HSUHK Review 2019-2020

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Aspire to be a leading private liberal-arts-oriented university in the

Erudition and Perseverance

region, recognised for excellence in teaching, learning and research, serving and advancing our society and the world.


Core Values

‣‣ To provide students with an all-round transformational and empowering educational experience through its “Liberal + Professional” education model;

‣‣ Mutual Trust

‣‣ To advance knowledge and to be committed to free enquiry and responsible scholarship; and

‣‣ Innovativeness

‣‣ To nurture responsible global citizens and leaders with critical thinking, innovative minds, caring attitude, moral values and social responsibility.

‣‣ Responsibility

‣‣ Value-addedness

‣‣ Caring Attitude

HSUHK REVIEW 2019-2020


Contents ‣‣ Message from the Chairman of Board of Governors ................................................................................................2 ‣‣ Message from the Chairman of Council.........................................................................................................................3 ‣‣ Report from the President ..................................................................................................................................................4 ‣‣ Governance, Finance & Facts and Figures..................................................................................................................10 ‣‣ Robust Curriculum and Programmes .........................................................................................................................28 ‣‣ Innovative Teaching, Learning and Research ...........................................................................................................32 ‣‣ Transformative Student Experience ............................................................................................................................38 ‣‣ Dynamic Public Engagement and Advancement...................................................................................................54 ‣‣ Sustainable Campus and Resources Management...............................................................................................68



Message from the Chairman of Board of Governors In the 2019-20 academic year, like other sectors in Hong

Governor Ms Ivy Chan Shuk Pui. I also wish to take this

Kong, The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong (HSUHK)

opportunity to thank the Council, staff members, alumni,

contended with the unprecedented challenges of social

students and all stakeholders for their contribution and

events and the COVID-19 pandemic. We persevered


through difficult times and in spite of them, also marked important opportunities and achievements such as the 40th Anniversary of the Founding of HSUHK, which began as the Hang Seng School of Commerce, turning into Hang Seng Management College in 1980.

The HSUHK is a self-financing tertiary institution, but it is of equal importance to its counterparts in the publiclyfunded tertiary sector in its mission to provide quality higher education for students and serve the community. We are pleased to see the HKSAR Government ’s

During the reporting year, HSUHK established the

commitment to advance the development of the self-

Honorary Doctorate Conferment Scheme to recognise

financing tertiary education sector through the review of

individuals who have made significant contributions to

the Post Secondary Colleges Ordinance (Cap.320) and

society and to the University, and takes pride in conferring

the Post Secondary Colleges Regulations (Cap.320A)

the inaugural cohort of Honorary Doctorates on four

by the Education Bureau with the aim of supporting and

distinguished members of our community. With a view

facilitating self-financing tertiary institutions in their

to addressing and tackling the long-standing problem

developments in the 21st century. HSUHK is prepared to

of space, the University has also initiated a number of

play a greater role in contributing to Hong Kong society

campus expansion and development projects to explore

and the surrounding region.

the creation of more campus space.

The challenges of this past year have been unprecedented.

The University’s rapid development relies in large part

Never theless, with the exceptional effor ts of the

on the generous donations of its benefactors, including

management and staff members, the perseverance and

major donors Dr Patrick Poon Sun Cheong, the S H Ho

hard work of our students, and the solid support of various

Foundation, and the Wei Lun Foundation, which have

stakeholders, I have every confidence that HSUHK will be

fostered the University’s strategic advancement and

able to overcome adversities and ride out the challenges

various initiatives of the Residential Colleges. Equally

ahead to emerge ever stronger to scale new heights in its

essential to HSUHK’s accomplishments is the wise

next phase of development.

counsel of my fellow Governors including outgoing Louisa CHEANG Wai Wan Chairman of Board of Governors

HSUHK REVIEW 2019-2020


Message from the Chairman of Council 2019-20 was filled with unprecedented changes and challenges brought about by the local social incidents, followed by the COVID-19 pandemic. HSUHK subsisted through some taxing and exigent times. But we felt so blessed with good health and that we were spared major calamity. I would like to thank the University community for their commitment, understanding, support and dedication in maintaining undisrupted service on campus whilst bestowing quality teaching and learning on our students. Despite facing uncertainties in all fronts, 2019-20 marked a joyous milestone for HSUHK, the 40 th Anniversary of the Founding of our institution. We grew from the days of the Hang Seng School of Commerce (HSSC), through the transition to Hang Seng Management College (HSMC), to being proudly recognised as The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong (HSUHK). This would not have been possible without the unwavering support and contributions from the Board of Governors, Council Members, staff, students, alumni, donors and supporters from generation to generation, firmly believing in our vision of continuously nurturing talents with global perspectives and high moral values. With grateful appreciation we would share with you the various accomplishments and inaugural moments in the midst of realising HSUHK’s five-year Strategic Plan 2018-2023 . Over 300 HSUHK students were awarded scholarships worth more than HK$6 million in total by the Self-financing Post-secondar y Scholarship Scheme of the HKSAR Government in 2019-20, with the number of awardees and scholarship amount both reaching record high. As a result of the unremitting commitment and effor ts of our facult y members, HSUHK achieved outstanding funding support from the Competitive Research Funding Scheme for the Local Selffinancing Degree Sector (2020-21 Exercise), the Quality

