Lease Japan Furniture Catalogue for Tokyo, Osaka / Kobe Area

Page 1


Tokyo / Osaka / Kobe / Fukuoka

Other Areas outside Chubu (greater Nagoya) region

How to F ill Out Your Order Form

Please enter information in ① to ⑥ below:

① YourInformation

Please enter your information, including your Rental Period For example, if the rental period is 12months, please enter “12”.

② Item Code

Please enter the item codes of the rental items you select from this catalog.

Note: NEW items are to be entered in the top half; USED items in the bottom half

③ Color Choice

The available colors for each item will appear automatically in the Color Lineup field when an item code is entered. Please enter your preferred color in the Color Choice field

Note: Please be aware that the colors in the catalog are not exactly the same as the actual products. Note: Used items are not always available, and you are not able to choose the design or color.

④ Quantity

Please enter the number of the items you need. (Then, the monthly rental fee will be calculated automatically.)

⑤ Room

Please enter the roomwhere you would like to have each item.

⑥ ***Delivery fee (including the pick-up fee)

You can choose to make a one-time paymentin advance or spread it over your monthly payments.

Please enter “1” in either of the two fields as instructed in the form below.

1. Term ofRental

Furniture Rental Information

• Rentalcontract can bemadeforanylengthof time from 1 to 24months.

2. Rental Items

• Actualrental items maydiffer from the samplepictures

• New items: Colorsmay vary slightly.Please also note the actual sizes listed

• Lead times will vary with possible delaysdepending on availability ofstock at thetime of ordering.

• Curtains: It will take at least 2 weeksforthem to bedelivered from the day of yourorder An estimateforcurtains is availableuponrequest

• If the curtains, kitchen set, platesandcutlery set, option for kitchen set, bedding set andlinens are nolongerrequiredwhenmovingout from the property,pleasekindlydisposeofthem

• An accompanied rentalfurnitureselectiontour is available for aservice feeof JPY 50,000(tax excluded) If thetotal rentalfee is over JPY 100,000/month before tax,this additional fee is notrequired.

• The addition of items to the rentalat a later stage is possible, however a separate delivery fee will berequired, which is usuallyat the expenseof the Rentee/User

• Once ordered, the items cannotbereturnedorchanged, unless they are damaged/faulty upondelivery

• During the rental period, we will repairorreplace items that are broken ormalfunctioning However, in the case of consumable items or damage causedby Rentee/User’s negligence, the cost of repairorreplacement will be the Rentee/User’s responsibility. In the case that the items arebroken ordamaged fromnaturaldisasters, the rentalcontract will automatically end,andpaymentfor the remainingmonthsof the rentalfeewouldnotberequired

3. RentalFees

• A deposit is notrequired

• Pleaserefer totheestimate for the rentalfeeofeach item

4. Payments

Themonthlyrentalfeeshouldbepaid in advanceby the endofprecedingmonth.

5. Delivery Fee(including pick-upof items at thetime of move-out)

• JPY 80,000 (tax excluded)

• Pleasenotethat the delivery feemay differ dependingon the area of deliveryand the volumeofrental items ordered

• TheRentee/User shall pay an extra delivery fee when theRentee/User orders additional items during this rentalperiod

6. Cancellation

• Please notethat the estimate is for a fixed rentalperiod Should the rentalcontractbe cancelled before the endof thefixed period, payment will berequired in full forallremaining monthsof the rentalcontract.

• Finalpayments are required within 30daysof the cancellation

Dining & Kitchen

* The images in this catalog are for illustrative purposes only.

* Lead time may vary depending on the availability of stock.

N001KT Dining table & 2 chair set (for 2)

Table: 750×750×700, Chair: 450×540×785 (SH450)

N002KT Dining table & 4 chair set (for 4)

Table: 1200×750×700, Chair: 450×540×785 (SH450)

N003KT Dining table & 2 chairs set (for 2)

Table: 800×800×700, Chair: 430×520×840 (SH450)

N004KT Dining table & 4 chairs set (for 4)

Table: 1200×800×700, Chair: 430×520×840 (SH450)

N005KT Convertible dining table (for 4 or 6)

Table: 1300/1800×850×700

N006KT Dining chair (single item)

Chair: 440×560×820 (SH480)

* Sizes are shown in Width (W) x Depth (D) x Height (H) order.

