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Delivering Services
Hornsby Shire Council is responsible for service delivery for the Hornsby Shire Local Government Area. During 2021/22 Council will focus on delivering high quality services for residents and the community with a budget of $137 million, plus delivering new infrastructure and improving and maintaining the Shire's existing assets with a budget of $56 million. Administration of service delivery is led by the General Manager, with four Directors supporting delivery through 19 Branch Managers.
Steven Head GENERAL MANAGER Office of the General Manager Strategy and Place Risk and Audit
Steve Fedorow COMMUNITY AND ENVIRONMENT Financial Services Governance and Customer Service Transformation and Technology Land and Property Service People and Culture Parks, Trees and Recreation Natural Resources Library and Community Services Waste Management
Bob Stephens INFRASTRUCTURE AND MAJOR PROJECTS Strategic Land Use Planing Development Assessments Regulatory Services Asset Operations and Maintenance Design and Construction Major Projects Aquatics and Brickpit As chief executive officer, the General Manager implements the decisions of Council’s elected representatives. He is also responsible for the day-to-day management of Council as a corporate organisation and provides the most direct link between the councillors and staff. Provides management support to Councillors and Council staff.
Manages the Shire’s natural resources, responsible for the design, construction and maintenance of the Shire’s open space network, provides a wide range of community services including waste and recycling services, community development and community centre management, and running our library network. Seeks to strike a sustainable balance between meeting the needs of Hornsby Shire's growing population and protecting our natural environment.
Responsible for aquatic and indoor recreation facilities, our extensive local road system, and all of our buildings and foreshore facilities. We also manage the flow of traffic and safety on our local non-state controlled roads.
Our workforce
Council is a major employer in the area with a full time establishment of 447 employees (permanent/temporary/full time and part time). Including casual roles, Council employs 667 staff. The workforce gender balance is 51 per cent female and 49 per cent male. Forty-nine per cent of staff live in the Hornsby Shire, with 13 per cent living in Hornsby and 26 per cent living in the Central Coast Council area. (As at 30 June 2020)
In 2012, Council established a set of four brand values to guide the way we work. Our values underpin all that we do; they provide us with a shared vision of who we are and what we stand for as an organisation.
We provide a helpful and efficient service. We are local and know the neighbourhood. We listen and encourage open and transparent communication. We are respectful of all views.
We are fair and reasonable. We are mindful of the best interests of all stakeholders in the decisions we make. We are resourceful and incorporate sustainable work practices. We seek to be innovative and to do things better across all facets of our operations.