HRCA November 2010 Newsletter

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HRCA|news Enhancing property values and creating quality of life through recreation, community events and leadership

November 2010

The 2011 Budget The HRCA Finance Committee, a volunteer group of ten homeowners with financial expertise, has recommended a 2011 HRCA budget to the Board of Directors. The draft budget is currently posted on the HRCA web site for homeowners to review. A final budget will be adopted at the November 16 Board of Directors meeting.

Nutcracker Highlights Back by popular demand for the fourth year, the Highlands Ranch Cultural Affairs Association (CAA) will present the holiday must-see, Nutcracker Highlights. The Wildcat Mountain Auditorium at the Recreation Center at Southridge is a fantastic family-friendly venue where folks don’t have to travel far or spend a fortune to enjoy highlights from this holiday favorite. The Nutcracker, composed by Tchaikovsky in 1892, has become perhaps the most popular of all ballets, performed primarily during the Christmas season. In the United States, especially since the 1960s, it has transcended its origins as a mere ballet or piece of classical music, becoming a part of American tradition. The Nutcracker, a ballet that takes place one Christmas Eve in a nineteenth century Russian town, is based on E.T.A. Hoffman’s fairy tale, The Nutcracker and the Mouse King. There are three performances: Friday, November 19 from 7:00 – 8:00 p.m. or Saturday, November 20 from 3:00 – 4:00 p.m. or 7:00 – 8:00 p.m. It is suggested that tickets be purchased soon as this event always sells out. Seating is first-come, first-served. Handicap parking and seating is available. Tickets are $5 for Highlands Ranch residents, $7 for guests (in advance), and $8 for residents, $10 for guests the day of the event, if not sold out. Children under two are free on parent’s lap. Tickets are available by calling 303-471-8859 or visiting any of the four HRCA facilities.

ice rink opening

It’s that time of year again! Winter is approaching which means more outdoor fun! The Town Center North Synthetic Ice Rink opens on Saturday, November 6. Bring the whole family for a fun day on the ice. Come celebrate our opening on the 6th and your skating admission at the HRCA Ice Rink is free. New kids’ Learn-to-Skate classes and private lessons are available. Register now! Hours of operation for November are Saturday and Sunday from 1:00 – 5:00 p.m. For admission fees and more information, visit www.HRCAonline. org/ice.

Building a lifestyle that you want to live


HRCA|news is published monthly by the Highlands Ranch Community Association, Inc.

GARY D EB U S Community manager

Draft 2011 HRCA Budget – The draft budget is posted on the HRCA web page for review. The Finance Committee, a

HRCA|event weather line 303-471-8888 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Laura Hopkins 303-478-9103 Todd Landgrave 303-470-8765 Scott Lemmon 303-346-1412 Nick Robinson 303-791-0840 Gregory Terry 303-329-6199

volunteer group of homeowners has spent a great amount of time to go through the financial matters of the HRCA and is recommending approval of the DRAFT 2011 HRCA Budget to the Board of Directors. The draft was presented to the Delegates on October 19th and in November the Board of Directors will adopt a budget at their meeting. The Finance Committee is recommending a $0.67 increase per month (or $8 per year) to the Recreation Function Common Assessment. This proposed increase would not impact members that pay only the Administrative Function Common Assessment. The HRCA has considered several options to keep assessments flat. Those options may reduce services and quality of facilities. For more

ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES 9568 University Blvd. 303-791-8958

information, visit the HRCA Draft Budget at Pro Disposal, Inc., HRCA’s Preferred Trash and Recycling Provider – This is a reminder that the HRCA, following an extensive proposal process, selected


Pro Disposal as the Preferred Provider for trash and recycling services in Highlands


Ranch. If you currently have another provider, you may want to consider Pro for their

Recreation Center at Northridge 8801 Broadway Facility Hours: M-F 5:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. Sa. & Su: 6:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.

Recreation Center at Eastridge 9568 University Blvd. Facility Hours: M-F 5:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. Sa: 6:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Su: 7:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.