* Sizes are shown in millimeters (mm); 1 inch is equal to 25.4mm.

*Please note that the accessories/appliances shown are for illustrative purposes only and are not included.


N008KT Bar stool


N009KT China cabinet


N010KT China cabinet


* Sizes are shown in Width (W) x Depth (D) x Height (H) order.

* Sizes are shown in millimeters (mm); 1 inch is equal to 25.4mm.

*Please note that the accessories/appliances shown are for illustrative purposes only and are not included.


N011KT China cabinet


N012KT China cabinet 1043×465×1846

N103KT Garbage Box 710×360×850

N013KT Microwavestand 1200×415×830

*Theseare“rent-to-own” items, thereforethere is no need to return the items at the endandyouget to keep them

*Please note that you will beresponsible forthe disposal of these items at the end In caseany of the kitchenset or tableware items aredefective or faulty,the User should report to LeaseJapan within one 1 weekafterreceiving the items

*Actual items may differ from the images.

N014KT Kitchen Set
N015KT Option for Kitchen set
N016KT Plates and Cutlery set (for 2)

Living Room

* The images in this catalog are for illustrative purposes only.

* Lead time may vary depending on the availability of stock.

N019KT Sofa (2-seat)

1500x900x900 (SH420)

N020KT Sofa (3-seat)

1850x900x900 (SH420)

N021KT Ottoman


* Sizes are shown in Width (W) x Depth (D) x Height (H) order.

* Sizes are shown in millimeters (mm); 1 inch is equal to 25.4mm.

*Please note that the accessories/appliances shown are for illustrative purposes only and are not included.

N022KT Sofa bed

1830x1000x850 (SH410)

* Bed : 1830x1150x410

N023KT Coffee table 900x500x380

* Sizes are shown in Width (W) x Depth (D) x Height (H) order.

* Sizes are shown in millimeters (mm); 1 inch is equal to 25.4mm.

N024KT Coffee table 930×660×350

N026KT Side table 500×295×365

*Please note that the accessories/appliances shown are for illustrative purposes only and are not included.

N027KT TV stand for flat screen TV (up to 40") 1000x420x300

N029KT TV stand for flat screen TV (up to 60") 1500x350x340

* Sizes are shown in Width (W) x Depth (D) x Height (H) order.

* Sizes are shown in millimeters (mm); 1 inch is equal to 25.4mm.

*Please note that the accessories/appliances shown are for illustrative purposes only and are not included.

Home office

* The images in this catalog are for illustrative purposes only.

* Lead time may vary depending on the availability of stock.

* Sizes are shown in Width (W) x Depth (D) x Height (H) order.

* Sizes are shown in millimeters (mm); 1 inch is equal to 25.4mm.

N030KT Desk set

Desk: 1200x707x600

Desk drawers: 330x590x400

Chair:560x445 535x560

N031KT Desk 1200x600x900

N032KT Desk drawers 400x400x580

N033KT Desk chair 630x630x760~860 (SH410~510)

N035KT Bookshelf 900x1800x280

*Please note that the accessories/appliances shown are for illustrative purposes only and are not included.

* The images in this catalog are for illustrative purposes only.

* Lead time may vary depending on the availability of stock.


N037KT Single Standard Bedframe & Mattress (medium)

Frame: 974x2010x850 / Mattress: 970x1970x290

N038KT Double Standard Bedframe & Mattress (medium)

Frame: 1404x2010x850 / Mattress: 1400x1970x290

N040KT Queen Standard Bedframe & Mattress (medium)

Frame:1704x2010x850 / Mattress:1700x1970x290

* Please note that Japanese mattresses tend to be firmer than U.S. mattresses. A Japanese medium would be equivalent to a U.S. “firm” mattress.

N042KT Night table


* Sizes are shown in Width (W) x Depth (D) x Height (H) order.

* Sizes are shown in millimeters (mm); 1 inch is equal to 25.4mm.

*Please note that the accessories/appliances shown are for illustrative purposes only and are not included.


