camps Spend spring break with us at sports camp for ages 7-12. Explore a variety of sports and games in a safe and positive athletic environment that emphasizes sportsmanship and teamwork. Camps are March 26-30 and April 2-6, 10:00 - 2:00 p.m. at the Westridge Indoor Turf.
TR - Almost 8, Just Can’t Wait This weekly program is for kids ages 5-7 with special needs. Participants gain skills needed for a variety of sports including soccer, basketball, t-ball, and track and field. Join the fun and participate in a variety of activities that increase motor skills, balance, and social skills. For more information, call 303-471-7043 or email summer.aden@hrcaonline.org.
April 2012
education youth & adult L e t C r e a t i v i t y Sp r i n g f o r t h ! This month, as spring gets underway, consider enrolling you or
or Kitchen Place Setting on Tuesday
your child into an art class and get creative! With the change
evenings for your 6-9 year old. If you’re
of seasons comes an opportunity to try something new and
the one who wants to strike a creative
different. For children’s art classes, try Spring Has Sprung on
cord, consider the Cherry Blossoms
Friday mornings for 2-3½ year olds, Pop Art Madness on Friday
Merlot and Monet class on Friday,
evenings for your 4-12 year old, or Spring is in the Air on
April 13, or try our Continuing or Advanced Wheel classes
Saturdays for your 3-6 year old. Consider pottery for your little
offered throughout the week in the evenings. You can learn more
ones by enrolling them in Spring Sports on Wednesdays for your
about these great opportunities by calling 303-471-8953.
2½-4 year old, Outerspace on Mondays for your 3-4 year old,
Sp r i n g E v e n t s f o r y o u r s p r i n g C h i c k e n ! There are so many options this month for your 3-6 year old to
Flutes. These classes are 9:30 a.m. - noon at Eastridge. Bugs, Bugs
stay active and have fun. For the mom and me crowd, consider
Everywhere is April 11, Disney Lunch is April 17, and Dora the
Fun with Elmo or Zooming with Cars both offered on Friday
Explorer is April 20 at Eastridge – you don’t want to miss out on
mornings in April. On Tuesdays, we offer Bunny Crossings, Basket
these great programs. The theme for 2 Times the Fun in April
of Fun, Eggceptional Egg, and Spring is in the Air. These fun classes
is Spring Splendor. Children will get the opportunity to learn all
are 9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. at Eastridge. If Fridays work better for
about spring and what happens during this month of new life! For
your schedule, try enrolling your spring chicken in Baskets and
more information, call 303-471-8818.
Bunnies, Fairytales and Swords, Lollipops and Lillys, or Drums and
L e t t h e Pa rt y b e g i n , p i c k a t h e m e As graduation and spring birthday celebrations draw close,
guests. Options include art, cooking, dance, LEGO ®, pottery
consider a DJ party or themed birthday party with us! With a
and tumbling parties, or specialty parties like Adventure Quest,
variety of party options, we can accommodate your schedule
treasure chests, cupcake parties and more. For more information,
and interests while providing a great experience for you and your
call 303-471-8853.
Make Your Own...custom classes If you don’t see a class that suits your group’s interest or schedule,
friends together and find a theme or
call us. We’d be happy to create a class just for you! From
time that works for you and we’ll put
tumbling to kid’s corner classes, art and pottery programs to
the class together. For more information,
cooking and ballet classes, this is a great time to get a group of
call 303-471-8818.
e x p l o r e f o r s u m m e r at t h e K i d s ’ E x p o On Saturday April 14, noon - 3:00 p.m. at Eastridge is our
summer program registrations and you’ll get an idea of what
Summer Kids’ Expo. Bring the kids for fun activities, giveaways,
is going to suit your child best this summer. Join us! For more
bouncers, food, and more. Discounts will be available for
information, call 303-471-8928.
H RCA o n l i n e . o r g
9568 University Boulevard Highlands Ranch, CO 80126 303-791-2500
Find what you need on Click It! www.HRCAonline.org/clickit
Scan with your smartphone to visit Click It! now Facility closures April 8 - All facilities closed for the Easter holiday April 14 - Eastridge Basketball Courts closed for the Kids’ Expo April 16-21 - Westridge closed for annual maintenance April 20 - Eastridge Basketball Courts closed for 9Health Fair setup April 20 - Eastridge Basketball Courts closed for 9Health Fair April 27 - Eastridge Basketball Courts & Track closed for Home Improvement Expo setup April 28-29 - Eastridge Basketball Courts & Track closed for Home Improvement Expo Check the web site for the most up-to-date closure information.
Postmaster: Time Sensitive Material. Please deliver by 3/31/12.
community partners
For event details, see page 5 or visit HRCAonline.org
April 7 Easter Egg Hunt April 7
Heritage/Adventure 5K/10K Run
April 9
Board Working Session* 6:00 p.m.
April 14
Kids’ Expo
April 17
RAC & Board Meeting* 6:30 p.m. (Recreation Advisory Committee monthly meeting of Delegates)
April 18
Volunteer Fair
April 21
9Health Fair
April 22 Love in Action Community Service Day April 22 Computer/Electronics Recycling & Paper Shredding April 24-25 Military & Veterans Employment Expo April 28-29 Home Expo
* These meetings are at Eastridge and open to our members.
The HRCA’s ability to bring events to Highlands Ranch is made possible in part by our Community Partners, the Highlands Ranch Cultural Affairs Association (CAA), and the Scientific and Cultural Facilities District (SCFD).