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High Table Dinners Return after a Two-year Hiatus 停辦兩年的高桌晚宴再度舉行

With the epidemic easing earlier this academic year, High Table Dinners, which had been suspended for two years, were held again in November and early December 2021. Over 480 students took part in this unique traditional college event. To comply with social distancing and other preventive measures, after listening to the keynote speeches and watching the student performances at the Auditorium, residents and guests dined and chatted in small groups. HSUHK Governors cum College Patrons Mr Thomas Liang, Dr Tzu-Leung Ho, Dr Patrick Poon and Dr Patrick Fung each joined one of the four dinners, and Dr Patrick Poon moreover served as a guest speaker and delivered a sharing at the event. Dr Derrick Au, Director of the CUHK Centre for Bioethics, was invited to share on how to stay positive in adversity at Lee Yick Hoi Lun Mosaic College’s dinner, while on the evening of S H Ho Wellness College’s dinner, Mr Daniel Chan recounted his journey to becoming a bronze medalist in badminton at the Tokyo Paralympics. Dr Patrick Poon told the students of the Patrick S C Poon Amity College about his philosophy and experiences in contributing to society, and Ms Human Ip, writer and artist, related at Fung Yiu King Evergreen College’s dinner her adventures in and passion for nature. Each of these speeches was pertinent to the theme of the respective RC, and the participating students relished listening to the speakers.

HSUHK upholds the belief that residential life experience constitutes an important part of co-curricular learning and fosters a creative, collaborative and inclusive teaching and living culture, which enables students to live and learn together and prepare themselves for their future careers. With the new engagement of a Patron, an endowment fund and a Board for each RC, the RC System has reached a new milestone in achieving its mission. 本學年較早前疫情放緩,停辦兩年的高桌晚宴再 度於2021年11 月至 12 月初舉行,超過 480 名 同學參與這項獨特的書院傳統盛事。為配合社交 距離和其他預防措施,各宿生與嘉賓先在演講廳 欣賞主講嘉賓的演講及學生表演,隨後再以小組 形式用餐及交談。


校董兼書院贊助人梁祥彪先生、何子樑醫生、潘 燊昌博士和馮鈺斌博士分別抽空出席其中一場晚 宴,潘燊昌博士更擔任主講嘉賓作出分享。利易 海倫博文書院邀請了中大生命倫理學中心總監區 結成醫生分享如何在逆境中保持正向思考;陳浩 源先生在善衡康活書院的晚宴中訴說其東京殘奧 會羽毛球摘銅之路;潘燊昌博士向潘燊昌樂群書 院的同學分享他回饋社會的理念及經驗;而馮堯 敬綠延書院則邀得作家兼畫家葉曉文女士大談她 對大自然的熱愛及體驗。每場演講均緊扣書院主 題,令在座同學聽得津津有味。

恒大深信住宿生活體驗是聯課學習的重要部分, 有助培養具創造性、協作性和包容性的教學和生 活文化,讓學生共住共學,為未來投身社會作好 準備。

隨着每所書院均新設贊助人、永續基金及院董 會,住宿書院系統亦踏進實踐使命的新里程。

Members of the Lee Yick Hoi Lun Mosaic College gather at the High Table Dinner. 利易海倫博文書院成員在高桌晚宴聚首一堂。 Mr Daniel Chan shares his experiences at S H Ho Wellness College's dinner. 陳浩源先生在善衡康活書院的晚宴作分享。

A talented resident embellishes the event of Fung Yiu King Evergreen College with her excellent performance. 多才多藝的宿生為馮堯敬綠延書院晚宴帶來精彩表演。 The interaction between Patrick S C Poon Amity College members is enhanced during the dinner . 潘燊昌樂群書院晚宴促進成員的交流。

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