N043KT Crib

1256x785x1115 *mattress not included

N044KT Bedding & Bed linen set (S)

1 duvet, 1 blanket, 1 pillow, 1 mattressprotector, 1 duvet cover, 1 pillowcase and 1 fitted sheet

N045KT Bedding & Bed linen set (D)

1 duvet, 1 blanket, 2 pillows, 1 mattressprotector, 1 duvet cover, 2 pillowcases and 1 fitted sheet

N046KT Bedding & Bed linen set (Q)

1 duvet, 1 blanket, 2 pillows, 1 mattressprotector, 1 duvet cover, 2 pillowcases and 1 fitted sheet

N047KT Spare bed linen set (S)

1 duvet cover, 1 pillowcase and 1 fitted sheet

N048KT Spare bed linen set (D)

1 duvet cover, 2 pillowcases and 1 fitted sheet

N049KT Spare bed linen set (Q)

1 duvet cover, 2 pillowcases and 1 fitted sheet

N052KT Bed linen and Bedding set (Crib)

N053KT Japanese style futon set

1 pillow, 1 light blanket, , 1 blanket, 1 duvet, 1 light duvet, 1 futonmattress, 1 duvet cover, 1 futon mattress cover, 1 pillow cover, 1 case for the futon set

N054KT Towel set (for 2)

2 bath towels, 2 face towels

* Sizes are shown in Width (W) x Depth (D) x Height (H) order.

* Sizes are shown in millimeters (mm); 1 inch is equal to 25.4mm.

N059KT High chest of drawers


N060KT Low chest of drawers


N061KT Full-length mirror


*Actual items may differ from the images.

* Sizes are shown in Width (W) x Depth (D) x Height (H) order.

* Sizes are shown in millimeters (mm); 1 inch is equal to 25.4mm.

*Beige* *Gray* *Green* *Dark Brown*

*Sheer curtain


N151KT Ready-made size: W200cm x H135cm

N152KT Ready-made size: W200cm x H178cm

N153KT Ready-made size: W200cm x H200cm

N157KT Order-made curtain (Drape and Sheer) Ask for a quote

Sheer Lace Curtain

N154KT Ready-made size: W200cm x H133cm

N155KT Ready-made size: W200cm x H176cm

N156KT Ready-made size: W200cm x H198cm

You can also order Drape or Sheer curtains only. Please ask for a quote.

We measure the made-to-order curtains as seen below:

• For balcony doors, -1 cm from the floor

• For windows,+10 cm from the bottom edge of the window frame

Please let us know if you prefer longer/shorter lengths than the standard measurements.

* Sizes are shown in Width (W) x Depth (D) x Height (H) order.

* The images in this catalog are for illustrative purposes only.

* Lead time may vary depending on the availability of stock.

N501FS Sofa (3-seater) +Ottoman 1980x1480x780 *Fabric

N503FS Sofa (2-seater) 2000x950x740

N504FS Ottoman 700x600x400

N505FS Sofa (L-shaped, right chaise)

N506FS Sofa (L-shaped, left chaise) 2200x950x740*Fabric

* Sizes are shown in Width (W) x Depth (D) x Height (H) order.

* Sizes are shown in millimeters (mm); 1 inch is equal to 25.4mm.

*Please note that the accessories/appliances shown are for illustrative purposes only and are not included.

N505FS (Right chaise)
N506FS (Left chaise)

N665FS Sofa (modular) 2340x2500x650 *Fabric

N666FS Sofa (2-seater) 1950x920x650 *Fabric

*The arm rest is fixed as standard (as shown in the photo), but please consult with us if you prefer it on another side.

N667FS Ottoman 920x550x420 *Fabric

* Sizes are shown in Width (W) x Depth (D) x Height (H) order.

* Sizes are shown in millimeters (mm); 1 inch is equal to 25.4mm.

N511FS Coffee table


N513FS Recliner set


*Half binding leather

N514FS Recliner set


*Soft leather

* Sizes are shown in Width (W) x Depth (D) x Height (H) order.

* Sizes are shown in millimeters (mm); 1 inch is equal to 25.4mm.


N516FS Desk chair


N620FS Desk


N517FS Desk & Desk drawers


Desk drawers:400x400x580

N621FS Desk drawers


* Sizes are shown in Width (W) x Depth (D) x Height (H) order.

* Sizes are shown in millimeters (mm); 1 inch is equal to 25.4mm.

*Please note that the accessories/appliances shown are for illustrative purposes only and are not included.