Enhancement Support Scheme and the Public Policy Research Funding Scheme (Special Round). Along with the newly launched Research Matching Grant Scheme, the funding support totalled near HK$50 million. In the course of the last 12 months, HSUHK commissioned and established our unique Honours Academy, the first of its kind in higher education institutions in Hong Kong with its first cohort of 18 high-rising students. I would like to take the opportunity to extend our thanks and heartiest congratulations to our inaugural cohort of four Honorary Doctorates: Dr David Ho Tzu Cho, Dr Alice Piera Lam Lee Kiu Yue, Dr Helen Lee Yick Hoi Lun and Dr Rose Lee Wai Mun, who have made significant contributions to the development of the University and society. On behalf of the Council, I would also like to express my gratitude to the outgoing Council Member, Mr Li Cheung Kuk, our first-ever Student Member, for his dedicated service in the first half of 2019-20. At the same time, I would like to extend a warm welcome to new Council Members including Mr Philip Li Wing Kuen, two Staff Representatives, namely Dr Felix Tang Tzu Lung and Mr Samuel Shum Tse Ming, and Student Member Miss Rosetta Tam Kwok Yan. While circumstances in the past 12 months might have distanced us at times, our devotion towards sustaining the ideals of our founders would steer us back to the path of HSUHK. We pray for greater unity amongst our stakeholders to walk with us in our journey of pursuit for excellence, and scaling new heights as the unique private university in the region. Moses CHENG Mo Chi GBM, GBS, OBE, JP Chairman of Council



Report from the President 2019-20 was a momentous year for The Hang Seng

The Greek Proverb says, “a society grows great when

University of Hong Kong (HSUHK) which celebrated

old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall


the 40 Anniversary of the Founding of HSUHK and

never sit in”. I would like to pay the highest tributes to

conferred its inaugural Honorary Doctorates. The year

our Founders who had planted the first seeds of HSUHK

also presented us with unprecedented challenges and

four decades ago with their foresight and passion for

opportunities. Apart from intensifying social conflicts, the


worldwide outbreak of COVID-19 which exacerbated since January 2020 had changed the world to a new scene.

To celebrate the occasion of the 40 th Anniversar y, a commemorative book titled Of Grace and Talent

Against the backdrop of this challenging time, HSUHK

( 鍾靈敏秀 ) was published, which reviewed the past and

continued to thrive and grow. The ensuing chapters

present accomplishments of the University. A collection

contain a collection of stories and advancement we made

of commemorative videos was also publicised, with

in this year, among which, I am pleased to report some

members of the HSUHK community sharing some of

highlights and achievements here.

their inside stories and fond memories with HSSC/HSMC/ HSUHK.

40th Anniversary of the Founding of HSUHK In 2020, HSUHK commemorated the 40 th Anniversary of its Founding in 1980 when our Founders, including the late Dr Ho Sin Hang, the late Sir Quo Wei Lee, and others, established the then Hang Seng School of Commerce (HSSC), which was transformed to the then degreegranting Hang Seng Management College (HSMC) in 2010. With the collective efforts of all stakeholders of the institution, HSMC was granted approval by the HKSAR Government in October 2018 to be renamed as “The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong” (HSUHK), a private liberal-arts-oriented university offering a wide range of innovative programmes.

In this anniversar y year, HSUHK also conferred its inaugural cohor t of Honorar y Doctorates to four distinguished individuals in recognition of their significant accomplishments and contributions to the University, the profession, and the community. The four recipients of Doctor of Social Science honoris causa were: Dr David Ho Tzu Cho, Dr Alice Piera Lam Lee Kiu Yue, Dr Helen Lee Yick Hoi Lun and Dr Rose Lee Wai Mun. We are honoured to have our Honorary Doctorates serve as inspirational role models to the University community. Their continued support would certainly help propel HSUHK forward to greater excellence.

HSUHK REVIEW 2019-2020


Report from the President

Robust Programme Offerings

This showed the increasing recognition by the general

During the reporting year, HSUHK was granted approval

University will continue to step up its efforts in recruiting

to offer three new undergraduate programmes, namely BBA (Honours) in Economics, BBA (Honours) in General Business, BA (Honours) in Art and Design, and one taught postgraduate programme, namely Executive MSc in Insurance. The last three new programmes were the first of its kind in Hong Kong. With the four new programmes, HSUHK offered in sum 23 undergraduate programmes and six taught postgraduate programmes. For better management and synergy, the Department of Art and Design was established in August 2020 under the School of Humanities and Social Science, to house the new Art and Design programme and the current Cultural and Creative Industries programme (formerly under the Department of Social Science). The School of Translation also changed its name to “School of Translation and Foreign Languages” to better represent the current strengths and the future development of the School. Furthermore, subject to accreditation exercises and approval, the University plans to launch in 2021-22 two new undergraduate programmes: BSS in Philosophy, Politics and Economics and BA in Psychology, as well as four taught postgraduate programmes: Master of Business Management, MSc in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence, MA in Drama and Performance Studies, and MA in Global English Literacy and Cultural Studies. We will continue to develop innovative programmes to help students realise their unique talents and equip them with the necessary knowledge and skills that match the evolving needs of society.

Diversifying Student Admissions With the tremendous ef for ts of academic and administrative staff, the University met the targeted undergraduate student intake of over 2,000 (including 87 non-local students) for the 2020-21 entry. There was a slight drop from that of the 2019-20 local freshmen intake due to the year-on-year decrease in the number of students taking the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (HKDSE) as well as a drop of nonlocal students due to the pandemic. Nonetheless, there was a significant growth in the number of upper-year intake.

public on HSUHK’s distinct features and quality. The international students especially from ASEAN economies and Taiwan, apart from Mainland China.

