HRCA October 2013 Newsletter

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Enhancing property values and creating quality of life through recreation, community events and leadership

October 2013

2 0 1 4 B U D G E T PLANN I N G The HRCA Finance Committee and staff are working on the 2014 Budget and will have a draft posted on our web site in early October for homeowners to review before it is presented at the Delegate Meeting on October 15. A final budget will be adopted at the November Board of Directors meeting.

Spooky Halloween Fun Halloween is fun for ghouls and goblins of all ages, and the HRCA has activities for everyone! We kick off the season with the Paranormal Party at the Highlands Ranch Mansion on Wednesday, October 16 and Thursday, October 17. Is the Mansion really haunted? Find out for yourself. See page five for details. The third annual Haunted Forest is Friday and Saturday, October 25 & 26, 7:00 - 10:00 p.m. in the Backcountry. A dry creek bed turns into a walk of terror and the darkness of the forest hides who or what is in the shadows. There are no walls to protect you from the horrors that lurk, and no roof to keep out the howling winds. Recommended for ages 10 and older, parental discretion is advised. For more information or volunteer opportunities contact 303-471-7078. New this year is the Halloween Hayride Scary Movie Night on Monday, October 28, and Halloween Hayride Family Movie Night on Tuesday, October 29. For more details, please visit the web site. A sweet family holiday activity is Trick-or-Treat Street on Saturday, October 26, 10:00 a.m. 2:00 p.m. at Eastridge. Children under 12 are invited to come in costume with trick-or-treat bag in hand. Local businesses provide treats for all the “little ghosts and goblins!� $1.00 per person (adults & children). Each family may pick a pumpkin from the pumpkin patch while supplies last. Therapeutic Recreation's Spooktacular Halloween Dance for ages 16 and older with special needs is Friday, October 25, 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. at Southridge. Dress up in your favorite costume and dance the night away! Register by October 19. Families are invited to enjoy a Haunted Hayride, October 25, 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. or October 26, 6:00 - 9:00 p.m. where spooky tales and winding trails sum up this fun family adventure! Stockton's Plum Creek Stables hosts this spine-tingling Halloween tour! Concessions will be available. Express your creative side with a variety of festive Halloween-themed art, crafts, cooking, and dance classes for all ages. Little ones can learn to make scary spider crafts, spooky snacks, and more. For details on all the fun ways to make the most of your family's Halloween season, visit or call 303-791-2500.

B u i l d i n g a l i f e s t y l e t h a t y o u w a n t t o l i v e 1

Jerry flannery

HRCA|news is published monthly by the Highlands Ranch Community Association, Inc.

HRCA|event weather line 303-471-8888 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Christina Caputo 303-471-0867 Scott Lemmon 303-346-1412 Brock Norris


Jeff Suntken


ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES 9568 University Blvd. 303-791-8958 RECREATION FACILITIES 303-791-2500 Recreation Center at Northridge 8801 Broadway

Facility Hours: M-Th: 5:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m.

F: 5:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.

Sa. & Su: 6:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Recreation Center at Eastridge 9568 University Blvd.

Facility Hours: M-F 5:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m.

Sa: 6:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Su: 7:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Recreation Center at Westridge 9650 Foothills Canyon Blvd.

Facility Hours: M-F 5:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m.

Sa: 6:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Su: 7:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Recreation Center at Southridge 4800 McArthur Ranch Rd.

Facility Hours: M-F 5:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m.

Sa: 6:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. Su: 7:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. Copyright ©2013 Highlands Ranch Community Association, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission is required to redistribute, reproduce, modify or republish information from Highlands Ranch Community Association, Inc, in print or electronically.