N622FS Bookshelf

Frame:1540x2095x830Mattress: ( Soft ) 1500x1950x230 ( Medium ) 1540x1950x230 ( Firm ) 1500x1960x230

N518FS Queen bedframe & mattress (soft)

N519FS Queen bedframe & mattress (medium)

N520FS Queen bedframe & mattress (firm)

N521FS Queen bedframe & mattress (soft) with drawer storage

N522FS Queen bedframe & mattress (medium) with drawer storage

N523FS Queen bedframe & mattress (firm) with drawer storage

*Note: The firmness above is based on Japanese standards. In general, Japanese mattresses are firmer than US mattresses.

N524FS Night table 350x406x455

N526FS Bunk bed & thin mattresses



* Sizes are shown in Width (W) x Depth (D) x Height (H) order.

* Sizes are shown in millimeters (mm); 1 inch is equal to 25.4mm.

*Queen bedframe should have two headlamps

*N630FS: Glass top makes it easy to clean.

N630FS Dresser with chair


N631FS Chest of drawers 80


*The items below are different in height from the items above.

Chest of drawers Slim 500x445x880

Chest of drawers 105 1050x445x810

Chest of drawers 120 1200x445x810

* Sizes are shown in Width (W) x Depth (D) x Height (H) order.

* Sizes are shown in millimeters (mm); 1 inch is equal to 25.4mm.

*Please note that the accessories/appliances shown are for illustrative purposes only and are not included.




* Sizes are shown in Width (W) x Depth (D) x Height (H) order.

* Sizes are shown in millimeters (mm); 1 inch is equal to 25.4mm.



N640FS Rug (medium)
N641FS Rug (large)
N643FS Rug (shaggylarge)
N642FS Rug (shaggy - medium)

N650FS Sofa bed with storage


N651FS Single bedframe & mattress (soft)


Mattress: 970x1950x200

*linens are not included

*Note: The firmness above is based on Japanese standards. In general, Japanese mattresses arefirmer than US mattresses.

* Sizes are shown in Width (W) x Depth (D) x Height (H) order.

* Sizes are shown in millimeters (mm); 1 inch is equal to 25.4mm.

*Please note that the accessories/appliances shown are for illustrative purposes only and are not included.

N660FS Cabinet/Microwave stand 1100x445x903

N661FS High cabinet for appliances with shelves 90 900x445x1800

N662FS High cabinet for appliances with shelves 110 1100x445x1800

* Sizes are shown in Width (W) x Depth (D) x Height (H) order.

* Sizes are shown in millimeters (mm); 1 inch is equal to 25.4mm.

*Please note that the accessories/appliances shown are for illustrative purposes only and are not included.

N663FS Extendable kitchen sideboard 100


N664FS Extendable kitchen sideboard 120 1200(1800)X455X905

Extendable from both left and right

* Sizes are shown in Width (W) x Depth (D) x Height (H) order.

* Sizes are shown in millimeters (mm); 1 inch is equal to 25.4mm.

*Please note that the accessories/appliances shown are for illustrative purposes only and are not included.

* The images in this catalog are for illustrative purposes only.

* Lead time may vary depending on the availability of stock.

N528FS Sofa (L-shaped, W295, fabric) 2950x1910x780(SH360)

N529FS Sofa (L-shaped, W265, fabric) 2650x1910x780(SH360)

*If you prefer not to have the wooden trays, please let us know in advance.

*The standard product comes with the chaise fixed on the right side of the sofa. (as seen in the photo) Please let us know if you prefer it on the left.

* Sizes are shown in Width (W) x Depth (D) x Height (H) order.

* Sizes are shown in millimeters (mm); 1 inch is equal to 25.4mm.

*Please note that the accessories/appliances shown are for illustrative purposes only and are not included.

N530FS Coffee table


N531FS Coffee table 1000x500x380

N532FS TV stand


N533FS TV stand


N534FS Extendable dining table (for 4 or 6) 1360/1780x850x750

*Table length is adjustable to 1360mm or 1780mm

N535FS Dining chair 450x580x960

* Sizes are shown in Width (W) x Depth (D) x Height (H) order.

* Sizes are shown in millimeters (mm); 1 inch is equal to 25.4mm.