$24,000 annually in trash and recycling services at our facilities. More importantly, our homeowners will save, conservatively, about $1.7 million in fees as a result of the HRCA and Pro Disposal agreement. This is money that stays right in your bank account. Give Pro Disposal a call at 303-791-3827 or visit them online at The Sedalia Land Company Landfill – The HRCA is opposing a land use application to allow a landfill or dump to be sited contiguous to the HRCA’s Backcountry Wilderness Area. The HRCA along with a coalition of other very concerned citizens, businesses, and organizations are actively looking at the proposal

Recreation Center at Westridge

and will be asking all citizens to become active to oppose this dump. Prevailing winds,

9650 Foothills Canyon Blvd.

long-term environmental issues, traffic, and wildlife impacts are but a few of the serious

Facility Hours: M-F 5:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m.

concerns. Please sign up for the e-ME, HRCA’s eblast, Meanwhile Back at the Ranch and

Sa: 6:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.

watch for the right time to comment on the proposal to the Douglas County Planning

Su: 7:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.

Commission and Douglas County Board of County Commissioners. When the landfill

Recreation Center at Southridge

company submits its final application for review, we will provide talking points, contact

4800 McArthur Ranch Rd.

information, and other critical information to successfully oppose the dump. Your

Facility Hours: M-F 5:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m.

assistance will be invaluable in protecting property values, the environment, wildlife, and

Sa: 6:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m.

historical and cultural resources.

Su: 7:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. Copyright © 2010 Highlands Ranch Community Association, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission is required to redistribute, reproduce, modify or republish information from Highlands Ranch Community Association, Inc, in print or electronically.


price and service. As a note, the Preferred Provider Agreement will save the HRCA

Happy Thanksgiving. I am thankful that my family is able to live, work, and play in Highlands Ranch, The Pride of Colorado.

November 2010


HOA news

BOARD corner By Greg Terry, Board of Directors

My wife Carolyn and I have had the opportunity to move a number of times over the years and have enjoyed living in variety of metropolitan areas. We relocated to Colorado ten years ago and to Highlands Ranch in 2007 to be closer to our family, and especially to our two granddaughters. Colorado is without a doubt the most beautiful state we have ever lived in, and I cannot think of a better place to call home in Colorado than Highlands Ranch. I am in awe of the grandeur and beauty of the Rocky Mountains every time I look west. I took up skiing when we moved here and I must say that even though I have had the opportunity to travel to many parts of the world, there are few sites that even begin to approach the splendor that surrounds you standing atop a Colorado mountain on a clear winter morning. After we ski off at the top of the lift, my friends, family and I often stop to survey 360 degrees of snow-covered mountains. It is a privilege to live in such a beautiful part of the world. After having grown up in Detroit - a city that has never been known for its beauty you can understand why I am so thankful to be living here in Colorado. Highlands Ranch is certainly a great place to live and raise a family. There are very few communities around the country that have the breadth of amenities and services available to us here in Highlands Ranch including first-class recreation centers, great schools, trails, parks, a wide variety of community events throughout the year, access to the Rocky Mountains and of course the Backcountry Wilderness Area. We have 8,200 acres of pristine land right at our back door. I would encourage all our residents to avail themselves of the many opportunities to enjoy the Backcountry. I was honored and humbled when the Delegates elected me to the HRCA Board of Directors. My goal is to make a positive contribution to the HRCA and make Highlands Ranch an even better place to live. In closing, I want to share a brief word about my approach to leadership. Many years ago I learned about a concept called “Servant Leadership.” Robert K. Greenleaf coined the phrase in his 1970 essay, “The Servant as Leader.” There is a considerable amount of literature on this approach, and I do not have space here to do it justice. However, Greenleaf describes servant leadership as an approach that puts serving others, be they employees, customers or our community as the number one priority. He emphasizes a holistic approach and promoting a sense of community. This has been my leadership philosophy throughout my professional career, and I seek to do the same as a member of your HRCA Board of Directors. I am honored to serve you.