CEO and general manager

Fall has arrived and soon you will see little ghosts and goblins knocking on your door! Please check out our calendar this month for all of the fun activities for adults and children alike! September was a record month. It started with record temperatures and that turned into record rain. Hopefully none of you experienced any significant damage to your homes. These types of events, however, serve as notice to all of us to survey our homes for potential problems that rain or coming snow could cause. Reminders: Speaking of snow and with the winter closing in on us, it is time to “winterize” your households from the harsh winter temperatures. Also, pruning today will save you work next Spring. This month, the budget for HRCA will be presented to the Board and Delegates for moving forward for final approval. Feel free to attend any of our meetings and get in touch with your delegates to let them know if you have any questions. Please check out our web site for the calendar of meetings if you are interested in attending. HRCA mobile web site: Have you downloaded the mobile web site yet? Starting on August 1, we have gone “live” with our mobile web site. You can check out schedules and access all kinds of information anywhere at your convenience! Soon we will be adding features where you can register and pay for classes on your mobile device. These innovations are being made to help you get more done in your busy lives! Delegate Vacancies: Thank you to everyone that responded to the HRCA call to recruit volunteers to serve as delegates for the 22 vacant districts. Over 15 members contacted our office for information on becoming a delegate the past two weeks. So far three members have committed to run. Special Meetings will be held on October 22 for these three candidates. Part of the election process involves the candidate going door-to-door to get ballet/proxy signatures. Please be receptive to these members if you are in one of the districts they are campaigning in. They are hardworking volunteers with a desire to serve Highlands Ranch. We are continuing to look for delegates in the remaining vacant districts. See the link for how to get involved as a delegate and for an updated list of vacant districts on the home page under HRCA News. What’s to do this month: Please refer to other areas of the newsletter in order to find more detailed information, but I want to take a moment and highlight a few exciting events coming up for October! The Farmers' Market has been a great success over the summer and is now in its last month before winter. Be sure to come out every Sunday at Town Center for fresh produce. You simply have to mark your calendars for the 16th and 17th to attend the Paranormal Party this month at the Highlands Ranch Mansion. Lastly but certainly not least, the 25th and 26th have two great events. The Backcountry Haunted Forest was a big hit again last year, so come out if you dare. Or, come and get spooked at the Haunted Hayrides at Stockton’s Plum Creek Stables.

Fyi |

Quarterly Assessments

Homeowners now have the option to pay assessments online. Using our partner PayLease you can conveniently and securely pay by Credit/Debit card or e-check (PayLease charges a nominal fee for this service). Please visit our website at www. and click on “Pay Assessments Online” then follow the setup up instructions. Fourth Quarter Assessments are due October 1, 2013. Should you have any questions regarding your account or need to make an address change, please call 303-471-8958.

October 2013


cOMMUNITY news c o n s i d e r X e r i s ca p i n g

fence & tree maintenance

The HRCA and residents of Highlands Ranch take great pride in the appearance of our community. In an effort to maintain our property values, our staff routinely survey neighborhoods to assess the condition of properties. As a Highlands Ranch homeowner, we know you also take pride in the condition of your property. It is our desire to work with each homeowner to keep the community well-maintained. The HRCA Residential Improvement Guidelines encourage homeowners to xeriscape their properties using drought-tolerant plantings and other water conservation methods in landscaping. For xeriscaping ideas, visit www.hrcaonline. org/xeriscape to review our suggestions and obtain links to our partners at Centennial Water and the CSU Extension Bureau for further consultation.

Fence Maintenance As regular lawn maintenance starts to decline through the fall and winter months, many residents take the opportunity to repair their fences. Regular maintenance of fencing is required. Broken pickets, top caps and trim boards may need repair and/or replacing.

As the fall season is now upon us, it is great time to plan and implement a xeriscape plan. The following is the guideline the HRCA has for Xeriscape: Committee Approval is required. Using drought tolerant plantings and other water conservation methods of landscaping is encouraged; however, the design must be approved. A landscape that contains less than 50% sod in the “front” and/or “rear” yards, or “side” yards wider than 15 feet, shall be considered xeriscape. Our office has received numerous phone calls from homeowners confused about the 50% rule stated in this guideline. Homeowners here in Highlands Ranch may xeriscape up to 100% of their yard. The only stipulation being that they must submit their plan to the Architectural Committee for approval. The Committee will review the plan to determine that the design includes an adequate number of plantings for the lot size. Remember that “xeriscape” does not mean “zero maintenance,” the goal is to reduce water consumption by using drought tolerant plants, trees, and grasses along with mulch, rock and other ground cover in the design. So for those of you putting in landscape or wanting to change your landscape, the HRCA would encourage the use of xeriscape for your plans.

T r e e T r i mm i ng The fall season is the appropriate time to trim dead branches and remove dead trees. By addressing now, you can avoid additional damage to your property that may arise when the snow accumulation breaks the limbs. For information on tree and limb disposal, please visit www.HRCAonline. org and see information under County News.

Remember to schedule you irrigation shut-off and sprinkler blow outs before the October freeze commences and get your fall fertilizer application down to ensure a beautiful spring lawn free of weeds.