Sustaining Quality Teaching and Learning Online Teaching and Learning due to COVID-19 Since the surge of COVID-19 outbreak in late January 2020, apart from implementing many urgent precautionary measures on campus and staff flexible work arrangement, the University had changed almost all face-to-face classes and events to online mode. The shift had brought forth both challenges and opportunities in teaching and learning. To evaluate the effectiveness of online video teaching and learning and the ways for improvement, a Survey on Online Teaching and Learning was conducted during the period from 20 April to 11 May 2020 to collect feedback from students and teachers. The recommendations and summary of the survey findings were shared with the University community in August 2020. Four faculty members also shared their skills about online teaching and learning in a seminar in June 2020. Similar seminars will be organised again in 2020-21. I would like to sincerely thank all teachers and staff for their painstaking efforts to maintain the quality of teaching and seek continuous improvements and innovations; and students for their understanding and cooperation during this difficult period.

Quality Enhancement Support Scheme With a funding support of over HK$1.8 million granted in the 2018-19 round of Quality Enhancement Support Scheme (QESS), the Centre for Asian Languages and Cultures (CALC) was established on 1 January 2020. Charged with an aim to enhance students’ Asian language proficiency and promote Asian cultures to university students, CALC would offer preparation courses and materials for students to take international Japanese and Korean Proficiency Tests, provide non-credit-bearing learning for other Asian languages with a focus on “Belt and Road” countries, and organise Asian cultural activities.



Report from the President HSUHK accorded remarkable success in the 2019-20

S ch e m e (F D S) p roje c t s , fo ur Inte r- in s t i t u t io n al

round of QESS, with a total funding amount of over HK$12

Development Scheme (IIDS) projects and one Institutional

million for three projects. They include HK$8.7 million

Development Scheme Collaborative Research Grant (IDS

for a theme-based project “Development of Real-time

CRG) project under the Competitive Research Funding

Cooperative VR Multi-CAVE Systems for Collaborative and

Schemes for the Local Self-financing Degree Sector of

Team Learning”; HK$2.3 million for an open-ended project

the Research Grants Council (RGC). For the reporting year,

“Towards Student Success - Developing Holistic Support

HSUHK’s total number of approved projects and success

for Students with Special Educational Needs”; and HK$1.2

rate in FDS and IIDS were the highest among all the eligible

million for another open-ended project “Interactive

institutions. In the six-year period since 2014-15, HSUHK

Artificial Intelligence Assisted Chatbot for Self-improving

received the highest cumulative funding amount as well

Oral English Proficiency”.

as the highest total number of research projects awarded

We will strive to maintain our upward trajectory in securing the funding and resources necessary to foster excellence in teaching and learning.

Honours Academy With the aim of nurturing high-performing and promising HSUHK students to become future responsible leaders, the University pioneered in May 2020 the establishment of the Honours Academy (HA), the first of its kind in Hong Kong. Under this initiative, a cohort of up to 20 high-achieving Year-two students would be selected each year starting from 2020-21 to engage in a three-year focused leadership development programme covering a broad range of professional development opportunities, such as tailormade interdisciplinary modules, professional mentorship,

by RGC.

Research Matching Grant Scheme Star ting from 1 August 2019, the Government has earmarked HK$3 billion as matching grants under the Research Matching Grant Scheme (RMGS) of RGC. Under the RMGS, a guaranteed “floor” amount of HK$50 million was set aside for each eligible institution to match with donations/research funding secured from nongovernment/non-public sectors on a dollar-for-dollar matching basis over a three-year operation period. In 2019-20, HSUHK secured research funding and in-kind sponsorships from private or non-public sectors with a total value of about HK$22 million. A research matching grant amounting to HK$20.7 million was approved on a dollar-for-dollar matching basis.

projects, service leadership, global exposures, etc.

Public Policy Research Funding Scheme (Special Round)

In the inaugural year, over 70 applications were received

HSUHK secured a funding of HK$1.44 million for four

internship, residential college experience, senior research

and many of them were nominated by Schools. After two rounds of interviews, group and individual, 18 committed and passionate students were finally selected as the 1st cohort of HA young scholars. The HA would act as a vibrant and supportive cradle maximising our students’ potentials and nurturing them to become future impactful leaders with academic excellence, caring for local and global communities, civic engagement and international

research projects under the special round of Public Policy Research Funding Scheme launched by the HKSAR Government in November 2019. The funding aimed to support research studies on topics relating to the underlying causes and recommending solutions for local social incidents which started in June 2019; as well as on important political, economic, cultural and societal issues relating to the deep-seated problems of Hong Kong’s



Broadening Research Frontiers

Establishment of the Big Data Intelligence Centre

Competitive Research Funding Schemes

The Big Data Intelligence Centre (BDIC) was established

In the academic year 2019-20, HSUHK secured a total

relevant, high-quality applied research in Big Data,

funding of HK$16.33 million for 18 Faculty Development

under the School of Decision Sciences to undertake Artificial Intelligence and Business Analytics. The BDIC

HSUHK REVIEW 2019-2020


Report from the President

Internships Amid the twin ravages of the COVID-19 pandemic and the worsening economy, HSUHK students had yet taken up 623 internship offers provided by more than 300 well-known enterprises/organisations in 2019-20. With the pandemic sweeping across the globe, all offshore internship in the summer was suspended, and hence, a majority of the internship opportunities took place in Hong Kong in the year.

Graduate Employment would also disseminate Big Data related knowledge to academics, practitioners, and government units in Hong Kong to address the growing demand across industries for a fuller understanding of Big Data.