H RCA o n l i n e . o r g

board motions At the October 19, 2010 Board of Directors meeting, the Board took the following actions: Approved the Minutes of Action from the September 21, 2010 Board of Directors meeting Accepted the comments from the October 6, 2010 Development Review Committee meeting Adopted the following motions as recommended by the Architectural Committee 55 properties for failure to paint the exterior of the home 1 property for failure to remove unsightly material 1 property for failure to maintain fencing 1 property for failure to remove garden from front yard 61 properties for failure to maintain their landscaping 3 properties for failure to maintain property 1 property for failure to submit a plan to screen a hot tub 2 properties for failure to remove an inoperable vehicle 1 property for failure to remove holiday lighting Accepted the August 2010 Financial Statements as recommended by the Finance Committee



volunteer showcase delegate of the month


Dave Rodgers – Dave Rodgers

Cresthill Middle School

has served as a delegate for

Students and Susan

District 60 for four years.

Quatrocelli – Susan and

Dave says, “Volunteering

her middle school students

as a delegate provides an

have been volunteering in

opportunity to participate

the HRCA preschool classes

in planning the future of

for eight years. The middle

our community. Prior to

school students create

becoming a delegate I didn’t fully realize the complexity of

center-based lessons and pick themes for the lessons.

managing a community this large and diverse. We have the

Susan and her students enjoy teaching and spending

finest recreational facilities around, and vast open space land

time with the preschoolers. The students form a special

filled with wildlife. I now have a broader appreciation for our

friendship and consider the preschoolers their little

residents, the people who make up the HRCA, and what’s

buddies. This volunteering opportunity is a great learning

involved in making Highlands Ranch an ideal place to live.”

experience for both the preschoolers and the middle

Thank you, Dave! We appreciate your service to the

school students. Thank you, Susan, and your students at


Cresthill Middle School for your valuable contribution!



Show your holiday spirit! Does

A class to learn Adult CPR and first aid skills will last a lifetime and

your house shine with holiday

possibly help save a life. For more information, contact losborne@

cheer? If you enjoy decorating your or 303-471-8942.

home’s exterior and want to be recognized for your efforts, enter

highlands ranch Calendar

your house today! Sponsored by

The 2011 Highlands Ranch Calendar

Wells Fargo, you can win $200 for

will be available in early November.

first place, $100 for second place,

The beautiful photographs in the

and $50 for third place! Turn in your entry form by 5:00 p.m. on

calendar were all taken right here in

Monday, December 6. Homes will be photographed the week of

the Ranch. The calendar is a “must

December 6 – 10. Please have all lights on 5:30 – 8:00 p.m. each

have” for Ranch residents who want

evening. The judging is December 13 and winners will be notified

to know what is happening in their

by December 14. For details, please call 303-471-8821 or visit

neighborhood, and they are great Remember: Decorations may be placed 30 days prior to the holiday

stocking stuffers or holiday gifts. Show pride in your community by picking up your calendar at any HRCA recreational facility.

and must be removed 30 days after.


November 2010


upcoming events J E W ELRY A N D H OLI D AY G IFT FAIR


Just in time for the holidays! This show features jewelry and gifts from handcrafters and commercial retailers. It’s the perfect opportunity to purchase unique necklaces, bracelets, earrings, scarves, purses, crafts, and much more. You will be delighted with the quality and selection. Pick out something to treat yourself or purchase that unique gift for someone special. Admission is free and open to the public! For exhibitor information visit Saturday, November 6 • 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. • Eastridge • Free

Bryan White’s 3D slide photography of Yellowstone National Park and Colorado alpine flowers will leave you awestruck by their beauty and

H o m e t o wn H o l i d a y Searching for a hometown feeling holiday celebration where friends and neighbors share the spirit of the season? HRCA proudly presents Hometown Holiday! Feel the welcoming warmth of our community at this celebration that has become a holiday tradition. Admission is free to this old fashioned celebration which offers an inspiring, delightful, and whimsical time for any and all! This is a winter wonderland of fun-filled festivities including caroling, entertainment, food, and even Santa himself! There is something for everyone so mark your calendar! The Tree Lighting is at 5:00 p.m.