B o a r d U p d at e s The September Board Meeting Motions are available at

H RCA o n l i n e . o r g 3


ranch updates construction

Get your flu sho t Flu season is here! OnPoint Urgent

u pd a t e s

Care Centers and the HRCA have

The Northridge showers in both the

partnered to protect you this flu

men’s and women’s locker rooms

season. Everyone should be vaccinated annually. It is especially

have undergone a facelift. These

important that high-risk individuals, such as those with asthma,

showers are now open.

lung disease, diabetes, pregnant women, or anyone 65 years or older be vaccinated early in the season. Don't wait to protect yourself and your family. No appointment is necessary, just drop in to Eastridge on Thursday, October 17, 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. and 3:00 - 6:00 p.m. in the Monarch Room. Cost for the flu shot is just $20 for ages three and up. Parental consent required for children under 18.

2014 Com mun it y Cal en dar The water damage at the Eastridge gym floor has been repaired.

The 2014 Highlands Ranch Community Calendar features beautiful photographs taken right here in the Ranch and keeps you up-to-date each month on fun community events and programs, scheduled facility closures, and more! Watch for the new calendar to be available for purchase at any recreation center soon!

ind oor gar age sal e “One Man’s Trash is Another Man’s Treasure!” The HRCA hosts its Annual Indoor Garage Sale on Saturday, October 5, 8:00

The renovation of the Eastridge

a.m. - 3:00 p.m. at Eastridge. Admission is free to this one-

weight room and game room will

stop shopping extravaganza. Search for one-of-a-kind finds, or

add additional space for a new cardio

consider purchasing a booth space to sell treasures of your own.

and circuit area layout as well as

Pre-registration of booths is recommended, and applications

additional cardio equipment.

can be found at Booth prices are $10 for members and $20 at the door. Come early to find the best deals, and don’t forget your wallet! If you can't make the event, but still want to help out, donate your items! See how you can help at the Therapeutic Rec Fundraiser below.

THERAPEUTIC RE c fun d ra is e r Donate your gently used items to our upcoming HRCA Indoor Garage Sale to benefit the HRCA Therapeutic Recreation program for kids with special needs. Drop off items at Southridge on October 1 and 3. Then, come shop the garage sale on Saturday, October 5, 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. at Eastridge. For more information, contact 303-471-7043 or summer.


October 2013


upcoming events fall craft show

paranormal party

In its 16th year, the popular Fall Craft Show is taking place the weekend of October 12 & 13. This two-day show features items that have been handcrafted by the artists. The majority of the crafters are from the Highlands Ranch area and have gone through a rigorous jury to ensure uniqueness of product and quality of craftsmanship. You will be delighted at the creativity shown in their work. Items include jewelry, bath products, pottery, wooden crafts, floral arrangements, wreaths, baby and children’s articles, fused glass, and hand-knit items. The Fall Craft Show is the perfect place to find that unique, one-of-a-kind, handcrafted gifts. Best of all, admission is free! Saturday & Sunday, October 12 & 13 • 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. • Eastridge • FREE

Spirit PI has conducted paranormal investigating at the Highlands Ranch Mansion and uncovered spooky findings! Come to the Paranormal Party at the Mansion to discover for yourself whether or not ghosts inhabit the mansion.

Jewelry & Holiday Gift Fair

Spirit PI will be on hand to lead

Just in time for the holidays! This show features jewelry,

the hunt. Explore the mansion

accessories, and holiday gifts from handcrafters and

during cocktail time then attend a

commercial retailers. It’s the perfect opportunity to purchase

presentation of “Things That Go

unique necklaces, bracelets, earrings, scarves, purses and

Bump in the Night” by Spirit PI.

much more. You will be delighted with the quality and

Then it's on to ghost hunting with

selection. Pick out something to treat yourself or purchase

the professionals! Wine and beer

that unique gift for someone special. Don’t miss the Jewelry & Holiday Gift Show.

will be available for purchase. Light

Saturday, November 2 • 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. • Eastridge • FREE

snacks and soda are complimentary. This will be a unique evening for

• HRCA Farmers’ & Street Market – Every Sunday through October 28, 10:00 am. - 2:00 p.m., Town Center South. This open air market features breads, fruits, vegetables from the Farmers’ Market and handbags, accessories, cooking utensils, and more from the Street Market all season long!

those 21+ years of age.