For the same reason as above, the 2019 cohort of graduates faced bleaker employment prospects. To better prepare students for their future careers amid the challenging time, the Student Affairs Office (SAO) rolled out a number of additional initiatives to assist students

Establishment of the Chinese Family Succession Research Centre

to connect with prospective employers, get timely

The Chinese Family Succession Research Centre (CFSRC)

career/further study options.

was established under the School of Business. As a

information about job opportunities through various e-channels, and offer advice and e-training sessions on

pioneer in the related field, CFSRC would assist the

The annual Graduate Employment Survey conducted by

sustainable development of Chinese family businesses

SAO from October 2019 to late February 2020 collected

through conducting academic and empirical studies,

information regarding the class of 2019 graduates’

help design and execute succession plans, and nurture

employment status, remuneration and job-seeking

the next generation of Chinese family businesses. It

experience. The response rate was 90.5%, representing

would also provide training and education opportunities

over 1,000 bachelor’s degree graduates. According

for service providers in wealth management and family-

to the survey results, about 75% of HSUHK graduates

succession-related business.

secured their full-time job offers within four months after

The above research efforts reflected our persistent endeavours to explore across frontiers and contribute to the advancement of society through impactful applied research.

Supporting Holistic Student Development Strategic Alliances across the Globe A s o f 2 0 1 9 -2 0 , H S U H K e s t a b l i s h e d a c a d e m i c collaborations with 77 institutions in over 26 countries/ regions, a growth of 5% compared to that of last year. Some reputable institutions with which we established new ties included Geneva School of Business Administration and Zurich University of the Arts in Switzerland, Griffith University in Australia, and Shih Chien University in Taiwan.

graduation with positive feedback from employers.

Student Achievements Every year, HSUHK offers a range of scholarships/awards to recognise students’ outstanding academic and/ or co-curricular achievements. Since the University's nominations starting from 2011-12, HSUHK hit its record high this year with the award of HK$6 million to over 300 students in the 2019-20 Self-financing Post-secondary Scholarship Scheme of the HKSAR Government. With the generous support of donors and the HKSAR Government, the total amount of scholarships/awards disbursed in 2019-20 has grown to over HK$19 million benefitting over 1,200 students, an 11.5% growth from HK$17.3 million in 2018-19.



Report from the President HSUHK encourages students to broaden their horizons and put their knowledge into practice through active participation in local and international competitions. Some of the outstanding student achievements in various open competitions during the year included: ‣‣ Champion in the 10 th International Logistics Case Competition 2019 organised by Hong Kong Logistics Association and Youth Society of Hong Kong Logistics Association; ‣‣ The Enlightenment Post won Champions in Best in Tech News Reporting and Best in Headline Writing, both in the English group, in China Daily Hong Kong Edition 2019 Campus Newspaper Awards; and ‣‣ HKIE Best Student Papers Award 2019 in The HKIE LTD Best Student Papers Awards 2019 organised by The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers, Logistics and Transportation Division (HKIE LTD).

Growing Philanthropic Support In 2019-20, HSUHK fundraising efforts continued to bear fruit, with major donations including: ‣‣ HK$50 million from The S H Ho Foundation Ltd in support of the development of the University and the Wellness College of the HSUHK Jockey Club Residential Colleges (RCs); and ‣‣ HK$50 million from The Wei Lun Foundation in support of the development of the University and the Mosaic College of the RCs.

Deepening Public Engagement Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Outstanding Cultural and Creative Industries Awards HSUHK’s B A in Cultural and Creati ve Industr ies programme co-organised with China Daily to launch the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Outstanding Cultural and Creative Industries Awards in 2019, with the aim to recognise outstanding enterprises and raise public understanding of the cultural and creative industries in the Greater Bay Area. The inaugural awards presentation ceremony cum discussion forum was held on 6 September 2019.

Junzi Corporation Awards Conducted annually by the School of Business, the Junzi Corporation Survey and the release of the HSUHK

With our deepest gratitude to donors and supporters,

Hong Kong Business Ethics Index aim to commend

we would also like to express our appreciation to the

organisations that are committed to practicing the five

benevolent colleagues, alumni, partners and friends who

virtues of "Junzi” in Chinese Confucianism, which include

had offered a helping hand to HSUHK amid the pandemic

“Ren (benevolence)”, “Yi (righteousness)”, "Li (propriety)",

through donations in cash, in kind or other means of

"Zhi (wisdom)", "Xin (trustworthiness)", in their business

support. In particular, the COVID-19 Student Hardship

operations. The 9 th Junzi Corporation Award Ceremony

Relief Fund was established to offer relief to students

was held on 6 December 2019, commending a total of

under financial hardship due to the pandemic. The

14 corporations. The University will continue promoting

compassion and support of our donors had encouraged

business ethics to the wider community through the Junzi

HSUHKers in the most difficult time of the pandemic.

Corporation Scheme and other activities.

