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Simon S M Ho President 何順文 校長

“I hope our HSMC students, apart from being professional, will always think about the meaning of life and work, and be more socially responsible.”

「我冀望每位同學除具有本科的專業知識以外,還要經常思考生活和工作的意義,對 社會有更多承擔。」


Liberal + Professional Education Nurturing Better Persons Hang Seng Management College (HSMC) is a dynamic and promising institution of growing renown which advocates the transformative power of liberal education. It is a residential institution featuring topquality faculty members, award-winning green campus facilities, innovative degree programmes, impactful research on corporate sustainability, and excellent student support services. Self-financed institutions are often more flexible and can bring in more programmes and teaching innovations. Aspiring to be a top quality and leading non-profit private university, HSMC plays a unique and substantial role in the higher education sector in Hong Kong, cultivating transferable core competencies in our students. Adopting the unique “Liberal + Professional” education model, the quality of our undergraduate experience is characterised by small class teaching, very

close student-teacher interactions, guidance and mentorship for individual students outside classrooms, innovative learning methods, residential college experience, and vast opportunities for internship, international exchange and independent research. The College puts quality teaching and students’ all-round development as its highest priorities, aiming at nurturing young talents with independent thinking, innovative minds, human caring and social responsibilities. HSMC students are outstanding ones with dreams, diligence and passion. They are proactive in driving positive changes in the society while upholding principles and beliefs. As the President, I support HSMC students on their all-round development, on exploring their own interests and unleashing their diverse potentials. Let’s return to the basics of university education.

Simon S M Ho President

博雅專業 教學育人 恒生管理學院(恒管)是一所有活力、發展迅速和漸 具聲名的學府,倡議博雅教育之蛻變力量。作為一所 住宿型院校,恒管擁有優質的師資、獲獎的綠化校園 與設施、創新學位課程、具影響力的企業可持續發展 研究、與優質的學生支援服務。 自資院校制度較自由靈活,可帶來更優化和創新的課 程內容和教學模式。矢志成為一所優質具領導地位的 非牟利私立大學,恒管在香港高等教育界扮演著一個 獨特和重要的角色,為同學建立可轉移的核心能力。 恒管採用獨特的「博雅 + 專業」教育模式,特色為小班 教學、緊密的師生關係、課堂外對個別學生的關顧指 導、創新學習模式、住宿書院體驗、及廣泛的實習、 國際交流和獨立研究機會。恒管把優質教學和學生個

人全方位發展訂為最優先目標,以培育年青人成為具 獨立思考、創新思維、人文關懷和社會責任的人才。 恒管的學生是有夢想、勤奮及有熱誠的一群。他們積 極地為社會帶來正面的改變,不人云亦云,不隨波逐 流。作為校長,我全力支持同學的全方位學習,讓他 們探索自己的志趣和發揮潛能。 就讓我們攜手反璞回歸大學教育的本質。

何順文 校長


Vision 願景

HSMC aims to be a leading private university, recognised for excellence in teaching, learning and research, especially in the areas of business, management and social sciences. 恒生管理學院(恒管)矢志成為傑出的私立大學,特別在商業與管理及有關領域,冀憑卓越的教學及研 究,建立口碑,領先群倫。

Mission 使命

To advance knowledge and understanding of human activities, especially those related to business, management and social sciences; To nurture innovative and enterprising leaders for a knowledge-based economy; To provide an education which focuses on theoretical exploration, professional knowledge and skills as well as business ethics; And to be committed to free enquiry and responsible scholarship. 恒管肩負以下使命: 發掘新知,開拓新學,探究人類文明,尤其關注商業及管理領域; 培養未來領袖,鼓勵創新與具創業精神,成為知識型社會的棟樑; 提供全人教育,著重理論探索、專業知識、技能與商德,三者並重; 鼓勵自由的知識探索,培養負責任的治學態度。

Motto 校訓 博學篤行 Erudition and Perseverance 4

About HSMC

Hang Seng Management College (HSMC) follows the footsteps of its successful predecessor, Hang Seng School of Commerce (HSSC) which was founded in 1980, with funding from the S H Ho Foundation, several Hang Seng Bank founding directors, and Hang Seng Bank Limited. From 1980 to 2009, HSSC was a pioneering and leading provider of post-secondary programmes in business and related areas. In response to the Chief Executive’s Policy Address in 2009 which highlights the growing significance of quality private universities in Hong Kong, HSSC, in 2010, was re-structured into Hang Seng Management College (HSMC), a new non-profit-making private university-level college registered under the Post Secondary Colleges Ordinance (Cap 320) to offer bachelor’s and above degree programmes in diversified disciplines. HSMC aims to become a leading non-profit-making private university. As of 2015, HSMC has 5 Schools (Business, Communication, Decision Sciences, Humanities & Social Science, and Translation) with a student population of around 5,000 and 180 full-time academic staff members. HSMC offers 11 bachelor’s degree (Honours) programmes, namely, Business Administration (with concentrations in Accounting, Banking & Finance, and Marketing), Corporate Governance, Financial Analysis, Management, Journalism & Communication, Data Science & Business Intelligence, Management Science & Information Management, Supply Chain Management,


Chinese, English, and Translation with Business, some of which are unique and the first of its kind in the region. All programmes were accredited by the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications (HKCAAVQ). 恒生管理學院(恒管)繼往開來,秉承恒生商學書 院(恒商)的辦學傳統。恒商創校於1980年,以何 善衡慈善基金會、恒生銀行若干創辦股東及恒生銀 行慷慨捐出之基金開始運作。從1980至2009年, 恒商的工商管理文憑、工商管理副學士學位及其 他專業課程,在學界及商界甚具口碑,成績斐然。 香港行政長官於2009年度的施政報告指出,自資高 等教育乃香港教育服務中重要一環,具發展空間。 有見及此,恒生商學書院於2010年改組成恒生管理 學院,根據《專上學院條例》(第320章) 註冊為認可 專上學院,並提供多元化本科及以上的學位課程。 恒管矢志成為一所優質具領導地位的非牟利私立大 學 。 於 2015年 , 恒 管 由 五 個 學 院 組 成 ( 包 括 商 學 院、傳播學院、決策科學學院、人文社會科學學 院 和 翻 譯 學 院 ), 現 有 學 生 約 5,000名 及 全 職 教 師 約180名。恒管共提供11個榮譽學士學位課程,包 括工商管理(設有三項專修科:會計學、銀行及金 融學和市場學)、企業管治、金融分析、管理學、 新聞及傳播、數據科學及商業智能學、管理科學 與資訊管理、供應鏈管理、中文、英國語文、及商 務翻譯,部份課程為全港首創。所有課程均獲香 港學術及職業資歷評審局 (HKCAAVQ) 審批認可。


The Unique “Liberal + Professional” Education Model 獨特的「博雅 + 專業」教育模式 Adopting the unique “Liberal + Professional” education model, HSMC is a residential-type, university-level college which puts quality teaching and students’ allround development as its highest priorities. HSMC features top-quality faculty members, award-winning green campus facilities, innovative degree programmes,

impactful research on corporate sustainability, and excellent student support services, with the aim to nurture young talents with independent thinking, innovative minds, human caring and social responsibilities. Its other unique features include:

• Cross-disciplinary Common Core Curriculum • Residential Colleges combining living and learning • Vast opportunities for internship, international exchange and independent research • HSMC scholarships and bursaries amounting to about HK$9 million per year • Small class teaching

• Very close student-teacher interactions • Guidance and mentorship for individual students outside classrooms • Exit requirement on English and Putonghua language proficiencies • 91% of graduates obtained employment within first 4 months