• Classic Music Series – The series continues on October 23, at 6:30 p.m. at the Highlands Ranch Mansion with “The beginning”: Castle Isabel, featuring Brahms' Clarinet Quintet (1891). Enjoy classical chamber music in the beautiful solarium in the mansion. Tickets are $15 in advance and $20 at the door.

• 6:30 - 8:45 p.m.

• Halloween Hayride Family & Scary Movie Nights – Bring your camp chairs, blankets and someone to hold onto as you join us for a short horse drawn hayride to our Backcountry Wilderness Area “outdoor movie theater.” Family movie night is Monday, October 28. Tickets are $8 Members/$10 Guests. Scary Movie night is Tuesday, October 29. Tickets are $6 Members/$9 Guests.

Tickets are available online, or by calling

• Wedneday, October 16 & Thursday, October 17 • Highlands Ranch Mansion •Tickets are $30 each

303-471-8859, or at any recreation center. All tickets are $35 at the door, if not sold out.

Please check the web site for the most current event information.

H RCA o n l i n e . o r g 5


recreation aquatics/sports/fitness FORMER OLYMPIAN IS A BIG SPLASH AT HRCA During the weekend of August 16-18, swimming Gold Medalist, Misty Hyman, provided an unforgettable experience for over 270 participants in Highlands Ranch. Misty gave an inspirational talk beginning with the reason that she started swimming was on the recommendation of her doctor to improve her asthma condition. She learned that swimming was her passion, but Z U M B AT H O N P ARTY I N P I N K

discovered that to be successful she needed to work hard and not let challenges along the way stop her from reaching her goals.

In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, the HRCA Fitness Department

On Saturday and Sunday Misty led a trio of clinics at Northridge,

will be hosting our annual Zumbathon

two for youth on Saturday and one for adults on Sunday. It

Party in Pink at Northridge on Saturday,

was a great opportunity to learn new skills and how to improve

October 5 from 10:00 a.m. -12:00 p.m.

technique from a proven winner while having a great time.

This upbeat event will include light refreshments, vendors and giveaways

It was an unforgettable experience for all who participated and

with a portion of the proceeds donated

HRCA Coached Aquatics Coordinator, Kimsey Cornelison is already beginning to plan for

to the Susan G. Komen foundation.

this to become an annual event at the HRCA in future years. “We feel that the HRCA

Tickets are $15 and can be purchased

Aquatics Programs are the best in the area and having more of these opportunities will

in advance at any of the four Recreation

only enhance our programs in the future,” Kimsey explained.

Centers or at Northridge on the day of the event. For further information,

The HRCA offers programs for both novice and experienced

please contact 303-471-7044.

swimmers. To learn more about the HRCA Coached Aquatic Programs or to add your name to learn more about next year’s


HRCA Olympic weekend, contact 303-471-8942 or kcornelison@ for more information.

Come check out all of the great programs HRCA Fitness has to offer! Join us on Saturday, November 9


from 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. in the

Leaves are starting to turn and that means fall break for the kiddos

Southridge Auditorium for live class

is just around the corner! HRCA’s Fall Break Tennis Camp is the

demos, personal training, nutrition

perfect opportunity to introduce a new sport or sharpen the skills

advice, local vendors, giveaways and

for children ages 7-13. This three day fundamentals camp will run

more. Wear your athletic attire and

from Tuesday, October 15-Thursday, October 18, 1:00 – 4:00 p.m.

come sample one of our classes.

in the Northridge tennis pavilion. Campers should bring a water

Personal trainers will be on-site

bottle, snack, swimsuit and racquet each day. A swim and snack break is included each day.

to answer questions. For more

For more information or to register call 303-471-8940.

information on this free event please contact 303-471-7044.


October 2013


education youth & adult Kids ' Nit e O u t D e b u t ! Kids' Nite Out Across America is a National program that provides a safe, supervised environment for kids in Highlands Ranch to be active, have fun and make friends. This program is coming to the Highlands Ranch Community Association with our kick off night on October 5. The program will run every Saturday night with a few

holiday exceptions, from 6:30 - 9:30 p.m. at Northridge. Kids will get to swim, do fun craft projects and engage in structured games and activities throughout the night. Children ages 7-14 are invited to participate. Fun themes like Crazy Hair Night, Luau Party, Holiday Party and Movie Trivia Night will keep children engaged and winning fun prizes! Cost is $15 for members and $17 for program guests. Don’t miss out! For more information, please call 303-471-8818.

