2 minute read
Mike Bailey
Dear HRCA Residents,
Spring is the bridge from winter to summer, and I enjoy this time of year as everything starts thriving again. Now is a chance to plan to be a part of all that is happening this spring in Highlands Ranch.
The Backcountry is drying up, its time to get outside again. We offer many different youth, adult, and family experiences. Join us for a campfire or full-moon hike, take horse riding lessons, or explore the open trails in the Backcountry on your own. With 8,200 acres of conservation space, there is something for everyone.
We kick off the month of April with our wonderful Highlands Ranch Farmer's Market at Town Center, starting Sundays, April 2. The Farmer's Market is a great way to support Colorado vendors and access fresh, locally grown foods. Following the Farmer's Market is our annual Easter Egg Hunt at Northridge Park, 10:00 a.m. SHARP. Bring your kiddos, up to age nine, to join us as we scramble for Easter Eggs. Join us for the annual Volunteer Fair on April 18, at Southridge. We are only successful because of our devoted volunteers, and this event showcases the volunteer needs of the HRCA and many other local non-profit organizations. Please take the time to review all the spring offerings in the newsletter and come out and enjoy a few of our events.
We are very fortunate to have a disciplined team and board who consistently look to benefit the HRCA for the current time and future generations. With that in mind, our Annual Meeting of the Members is on April 18, and for us to continue to benefit all Highlands Ranch residents, your vote is needed. Please watch the mail and return your proxy. Our Delegate election is essential in continuing homeowner representation at our monthly meetings.
I am more committed now than ever to our mission of striving to build the lifestyle you want to live so that Highlands Ranch will continue to be a great place to live, work, and play. Thank you for your continued partnership in making HRCA a fantastic place to live.
Best, Mike Bailey
Annual Meeting Of The Members
The deadline to return proxies for the Annual Meeting of Members is Monday, April 17 at 5:00 p.m. Homeowners can vote by sending in or dropping off their proxy to the Eastridge Recreation Center, 9568 S. University Blvd., Highlands Ranch, CO 80126. Homeowners may also email their proxy to Theresa Hill at theresa.hill@hrcaonline.org. Homeowners who would like to vote in person for their District Delegate can vote at the Eastridge Recreation Center on April 17 between 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. This year Delegates in odd-numbered districts and non-sub associations with a delegate vacancy are up for election.
NOTICE: Proxy forms are being mailed to homes. Please help save HRCA a future expense by making sure they are sent back by April 17 through email, in person, or mailed. Details are on the form. Thank you!
If you would like more information, contact Theresa Hill at Theresa.hill@hrcaonline.org.