恒管採用獨特的「博雅 + 專業」教育模式。作為一所 具大學水平的住宿型院校,恒管把優質教學和學生個 人全方位發展訂為最優先目標。恒管擁有優質的師 資、獲獎的綠化校園與設施、創新學位課程、具影響

力的企業可持續發展研究、與優質的學生支援服務, 致力培育年青人成為具獨立思考、創新思維、人文關 懷和社會責任的人才。其他獨特亮點包括:

• • • •

• • • • •

跨學科通識教育課程 學生住宿書院結合生活與學習 廣泛實習、國際交流和獨立研究的機會 恒管獎學金及助學金每年金額約九百萬港元

小班教學 緊密師生關係 課堂外對個別學生的指導 英語及普通話語文能力的畢業出關試 91%畢業生在畢業後首四個月內就業

Recognitions and Awards 認可及獎項 With the concerted efforts of the College community, there have been a number of important achievements. From 2011 to 2014, HSMC was the only institution in Hong Kong obtaining the ISO 9001:2008 Certification issued by Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency in Quality Management System (QMS) on its degree programmes. In 2013 and 2014, HSMC obtained the full score of 5.0 in the CSR Index assessment conducted by the Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency. In 2014 and 2015, HSMC received a total of HK$32 million research funding for 34 projects from the Research Grant Council of UGC, being the highest in terms of cumulative funding amount and the number of awarded projects among all self-financed degreegranting institutions. 結合學院仝人的努力,恒管近年有不少重要的成就。 從2011至2014年,恒管是唯一一間院校的學位課程每 年獲香港品質保證局頒發ISO 9001: 2008品質管理體 系認證。在2013及2014年,恒管亦於香港品質保證局 舉辦的「社會企業責任指數」評核中獲得滿分「5」的 卓越成績。 在2014及2015年,恒管獲大學教育資助委員會轄下 的研究資助局撥款超過3,200萬港元進行34個研究項 目,金額及項目總數為所有自資院校當中最高。


The College received notable recognitions from the Green Building Council in 2014, which manifested its commitment to environmental protection and campus sustainability. Among the new buildings in the campus, The S H Ho Academic Building (Block A) and the Sports and Amenities Centre (Block B) achieved the final “Platinum” rating of BEAM Plus Version 1.1 certification and the HSMC Jockey Club Residential Colleges also attained the provisional “Platinum” rating of BEAM Plus Version 1.2 by the Green Building Council (pending final assessment). HSMC is the first among higher institutions in Hong Kong in achieving these honours. HSMC was also awarded “Finalist” in the Green Building Award 2014. The above achievements affirm the College’s leading role in promoting green initiatives in the region.

恒管在2014年獲香港綠色建築議會頒發數個重要認 可,充份體現了學院在環境保護及校園可持續發展方 面的承擔。在校園的新建建築當中,何善衡教學大樓 及康樂活動中心獲頒發「綠建環評」1.1 版「新建建築 最終評估鉑金級」認證,而恒管賽馬會住宿書院則獲 「綠建環評」1.2 版「新建建築暫定鉑金級」認證。恒 管為全港首間高等院校獲得以上殊榮,同時亦獲選為 2014年度環保建築大獎入圍項目,肯定了學院在地區 內促進環保的領導角色。

Desirable Graduate Attributes


The College aims to nurture students to possess the following “desirable graduate attributes: iGPS”:

恒管旨在培養學生具備以下「理想的畢業生特質: iGPS」:

(a) Intellectual Competence: have built a solid foundation in relevant academic disciplines and have acquired the ability to think / reason critically, analyse and solve problems, and engage in life-long learning.

(1) 思考能力:在相關學科上建構堅固的知識基礎,具 備能力以進行批判性思考及推論、分析及解決問 題,並投入終身學習。

(b) Generic Skills: have developed skills in: • languages including Chinese, English and Putonghua • use of information technology and data analysis tools • interpersonal communication • teamwork and leadership (c) Personal Development: have ethical values, selfawareness, emotional management and personal effectiveness. (d) Social Engagement: have the willingness to be involved in the community and a commitment to acting for the betterment of the society.

(2) 共通技能:具備以下技能: • 語文,包括中文、英語及普通話 • 運用資訊科技和數據分析的工具 • 人際溝通 • 團隊合作和領導才能 (3) 個人發展:具備道德價值觀、自我認知、情緒管理,以 及個人效能 。 (4) 投入社群:具有投入社群的意願,有改善社會的承 擔。 iGPS的i代表學生,GPS是全球定位系統的簡稱,寓 意恒管的學習經歷可引領學生發展成才。

The acronym iGPS also carries the symbolic meaning of “I” and the “GPS”; with “I” referring to the individual student and “GPS” taking on the metaphor of “Global Positioning System” which can guide the development of the student through the educational experience at HSMC.


Undergraduate Curriculum Structure


HSMC adopts a 4-year curriculum for all bachelor’s degree programmes. All students admitted in 20142015 and after will be enrolled under the new Undergraduate Curriculum Structure. The Undergraduate Curriculum Structure comprises 3 components: Major Studies, Common Core Requirement, and Free Electives. The total number of modules varies across individual programmes in view of their uniqueness. Apart from the Major Studies, students are required to take at least 15 modules, under the Common Core Requirement, on General Education, Languages, and Quantitative Methods and IT skills. This structure aims to enhance students’ generic skills and broaden their intellectual horizons.

恒管所有學士學位課程為四年制,2014/15年度起錄取 的全部學生均會按新本科課程結構就讀。 新本科課程結構分為三部分:主修科目、共通核心科 目及選修科目。由於不同主修課程本質有別,各課程 需要修讀的單元總數會有所差異。 除主修科目外,學生必須修讀共通核心科目下最少15 個單元,包括通識教育、語文、計量方法及資訊科 技。新結構旨在提高學生基礎核心能力,拓寬其學術 視野。

For Degree Programmes offered in 2014/15 and thereafter 在2014/15年及以後開設的學位課程 Range of Number of Modules (Credits) 科目數量(學分)

Range of % of Curriculum 佔課程的百分比

A. Major Studies 主修科目+ Including at least 2 common Business modules 包括最少2個一般商管單元

19 (57) - 25 (75)*

47.5% - 62.5%

B. Common Core Requirment 共通核心科目

15 (45) - 16 (48)

37.5% - 40%

(i) General Education 通識教育

7 (21)


(ii) Languages 語文 - English 英文 - Chinese 中文

3 (9) 3 (9)


2(6) - 3 (9)

5% - 10%

0 (0) - 6 (18)

0% - 15%

Minimum 最少40 (120)


Study Areas 學習範圍

(iii) Quantitative Methods and IT Skills 計量方法及資訊科技# C. Free Electives 選修科目 Total 總數

Unless specially approved, non-business programmes students should include at least 2 specified business / management-related modules from: 除非經特別批准,非商管課程學生需最少修讀以下2個指定商管相關科目: • BUS1001 Introduction to Business 商學導論 • BUS1002 Principles of Management 管理學原理 • ECO1000 Principles of Economics 經濟學原理 * Recommended to be 20 to 22 modules (60 to 66 credits) 建議為20至22科目(60至66學分) # Unless specially approved, all programmes should include at least 1 module in quantitative methods and 1 module in IT Skills 除非經特別批准,最少修讀1個計量方法單元及1個資訊科技單元 +

In order to graduate, students also need to fulfil the following requirements: 學生還需達到以下要求,方可畢業: • Language Competency Exit Test for English and Putonghua 英語及普通話語文能力測試 • Information Technology Proficiency Test 資訊科技水平測試 • Community Services, Extra-curricular Activities and Physical Activities 社區服務、課外活動及體育活動


School of Business


Professor SO Wai Man, Raymond Dean, School of Business 蘇偉文教授 商學院院長

Building on the legendary success of Hang Seng School of Commerce (HSSC), Hang Seng Management College (HSMC) is determined to provide quality higher education to the young people. “Student-centred, Quality Teaching and Contribution to Society” are the core values of our teaching philosophies. Looking forward, the School of Business will review the curriculum and offer more choices to students so that they can always find their study rewarding.