6 th A n n u a l J o n D . Wi l l i a m s C o ti l l i o n Be sure to have your child join us this year for this very popular etiquette program facilitated by the world renowned Jon D. Williams Cotillions. The third grade class will be on November 3, Club Cotillion for grades 4-5 and Survival Etiquette Skills for grades 6-8 begins on October 27, at Southridge. These fun and very popular classes are not just about dancing but incorporate

important modern day etiquette with regards to cell phone use and social networking. Participants have a great time while learning essential skills. For more information please call 303-471-8928 or to register visit

Fa l l B r e a k F u n ! Fall break is October 14-18, and we have a number of programs in which your child can participate. If you are looking for a full day program, consider our day camp at Southridge. Children will do fun activities and have special visits, while participating in art, cooking and swimming among other things. The program is open Monday-Friday from 6:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. If your child is the artistic one in the family, enroll them in the Canvas Creations Camp at Southridge for children ages 5-12 from 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. Children will paint fall trees, pumpkins and happy skulls. The Abrakadoodle Storybook Art Camp also runs this week from 9:00 a.m. - noon at Northridge. Our popular Movie Making Camp will run out of Southridge from 10:00 a.m. -3:00 p.m., so this is a great camp to consider as well.

If your child enjoys working with clay, then be sure to get them enrolled for our studio camp where children will be making a “City of Ceramics.” This camp runs from 1:00 - 3:00 pm. Fall Break Chef’s Camp is another great cooking camp for those that love to be in the kitchen. The cooking camp is for children ages 5-8 and 9-12 and these popular programs will fill quickly so be sure to get your spot. If your child likes to get technical with their hands, be sure to enroll them in the Ninjago Masters Engineering Camp at Eastridge from 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. Science Matters is also running a camp from 9:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. at Westridge called Crash Test Dummies and Mystery Science! For your 3-6 year old who loves to be active, get them enrolled in our fall break tumbling camp. This camp will include crafts, games and tumbling and runs from 12:30 - 3:30 p.m.! For more information on these fall break camps, please call 303-471-8928.

A . P. E S t r a n g e r D a n g e r C l a ss e s These new programs help prepare your child for the possibility of being approached by a stranger and gives them important tools that help them feel confident in staying safe. Topics include defining a “stranger,” “lures,” Role playing and important code words. A.P.E’s basic class for children ages 3-12 runs October

19, from 4:00 - 5:00 p.m. at Eastridge and is $30. Child Escape Tactics is for children ages 5-12 and parents are asked to stay and participate due to the physical nature of the class. This class runs October 19 from 5:15 - 6:15 p.m. and is also $30. For more information on these classes, please call 303-471-8818.

H RCA o n l i n e . o r g 7


9568 University Boulevard, Highlands Ranch, CO 80126


Find what you need on Click It!

Scan with your smartphone to visit Click It! now  Facility closures October 5 - Eastridge basketball courts & track closed for Indoor Garage Sale. October 12-13 - Eastridge basketball courts closed for Fall Craft Show. October 25-26 - Eastridge basketball courts closed for Trick or Treat Street. October 31 - All Recreation Centers close at 6:00 p.m. for Halloween. Tennis Pavilion at Northridge closes at 8:00 p.m. Check the web site for the most up-to-date closure information.

October|events For event details, see page 5 or visit

October 6, 13, 20, 27

Farmers’ & Street Markets (Sundays only)

October 5 Indoor Garage Sale October 7

Board Working Session* 6:00 p.m.

October 12-13

Fall Craft Show

October 15

Delegate & Board Meeting* 6:30 p.m.

October 16-17

Paranormal Party

October 23 Classic Music Series- Chamber Music October 25 Haunted Hayrides, Haunted Forest, Therapeutic Recreation's Spooktacular Halloween Dance October 26 Trick-or-Treat Street, Haunted Hayrides, Haunted Forest * These meetings are at Eastridge and open to our members.

Postmaster: Time Sensitive Material. Please deliver by 9/30/13

community partners The HRCA’s ability to bring events to Highlands Ranch is made possible in part by our Community Partners, the Highlands Ranch Cultural Affairs Association (CAA), and the Scientific and Cultural Facilities District (SCFD).

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