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The Delivery Program

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The Delivery Program including the Operational Plan

The Delivery Program including the Operational Plan is Council’s response to Your Vision | Your Future 2028, the Community Strategic Plan for Hornsby Shire, and is Council’s commitment to the community for the remainder of its political term, rolling into the next Council term. It is Council’s job to make sure we bring our community closer to their vision over the next 10 or so years.

Your Vision | Your Future 2028 outlines the community’s long-term aspirations – our aim is to create positive change which delivers on these aspirations.

While alone we cannot achieve all that our Shire is aiming for, we need to ensure that we take the right role on priority issues, and partner with others when it is in our community’s best interests.

The Delivery Program including the Operational Plan is where Council outlines what it intends to do towards achieving the community vision and what its priorities will be – the point at which the Strategic Goals, Community Outcomes and Focus Areas in the Community Strategic Plan are translated into Service delivery and Key Initiatives.

This document is structured to parallel the Community Strategic Plan under the four Themes which have been closely aligned with the Greater Sydney Commission’s North District Plan (March 2018):





The Service Areas Council will focus on are grouped under their matching Theme and aligned to Focus Areas encompassing the Ten Directions of the Greater Sydney Commission’s North District Plan. For each Service there is outlined:

„ Responsibility for delivering the Service „ Supporting Focus Areas „ A Service Profile

„ Service Delivery Indicators (to measure performance of the Service) „ Key Initiatives being undertaken in 2021/22 and 2022/23 „ Ongoing Activities performed by the Service „ Performance Measures (to measure performance of the Key Initiatives and Ongoing Activities) „ Income and Expense for the Service.

The document also contains Council’s budget and other financial details including Council’s resourcing information, information on rating and domestic waste management relating to 2021/22. Capital works are at the back of the document commencing p130. The Fees and Charges are also part of the Operational Plan (separate document).

The draft 2021-2022 Delivery Program including the Operational Plan 2021/22 was placed on public exhibition between 15 April and 17 May 2021.

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