秉承恒生商學書院(恒商)的教學理念,恒生管理學 院(恒管)繼往開來,以恒商的教育理念為藍本,貫 徹儒商的精神,發揚以「學生為本、教學為優、社會 為重」的精神,為培育社會未來的新一代作好準備! 展望未來,商學院會定期檢視課程結構和教學質素, 並計劃提供更多課程和專修選擇,讓同學在學習上可 以按其興趣和志向有不同的發展。

Departments 學系 Accountancy 會計學系

Economics & Finance 經濟及金融學系

Management 管理學系

Marketing 市場學系


Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) (BBA) 工商管理(榮譽)學士

• Accounting Concentration • Banking and Finance Concentration • Marketing Concentration

• 主修會計學 • 主修銀行及金融學 • 主修市場學

The Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) is a four-year integrated business programme and students are required to complete at least 40 modules, including 16 Common Core Curriculum, 10 Business Education, 12 Specialities and 2 Free Electives. The Programme features three Concentrations, namely Accounting, Banking and Finance and Marketing. Students can flexibly declare one of the three Concentrations in Year 3, attaining the professional level of expertise upon completion of the Programme.

工商管理(榮譽)學士學位課程為四年制,同學在 四年內最少須修讀40個單元,包括16個共通核心單 元、10個商學教育單元、12個專修單元及2個選修單 元。課程設有3個專修科目,分別是會計學、銀行及金 融學和市場學,同學可在第三個學年於三大專修科目中 選取其一,修讀有關的專修單元以獲取專業知識。

Some concentration modules offered have been accredited by the professional bodies and graduates can be granted exemptions from some of the professional examinations. Our graduates have maintained a competitive advantage in business and service sector, comprising accounting, financing, banking, marketing and other professions, which are identified by the HKSAR as in high demand of manpower in the forthcoming years. The four-year integrated business programme comprises two main areas: Liberal and Professional Education. While the Liberal Education aims to enrich students’ knowledge, the Professional Education instils professional expertise to students, equipping them for all-rounded developments in future career. It is our expectation that our graduates can attain a high level of competency both in their profession and ethical standard and be able to make tremendous contributions to society.

部分專修單元更獲得專業團體認可,同學於修畢後可 申請豁免相關的專業考試或部分專業資格考卷豁免。 本課程的畢業生從事與工商管理有關的工作有相當優 勢,尤其香港特別行政區政府確認為未來數年需求甚 殷的商業服務行業,如會計、金融財務、銀行業、市 場推廣及其他相關專業。 四年制的課程涵蓋博雅教育及專業教育兩大範疇,一 方面提升同學在知識層面的廣博度,另一方面灌輸專 業知識予同學,讓同學在事業上有更加充足和全面的 發展。我們期望同學在修畢本課程後,能達至高度的 專業水平,並履行良好的道德操守,成為一位傑出的 社會公民。

Graduates have a wide range of career options, such as: 畢業生的就業選擇眾多,例如:

Accounting Concentration 主修會計學 Accounting Officer II 二級會計主任 Assistant Accountant 助理會計師 Assistant Assessor 助理評稅主任 Audit / Tax Associate 審計 / 稅務見習生 Management Trainee 見習行政人員 Company Secretarial Assistant 公司秘書助理


Banking and Finance Concentration 主修銀行及金融學

Marketing Concentration 主修市場學

Financial Planner / Financial Planning Manager / Financial Consultant 財務策劃師 / 財務策劃經理 / 財務顧問 Management Trainee 見習行政人員 Executive Trainee in Corporate Lending & Syndication Department of Bank 銀行企業及銀團貸款部見習主任 Fund Manager Trainee 見習基金經理 Junior Financial Data Analyst 初級財務數據分析員

Marketing Executive Trainee 見習巿場主任 Overseas Sales Executive 海外銷售主任 Advertising Account Executive 廣告客戶主任 Management Trainee 見習行政人員 Social Media Marketing Assistant 社交媒體市場助理 Event Coordinator 市場活動統籌主任 Researcher 研究員

Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) in Corporate Governance (BBA-CG) 企業管治工商管理(榮譽)學士 The Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) in Corporate Governance programme aims at providing students with necessary knowledge in corporate governance so that graduates are capable of performing the advisory role to the Board of Directors on corporate governance issues, and are prepared for their career development as corporate governance professionals. Upon completion of the programme, graduates would have developed an understanding of the laws and regulations in corporate governance and recognised the best practices for the purpose of regulatory compliance. They would be able to integrate and apply knowledge of good corporate governance practices and help to execute a regulatory system in support of board functions. Moreover, it is expected that they can identify the roles and responsibilities of corporate officers and perform with a sense of ethicality and professionalism.

企業管治工商管理(榮譽)學士學位課程專為提供企 業管治專業知識而設,以助有志於此的學生發展成為 管治專才,能向蕫事會就企業管治相關之問題提供專 業意見。 修畢本課程後,學生應能夠全面理解企業管治相關法 規、熟識最佳規管準則,能夠融匯運用各項知識,協 助董事會改善管治,有效實施合規制度。此外,學生 還能夠清楚釐定管理人員的角色與責任,秉持職業操 守,履行專業職責。

Graduates have a wide range of career options, such as: 畢業生就業選擇眾多,例如以下的專業方向:

Compliance Officer 企業合規專員

Corporate Administrator 企業管理者

Company Secretary 公司秘書 Management Trainee 見習行政人員

Accountant 會計師


Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) in Financial Analysis (BBA-FA) 金融分析工商管理(榮譽)學士

The Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) in Financial Analysis programme aims to provide a four-year tertiary education to equip students with core financial analytical skills to become an effective investment professional. • To equip students with the practical knowledge and skills necessary in the global investment profession

金融分析工商管理(榮譽)學士課程旨在為同學提供 四年制學士學位課程,以專業的金融分析技術積極裝 備同學成為投資專才。 • 教授實用專業的金融分析知識及技術,裝備同學投 身全球投資業界 • 助同學發展金融分析技能,以作出理性的投資決策

• To develop students’ financial analytical ability for rational decision making

• 助同學在經濟學、管理學、投資、金融服務及企業 策略等範疇運用金融分析

• To enable students to appreciate the use of financial analysis in areas of economics, management, investments, financial services and corporate strategy

修畢本課程後,畢業生能夠運用所獲得的知識考取有 關財務分析或投資管理領域的專業資格。此外,畢業 生在投資銀行業、證券服務業和其它商業領域都極具 發展優勢。

With the successful completion of the programme, graduates would be able to apply the acquired competencies to undertake examinations from professional bodies in the financial analysis or investment management field. In addition, graduates would naturally place themselves to take advantage of the growth in the financial services and business sectors whether in investment banking, the securities industry or other business environment performing the role of an analyst.

Financial Trading Laboratory 金融交易實驗室


Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) in Management (BBA-MGT) 管理學工商管理(榮譽)學士 The Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) in Management programme pledges to provide a firstrate study scheme in management. Designed to offer a broad-based and all-round education to our students, we aim at strengthening their professional business knowledge as well as various soft skills such as analytical skills, leadership skills and inter-personal skills.