intricate detail. Observe the elusive “Moonbow” effect, Old Faithful, hydrothermal pools, waterfalls, and Yellowstone Grand Canyon, all in full 3D. See the beautiful Columbine, Indian Paintbrush and other countless alpine flowers, photographed in Colorado’s South Park, leap out of the screen. After the event, there will be a book signing of Bryan’s amazing 3D Aurora Borealis, Prelude Lake

Santa leaves at 7:30 p.m., so don’t be late.

coffee table book. This book sells at

Friday, December 3, 4:30 – 7:30 p.m. • Town Center South • Free

area book stores for $64.95 and will be available for only $30.00 (cash or

• HRCA Backcountry Wilderness ½ Marathon – Sat, Nov 13, 8:30 a.m. at Paintbrush Park, next to Southridge. A challenging and hilly course with amazing views.

check). The book will makes a great Christmas gift and can be seen at

• Turkey Day 5K – Thurs, Nov 25, 9:00 a.m., Highlands Ranch Shea Stadium, presented by the Highlands Ranch Chamber of Commerce. • Sparkling Wine Tasting – Sat, Dec 3, 5:30 – 6:30 p.m. or 7:00 – 8:00 p.m. $17 in

Saturday, November 13 • 7:00 – 8:00 p.m. • Southridge, Wildcat Mountain

advance for members, $20 guests. Everyone pays $20 the day of the event, if not sold

Auditorium • $7 Member, $10 Guest

out. Tattered Cover Bookstore. Pick your favorite sparkler to celebrate the season! You

• $10 for everyone the day of the

must be 21+ to attend. I.D.’s will be checked.

event, if not sold out.

Please check the web site for the most current event information and prices.

H RCA o n l i n e . o r g



recreation sports & fitness H RCA H O S T S H I G H S C H O O L S W I M T E A M S The HRCA welcomes the Valor, Rock Canyon, Mountain Vista, and Highlands Ranch High School Girls Swim Teams. The Recreation Centers at Westridge, Eastridge, and Northridge host the teams’ training during November, December, and January. All home meets are at Northridge. In February, March, and April the HRCA hosts the High School Boys Swim Team. Please check the pool schedules available at

P e r s o n a l T r a i n i ng Price Break! The annual Turkey Day to Christmas Day Personal Training price break starts November 22. Price reductions for personal training packages will take effect during this time. For exact pricing, please refer to your activity guide, page 25 or view the guide online at

wellness services The fitness team provides acupuncture, massage therapy, foot care, private and semi private yoga and mat pilates sessions and more! Additionally, specialized yoga classes are held on Tuesday evenings at Westridge for those with autoimmune diseases or for those who are just returning to exercise.

N o v e mb e r N u t r i t i o n The basics of nutrition is the focus of the November nutritional seminar: protein, carbs, and fat. Learn what is a proper serving size, when to eat, how often you should eat and much more!

each recreation center and on the web site for a detailed schedule of when the swim teams will be at each facility.

s p orts leagues and classes • Winter Youth Basketball Leagues – Registration deadline is November 30. Recreational and competitive leagues are offered for grades 1–8. Games will begin in January. For more information, call 303-471-8869. • Kinder Basketball – This instructional program for ages 3–5 introduces the game of basketball in an organized setting on Fridays at Westridge. Future basketball players will learn basic skills while participating in a fun atmosphere. • Fencing – We have classes for beginners to the advanced fencer ages 8 and up. Adult classes are offered on Thursdays; youth classes are on Tuesdays or Thursdays at Northridge. • Adult Indoor Soccer Leagues – Leagues are currently taking team registrations for the November/December leagues. We offer leagues for co-ed, men’s intermediate, and men’s open. Leagues begin in November.

N ew T hera p eutic R ecreation H i p- H o p Dance Brought to you in partnership with Streetside South, a dance training studio offering the best in Hip–Hop, Breaking, Lyrical, and Modern dance instruction for the South Denver Metro Area. The focus of this class, for ages 5 and up, is making a fun environment where parent and child, young and old, can enjoy dance simultaneously. Classes are Mondays, 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. at Streetside South. Visit www.HRCAonline. org/tr for more information.

