Erudition (The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong E-Newsletter) May 2022

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專題報道 Advising SMEs with Collective Knowledge

匯聚知識 指導中小企業 All industries, especially the food and beverage, retail, tourism, entertainment 各行各業均深受新冠疫情打擊,尤其是餐飲、 and other service industries, have been hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic. 零售、旅遊、娛樂等服務行業。初創企業和中 Start-ups and small and medium enterprises (SMEs), which constitute 小企佔全港企業總數 98% 以上,合共聘用約 more than 98% of business 45% 私營機構僱員。 establishments and employ about 相比大型企業,初創 45% of the workforce in the private 企業和中小企可動用 sector of Hong Kong, are much 的人力和財政資源相 more in need of support because 當匱乏,因此也更需 they have considerably less human 要支援。在這背景下, and financial resources at their 恒 大 商 學 院 於 2020 disposal than large corporations. 年 9 月成立初創及中 Against this backdrop, the School of Business of HSUHK established 小企資源中心,致力 The Start-up and SME Resource 透過提供免費諮詢服 Centre (SSRC) in September 務,在業務恢復、連 2020 to help start-ups and SMEs Group photo of faculty advisors, student consultants, clients’representatives, 續營運和可持續發展 overcome challenges regarding and SSRC executives at the Final Presentation Session for the 1st cohort of 等方面,為初創企業 business recovery, continuity and the free consultancy services. 和中小企提供協助。 sustainability through offering them 免費諮詢服務的首批諮詢顧問團隊指導老師、學生諮詢顧問、客戶代表與初 創及中小企資源中心執事於項目最後階段的報告大會上合照。 a free consultancy service. SSRC offers consultancy services lasting eight to nine weeks every semester to selected client companies. HSUHK students and faculty advisors from different disciplines form teams to work closely with different clients in the capacity of consultants. Selected student consultants first receive tailored training on creative problem-solving skills (especially on design thinking) and English report writing skills before the start of the consultancy projects. After the student consultants have been equipped with all the requisite knowledge and skills, the consulting teams start approaching their client companies. Faculty advisors, who are HSUHK academic staff with expertise in various relevant disciplines, supervise and advise on the student consultants’ work. Each team then submits a consultancy report and gives a presentation at the end of the project period.

初創及中小企資源中心每個學期均為特選公司 客戶提供為期八至九個星期的諮詢服務。來自 不同學科的恒大學生,與指導老師組成諮詢團 隊,擔任顧問角色,與不同客戶緊密合作。在 諮詢服務項目開展之前,獲取錄的學生諮詢顧 問會先接受特別培訓,學習創意解難技能(尤 其是設計思維)和英文報告撰寫技巧。在學生 諮詢顧問取得整套所需知識與技巧後,諮詢顧 問團隊隨即與公司客戶展開接觸。具備各相關 範疇專業知識的恒大教職員擔任諮詢顧問團隊 指導老師,在學生諮詢顧問提供服務的過程中, 提供指導與建議。在項目最後階段,每個團隊 均須提交顧問報告,並作口頭表述。

Student consultants present their respective team’ s consultancy report to industry experts and academicians. 學生諮詢顧問向業界專家和學者表述 所屬團隊的諮詢報告。

Industry experts and academicians share their valuable comments with the student consultants. 業界專家和學者向學生諮詢顧問提 出寶貴意見。



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