Examples of Career Development: 事業發展例子:

Human Resources Assistant 人力資源助理

Develop managerial career in multinational companies 於跨國公司任管理工作

管理學工商管理(榮譽)學士課程矢志為學生提供優 秀的管理學教育及全人教育;在鞏固商業知識的同 時,更著重培育各種軟技能,如分析能力,領導能力 和人際技巧等。

Starting up one’s own business 創業

Management Trainee 管理見習生 Pursuit of postgraduate studies in local and overseas universities 在本地及海外大學升讀 各研究生課程


School of Communication


Professor TSO Hung, Scarlet Dean, School of Communication 曹虹教授 傳播學院院長

To cope with the enormous needs of professionals in Business Journalism and Corporate Communication, the School provides students with specialised, business-oriented knowledge in journalism and communication, as well as general education to help progress and develop their various aspects of life. To offer high quality teaching, HSMC is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities such as TV Production Room, Control Room, Sound Studio and Editing Suite. With the strong academic team and top standard facilities, we hope our students will not only progress in their academic studies, but develop a global outlook, creative and critical thinking, life-long learning, bi-literacy and tri-lingualism, leadership, and become competent professionals during their studies.


為配合市場上對商業財經新聞及企業傳訊專業人才的 渴求,傳播學院提供新聞及傳播與商業結合的學士學 位課程,涵蓋新聞及傳播教育、商業教育與通識教育 三大元素,讓同學在專業領域層面上獲得全方位的培 訓和發展。 傳播學院投放價值千萬元的先進設備,包括電視製作 室、控制室、錄音室及編輯室。憑藉強大的學術團隊 和頂級的設施,我們著重培育學生兩文三語,有國際 視野、分析能力、創意思維及批判能力。畢業生能秉 持終身學習的精神,成為業界的領導專才。

Bachelor of Journalism and Communication (Honours) (BJC) 新聞及傳播(榮譽)學士 The Bachelor of Journalism and Communication (Honours) programme aims to provide students with specialised knowledge in journalism and communication with a strong business orientation. The programme aims to equip students for their personal and professional career development and further studies on a foundation of business and general education to meet both local and regional demands in Greater China and in the global context. The four-year degree programme strives to make our students the best media practitioners and the most adaptive professionals by providing them with a broad spectrum of knowledge and enhancing their ability of comprehension from different perspectives. Students will also be given professional internship opportunities during the summer holidays to work in various reputable news agencies, radio stations, commercial institutions, advertising agencies, and marketing and public relations companies, both locally and overseas.

新聞及傳播(榮譽)學士學位課程新穎,旨在培育具 備商業財經知識的新聞和企業傳訊專才,在商業及通 識教育的基礎之上,提供新聞和傳播的專業訓練,為 學生的個人發展、專業進修作好裝備,以迎合本地、 大中華地區以至全球的需求。 新聞及企業傳訊行業走在社會之先,瞬息萬變,為貼 合行業需要,四年制的學位課程涵蓋廣博而深入的專 業培訓,著重提升多角度思維及理解能力,培育能緊 貼時代脈搏的行業專才。為使學生能汲取實際工作經 驗,增加日後在職場的競爭力,學生於暑假期間有 機會獲安排到本地或海外機構實習,當中包括新聞機 構、商業機構、廣告公司和公關公司等等。 Career Prospects 就業前景

With a Business Journalism Concentration 主修商業新聞 Reporter 記者

Producer 製作人員

Editor 編輯

Researcher 研究員 / 資料搜集

Translator 翻譯

News Analyst 新聞分析員

With a Corporate Communication Concentration 主修企業傳訊 Customer Service Representative 客戶服務代表 Marketing Executive 市場推廣主任 Overseas Sales Executive 海外業務主管

Researcher 研究員 Public Relations Executive 公關主任 Corporate Communication Executive 企業傳訊主任


School of Decision Sciences


Professor TANG Man Lai Acting Dean, School of Decision Sciences 鄧文禮教授 決策科學學院署理院長

The School of Decision Sciences engages in multidisciplinary teaching and research in both theories and business applications in data science, business intelligence, supply chain management, management science and information management. As collecting, processing and analysing data becomes increasingly common nowadays, business data not only enables corporations to make evidence-based business decisions, but also extract useful hidden information by utilising advanced analytical techniques, for example, data mining, in order to make more effective business decisions. The School of Decision Sciences aims at equipping students to be professionals in decision sciences in business. Therefore, we provide 3 Bachelor degree programmes that emphasise the important knowledge in decision making in business, including the collection and management of information, foundations of data science, advanced analytical skills, business education and general education.

決策科學學院致力推動糅合數據科學、商業智能 學、供應鏈管理學、管理科學及資訊管理學跨學科 的理論與商業應用之教學和研究。隨著商業數據的 收集、處理和分析愈來愈普遍,企業不單可以作出 有根有據的商業決策,更能以數據挖掘等分析技巧 從數據中提取新穎而有價值的隱藏訊息,從而協助 作出更有效的商業決定。本學院提供三個榮譽學士 學位課程,分別針對企業在作出商業決策時的不同 需要而設,包括收集和管理資料及數據科學的基礎 和高階的分析技巧,加上適當的商學知識及通識教 育,全面地訓練學生成為商業決策人才。

Departments 學系 Mathematics & Statistics 數學及統計學系


Supply Chain & Information Management 供應鏈及資訊管理學系

Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Data Science and Business Intelligence (BSc-DSBI) 數據科學及商業智能學(榮譽)理學士 In this data-driven world, every organisation needs to deal with data. The ability to generate predictive insights and new product innovations with advanced analytical tools and algorithms is of increasing importance. There is an increasing demand for “data scientists” and “business intelligence professionals” to analyse and manage the ever-growing volume of business data. The Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Data Science and Business Intelligence is the first degree programme in Hong Kong to integrate “Data Science” and “Business Intelligence” with a comprehensive business education to answer the market needs. 現今社會各行各業都需要處理大量的商業數據。運用 數學、統計學及計算機科學的分析技能,協助機構作 出準確的商業預測及生產創新的產品,亦變得愈來愈 重要。各行業對「數據科學家」和「商業智能專業人 員」的需求日益增長,期望他們能夠分析和管理不斷 增長的商業數據量。數據科學及商業智能學(榮譽) 理學士課程為全港首創,融合「數據科學」及「商業 智能學」兩大領域的知識,並提供全面的商學教育, 以回應市場的需求。

Graduates have a wide range of career options, such as: 畢業生的就業選擇眾多,例如:

Data Scientist 數據科學家

Business Intelligence Professional 商業智能專業人員

Statistician 統計師

Actuary 精算師

Financial Analyst 金融分析師

Financial Consultant 理財顧問

Marketing Executive 營銷行政人員

Market Researcher 市場研究員


Bachelor of Management Science and Information Management (Honours) (BMSIM) 管理科學與資訊管理(榮譽)學士 To satisfy the demand for increasing success rate of product and service innovation, it is important for corporations to possess efficient business and improve their productivity. In other words, corporations can utilise the resources effectively. To fulfil their needs, HSMC has launched the Bachelor of Management Science and Information Management (Honours) programme to nurture business students who are talented in both management science (MS) and information management (IM). BMSIM is Hong Kong’s first undergraduate programme that integrates the three key areas: Business, MS and IM. BMSIM graduates can apply knowledge of quantitative and qualitative methods, and specialised and technical skills to business decision making. Graduates may obtain professional certifications, such as Certified Associate in Project Management from the Project Management Institute and Six Sigma Quality Management Certification.

