1 minute read
From the Editor
Welcome to the new look Human Resources Magazine. We trust you like the refreshed look and feel, to better align to the HRNZ brand.
Each issue will continue to have a feature article where we take an in-depth look at HR Trends. In this issue we look at Workaholism: A hidden business risk. Dr Urlrike Meissener discusses research that has shown how operational frameworks and management behaviour cause or promote workaholism.
At HRNZ we are all about People Powered Success, so we are focusing on promoting HRNZ Members. This issue we feature Estelle Curd, From HR Manager to Miss New Zealand. You will also see the new Regional Roundup and Student Perspective sections, providing insights and perspectives into what makes our industry tick.
Based on reader feedback, we have introduced regular columns on Employment Law, Diversity, Leadership Development and a Research Update section, which will discuss latest academic research in the field of HR.
And of course there’s the thought leadership behind professional development. Each issue a HRNZ PD course presenter will share their knowledge. This issue Julia Shallcrass offers insights into Remedying Holidays Act Headaches.
We hope you like the changes. As always feedback is welcome. And… If you know a HRNZ Member doing amazing things in HR please let us know so we can share learnings and celebrate their success.
Happy reading!
Steve Sheppard, Managing Editor, Steve.Sheppard@hrnz.org.nz