HSUHK REVIEW 2019-2020


Report from the President

Business Journalism Awards Launched for a fourth straight year, the results of the 4th Business Journalism Awards (BJA) were announced online on 4 May 2020, with Mr Paul Chan, Financial Secretary of the HKSAR Government, delivering a congratulatory message via a video to the audience of the virtual

members of the Board of Governors and the Council for their continuous leadership and guidance to HSUHK, and to all the staff, students, alumni, donors, friends, and the local communities for their long-standing support, which had continuously driven HSUHK towards greater excellence.

ceremony. This year’s BJA had drawn overwhelming

2019-20 had surely been a hard year for ever yone.

response with over 500 entries, the highest ever received

Nonetheless, challenges often come with opportunities.

from the media industry since it was first launched by the

The pandemic has been destructive, but it has also

School of Communication four years ago.

produced “creative disruptions” which have brought

BJA aims to recognise excellence in business journalism in the print, broadcast and digital media, and promote the importance of business journalism education.

innovations and new opportunities in teaching, learning, research and services. Also, as we now understand more about the characteristics and transmission channels of COVID-19, we know that it will take a longer time before the pandemic will completely subside. Therefore, instead

Gaining Public Recognitions

of just canceling or suspending physical activities

Throughout the year, HSUHK received various awards in

that as long as we have the right mindsets, adequate

recognition of our significant efforts in providing public

precautionary measures and effective planning and

financial education to the community, our publicity

management, we can gradually return to our normal

and branding, and our commitment to sustainability

work and lives and treasure the human face-to-face



‣‣ Financial Education Leadership Gold Award 2020 awarded by The Institute of Financial Planners of Hong Kong;

Challenging times often bring out the best in us. With a

‣‣ Yazhou Zhoukan Asia Excellence Brand Award 2019; and

before from this global health crisis. Looking forward, we

‣‣ C e r t i f i c a t e o f E x c e l l e n c e o f t h e H o n g Ko n g Sustainabilit y Award 2019 (Large Organisation Category) by the Hong Kong Management Association.

Concluding Remarks The University achievements spelled out in this Report

or changing to online mode, we should be prepared

positive outlook and the collaborative spirit of the HSUHK family, we will emerge stronger and more united than will continue to uphold the spirit of our founding motto "Erudition and Perseverance" by advancing our unique Liberal + Professional education model and nurturing more young talents with critical thinking, innovative minds, human caring, moral values and social responsibilities. We will also make further strides towards achieving the aims and goals set out in our Strategic Plan 2018-2023 -

Riding on the New Era: Private University with a Difference .

had only been made possible by the dedicated efforts of the University family. I am indeed honoured to be able to work with each and every one of you. I would like to take this opportunity to extend my heartfelt thanks to

Simon HO Shun Man President



Governance, Finance & Facts and Figures

HSUHK REVIEW 2019-2020

Governance, Finance & Facts and Figures

Governance Board of Governors Chairman ‣‣ Ms Louisa CHEANG Wai Wan Members ‣‣ Ms Ivy CHAN Shuk Pui (Until 30 June 2020) ‣‣ Dr Moses CHENG Mo Chi GBM, GBS, OBE, JP ‣‣ Dr Patrick FUNG Yuk Bun JP ‣‣ Dr HO Tzu Leung ‣‣ Professor Michael HUI King Man ‣‣ Mr Andrew LEUNG Wing Lok ‣‣ Dr Eric LI Ka Cheung GBS, OBE, JP ‣‣ Mr Thomas LIANG Cheung Biu ‣‣ Mr Roger LUK Koon Hoo BBS, JP ‣‣ Dr Patrick POON Sun Cheong SBS ‣‣ Mr Martin TAM Tin Fong ‣‣ Mrs Patricia WONG LAM Sze Wan Secretary ‣‣ Mr Godwin LI Chi Chung

Meeting Attendance of Board of Governors Membership


‣‣ Ms Louisa CHEANG Wai Wan (Chairman)


‣‣ Ms Ivy CHAN Shuk Pui (Until 30 June 2020)


‣‣ Dr Moses CHENG Mo Chi


‣‣ Dr Patrick FUNG Yuk Bun


‣‣ Dr HO Tzu Leung


‣‣ Professor Michael HUI King Man


‣‣ Mr Andrew LEUNG Wing Lok


‣‣ Dr Eric LI Ka Cheung


‣‣ Mr Thomas LIANG Cheung Biu


‣‣ Mr Roger LUK Koon Hoo


‣‣ Dr Patrick POON Sun Cheong


‣‣ Mr Martin TAM Tin Fong


‣‣ Mrs Patricia WONG LAM Sze Wan





Governance, Finance & Facts and Figures

Committees under the Board of Governors Audit Committee Chairman ‣‣ Mr Andrew LEUNG Wing Lok Members ‣‣ Mr Henry LAI Hin Wing ‣‣ Mr Roger LUK Koon Hoo BBS, JP Secretary ‣‣ Mr Ted LEUNG Sat Tak

Finance Committee Chairman ‣‣ Dr Patrick FUNG Yuk Bun JP Vice-Chairman ‣‣ Ms Suzanne CHAN Shet Hung Members ‣‣ Dr Andy CHENG Wui Wing ‣‣ Mr Richard HO Kam Wing ‣‣ Mr Philip LI Wing Kuen ‣‣ Professor Simon HO Shun Man ‣‣ Dr Tom FONG Wing Ho Secretary ‣‣ Mr Patrick LAM Man Ho

Foundation Management Committee Chairman ‣‣ Dr Patrick POON Sun Cheong SBS Vice-Chairman and Treasurer ‣‣ Mr CHENG Kam Por Members ‣‣ Professor Roy CHUNG Chi Ping GBS, JP ‣‣ Dr Patrick FUNG Yuk Bun JP ‣‣ Mr Thomas LIANG Cheung Biu ‣‣ Mr Benedict SIN Nga Yan ‣‣ Professor Simon HO Shun Man ‣‣ Dr Tom FONG Wing Ho ‣‣ Mr Patrick LAM Man Ho Secretary ‣‣ Ms Elisa CHAN Man Wai

