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Feature專題報道 Living and Learning Together at HSUHK - The Residential Colleges System 共住共學在恒大– 香港恒生大學賽馬會住宿書院系統

Living and Learning Together at HSUHK – The Residential Colleges System 共住共學在恒大–香港恒生大學賽馬會住宿書院系統

Residential life, an important part of university life, gives fond memories to many people. To echo its ‘Liberal + Professional’ education model, HSUHK adopts a unique residential college system to connect residential life with learning. Offering undergraduate students a different growth experience from that of traditional dormitories or halls, it aims to further enhance their communication skills, team spirit, self-management ability and community engagement. President Simon S M Ho believes that the residential college concept is significant in that it personifies the implementation of liberal arts education. “A lot of universities around the world emphasise too much research and publications, without paying much attention to the cultivation of undergraduates’ core competencies such as critical thinking, interpersonal communication, care for humanity, and social responsibility. Their students and teachers also tend to have a relatively distant relationship. The Residential Colleges (RCs) are a highly-integrated learning community that combines residential life, classroom learning, tutorials, extra-curricular activities and informal education, thus complementing the formal academic curriculum.” Thanks to the generous donation from The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, the University completed the HSUHK Jockey Club Residential Colleges complex in 2015, offering accommodations for a total of around 1,200 students. Various green facilities are incorporated into the complex, in which bamboo building materials and furniture are extensively used. It was the first student residential complex in Hong Kong to receive the ‘BEAM Plus Platinum’ recognition of the Hong Kong Green Building Council. 住宿生活是大學生活重要的一環,當中點滴更 成為不少人的美好回憶。香港恒生大學貫徹「博 雅 + 專業」教育模式,推行獨特的住宿書院制 度,將住宿生活與學習連結,給予本科生有別 於傳統宿舍或舍堂的成長體驗,以進一步提升 他們的溝通技巧、團隊精神、自理能力及社群 參與。


何順文校長認為住宿書院概念是落實博雅教育 的一個重要體現:「全球很多大學過份着重研 究及出版,較忽略培育本科生明辨慎思、人際 溝通、人文關懷和社會責任感等核心能力,師 生關係亦傾向疏離。而住宿書院是一個高度整 合的學習共同體,把住宿、課堂學習、導修、 課外活動和非形式教育結合起來,可以補足正 規學術課程。」

承蒙香港賽馬會慈善信託基金慷慨捐助,大學 於2015年建成香港恒生大學賽馬會住宿書院樓 群,容納共約1,200名學生。大樓設多項環保綠 化設施,裝修與傢俬廣泛採用竹材料,成為全 港首座榮獲香港綠色建築議會頒發「綠建環評 鉑金級」認證的學生住宿大樓。

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