Mail Schiller an Matić; 4.7.16 15:00 Dear Professor Matić, Through an Email from one of our viewers, Josip Stjepandić, I heard that you possibly felt misrepresented in our News report on Croatia about the government and minister Hasanbegović. I am very sorry to hear that, that’s why I wanted to write you personally. The news reports for our heute newscast are usually not too long that is why we have to focus on the key statements of our interview partner – of course without leaving the context disregarded. I know that the interview you gave was quite long, that’s usually not the case, but our producer was quite interested in the topic himself, I think that’s why he asked so many questions. I apologize for keeping you from work for so long! But generally think we got to the heart of the ongoing discussion that’s why I would be very grateful if you tell me your point of view concerning the matter. At first I think it is very important for you to get an impression of my report, that’s why you can find the translation below. Looking forward hearing from you! Kind regards from Vienna Eva Schiller
Heute in Europa, 03.05.2016 "Najava: Dok Velika Britanija prijeti napuštanjem EU, sve više zemalja EU skreće udesno. Najnoviji primjer je Hrvatska. Pod konzervativnom Vladom zemlja je otišla toliko udesno, da mnogi već povlače paralele s Mađarskom. Eva Schiller o novim vremenima u Hrvatskoj. Prilog: Scene poput ovih sve su češće se u Hrvatskoj. Grupa desničara obilježava godišnjicu osnivača hrvatskog nacionalizma. Sve više mladih Hrvata se identificira s narodnim herojima prošlih vremena te je izgubilo vjeru u EU. Izjava Frano Cirko: “Mi desničari moramo preuzeti vlast u Europi jer će se zapadne civilizacije urušiti. To je bilo vidljivo na primjeru izbjegličke krize.” Frustracija u Hrvatskoj je velika, zemlja je jako zadužena, nezaposlenost mladih visoka, a nacionalnokonzervativna Vlada koja vlada od siječnja podgrijava nacionalističko raspoloženje umjesto da podupire reforme. Izjava Renato Matić: “Dvije najmoćnije stranke čine sve da potaknu mržnju i to protiv svih koji razmišljaju drugačije. Naša demokratizacija se zaustavila i opet vladaju totalitarna razmišljanja.” Posebno je kontroverzan ministar kulture Hasanbegović. Relativizira fašističke zločine, podupire kult veterana i krati sredstva za nevoljene kulturne projekte i neovisne medije. Novinarski portal osvojilo je nekoliko novinarskih nagrada. Sada su jednostavno ukinuta ionako skromna sredstva, bez opravanja. Izjava Goran Borkovic: “Naša Vlada uvijek poziva na jedinstvo Hrvatskog naroda, ali pravi je cilj da svi trebamo misliti isto. Kako je već rekao naš potpredsjednik Vlade - Svatko smije misliti što hoće u svoja četiri zida, dakle ne javno.” Vlada se nije odazvala pozivu za intervju. Ne vole pričati sa stranim medijima, poznato nam je to već iz Mađarske. S Hrvatskom je sada još jedna istočnoeuropska zemlja skrenula udesno.”
MOJ PRVI ODGOVOR (Antwort Matić an Schiller; 4.7.16 20:34 Dear Mis. Schiller, First of all, thank you for your letter. Now, I think I can reveal the cause of any confusion. It is a fact that I
agreed to prepare a sociological analysis of the social causes of rising extremism in the EU and in Croatian society. So I approx 1 hour talking about social processes that lead to a rise in extremism, and whose causes stretch from the beginning of the 20th century to the present day. Then, Dr. Stjepandić informed about interpretation of my words,, and now I'm out of your letter fully understood that the annexes to the DFU, is a political comment of the present moment, and that my words are used for this. As a sociologist, I never talk about the current political situation, nor
comment on the work of any politician. In my speech, I emphasized that Nazism in World War II only defeated by arms, but that it’ s social causes remained the same in the field of economics, politics and culture. The logic of government in modern societies leads to extremism. Again, and again it creates extreme political parties, speech and action. It is expected and obviously consequence. What are "the two parties" are concerned, I can say that they alternate in power in the last two decades in Croatian society, and that none of them won the logic of government from totalitarian times. In the absence of solutions vital issues of Croatian citizens, the two parties all the time introduced language that encourages ideological divisions and conflicts among citizens. This is particularly evident in the last election campaign. The conclusion is that in Croatian s political life, is still not stabilized democracy, but it is still quite present remnants of totalitarian logic. I emphasize: as a sociologist, never making political comments. When I was preparing the interview, I was not aware that my words be used for a comment concerning politics, or any politician. Please accept my best regards Dr. Sc. Renato Matić
DRUGO PISMO GOSPOĐE SCHILLER (Mail Schiller an Matić; 5.7.16 10:47) Dear Professor Matić, thank you for your answer. I’m sorry to hear that you weren’t informed about the intention of our report, we didn’t know that you don’t want to comment on a political situation in general . But nevertheless I think that it is important to inform the German audience about an ongoing development in Croatia and if I understand u right, then you don’t disagree with the content of the report, because your description of the situation in Croatia is similar to ours. Of course it is just a brief summary, but I think it is a fair summary and it is very important to talk about extremism in order to fight it. When it comes to Dr. Stjepandić reaction, I think that it is important to respond him, but that shouldn’t keep us as journalists from publishing reports on political developments. I would be delighted to know what you think about it. Yours sincerely Eva Schiller
MOJ DRUGI ODGOVOR (Mail Matić an Schiller; 5.7.16 23:23)
Dear Mis. Schiller, I do not won’t to comment political situaiton, because of simple reason. As a sociologist, I am not an expert in politics, and I think my comments are not more important than the comments of any other citizen. But I can say that I am an expert in the research of social causes of violence. I came to the conclusion that the political struggle for power very important cause of violence in society. What is more important is not to approach the study of extremism with prejudice. One of the prejudices, at least as far as the Croatian society, says that the only right party responsible for extremism.
I think that is exactly what prompted the reaction of Dr. Stjepandić because my words "... the two parties in power ..." are interpreted as "two parties that are now in power," and I'm talking about the "two parties that alternate in power in recent decades ". As I wrote, I'm not an expert in political life, but as a citizen, I think that the increase in extreme positions, responsible leaders of the two strongest parties in the Croatian society. They are "revived zombies" from the Second World War, because this is an issue that is easily manipulated. Easier than deal with the problems of life of Croatian society. I think that is visible extremism just the top of the iceberg. He is only the manifestation of those social processes that cannot be seen, and are much more dangerous for the future of European and global society. Yours sincerely Renato Matić