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A-7.1: Communication Protocol for Transporting DNA Samples in Spanish


A QUIEN INTERESE: Estimado Señora o Señor, Los contenidos de este paquete no son tóxicos. Son muestras de células de mejillas (mucosa bucal) que son parte de un estudio y colaboración entre la organización no-gubernamental de derechos humanos Asociación Pro-Búsqueda de Niñas y Niños Desaparecidos de El Salvador y el Centro de Derechos Humanos de la Escuela de la Ley de la Universidad de California en Berkeley en los Estados Unidos (http://www.law.berkeley.edu/HRCweb/index.html). Estas muestras se han recolectado por la Asociación Pro-Búsqueda de familiares de la niñez desaparecida, muestras que se han almacenado en sobres convencionales tanto por razones científico-forenses como para reunir requisitos adecuados de transporte. Los perfiles genéticos obtenidos del ADN de las muestras formarán parte de una base de datos que ProBúsqueda tendrá para la posteridad, por si en el futuro se presentan niños, adolescentes y adultos que pudiesen haber sido parte de, o estar relacionados con, la niñez desaparecida. En cuanto se obtengan sus perfiles genéticos de ADN serán comparados con el panel de perfiles genéticos de familiares para buscar una posible filiación. El análisis de ADN ha sido ya una herramienta indispensable para reunir familias de la Asociación Pro-Búsqueda con sus hijos o hijas. Se agradece de antemano su colaboración en hacer este embarque posible. Atentamente,

A-7.2: Communication Protocol for Transporting DNA Samples in English

The Project established a simple communication protocol to transport DNA samples from Pro-Búsqueda and the Human Rights Center to the Laboratory. Once samples are mailed from El Salvador, a confirmation email is sent to the person receiving the samples at the Laboratory. The e-mail informs the staff receiving the samples when the samples were sent and any specific instructions. This is a sample letter placed outside (in the pouch with shipping labels) with a description of the materials and their use and with assurance of safety, for anyone who may handle the shipment in route. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN:

Dear Madam or Sir, The contents of this shipment are nontoxic. They are samples of cheek cells that are part of a scientific study/collaboration between the nongovernmental human rights organization Asociación Pro-Búsqueda de Niñas y Niños Desaparecidos (Pro-Search Association of Missing Children) of El Salvador and the Human Rights Center of the School of Law at the University of California at Berkeley in the United States (http://www.law.berkeley.edu/HRCweb/index.html). These samples have been collected by the ProBúsqueda Association from relatives of the missing children and have been stored in regular envelopes for forensic scientific reasons and for adequate transport requirements. The genetic profiles obtained from the DNA in the samples will become part of a database that ProBúsqueda will have for posterity as children, adolescents, and adults appear in the future who could have been among or are related to the missing children. As their DNA profiles are obtained they will be compared to the panel of genetic profiles from relatives to look for possible family affiliation. DNA typing via the ProBúsqueda Association has already been a key element in reuniting families with their children. Your assistance in making this shipment possible will be deeply appreciated. Sincerely,

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