HSUHK REVIEW 2019-2020

Governance, Finance & Facts and Figures

Fundraising and Donation Committee Chairman ‣‣ Dr Patrick POON Sun Cheong SBS Vice-Chairmen ‣‣ Dr Moses CHENG Mo Chi GBM, GBS, OBE, JP ‣‣ Mrs Patricia WONG LAM Sze Wan Members ‣‣ Mr CHENG Kam Por ‣‣ Mr Thomas CHING Wing Hong ‣‣ Dr Alex CHUI Chuen Shun ‣‣ Mr Samuel HUNG King Man ‣‣ Mr Kenneth LEUNG Ka Keung ‣‣ Mr Eugene LIU ‣‣ Dr Dennis NG Wang Pun BBS, MH ‣‣ Mr Raphael TONG Tai Wai MH ‣‣ Dr YIP Kit Chuen ‣‣ Ms Helen ZEE ‣‣ Professor Simon HO Shun Man ‣‣ Dr Tom FONG Wing Ho Honorary Members ‣‣ Dr George LAM Lee BBS ‣‣ Dr LAM Tai Fai SBS, BBS, JP ‣‣ Dr Lewis LUK Tei JP Secretary ‣‣ Ms Elisa CHAN Man Wai

Nomination Committee for Appointment of Council Chairman/Members Chairman ‣‣ Ms Louisa CHEANG Wai Wan Members ‣‣ Dr Moses CHENG Mo Chi GBM, GBS, OBE, JP ‣‣ Mr Roger LUK Koon Hoo BBS, JP ‣‣ Dr Patrick POON Sun Cheong SBS ‣‣ Professor Simon HO Shun Man Secretary ‣‣ Dr Tom FONG Wing Ho

Nomination Committee for Appointment of Governors and Chairmen/ Members to Board Committees Chairman ‣‣ Ms Louisa CHEANG Wai Wan Members ‣‣ Dr Moses CHENG Mo Chi GBM, GBS, OBE, JP ‣‣ Dr HO Tzu Leung ‣‣ Mr Thomas LIANG Cheung Biu ‣‣ Professor Simon HO Shun Man Secretary ‣‣ Mr Godwin LI Chi Chung




Governance, Finance & Facts and Figures

Council Chairman ‣‣ Dr Moses CHENG Mo Chi GBM, GBS, OBE, JP Members ‣‣ Ms Suzanne CHAN Shet Hung ‣‣ Mr CHENG Kam Por ‣‣ Mr Dannie CHEUNG Kong Ting ‣‣ Dr Jacky CHEUNG Wah Keung ‣‣ Mr William Junior Guilherme DOO JP ‣‣ Mr Philip LI Wing Kuen ‣‣ Professor NYAW Mee Kau BBS ‣‣ Ms TONG Hing Min ‣‣ Mr James S. TSIEN ‣‣ Professor Simon HO Shun Man ‣‣ Professor HUI Yer Van ‣‣ Dr Felix TANG Tzu Lung ‣‣ Mr Samuel SHUM Tse Ming ‣‣ Mr LI Cheung Kuk (Student Member until 29 February 2020) ‣‣ Miss Rosetta TAM Kwok Yan (Student Member from 12 June 2020) Member and Secretary ‣‣ Dr Tom FONG Wing Ho

Meeting Attendance of Council Membership


‣‣ Dr Moses CHENG Mo Chi (Chairman)


‣‣ Ms Suzanne CHAN Shet Hung


‣‣ Mr CHENG Kam Por


‣‣ Mr Dannie CHEUNG Kong Ting


‣‣ Dr Jacky CHEUNG Wah Keung


‣‣ Mr William Junior Guilherme DOO


‣‣ Mr Philip LI Wing Kuen


‣‣ Professor NYAW Mee Kau


‣‣ Ms TONG Hing Min


‣‣ Mr James S. TSIEN


‣‣ Professor Simon HO Shun Man


‣‣ Professor HUI Yer Van


‣‣ Dr Tom FONG Wing Ho


‣‣ Dr Felix TANG Tzu Lung


‣‣ Mr Samuel SHUM Tse Ming


‣‣ Mr LI Cheung Kuk (Until 29 February 2020)


‣‣ Miss Rosetta TAM Kwok Yan (From 12 June 2020)


HSUHK REVIEW 2019-2020

Governance, Finance & Facts and Figures

Committees under the Council Honorary Degrees Committee Chairman ‣‣ Dr Moses CHENG Mo Chi GBM, GBS, OBE, JP Members ‣‣ Professor NYAW Mee Kau BBS ‣‣ Dr Patrick POON Sun Cheong SBS ‣‣ Mr James S. TSIEN ‣‣ Professor Simon HO Shun Man ‣‣ Professor Lawrence LEUNG Chi Kin Secretary ‣‣ Dr Tom FONG Wing Ho

Honorary Fellowship Committee Chairman ‣‣ Dr Moses CHENG Mo Chi GBM, GBS, OBE, JP Members ‣‣ Ms Suzanne CHAN Shet Hung ‣‣ Mr CHENG Kam Por ‣‣ Professor Simon HO Shun Man ‣‣ Professor Gilbert FONG Chee Fun MH ‣‣ Professor Paul LEE Siu Nam Secretary ‣‣ Dr Tom FONG Wing Ho

