Energy Systems Engineering

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Gestalten Sie Ihre Zukunft! Mit einem Bachelor-Studium in

Take part in shaping the future! With a bachelor’s degree in

Energy Systems Engineering

Energy Systems Engineering

Bachelor-Thesen 2017

Bachelor Theses 2017


Prof Uwe W Schulz, PhD

Im Jahr 2012 wurde an der Hochschule Luzern – Technik und Architektur der englischsprachige Studiengang mit dem Ziel eingeführt, eine gesamtheitliche Ausbildung zu gewähren, welche dem internationalen Anspruch an die Energie gerecht wird. Unsere Studierenden erwerben im Verlaufe ihres Studiums die für die Karriere in der Energiebranche sowie für eine weiterführende akademische Ausbildung wichtigen Kompetenzen in Mathematik, Physik, Informatik, elektrische- und thermische Energietechnik, Betriebsökonomie und Nachhaltigkeit.

Studiengangleiter / Head of Program

Ab dem ersten Semester wenden unsere Studierenden ihr Wissen und ihre Fähigkeiten im Rahmen von praxisorientierten Projektarbeiten interdisziplinär an. Der krönende Abschluss bildet die BachelorThesis. Diplomanden des Studienjahres 2016/17 zeigen im Folgenden Ihre Kurzfassungen der erfolgreich durchgeführten Arbeiten.

BSc Energy Systems Engineering

Preface In 2012 the Lucerne School of Engineering and Architecture introduced an English taught program with the objective to fully respond to global challenges of Energy. During the course of study, our students learn the expected skills as required for their carrier in the field of energy or the consecutive academic education. This includes math, physics, information technology, electrical and thermal energy engineering, business, accounting and sustainability.

Starting in the first semester, our students apply their knowledge and competencies to interdisciplinary projects relevant to the market. The absolute highlight is the Bachelor Thesis. Overviews of the works performed by the graduates of the year 2016/17 can be seen in the following.

Inhaltsverzeichnis Table of Contents Dey Shreya Identifying the renovation potential of hostels in Saas-Fee Guliyeva Amina Modelling and optimization of multidisciplinary electro-thermal energy storage system Hain Janosch BPS service portfolio evaluation in regard to multiple benefits of energy efficiency projects

JÜhr Kevin Marc Evaluation of the potential for recycling waste products from electronic applications, Evaluation of a new prototype sampler Khan Nashmeer Economic and quality monitoring assessment of the European e-scrap recycling market Kidanemariam Ermias Valorization of local energy management flexibility at district level Marbach Anja Lilian Optimization of the material handling processes at SMT Mbavarira Tanaka Mandy Establishing an eco-efficient car fleet policy Ong Adeline Precipitation in partially saturated porous media Reich Matthias Y. Analysis of batteries’ potential in an industrially scaled photovoltaic power plant

Bachelor Thesis Energy Systems Engineering 2017 Identifying the renovation potential of hotels in Saas-Fee Shreya Dey

Bachelor Thesis 2017

Identifying the renovation potential of hotels in Saas-Fee Student: Shreya Dey Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Sabine Sulzer Worlitschek Expert: Dr. William Gizzi Industry Partner: CC LUCCERNE HSLU T&A In Switzerland, buildings are the highest consumers of energy, mostly in the form of heat. Energy strategies are targeting to reduce energy consumption. An average Saas-Fee hotel consumes anywhere between 100-200kWh/m2 annually. However, just by replacing oil heaters with heat pumps can increase the total efficiency by more than 30%. Renovations can be made by improving insulation of the building envelope, by replacing old heating systems and by using renewable sources to promote self-consumption. Stakeholders such as tourists, federal government and cantonal government provide monetary incentives for renovations. The payback period of renovation investments can significantly decrease due to this. From technical, financial and stakeholder

analyses, it was found that changing the heating system was the most realistic renovation case. Stakeholders such as building planners and district heating network planners can benefit from this renovation measure.

Bachelor Thesis Energy Systems Engineering 2017 Modelling and Optimization of Multidisciplinary Electro-thermal Energy Storage System Amina Guliyeva

Bachelor Thesis 2017

Modelling and Optimization of Multidisciplinary Electro-thermal Energy Storage System Student: Amina Guliyeva Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Luder Fischer, Dr. Anastasia Stamatiou Expert: Dr. Kai Lieball Industry partner: CC Thermische Energiespeicher HSLU T&A

Energy storage systems are vitally important for the integration of intermittent and unpredictable renewable power sources into the grid.

The proposed bachelor thesis addresses this challenge and should provide a reliable simulation model that allows optimization of the system design.

Thermoelectric energy storage systems are one possibility to answer this need which allows additional interfaces with heat and cold suppliers or consumers. Depending on the circumstances where such a thermoelectric energy storage system is implemented its architecture and design is different. In order to maximize profitability and to provide a viable business model, different components and key parameters of the system need to be optimized.

Target function is the economical profit on one hand and the environmental sustainability on the other hand.

