Jungle Escape How Would Your Team Survive? By Gary Turner, Turner Consulting If your team is struggling, HRDQ’s Jungle Escape game is a great way to put teambuilding skills into action and establish a road map for team success. Jungle Escape brings vital group-process skills to life through a hands-on design and interactive experience.
How It Works Team members put teambuilding skills to the test through action! They play a scenario where they are stranded in a jungle after surviving an airplane crash and need to assemble a helicopter within a 30-minute time frame by using limited materials and relying on teamwork.
“ It was a powerful learning experience in overcoming challenges and recognizing how working together helps teams function...” Example 1: Overcoming Challenges In partnership with HRDQ, seasoned trainers, consultants, and training managers from different organizations were put onto random teams to experience the Jungle Escape Game. Generally, when I work with intact teams, they finish the helicopter within 18 to 24 minutes. Since this team had not worked together before, they were very fragmented and found it difficult to finish the construction within 30 minutes. It was painful to see them struggle and fail to work well together at such a simple task.
Jungle Escape Learning Outcomes ✓ Understand the difference between Cohesive, Fragmented, and Divergent teams ✓ Learn and practice the nine elements of effective teamwork ✓ Experience vital group-process skills ✓ Establish action-planning steps for improved team performance
The Jungle Escape Complete Kit includes Facilitator Guide, participant guides, parts, and accessories.
While the activity was very demanding on these participants, it was a powerful learning experience in overcoming challenges and recognizing how working together helps teams function in a more cohesive way. Each participant reflected on their individual team role and learned how the actions of one individual on a team can majorly affect group productivity. They took away straightforward action-planning steps that they could take back to their own department and organization to use as guidance for improved team performance.
Example 2: Revitalizing Successful Teambuilding A client at a chemical company asked me to do a day of teambuilding for a cross-functional improvement team. The 12 members had met weekly during the past year, so they were familiar with each other. Originally, I had split them into two even teams at different tables. When the exercise started, the team leader said, “Hey, we shouldn’t be competing against each other. We are here to learn how to work better together. Let’s all work around one table and build the two helicopters simultaneously.”
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Jungle Escape: How Would Your Team Survive?
There were one or two quick objections and some nervous laughter, but then all 12 participants sprang into serious action, quickly planning out how they would work together. They began building both helicopters concurrently with everyone working extremely cohesively, providing continual feedback on how well they were doing and what could be done better. They were done planning and building both helicopters in 11 and a half minutes! After doing Jungle Escape with 500+ teams, I’d never seen another team finish planning and building the helicopter in less than 15 minutes. It was a spectacular feat! Their experience with HRDQ’s Jungle Escape Game showed that when teammates continually work at developing the group as a whole, the team does work more cohesively, efficiently, and effectively. They got it right with continual feedback and encouragement, while challenging themselves to work better together. The successful teamwork they put into action during the game will cross-over into the workplace as better group productivity and team performance.
Jungle Escape Recommendations ✓ Excellent introduction for any teambuilding training program ✓ M otivate new teams to establish successful teamwork skills ✓ Energize and revitalize established teams ✓ Target the essential skills of effective teamwork ✓ S park critical thinking and discussion on team issues and concerns
Every Learning Experience Is Valuable Every team’s experience with the Jungle Escape Game will be different, but no one is more significant than the other. The real lessons come from their own unique experience and the engaging insight they will carry with them on their journey to becoming an effective team. Discover Jungle Escape today to help fragmented teams overcome challenges and rally established teams to reach new heights of success! Now it’s your turn… if your team was stranded in the jungle, how would your team survive?
Gary Turner Turner Consulting
An award-winning trainer and consultant, Gary Turner has over 30 years of professional experience with major corporations such as M&M Mars, Aramark, and AT&T. His diverse area of expertise includes consulting on leadership, team development, organizational improvement, communication, conflict management, and collaboration. He has been a requested speaker at conventions of ASTD, American Society for Quality, College and University Personnel Association and more.
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