為滿足企業對提高產品效用和服務創新的需求,高效 的業務和提升生產力對企業至關重要。換句話說,企 業要能夠有效地運用資源。恒管推出管理科學與資訊 管理(榮譽)學士學位課程,培育精通管理科學與資 訊管理的商管學生。此課程是香港首個結合了三大 知識領域範疇的項目,包括(1) 商業管理、(2 )管理科 學、(3)資訊管理的課程。此課程的學生能掌握並運 用定量分析技巧及相關理論、專業、科技和創新的知 識,從而作出有效的商業決策。畢業生能運用所獲得 的知識考取專業證書,如項目管理協會授予的項目管 理證書和六標準差的管理證書。

After attaining our BMSIM degree, graduates may pursue their careers in the following fields: 管理科學與資訊管理的畢業生就業前景包括: Manufacturing / Service Operations Management 製造 / 服務運營管理 Product / Software Development 產品 / 軟件開發 Business / IT Project Management 業務 / 資訊科技項目管理

Business Analytics and Consultancy 商業分析與諮詢


System Management & Coordination 系統管理與協調 IT Sales & Marketing 資訊科技銷售與營銷 Entrepreneurship 企業家

Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) in Supply Chain Management (BBA-SCM) 供應鏈管理工商管理(榮譽)學士 Industry demand for new supply chain talent has been growing rapidly, as advanced supply chain management is crucial for companies to stay competitive in the current complex, dynamic and globalised business environment. To fill the gap between the demand and availability of supply chain professionals in Hong Kong, China and Asia, HSMC has launched the Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) in Supply Chain Management Programme since 2010. BBASCM programme students will learn solid SCM and transport / logistics, business and general education knowledge as well as apply advanced concepts and analytic techniques and develop professional skills in SCM. Our programme stands out compared to other highly rated programmes for different reasons such as expert professors, state-of-the-art learning resources, recognition by professional bodies, internship opportunities, student overseas exchange opportunities, strong government and industry support, and good career placement. Most importantly, our programme will implement the Hong Kong SAR Government Education Bureau’s Study Subsidy Scheme for Designated Professions / Sectors (SSSDP) from the academic year 2015/16. Hitherto, it is the first time in Hong Kong that an undergraduate programme in the SCM field run by

a self-financed institution has obtained the subsidy from the Government. Apart from the government’s recognition and support on our high-quality programmes, our graduates are well-received by companies in different sectors and are working in various areas of supply chain management, such as logistics, merchandising, customer services, quality management, retailing and project management. 於競爭激烈的全球市場中,先進的供應鏈管理對於企 業十分之重要,為了滿足香港、大陸及亞洲市場對於 供應鏈人才的高需求,我們於2010年開辦了供應鏈管 理工商管理(榮譽)學士課程。通過此課程,學生將 學習到最新理論,分析技巧及供應鏈及運輸 / 物流管 理的專業知識。供應鏈管理課程之優點包括專業的教 授團隊、一流的實驗室、專業協會認可、實習工作經 驗、學界與業界大力支持、學生海外交流機會及良好 的就業前景。 更重要的是,我們的課程將於2015/16學年進行香 港特別行政區教育局的「指定專業 / 界別課程資助計 劃」。 這是香港第一個自資院校的供應鏈管理課程加 入此項計劃,也是目前唯一的一個。除了政府對於我 們課程質素的肯定和支持,我們的畢業生也廣受業界 歡迎,並獲行內不同領域的公司僱用,所從事的工作 涵蓋物流、採購、客戶服務、品質管理、零售及項目 管理。


School of Humanities & Social Science 人文社會科學學院

Professor LUK Yun Tong, Thomas Dean, School of Humanities & Social Science 陸潤棠教授 人文社會科學學院院長

We are living in the era of post-humanism, where academic boundaries across disciplines are being de-territorialised. The four departments of School of Humanities & Social Science at present (Chinese, English, Social Science and Computing) offer broadbased courses, leading to an all-round development of students, and an integration of arts, society and technology. To pursue further this end, courses in the four departments have been undergoing changes accordingly and Learning Programme Accreditation for the two new programmes, namely Asian Studies and Applied and Human-Centred Computing was finished and approved in October 2015. Another new programme Cultural and Creative Industries is in the pipeline. Besides the BA programme in English, the Chinese Department offers a BA programme in Chinese starting from 2015.

現今社會已進入後人文學科的年代,學科之間的界線逐 漸褪色,繼而糅合為跨學科的學術領域。恒生管理學院 人文社會科學學院結合中英語文、社會科學、電子計算 學科,全面啟發學生的潛能,朝向人文與科技結合的目 標。為此,本院的兩個全新課程:亞洲研究及應用及人 本計算學已於2015年10月通過評審;而另一個全新課 程:文化與創意產業亦在籌備中。除現有的英國語文學 士學位課程,中文文學士課程已於2015年開始供學生 報讀。 人文與社會科學合併乃本校發展的里程碑。恒管會繼續 培育英才,以成為一間優秀的私立大學為目標。

Embracing Social Science in the School’s composition marks a significant milestone for Hang Seng Management College. The College will continue to fulfil its long-term development plans with the ultimate goal to become a private university and nurture competent individuals to meet the needs of the society.

Departments 學系 Chinese 中文系


Computing 電子計算系

English 英文學系

Social Science 社會科學系

Bachelor of Arts in English (Honours) (BA-ENG) 英國語文(榮譽)學士

The Bachelor of Arts in English (Honours) programme helps students build a sound knowledge base in English literature and linguistics as well as develop strong language and cultural awareness essential for an increasingly globalised world and economy. The programme covers a rich and diverse range of topics aiming to broaden students’ horizons intellectually and personally. The integration of Business Studies modules in the curriculum also makes it unique with both academic and practical relevance. Graduates with knowledge of English and Business would be extremely well-placed to take advantage of the huge increases in demand for graduates in business and related fields. Besides having good career prospects in the education field, graduates also have a wide range of career options including: 英國語文(榮譽)學士學位課程致力為同學建立穩健 的英國文學及語言學根基,以應對全球化之大趨勢。 本課程涵蓋範疇豐富,學習單元亦包括企業概論等商 學知識,集實用性與學術性於一身,以擴闊同學 視野。 擁有英語和商務知識的畢業生,工作上可享優勢。除 了在教育領域擁有良好的事業前景,畢業生也有多方 面的職業選擇,包括:

Communications 傳播業

Marketing, Finance and Banking 市場營銷、金融及銀行業

Others 其它

Public Relations 公共關係

Management 管理

Civil Service 公務員

Corporate Communications 企業傳訊

Advertising 廣告創作

Media Relations 媒體關係

Customer Service 顧客服務

Language and Cultural Consultancy 語言和文化顧問

Project Management 項目管理

Marketing 市場營銷

Copywriting 撰稿

Market Research 市場調查

Education 教育

Patent Writing 專利撰寫 Reporting 新聞報導 Editing and Publishing 編輯及出版


Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Chinese (BA-CHI) 中文(榮譽)文學士

The BA-CHI degree programme aims to provide academic and professional training for students to master all areas of Chinese knowledge, including but not limited to literature, cultural knowledge and theories, as well as the use of Chinese. Students are expected to apply such knowledge to the workplace and academic research. The programme has three major distinctive features: 1) It incorporates business modules into a diversified programme that includes not only modules on the major studies, but also modules of general education and Common Core Curriculum modules. Students can broaden their horizons and also acquire knowledge of business. 2) It emphasises on the training of Putonghua and writing, so that students can pursue a career that requires such skills after graduation. 3) It offers a credit-bearing module on internship that requires skills obtained from other pragmatic modules. Through internship, students can experience the work environment and perform duties of the position they assume in a selected profession, so that they can be better prepared shall they pursue the same profession after graduation. The programme particularly emphasises moral education and independent thinking. Its design holds fast to the principle of promoting moral cultivation and lifelong learning, with which students will become a responsible citizen and can contribute to society. Upon graduation, students can further their studies or pursue a career related to education, cultural undertaking, public administration, multimedia, and public relations.


