Introduction This document, the Delivery Program and Operational Plan, is Council’s response to Hornsby Shire’s Community Strategic Plan Your Vision | Your Future 2032, and it describes what Council commits to achieving over the course of its term of office. The Hornsby Shire Community Strategic Plan identifies the community’s main priorities and aspirations for the next ten years. It is Council’s key endeavour to bring our community closer to their vision.
Our Community Vision 2032
“Our Bushland Shire is on the Traditional Lands of
the Darug and GuriNgai Peoples. It is a place for people, wildlife and natural environments to thrive in harmony. Our diverse community is welcoming, inclusive and resilient and we are leaders in caring for our future generations. We have a flourishing economy with local shopping and dining precincts. Community facilities and infrastructure are modern, accessible and connected. We have many different places for recreation locally. We walk and ride and enjoy exploring parks, bushland and waterways.
Council will not achieve this vision alone, therefore we will partner with state government and nongovernment organisations, as well as people and businesses in our community.
The Delivery Program and Operational Plan outlines what Council intends to do over the next four years and highlights what its priorities will be. The Focus Areas, Key Initiatives and Ongoing Activities translate the Strategic Directions and long-term Goals (identified in the Community Strategic Plan) into practical steps in the right direction. This document also contains Council’s budget and other financial details including resourcing information, information on rating and domestic waste management relating to 2022/23. Planned capital projects (construction works Council will carry out on its assets) are at the back of the document commencing page 96. The Fees and Charges (a separate document) also form part of the Operational Plan. This document is structured to align with the four Themes in the Community Strategic Plan:
LIVEABLE SUSTAINABLE PRODUCTIVE COLLABORATIVE. Council’s work will concentrate on the Focus Areas under each Theme. For each Focus Area there is a descriptive statement giving broad detail on the scope of the Focus Area and then the following is outlined:
Source of the Key Initiative (strategy, plan, legislation etc)
Ongoing Activities (carried out in the delivery of our services)
Responsibility for performing the Ongoing Activity Links to the Community Strategic Plan Services contributing to the Focus Area Annual and quarterly measures and targets (to measure performance of the Key Initiatives and Ongoing Activities)
Income and Expense for the Focus Area. The Delivery Program is Council’s key guiding document and it has an important place in the NSW Government’s Integrated Planning and Reporting (IP&R) framework (shown in the figure on page 7). Under the IP&R framework all councils are required to deliver a suite of strategic documents which support a holistic approach to planning for the future. While the Delivery Program is a four-year program, it will be reviewed and updated annually when preparing the Operational Plan. Reports on progress of the Delivery Program are provided to Council six-monthly, and achievements in implementing the Delivery Program are outlined in Council’s Annual Report available each November.
Key Initiatives being undertaken in 2022/23 to 2025/26
Responsibility for delivering the Key Initiative