For more information call the Fitness Coordinator at 303-471-7048.


November 2010


education youth & adult H o l i d ay H a p p e n i n g s As the holidays approach, now is the time to begin thinking of

your life. The Clay Lantern Workshop on Saturday November 27 is

that creative endeavor you can undertake to make this a personal

a wonderful activity to do as a family. Maybe you are looking to make

and unforgettable time of year. Consider taking the Warm Glass

that unforgettable holiday meal this year! Try stepping into the kitchen

Workshop on November 13 and make a special piece of jewelry for

with Chef Ricky, as he shows you how to make cider-braised pork

your daughter or mother. Perhaps the metalsmithing class beginning

tenderloin with apples and roasted butternut squash on November

November 13 is the perfect opportunity to indulge your creative

8. Now is the time to slip inside where it’s warm and engage your

side and make several pieces of sterling silver and copper jewelry to

creative side to share with your loved ones over the holidays! For

give to your friends as a special way to acknowledge their place in

more information, call 303-471-8853.

Tom the Turkey As the snow flakes begin to fall, it’s

educational. Try Cornucopia on November 16 for your 3-5 year

time to get your little ones out of

old or Happy Thanksgiving on November 19 for your 3-6 year old.

the house and giving thanks! Our

If you’re looking for a shorter class that gives your child a chance

Kid’s Corner programs give your

to interact with other children, enroll them in Let’s Talk Turkey on

child a chance to develop some

November 11 or Free Falling on November 18. Whatever class you

independence while engaging in

choose, your child will be gobbling up the holiday in these exciting

theme-based activities that are fun and

programs. For more information, please call 303-471-8818.

K i d z A rt KidzArt, a nationally recognized creative arts program, partners with

breaks at Southridge. These interactive,

the HRCA to offer many fun and exciting art programs for kids and

fun, confidence-building classes give

teens! Whether your child is drawn to artistic activities or not, these

the child an opportunity to explore the

classes provide a wonderful new medium for developing cognitive

world of art and bring home a project

skills that can help a child strengthen reason and logic faculties.

every week. Each session is different, so

Art is a wonderful way to support the whole child and improves

try one of these classes and give your

concentration, memorization and basic academic skills. KidzArt

child the gift of artistic expression! For

programs are Tuesday evenings after school and during school

more information, please call 303-471-8853.

En r i c h m e nt R o u n d - U p This past month our Enrichment students explored the themes:

name writing skills. Finishing their day with a theme-oriented Spanish

Community, Transportation, Farm Animals, and Halloween. Each

and music lesson, the Enrichment kids were learning and having

day the children went swimming at the pool, hosted guest speakers

fun! The Enrichment program is part of our Preschool program at

like firemen, pilots and 4H, and created art projects, clay projects

Eastridge and provides flexible child care options for families. For

and architecture projects while exercising their letter, number and

more information, please call 303-471-8881.

H RCA o n l i n e . o r g



9568 University Boulevard Highlands Ranch, CO 80126 303-791-2500


facility closures November 5 – Eastridge Gym & Track Closed at 7:00 a.m. for the Jewelry and Holiday Gift Fair set up November 6 – Eastridge Gym & Track Closed all day for the Jewelry and Holiday Gift Fair November 25 – All facilities closed for Thanksgiving holiday. November 26 – Administrative Office Closed


community partners

For event details, see page 5 or visit November 6

Jewelry and Holiday Gift Fair

November 6 Synthetic Ice Rink Season Opening November 8

Board Working Session* 6:00 p.m.

November 13

HRCA Backcountry Wilderness ½ Marathon

November 13

Nature in 3D!

November 16

RAC & Board Meeting* 6:30 p.m. (Recreation Advisory Committee monthly Meeting of Delegates)

November 19 & 20 Showtime at Southridge - Nutcracker Highlights November 25 Turkey Day 5K

* These meetings are at Eastridge and open to our members.

The HRCA’s ability to bring events to Highlands Ranch is made possible in part by our Community Partners, the Highlands Ranch Cultural Affairs Association (CAA), and the Scientific and Cultural Facilities District (SCFD).

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