Bachelor Thesis Energy Systems Engineering 2017 BPS Service Portfolio Evaluation in Regard to Multiple Benefits of Energy Efficiency Projects Janosch Hain

Bachelor Thesis 2017

BPS Service Portfolio Evaluation in Regard to Multiple Benefits of Energy Efficiency Projects Student: Janosch Hain Supervisor: Dr. Claas Wagner Expert: Dr. William Gizzi Industry partner: Siemens Schweiz AG Siemens Building Performance and Sustainability (BPS) offers a wide range of energy transparency and energy efficiency services. For the purpose of this thesis, three interviews were conducted, each with representatives from different clients of Siemens. These interviews aimed at identifying the most suitable option to tailor Siemens’ BPS services to meet their customers’ needs. The interview findings revealed that there are additional benefits to the mere energy savings resulting from energy efficiency projects. These benefits are referred to as multiple benefits .

In order to emphasize the added value resulting from the identification of multiple benefits for the customers, this study elaborates on different options for their quantification and monetization.

The findings from the interviews additionally highlighted various areas of improvement for the Siemens BPS service approach. Possible implications to the organization of the Siemens BPS team highlight that internal processes need to be adapted in order to best transform BPS services to performance-based, full service solutions that can pave the way for Siemens to become a trusted advisor to their customers.

Bachelor Thesis Energy Systems Engineering 2017 Evaluation of the potential for recycling waste products from electronic applications - Evaluation of a new prototype sampler Kevin Marc Joehr

Bachelor Thesis 2017

Evaluation of the potential for recycling waste products from electronic applications – Evaluation of a new prototype sampler Student: Kevin Marc Joehr Supervisor: Dr. Claas Wagner Expert: Dr. Wiliam Gizzi Industry partner: Herzog Maschinenfabrik GmbH & Co. KG Representative sampling processes can only be created by implementing a sampling strategy that follows the laws of the Theory of Sampling. To improve the sampling process of the case company a spear sampling device was developed. It was the main objective of this bachelor thesis to test the technical functionality and the correctness of the spear sampling device. In addition to this, a new sampling strategy was developed for the case company. The evaluation of the spear sampling device is based on a replication experiment. In this experiment, two different raw materials were analyzed with a focus on humidity-, silver–, and lead concentration. More than 80% of the lead produced by the case company originates from scrap or recycling products.

The results from the replication experiment proved, that the spear sampling device is capable of producing representative primary samples. It was further concluded, that the case company only needs to extract four primary samples with the prototype to generate representative results.

Bachelor Thesis Energy Systems Engineering 2016 Economic and Quality Monitoring Assessment of the European E-Scrap Recycling Market Nashmeer Khan

Bachelor Thesis 2016

Economic and Quality Monitoring Assessment of the European E-Scrap Recycling Market

Student: Nashmeer Khan Supervisor: Dr. Claas Wagner Expert: Dr. William Gizzi Industry partner: Herzog Maschinenfabrik GmbH & Co. KG The rise of the electronics industry together with the endless applications arisen from the development of internet have increased the amount of consumer electronics used in the past two decades. While this has greatly impacted society in a positive way such as enabling communication at any time and place and creating new forms of media that connect people in addition to acting as a marketing tool, it does have negative implications. The primary subject of the report is Electronic Scrap or E-Scrap which is one of the negative implications of the rise of the electronics industry. This report discusses the economic potential of E-Scrap with a focus on Germany, Switzerland and Europe.

This includes the growth of the electronics industry, the amount of consumer elec-

tronics and its replacement rate and the regulations and initiatives set in Germany and Switzerland to manage E-Scrap. Next, materials gathered from the recycling process were analysed via Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis to determine the most valuable materials group. This is compared to the other materials groups from the industry. The most valuable material group’s sampling approach is then analysed by applying the criteria from the Theory of Sampling.

Bachelor Thesis Energy Systems Engineering 2017 Valorization of Local Energy Management flexibility at district level Ermias Kidanemariam

Bachelor Thesis 2017

Valorization of Local Energy Management flexibility at district level

Student: Ermias Kidanemariam Supervisor: Prof. Sabine Sulzer Worlitschek Expert: Dr. William Gizzi Industry partner: CC LUCCERNE HSLU T&A Local energy management is the management of energy supply, demand and storage within a given geographical area. With the advancement of generation and storage technologies, the local energy management concept is expected to become increasingly important in the energy sector. This work adds to this theme by giving insights into the potential valorization of Local Energy Management at district level in the spot and reserve electricity market. A simulation based analysis was done to estimate the achievable profit from trading the available flexibility of a Multi-family residential district in the municipality of Rotkreuz in the spot and reserve Swiss electricity market. The results found there are an intriguing profitability potential that can be obtained from the electrical battery storage flexibility. Three business models

were presented and discussed based on literature. These business models consider the three potential parties. In each model, the benefit for each party was highlighted in terms of financial gain or unquantifiable values such as environmental friendliness.