中文(榮譽)文學士課程旨在提升學生專業的學術及 實務訓練,讓學生掌握文學及文化知識和理論,具備 善用語言文字的能力,並能將有關知識應用於工作實 務或相關的學術研究。本課程有三大特色: 一、除一般中文專業單元,通識教育及「共同核心課 程」單元外,尚設置商學教育單元,期望文科學生不 囿於所學,增廣見聞,拓展商學知識。 二、著重普通話及寫作訓練,學生畢業後從事相關行 業,皆能揮灑自如,學以致用。 三、帶學分選修實習單元,配合實務單元,讓學生早 日了解職場情況,充實學養,準備投身社會。 本課程尤其重視品德教育,啟發及培養學生獨立思考 能力,貫徹敦品勵學的理念,使學生勇於承擔社會責 任,將所學貢獻社會。 學生畢業後可選擇升學,亦能勝任教育、文化事業、 公共行政、傳播媒介以及公關等行業的工作。

School of Translation 翻譯學院

Professor FONG Chee Fun, Gilbert Dean, School of Translation 方梓勳教授 翻譯學院院長

Now six years in the running, the School has become increasingly confident of our curriculum, teachers and students. We train not only translators and business executives, but also thoughtful individuals and highcalibre professionals. We can envision our students, after four years of intensive and all-around training, becoming successful translators, interpreters, editors, business executives and public relations officers of the highest calibre. The School has a new simultaneous interpreting classroom housed in the S H Ho Academic Building. It is set up as a real-life conference room equipped with state-of-the-art interpreting facilities.

學院已有六年的歷史,我們對師生及課程充滿自信。 本課程栽培的翻譯及商務行政精英,使他們不但掌握 專業知識,而且富有思考力,更能發揮關懷社會、服 務大眾之精神。我深信同學經過四年深入和全面的學 習,定必可成為筆譯、口譯、編輯、商務行政及公共 關係各領域的頂尖人才,成就自我。 何善衡教學大樓特設即時傳譯教室,配有尖端口譯設 備,為同學提供模擬真實的會議環境,口譯教學更上 一層樓。


Bachelor of Translation with Business (Honours) (BTB) 商務翻譯(榮譽)學士

The Bachelor of Translation with Business (Honours) programme is the first of its kind in Hong Kong. It is new, exciting, and keeps pace with market developments. The curriculum provides our students with four years of intensive training in translation and interpreting, as well as in business skills, general education and Chinese and English languages (the so-called bi-literacy and tri-lingualism). We offer quality teaching. We have experienced professors and we also have young professors. Most of them have PhD degrees. Our teaching is lively and interesting. We are committed to small-class instruction, with no more than 25 students in a class. As each student is given individual attention, we are able to create an unparalleled environment of intimacy, interaction and participation in our classrooms.

商務翻譯(榮譽)學士學位課程開創本港商務翻譯教 育先河,提供四年筆譯及口譯的深入培訓,兼重中英 兩文三語、商務技能及通識教育。課程新穎吸引, 緊貼市場脈搏,啟發學生思維,編排嚴謹靈活,堪 稱全港較為完善的翻譯學位課程。本課程提供優質教 學,各科由經驗豐富的教授及年輕學者執教,教師大 多擁有博士學位。授課生動有趣,實行小班教學,每 班25人為限,師生關係密切,充分照顧每位同學需 要,課堂互動多變,同學積極投入,一般的翻譯課程 無法比擬。

Graduates have a wide range of career options: 畢業生就業出路眾多: Translation Work Related to Business, Finance and Commerce 財經、金融及商貿翻譯 Public Service 公務員

Media Work (Radio, Television Broadcasts and Print Media) 傳媒(電台、電視及印刷媒體) Corporate and Managerial Positions 企業及行政管理


Public Relations 公共關係

Business Publishing 商業出版

New Programmes 2016/17 2016/17學年新課程

HSMC is planning to offer three new undergraduate degree programmes in 2016/17 to further broaden the scope of study. These three programmes are under the School of Humanities and Social Science, and the School of Communication, namely Bachelor of Social Sciences (Honours) in Asian Studies (BSS-AS), Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Applied and HumanCentred Computing (BA-AHCC) and Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Convergent Media and Communication Technology (BA-CMCT).

恒生管理學院計劃於2016/17學年推出三個新學士學 位課程以進一步拓寬學科範圍。三個課程包括屬人文 社會科學學院之「亞洲研究(榮譽)社會科學學士課 程」和「應用及人本計算學(榮譽)文學士課程」, 以及屬傳播學院之「融合媒體及傳播科技(榮譽)文 學士課程」。 此外,學院亦計劃於2016/17學年開辦學院首個碩士 學位課程 ─「翻譯文學碩士(商務與法律)課程」。

The first master’s degree (QFL6), Master of Arts in Translation (Business and Law) is also planned to be offered in 2016/17.


HSMC Research 恒管研究 Research is one of the central components in enhancing our teaching and learning quality. High impact applied research also benefits society while elevating our reputation. At HSMC, we value a research culture that is collaborative, interdisciplinary and with outreach to the community. Our research mission is to generate applicable knowledge that contributes to teaching enhancement and the development of society.

學術研究是優化教學質素不可或缺的一環,而具影響 力的應用研究亦可造福社會及提升恒管的聲譽,因 此,恒管一直著重培養校內的合作、跨學科及延伸的 研究文化。恒管的研究使命,是希望藉著學術研究, 去開拓新的應用知識,從而促進教學發展及社會 進步。

HSMC College-wide Research Theme and School Strategic Research Areas 恒管的主題研究領域及各學院的策略性研究領域 The College has adopted “Corporate Sustainability, Social Responsibility and Innovations” as one of the College-wide research themes. The College has been actively involved in research and projects related to the College theme. At School level, each School, based on its own academic discipline, has also identified their strategic research areas.

恒管以「企業可持續發展、社會責任及創新」作為本 校的一項主題研究領域。恒管以及學術人員積極從事 有關的研究項目。另外,各學院亦按照自己的學術範 疇,訂出了學院的策略性研究領域。

Research Projects and Publications 研究項目及學術著作 The College has secured HK$13.48 million from the Research Grants Council (RGC), for setting up a Research Institute for Business under the RGC’s Institutional Development Scheme 2015/16. The Research Institute provides support and coordinates research efforts in business research so that the College can advance the understanding of business practices with a focus on local relevance. The Institute is also targeted at enhancing the College’s theme-based research capabilities. Our academic faculty have designed and are conducting in a wide range of externally funded research projects. As of the academic year 2015/16, HSMC has secured HK$45.4 million from different external funding schemes for 41 projects. In addition, over the past two years, our faculty have produced more than 200 journal articles, 36 books and 170 conference papers.


恒管於2015/16年度,獲得研資局的「院校發展計 劃」撥款1,348萬港元,成立「商學研究所」。研究 所將支援及協調學院的商學研究工作,從而推進對 本地商業運作的認識,並提升學院在主題項目的研 究能力。 恒管的學術人員積極參與不同的校外資助研究項 目。截至2015/16學年為止,本學院獲不同的資 助計劃撥款約4,540萬港元,資助進行41項研究項 目。此外,學術人員在過去兩年亦出版了不少著 作,其中包括超過200份期刊論文,36本書籍以及 170篇研討會論文。

HSMC Talks by Nobel Prize Laureates 恒管之諾貝爾得獎者講座 Hang Seng Management College regularly organises academic conferences, seminars and Distinguished Lecture Series, inviting outstanding scholars, business and political leaders from around the world. They share and exchange academic and cultural insights with academic staff and students. We were honoured to have three Nobel Prize laureates among these distinguished speakers.