N536FS Queen bedframe & mattress (soft)

Frame: 1610x2140x840 Mattress: 1500x2000x290

N537FS Queen bedframe & mattress (medium)

Frame: 1610x2140x840 Mattress: 1500x2000x250

N538FS Queen bedframe & mattress (firm)

Frame: 1610x2140x840 Mattress:


*Note: The firmness above is based on Japanese standards. In general, Japanese mattresses are firmer than US mattresses.

N539FS Queen bedframe & mattress (soft) with storage

Frame: 1610x2140x840 Mattress: 1500x2000x290

N540FS Queen bedframe & mattress (medium) with storage

Frame: 1610x2140x840 Mattress: 1500x2000x250

N541FS Queen bedframe & mattress (firm) with storage

Frame: 1610x2140x840 Mattress: 1500x2000x260

N542FS Night table (walnut)


N543FS Night table (walnut) 332x390x581

* Sizes are shown in Width (W) x Depth (D) x Height (H) order.

* Sizes are shown in millimeters (mm); 1 inch is equal to 25.4mm.

*Please note that the accessories/appliances shown are for illustrative purposes only and are not included.


* The images in this catalog are for illustrative purposes only.

* Lead time may vary depending on the availability of stock.

N549FS Sofa (3-seater) 2310x970x970

N550FS Sofa (2-seater) 1730x970x970

N552FS 50" TV stand 1270x510x810

N553FS 60" TV stand 1520x510x810

* Sizes are shown in Width (W) x Depth (D) x Height (H) order.

* Sizes are shown in millimeters (mm); 1 inch is equal to 25.4mm.

*Please note that the accessories/appliances shown are for illustrative purposes only and are not included.

Sample layout / 2-seater + 3-seater sofa

* The images in this catalog are for illustrative purposes only.

* Lead time may vary depending on the availability of stock.

N600FS Dining table


N601FS Dining chair


*Please note that this product is made of natural teak wood. Every product will have a different grain pattern and the table top is not a perfect rectangle.

N602FS Coffee table


*Please note that this product is made of natural teak wood. Every product will have a different grain pattern and the table top is not a perfect rectangle.

* Sizes are shown in Width (W) x Depth (D) x Height (H) order.

* Sizes are shown in millimeters (mm); 1 inch is equal to 25.4mm.

*Please note that the accessories/appliances shown are for illustrative purposes only and are not included.


N603FS Sofa (3-seater) 1980x970x730

N604FS TV stand 1680x460x420

N605FS Sofa (2.5-seater) 1850x900x810

* Sizes are shown in Width (W) x Depth (D) x Height (H) order.

* Sizes are shown in millimeters (mm); 1 inch is equal to 25.4mm.

*Please note that the accessories/appliances shown are for illustrative purposes only and are not included.



N608FS Chair


N610FS Bar table


N611FS Bar stool


* Sizes are shown in Width (W) x Depth (D) x Height (H) order.

* Sizes are shown in millimeters (mm); 1 inch is equal to 25.4mm.

*Please note that the accessories/appliances shown are for illustrative purposes only and are not included.


N635FS Chest of drawers 55 550X450X1000

N636FS Chest of drawers 100 1000X450X800

* Sizes are shown in Width (W) x Depth (D) x Height (H) order.

* Sizes are shown in millimeters (mm); 1 inch is equal to 25.4mm.

*Please note that the accessories/appliances shown are for illustrative purposes only and are not included.


* The images in this catalog are for illustrative purposes only.

* Lead time may vary depending on the availability of stock.

N062KT Light fixture (Ceiling light)

N064KT Floor lamp

N065KT Bedsidelamp

N067KT Desklamp

N068KT Air conditioner (up to 14 sq meter, 8J)

N069KT Air conditioner (larger than 14 sq meter, 8J)

*additional fees may apply depending on the room size

*Please note that we do not install air conditioner drainpipe covers for neither the interior and the exterior. The drilling of holes in the wall is required and this could cause damage to the property, for which you may be charged at the time of your move-out.

N072KT Electric heater

N073KT Oil-filled heater

N076KT Fan

N077KT Air cleaner and Humidifier

*Actual items may differ from the images.

*Please note that the accessories/appliances shown are for illustrative purposes only and are not included.