Bachelor Thesis Energy Systems Engineering 2017 Optimisation of the material handling processes at SMT Anja Lilian Marbach

Bachelor Thesis 2017

Optimisation of the material handling processes at SMT Student: Anja Lilian Marbach Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Uwe W. Schulz Expert: Daniel Zimmermann Industry Partner: Siemens Schweiz AG Challenging issues of the material handling at the SMT (Surface mount technology) production lines lead to recurring material shortages. Currently, the material storage structure consists of two Hänel (rotating storage carousel), twelve tower storages, four dry storages and ten shelf storage systems. The storage area SP1 of the SMT sub-department Siplace operates five towers, and the storage area of VM1 of the sub-department Fuji a pool of seven towers is in operation. These two different storage areas are operated by two distinct SMT material manager softwares, SIMM (Siplace material manager) and vManage (Valor material manager) respectively. The coordination of materials which are shared between the two production subdepartments is complicated by the fact, that the two material managers are incompatible.

This thesis created and examined options to improve the material handling processes at the production department SMT. By analysing the current situation in a macro analysis through the conduction of a current state map of the system landscape as well as current state value stream maps, a desired future state was defined. Then options that are able to be reached the future state were created and further assessed by a benefit value, cost and risk analysis. With the results of these three analyses a decision for one option was taken and a tactical implementation plan for the implementation of this option was created.

Bachelor Thesis Energy Systems Engineering 2017 Establishing an Eco-efficient Car Fleet Policy Tanaka Mandy Mbavarira

Bachelor Thesis 2016

Establishing an Eco-efficient Car Fleet Policy

Student: Tanaka Mandy Mbavarira Supervisor: Dr. Claas Wagner Expert: Dr. William Gizzi Industry partner: Sulzer AG

In the new global economy, minimizing the environmental impact of corporations has become a central issue that is being integrated into business practices. In an effort to reduce the energy demand and emissions of Sulzer’s car fleets the aim was to ascertain whether cost savings are achievable with emission savings from vehicles running on cleaner fuels and advanced technology. The alternatives selected emit 100g CO2/km or less and were found to yield carbon emission savings between 9 tons and 20 tons over three to five years with average savings ranging between CHF 10,000 and CHF 13,000 per vehicle. Using a tool to rank the alternative vehicles against each other based on their savings and costs revealed the importance of internal combustion engines of improved efficiency at present but also the increasing role hybrid vehicles and electric vehicles are set to play between 2020 and 2025 where technological efficiency advancements are anticipated to be made at lower

costs. Key performance indicators form a strategy of how the emissions can be reduced up until 2025. Recommendations point to the importance of leasing vehicles predominantly based on their environmental performance with increasing fuel efficiency in order to meet the future key performance indicators, the need to keep records of costs and emission reductions for better management, and external factors to be aware of that can potentially favour hybrid or electric vehicles in the coming years.

Bachelor Thesis Energy Systems Engineering 2017

Precipitation in partially saturated porous media Adeline Ong

Bachelor Thesis 2017

Precipitation in partially saturated porous media Student: Adeline Ong Supervisor: Prof. Pius Portmann Expert: William Gizzi Industry partner: Paul Scherrer Institut

Based on a previous experiment, the aim of this project was to modify the saturation status of the previous experiment from fully saturated to partially saturated. Pre-experiments such as capillary height test, comparing air drying and oven drying methods on quartz sand; capillary height test on glass beads were performed to better understand the degree of saturation, porosity, volumetic water content and mass wetness. Air drying methods and oven drying methods were analyzed and oven drying performed better when compared.

Although reactive transport experiments were not successfully accomplished as the understanding of partially saturated behavior in the experimental tank was not ample. Dependence and influences of constraints were analysed for future experiments such that optimal results can be achieved.

Bachelor Thesis Energy Systems Engineering 2017 Analysis of Batteries‘ Potential in an Industrially Scaled Photovoltaic Power Plant Matthias Y. Reich

FH Zentralschweiz

Bachelor Thesis 2017

Analysis of Batteries‘ Potential in an Industrially Scaled Photovoltaic Power Plant Student: Matthias Y. Reich Supervisor: Dr. Claas Wagner Expert: Dr. William Gizzi Industry partner: GRANSOLAR Gransolar planned to expand the capacity of an industrially scaled photovoltaic power plant from 3.6MWp to 7.2MWp. However, the connecting powerline did not have sufficient capacity for such an increase and would thus require to be replaced. This thesis analyzed the potential of a battery storage solution that could be installed instead of building a new powerline. This would on one hand allow to shift parts of the load from peak production times around noon to later in the day where the line‘s capacity would otherwise not be fully exploited. On the other hand, it would allow to even out the fluctuations that are inherent to photovoltaic power production and provide a more constant load. Simulations with various battery types having different limitations on storage capacity and power were performed to estimate the losses

that would occur with each of them. Based on those findings a cost benefit analysis was conducted to compare the total costs of a battery storage solution to those of a new powerline. For the analyzed case it was found that a battery storage solution would exceed the costs of a new powerline as the purchasing costs for large batteries are extremly high and the losses occurring with smaller batteries would be too costly to be a recommendable alternative.

Gestalten Sie Ihre Zukunft! Mit einem Bachelor-Studium in

Take part in shaping the future! With a bachelor’s degree in

Energy Systems Engineering

Energy Systems Engineering

Bachelor-Thesen 2017

Bachelor Theses 2017

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