恒管定期舉行學術會議、研討會和傑出學人講座,邀 請各地學者、政商領袖到臨恒管,與師生進行文化及 學術交流。在眾多傑出講者中,恒管十分榮幸能邀請 到三位諾貝爾得獎者作出分享。

Dr Gao Xingjian, the first speaker of HSMC Distinguished Lecture Series, shared his film Le Deuil de la Beauté and had a discussion with Provost Gilbert Fong regarding his creative ideas and critical views on aesthetics on 3 November 2015. Dr Gao aimed to bring the audience to reflect upon the spirit of art and aesthetics in modern life. 高行健博士於2015年11月3日擔任傑出學人講座系列 的首位講者,出席由他自編自導的電影《美的葬禮》 的放映會,並與常務副校長方梓勳教授一同討論作品 的創作靈感及對美的見解。高博士指出作品是對現代 美的批判,也是對人文精神的回歸,呼喚下一輪文藝 復興,由當今的藝術家們走出自己的路。

Dr Gao Xingjian 高行健博士 Winner of Nobel Prize in Literature 2000 2000年諾貝爾文學獎得獎者

Centred around the theme “Sustainable Development of the Human Society”, Professor Lee explained the evolution of human society through economic, education and scientific perspectives, and examined how humans can collaborate and seek ways for the future on 21 April 2015. To achieve sustainability in human’s future, he pointed out that it involves transformation of the whole community, and to move towards a low-carbon society.

Professor Yuan-Tseh Lee 李遠哲教授 Winner of Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1986 1986年諾貝爾化學獎得獎者

講座於2015年4月21日舉行,李遠哲教授圍繞主題 「談人類社會的永續發展」,從經濟、教育與科學的 角度談人類社會的轉變,深入淺出地探討人類如何通 過協作共存,為未來尋找出路。人類必須進行整個社 會的轉變,走向低碳社會,才可達至永續發展。

In the“Living and Society - Socio-Environmental Issues and Sustainable Development” Seminar on 30 October 2015, Professor Ei-ichi Negishi gave a speech about the relationship between chemicals and community safety as well as the key to a sustainable society. He shared his motto “To dream a big dream” and encouraged the audience to confront challenges and improve their competitiveness. 在2015年10月30日的「生活與社會–社會環境問題與 可持續發展」講座,根岸英一教授講述化學社區安全 的關係,及建立可持續發展社區的關鍵。他分享成功 的格言是「追求遠大的夢想」,面對不斷的挑戰,從 而提升自己競爭力。

Professor Ei-ichi Negishi 根岸英一教授 Winner of Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2010 2010年諾貝爾化學獎得獎者


Student Development


Exchange Programmes 交換計劃 HSMC offers student exchange programmes with different international tertiary institutions. Students can take these valuable opportunities to broaden their horizons and gain international exposure. We have established over 30 partnerships with various educational institutions in Asia, Europe and North America, such as Fudan University (School of Journalism), China; Pukyong National University, Republic of Korea; National Taipei University, Taiwan; HAAGA-HELIA University of Applied Sciences, Finland; University of Rouen, France; SRH University Heidelberg, Germany; Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands; Concordia University, Canada; Gordon College, USA and Illinois Wesleyan University, USA. 恒生管理學院與多間國際高等院校合作,向同學提供 不少交換生機會。同學能藉此獲得寶貴經驗,擴闊視 野。到目前為止,我們已經與亞洲、歐洲及北美洲多 國超過30間大學及專上學府建立合作夥伴關係,包括 復旦大學新聞學院、韓國釜慶國立大學、國立臺北大 學、芬蘭哈格赫利爾應用科學大學、法國魯昂大學、 德國海德堡SRH大學、荷蘭阿姆斯特丹應用科技大學、 加拿大協和大學、美國高登大學及美國伊利諾伊偉斯 理大學等。

Internship Opportunities 實習機會 Internships provide authentic work experience to students and are conducive to sharpening students’ workplace skills, contributing to enhancement of their employability. The Career Planning & Development Team of Student Affairs Office (SAO) works closely with employers in an array of sectors to create internship opportunities for HSMC students. In 2014/15, over 680 internship offers provided by 155 companies / internship schemes were attained by HSMC students. The internships are offered not only locally but also in Mainland China and overseas countries such as the UK, the US, Germany, Singapore, Canada, Spain and Ireland. All the participating students had a smooth adaptation to the new environment during their internship period. Their good attitude and outstanding work performance were highly commended by their employers. 實習計劃讓學生親身體驗工作情況,有利於磨練學生 的工作技能,增強他們的就業競爭力。恒管的學生事 務處(事業策劃與發展)與業界保持密切連繫,以開 拓廣泛的實習機會。在2014至2015學年,恒管學生 參與超過680個實習崗位,它們來自155家公司 / 實 習項目。除了本地實習,同學亦有機會到中國內地 及海外國家,例如英國、美國、德國、新加坡、加拿 大、西班牙和愛爾蘭等,擔任暑期實習生。即使在異 地實習及生活,恒管學生很容易適應新環境。他們良 好的態度和出色的工作表現受到僱主的高度讚揚。




Numerous scholarships / awards are available to support and encourage students studying at HSMC. Some are for academic excellence while some are for non-academic achievements. With the College’s commitment and donors’ generosity, the scholarships / awards offered have been increasing in a swift pace in the past three years and the trend is expected to continue in the upcoming years.

為鼓勵及給予恒管同學學習上的支持,恒生管理學院 每年均開設不同類型的獎學金予同學申請,當中有些 是獎勵同學優秀的學業成績,有些是嘉許同學出色的 聯課活動表現。憑著學院的資源投放及捐獻人的慷慨 捐贈,學院提供的獎學金金額於過去幾年間迅速增 長,並承諾於未來會設立更多獎學金機會予恒管的 同學。

Total Scholarship Amount for Associate Degree and Degree Programme students in 2012 - 2015 2012 - 2015 學年的獎學金總額 (包括副學士及學士課程) HK$ $12,000,000









$0 2012/13




Graduate Employment An array of career options is available for HSMC graduates. With the solid academic training and well-rounded learning opportunities, our graduates are equipped with good thinking, communication and interpersonal skills, which are desired by employers. About 91% 2014 fresh graduates were employed within 4 months of graduation (including 88% full-time employment and 3% temporary / part-time employment). In general, HSMC graduates have projected very positive impressions on their employers who often express appreciation and willingness to hire our graduates.


透過全面的學術培訓和全方位學習機會,恒管畢業生 都具備良好的思考、溝通及人際交往能力。約91%的 2014年畢業生在畢業後4個月內找到工作(包括88%全 職及3%臨時或兼職)。總括而言,僱主對恒管畢業生 及其表現有良好印象,表示樂於聘用他們。

Employment Statistics 就業數據 Employment Status 就業狀況

Full-time Employed 全職工作 88%

Temporary / Part-time Employed 臨時 /兼職工作 3% Further Study 升學 3% Seeking Employment 尋求就業 4% Others (health issue, working holiday, etc.) 其他(健康情況, 工作假期等等) 2%

Employment Sector 就業行業 (Full-time Employment Sector 全職工作)

Government 政府 4%

Others (Manufacturing, Hospitality, etc.) 其他 (製造業、酒店業等等) 14%

Banking & Finance 銀行及金融 24%

Education, Community and Social Services 教育、社區及社會服務 8%

Trading, Wholesale and Retail 貿易、批發及零售 15%

Communication & Media 通訊與媒體 10%

Accounting & Auditing 會計與審計 12%

Transport & Logistics 運輸與物流 13%

The above statistics are extracted from the 2014 graduate employment survey conducted by the Student Affairs Office. The response rate of degree programme graduates was 73%. 上述統計數據摘錄自學生事務處進行的2014年畢業生就業情況調查。學位課程畢業生的回應率為73%。