N078KT 60"

N078KT 4K smart TV 60“

N079KT 4K smart TV 55“

N080KT 4K smart TV 50“

N081KT 4K smart TV 40“

N121KT Flat screen TV 32"

N079KT 55" N080KT 50"

N081KT 40" N121KT 32"

N083KT DVD player (Japanese manual only)

N084KT Blu-ray recorder (Japanese manual only)

*Actual items may differ from the images.



N086KT Washer and dryer combo 9.0 kg/6.0 kg

N087KT Top loading washing machine 7kg

N088KT Dryer and stand 4kg

N089KT Iron

N090KT Ironing board





N091KT Canister - Paper bag type

N092KT Canister - Cyclone type

N093KT Cordless - Stick type

*Actual items may differ from the images.

*Actual items may differ from the images.

N094KT Refrigerator 250L (for 2-3)

N095KT Refrigerator 370L (for 3-4)

N096KT Refrigerator 400L (for 4)

N097KT Refrigerator 500L (for more than 4)

*Fridges will have single door opening from left to right as default. If you require door opening from right to left, please state this when requesting estimate. After item is ordered, no changes can be made.

N098KT Microwave

N099KT Microwave andoven

N100KT Microwave and oven (More functions)

N101KT Toaster oven

N102KT Pop-uptoaster

*Actual items may differ from the images.

* Sizes are shown in Width (W) x Depth (D) x Height (H) order.

* Sizes are shown in millimeters (mm); 1 inch is equal to 25.4mm.

Image of product size








N103KT Juicer/Blender

N105KT Rice cooker (for 3-4 people)

N107KT T-fal electrical kettle

N108KT Japanese electrical kettle

N109KT Deep fryer

N110KT Hot plate (Electric skillet)

N111KT Coffee maker

*Actual items may differ from the images.


* The images in this catalog are for illustrative purposes only.

* Lead time may vary depending on the availability of stock.

S005-FK Kotatsu table & Futon 1050x750x380

*Please note that the accessories/appliances shown are for illustrative purposes only and are not included.

Item list only

No pictures provided

* Stock of used items is limited and difficult to always guarantee their availability.

* The images in this catalog are for illustrative purposes only.

* Lead time may vary depending on the availability of stock.


No photos are available for the items below.

U001SL Dining table & chair set (for 2)

U002SL Dining table & chair set (for 4)

U003SL China cabinet (Tall: W600xH1800)

U004SL China cabinet (Short: W600xH900)

U005SL Microwave stand

U006SL Sofa (2 -seat)

U007SL Coffee table

U008SL Desk & chair set

U009SL Bookshelf

U010SL Bed & Mattress (S)

U011SL Bed & Mattress (D)

U012SL Low chest of drawers

U013SL TV board (up to 32" TV)

U016SL TV board (up to 40" TV)

U031SL Drape curtain (Ready-made size: W200cm x H135cm)

U032SL Drape curtain (Ready-made size: W200cm x H178cm)

U033SL Drape curtain (Ready-made size: W200cm x H200cm)

U034SL Lace curtain (Ready-made size: W200cm x H133cm)

U035SL Lace curtain (Ready-made size: W200cm x H176cm)

U036SL Lace curtain (Ready-made size: W200cm x H198cm)

U051SL Light fixture (Ceiling light)

U052SL Desk lamp

U053SL Air conditioner (up to 14 sq meter, 9J)

U054SL Air conditioner (up to 20 sq meter, 12J)

U055SL Electric heater

U057SL Fan

U058SL Air purifier

U059SL Flat screen TV 19''

U061SL Flat screen TV 32''

U062SL Top loading waxhing machine 4.2kg

U063SL Top loading waxhing machine 7kg

U064SL Dryer 3.5kg and stand

U066SL Iron

U067SL Ironing board (small)

U068SL Vacuum cleaner

U069SL Refrigerator 80L (2 doors)

U070SL Refrigerator 110L-140L (2 doors)

U071SL Refrigerator 141L-160L (2 doors)

U072SL Refrigerator 250L (for 2 -3)

U073SL Refrigerator 370L (for 3 -4)

U074SL Microwave

U075SL Microwave and oven

U076SL Rice cooker (for 2)

U077SL Rice cooker (for 3 -4)

U078SL Electrical kettle

U079SL Gas cook top

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