Human Resources Committee Chairman ‣‣ Ms TONG Hing Min Members ‣‣ Mr William Junior Guilherme DOO JP (Until 31 March 2020) ‣‣ Mr LAI Kam Tong ‣‣ Ms Helen LEUNG Lai Wa ‣‣ Dr Felix YIP Wai Kwong ‣‣ Professor Simon HO Shun Man ‣‣ Professor HUI Yer Van ‣‣ Dr Tom FONG Wing Ho Secretary ‣‣ Ms Mary YEUNG Mi Lan

Nomination Committee for Appointment of Council Committee Chairmen/Members Chairman ‣‣ Dr Moses CHENG Mo Chi GBM, GBS, OBE, JP Members ‣‣ Ms Suzanne CHAN Shet Hung ‣‣ Professor Simon HO Shun Man Member and Secretary ‣‣ Dr Tom FONG Wing Ho




Governance, Finance & Facts and Figures

Academic Board Chairman

Head, Department of Economics and Finance


‣‣ Dr David CHUI Kam Hung

‣‣ Professor Simon HO Shun Man

Head, Department of English


‣‣ Dr Paul FUNG Kai Yeung

Acting Provost

Head, Department of Management

‣‣ Professor HUI Yer Van

‣‣ Professor Irene CHOW Hau Siu

Ex-officio Members

Head, Department of Marketing

Vice-President (Academic and Research)

‣‣ Dr Haksin CHAN Hak Sin

‣‣ Professor HUI Yer Van

Head, Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Insurance

Vice-President (Organisational Development) ‣‣ Dr Tom FONG Wing Ho Associate Vice-President (Communications and Public Affairs) and Dean, School of Communication ‣‣ Professor Scarlet TSO Hung Associate Vice-President (Technology and Smart Learning) and Director of Information Technology

‣‣ Professor TANG Man Lai Head, Department of Social Science ‣‣ Professor KAO Lang Head, Department of Supply Chain and Information Management ‣‣ Dr Stephen NG Chi Hung

‣‣ Professor WONG Po Choi


Associate Vice-President (Development and Campus Services)

‣‣ Dr Brossa WONG Yeuk Ha

‣‣ Ms Antonia YEUNG Yu Hung (From 1 June 2020)

University Librarian ‣‣ Ms Sarena LAW Yuk Lin

Dean, School of Business

Director of Student Affairs

‣‣ Professor Bradley R BARNES

‣‣ Ms Rebecca CHAN Po Yu (Until 30 June 2020)

Dean, School of Decision Sciences ‣‣ Professor Lawrence LEUNG Chi Kin

‣‣ Ms Esther LEE Tak Fun (Acting Director from 1 July 2020 )

Dean, School of Humanities and Social Science

Professor (Practice), School of Communication

‣‣ Professor TAM Kwok Kan Dean, School of Translation and Foreign Languages

‣‣ Professor Ronald CHIU Ying Chun (From 16 January 2020)

‣‣ Professor Gilbert FONG Chee Fun MH

Professor, School of Communication

Head, Department of Accountancy

‣‣ Professor Paul LEE Siu Nam

‣‣ Professor Kevin LAM Chee Keung

Professor, School of Communication

Head, Department of Chinese

‣‣ Professor Trevor SIU Yuk Tai

‣‣ Professor Alex CHEUNG Kwong Yue

Professor, Department of Supply Chain and Information Management

Head, Department of Computing ‣‣ Professor POON Chung Keung

‣‣ Professor Samuel CHAN Wai Kwong

HSUHK REVIEW 2019-2020

Governance, Finance & Facts and Figures Professor (Practice), Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Insurance ‣‣ Professor Lawrence LEE Yim Hong Professor, Department of Social Science ‣‣ Professor Desmond HUI Cheuk Kuen President, HSUHK Students’ Union ‣‣ Mr LI Cheung Kuk (Until 15 April 2020) ‣‣ Miss Rosetta TAM Kwok Yan (From 16 April 2020) Appointed Members Director, Centre for Teaching and Learning ‣‣ Dr Ben CHENG Ka Ming Director of Research Institute for Business, and Associate Director (Service Learning), Centre for Teaching and Learning ‣‣ Dr Felix TANG Tzu Lung Director of Policy Research Institute of Global Supply Chain, and Associate Dean (External), School of Decision Sciences ‣‣ Dr Collin WONG Wai Hung Co-Director, HSUHK Greater Bay Area Innogration Hub, and Associate Director (Common Core Curriculum), Centre for Teaching and Learning ‣‣ Dr WONG Muk Yan Elected Members School of Business ‣‣ Dr Pauline WONG Wai Yee School of Communication ‣‣ Dr James CHANG Chih Yu School of Decision Sciences ‣‣ Dr LIU Hai School of Humanities and Social Science ‣‣ Dr Catherine WONG Yuen Wing School of Translation and Foreign Languages ‣‣ Dr Shelby CHAN Kar Yan Secretary Registrar ‣‣ Dr Brossa WONG Yeuk Ha




Governance, Finance & Facts and Figures

Meeting Attendance of Academic Board Membership


‣‣ Professor Simon HO Shun Man (Chairman)


‣‣ Professor HUI Yer Van


‣‣ Dr Tom FONG Wing Ho


‣‣ Professor Scarlet TSO Hung


‣‣ Professor WONG Po Choi


‣‣ Ms Antonia YEUNG Yu Hung (From 1 June 2020)


