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From the editor
from Human Resources - Autumn 2021 (Vol 25: No 3) - Maintaining a positive culture in a disrupted world!
There’s no denying that 2020 is proving to be a year of disruption. COVID-19 has cast a shadow of doubt, worry and anxiety across the global business economy and, for many, our personal lives, too. While the virus has changed our lens on reality, it has also opened up different perspectives on how we work with people.
This issue of Human Resources magazine shines a light on some of these perspectives: what it means for our workplace and what role HR can play. As we know, HR is best placed to mobilise people to lead their businesses through both current and future demands. The key to success will be instilling a sense of co-ownership and responsibility in all staff for the long-term welfare of their business – something that is, of course, easier said than done. It’s got to start with honesty, compassion and comradery.
Part of being compassionate is understanding what needs to be done. Alicia McKay explores the topic of strategic leadership and how we can cut through the jargon to understand the big picture and know what to do to make it a reality.
There is also the question of maintaining empathy and keeping energy levels as high as possible. In our Insights feature this month, we look at how the Livestock Improvement Corporation and Xero
have managed this sense of balance between empathising with the stress and pressure while keeping the overall mood in the organisation positive and optimistic.
In amongst our regular employment law, immigration law, student perspective and HRNZ member profile features, we are proud to have guest writer Laurna Munro share practical steps on responding to the disruption and maintaining a positive culture.
The challenging circumstances of the past few months have certainly led me to view the world with more compassion and kindness, and every day I am grateful for living in New Zealand. I’m sure many of you will agree.
We hope you enjoy this online issue, and I look forward to receiving your feedback.
Kathy Catton, Managing Editor, kathy.catton@hrnz.org.nz