HSMC Jockey Club Residential Colleges 恒生管理學院賽馬會住宿書院 We at HSMC are adopting the unique Residential Colleges (RC) system which provides an ideal environment for students to learn, engage in selfimprovement and develop inter-personal networks, creating a community for living and learning. Each of our four Residential Colleges is associated with a theme, reflected in their colour schemes: purple for Mosaic College; sky blue for Wellness College; burgundy for Amity College; and green for Evergreen College.

integral part of the “Liberal + Professional” education model, the Residential Colleges embody HSMC’s aspiration for sustainability, excellent campus facilities, and quality all-round education. 恒管採用獨特的「住宿式書院制度」,住宿書院為學 生提供學習、自我提升和建立人際網絡的機會,營造 一個共住共學的社區。 四個住宿書院各有獨特主題,以不同主色調代表,紫 色為博文書院、天藍色為康活書院、酒紅色為樂群書 院,以及綠色為綠延書院。住宿書院提供約400個房 間,可容納大概1,200名宿生。宿生需以「一卡通」 進出宿舍所有進出口及宿舍單位、支付空調系統及自 助洗衣設備,而所有宿舍進出口、每座大門、升降機 大堂等均設置安全監控系統。

Our Residential Colleges accommodate 1,200 students in around 400 rooms. With a single Key Card System, student residents have secure access to their hall and assigned rooms, and are able to pay for selfservice laundry facilities and air-conditioning of their own rooms. Our Residential Colleges achieved Provisional Platinum rating in the BEAM Plus Assessment Scheme of the Hong Kong Green Building Council. We are proud of being the first higher education institute in Hong Kong to receive such recognition. One-third of the site is covered by green landscaping elements, including vertical plantings and rooftop gardens. Bamboo is a primary element of our designed landscape used both at the campus and the Residential Colleges. These Residential Colleges are also environmentally friendly on the inside, with efficient HVAC, lighting and energy renewable systems widely implemented, and solar panels installed on the rooftops. HSMC is grateful to the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust for the generous donation of HK$200 million towards part of the construction costs of the Residential Colleges, with the remaining costs to be recovered by donations from other sources. As an

住宿書院榮獲香港綠色建築議會頒發「綠建環評」 (BEAM PLUS) 1.2 版「新建建築暫定鉑金級」認證, 是本港首所高等院校獲取是項殊榮。書院超過百分之 三十之面積將會以園林綠化覆蓋,包括垂直及天台綠 化園林設計。竹子被廣泛地應用於校園和住宿書院, 除竹傢俱外,書院設計了一個種植多品種竹的花園, 供學生和學院社群參觀,加深他們對竹的認識。再生 能源系統及有關空調、照明的環保器材亦被廣泛應 用,天台亦設置了太陽能電池板。 恒管感謝香港賽馬會慈善信託基金慷慨捐贈港幣二億 元以支付部份住宿書院建築費用﹝其餘經費將倚賴其 他捐獻﹞,成為恒管「博雅+專業」教育中不可或缺 的一環。書院的建成印證了學院對綠色和人性校園發 展、優化設施的願景,冀為學生提供優質全人教育。


Campus and Learning Facilities 校園與學習設施

Hang Seng Management College has largely completed the Master Campus Expansion Plan which aims at the development of a new campus with state-of-the-art teaching and learning facilities to enhance quality education and all-round student development. HSMC is the only higher education institution to use bamboo material extensively in all our new buildings. The S H Ho Academic Building and the Sports and Amenities Centre (Block B) achieved the final Platinum rating, while the HSMC Jockey Club Residential Colleges attained a provisional one, the highest standard awarded by the BEAM Plus Assessment Scheme of the Hong

Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC). HSMC is the first among the higher education institutions in Hong Kong in achieving these honours and recognition for its commitment to applying environmental measures in academic buildings, residential halls and facilities. 恒生管理學院已完成大部份校園擴展計劃,新校園設有 優質的教學設施,有助提升教學質素,鼓勵學生全人發 展。作為唯一一所香港高等教育機構在新大樓廣泛採用 竹材料,恒管的何善衡教學大樓和康樂活動中心,得到由 香港綠色建築議會認可的 BEAM Plus 評估之最高鉑金級 別,恒生管理學院賽馬會住宿書院,則獲暫評鉑金級別。 恒管是本港首所高等院校獲取是項殊榮,肯定了學院在 教學大樓、住宿書院和設施上推行環保措施的理念。

Block A: S H Ho Academic Building A 座何善衡教學大樓 Block B: Sports and Amenities Centre B 座康樂活動中心 Site C: HSMC Plaza C 區恒管廣場 Block D: Lee Quo Wei Academic Building D 座利國偉教學大樓 Site E: Campus Entrance at Hang Shin Link E 區行善里校園入口 Site F: HSMC Jockey Club Residential Colleges F 區恒生管理學院賽馬會住宿書院 Block M: Academic and Administration Building M 座教學行政大樓 Block N: Academic and Administration Building N 座教學行政大樓

Block A: S H Ho Academic Building A 座何善衡教學大樓 • Café 咖啡閣 • Decision Sciences Technology Laboratory 決策科學科技實驗室 • Financial Trading Laboratory 金融交易實驗室 • Fung Yiu King Hall (a conference hall with simultaneous interpretation facilities) 馮堯敬堂(會議廳配備即時傳譯設施) • The Institution for Chinese Language and Culture 中國語言及文化研習所 • Language Centres 語言學習中心 • Library 圖書館 • Student Co-op shop 學生福利合作社 • Translation and Interpretation Laboratory 翻譯與傳譯實驗室 • Wealth Management Training Centre 財富管理培訓中心


Block B: Sports and Amenities Centre B 座康樂活動中心 • 6-lane Indoor Swimming Pool 六條線道的全天候室內恆溫泳池 • Dance room 舞蹈室 • Fitness centre 健身室 • Lower roof top for planting organic vegetables and green roof top 有機蔬菜種植場,綠化竹林之休閑活動空間 • Multi-purpose indoor sports centre 多功能室內體育館 • Two restaurants 兩間餐廳

Site C: HSMC Plaza C 區恒管廣場 • Lam Tai Fai Clock Tower 林大輝鐘樓 • Water cascade 流水瀑布

Block D: Lee Quo Wei Academic Building D 座利國偉教學大樓 • 400+ seats Auditorium with extendable facilities for international conferences, exhibitions and performances 一級的演藝廳(可容納四百多人,以供國際會議、展 覽及演藝之用) • Multi-media Video Editing Laboratory 多媒體培訓中心 • Radio Broadcasting Training Centre 廣播培訓中心

Block M: Academic and Administration Building M 座教學行政大樓 • BJC TV Studio BJC 電視錄影廠


Giving to HSMC 成為我們的合作夥伴 Be a Partner. Act Now and Give to HSMC!

請即行動 捐贈恒管!

Your donation will be used for:

您的慷慨捐款將用於以下途徑 :

• Campus Development - supports the campus expansion programme that enhances our teaching venues and facilities.

• 校園建設–支持校園擴建計劃,配合學院推行全 人教育,同時使學生的校園生活更豐盛。

• Student Development - helps students put their plans into action via a wide range of academic and service learning programmes & activities. • Scholarships / Bursaries - reward outstanding performance of or give financial support to students and attract talented young people to join HSMC. • Research - contributes to academic excellence and impacts the lives of the people and the world.


• 學生全人發展–資助學生活動或提供實習機會,讓 他們把理想付諸實行,學生獲益之餘,更可造福 社群。 • 獎 / 助學金–嘉許表現傑出或資助有經濟困難的學 生,並吸引更多優秀人才入讀恒管。 • 教學研究–提供資源發展學術研究項目,為社會 作出貢獻。

Advancement and Alumni Affairs Office 發展及校友事務處 Tel. 電話: 3963 5169 Fax 傳真: 3963 5276 Email 電郵: aaao@hsmc.edu.hk


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