‣‣ Professor Bradley R BARNES


‣‣ Professor Lawrence LEUNG Chi Kin


‣‣ Professor TAM Kwok Kan


‣‣ Professor Gilbert FONG Chee Fun


‣‣ Professor Kevin LAM Chee Keung


‣‣ Professor Alex CHEUNG Kwong Yue


‣‣ Professor POON Chung Keung


‣‣ Dr David CHUI Kam Hung


‣‣ Dr Paul FUNG Kai Yeung


‣‣ Professor Irene CHOW Hau Siu


‣‣ Dr Haksin CHAN Hak Sin


‣‣ Professor TANG Man Lai


‣‣ Professor KAO Lang


‣‣ Dr Stephen NG Chi Hung


‣‣ Dr Brossa WONG Yeuk Ha


‣‣ Ms Sarena LAW Yuk Lin


‣‣ Ms Rebecca CHAN Po Yu (Until 30 June 2020)


‣‣ Professor Ronald CHIU Ying Chun (From 16 January 2020)


‣‣ Professor Paul LEE Siu Nam


‣‣ Professor Trevor SIU Yuk Tai


‣‣ Professor Samuel CHAN Wai Kwong


‣‣ Professor Lawrence LEE Yim Hong


‣‣ Professor Desmond HUI Cheuk Kuen


‣‣ Mr LI Cheung Kuk (Until 15 April 2020)


‣‣ Miss Rosetta TAM Kwok Yan (From 16 April 2020)


‣‣ Dr Ben CHENG Ka Ming


‣‣ Dr Felix TANG Tzu Lung


‣‣ Dr Collin WONG Wai Hung


‣‣ Dr WONG Muk Yan


‣‣ Dr Pauline WONG Wai Yee


‣‣ Mr James CHANG Chih Yu


‣‣ Dr LIU Hai


‣‣ Dr Catherine WONG Yuen Wing


‣‣ Dr Shelby CHAN Kar Yan


HSUHK REVIEW 2019-2020

Governance, Finance & Facts and Figures

List of Committees under Academic Board 1.

Academic Planning and Development Committee

2. Admissions Committee 3. Advisory Committee on Graduate Employment 4. Common Core Curriculum Committee 5. Continuing Education Committee 6. Global Exchange Committee 7.

Graduate Studies Committee

8. Library and Learning Resources Committee 9. Scholarship and Financial Assistance Committee 10. Student Affairs Committee 11. University Examinations and Assessment Committee 12. University Research Committee 13. University Staff-Student Consultative Committee 14. University Student Disciplinary Committee 15. University Teaching and Learning Quality Committee




Governance, Finance & Facts and Figures

Senior Management Committee Chairman

University Librarian


‣‣ Ms Sarena LAW Yuk Lin

‣‣ Professor Simon HO Shun Man

Director of Student Affairs

Ex-officio Members

‣‣ Ms Rebecca CHAN Po Yu (Until 30 June 2020)

Acting Provost ‣‣ Professor HUI Yer Van

‣‣ Ms Esther LEE Tak Fun (Acting Director from 1 July 2020)

Vice-President (Academic and Research)

Appointed Members

‣‣ Professor HUI Yer Van

Director of Advancement and Alumni Affairs

Vice-President (Organisational Development)

‣‣ Ms Elisa CHAN Man Wai

‣‣ Dr Tom FONG Wing Ho

Head of Campus Development and Management

Associate Vice-President (Communications and Public Affairs) and Dean, School of Communication

‣‣ Dr Hackman LEE Hon Yin

‣‣ Professor Scarlet TSO Hung Associate Vice-President (Technology and Smart Learning) and Director of Information Technology ‣‣ Professor WONG Po Choi Associate Vice-President (Development and Campus Services) ‣‣ Ms Antonia YEUNG Yu Hung (From 1 June 2020) Dean, School of Business ‣‣ Professor Bradley R BARNES Dean, School of Decision Sciences ‣‣ Professor Lawrence LEUNG Chi Kin Dean, School of Humanities and Social Science ‣‣ Professor TAM Kwok Kan Dean, School of Translation and Foreign Languages ‣‣ Professor Gilbert FONG Chee Fun MH Director of Finance ‣‣ Mr Patrick LAM Man Ho Head of Human Resources ‣‣ Ms Mary YEUNG Mi Lan Registrar ‣‣ Dr Brossa WONG Yeuk Ha

Secretary Head of Secretariat ‣‣ Ms Tammy CHAN Ka Mei

HSUHK REVIEW 2019-2020

Governance, Finance & Facts and Figures

Meeting Attendance of Senior Management Committee Membership


‣‣ Professor Simon HO Shun Man (Chairman)


‣‣ Professor HUI Yer Van


‣‣ Dr Tom FONG Wing Ho


‣‣ Professor Scarlet TSO Hung


‣‣ Professor WONG Po Choi


‣‣ Ms Antonia YEUNG Yu Hung (From 1 June 2020)


‣‣ Professor Bradley R BARNES


‣‣ Professor Lawrence LEUNG Chi Kin


‣‣ Professor TAM Kwok Kan


‣‣ Professor Gilbert FONG Chee Fun


‣‣ Mr Patrick LAM Man Ho


‣‣ Ms Mary YEUNG Mi Lan


‣‣ Dr Brossa WONG Yeuk Ha


‣‣ Ms Sarena LAW Yuk Lin


‣‣ Ms Rebecca CHAN Po Yu (Until 30 June 2020)


‣‣ Ms Esther LEE Tak Fun (Acting Director from 1 July 2020)


‣‣ Ms Elisa CHAN Man Wai


‣‣ Dr Hackman LEE Hon Yin


List of Committees under Senior Management Committee 1.

Advisory Committee on Campus Development and Habitat

2. Alumni Affairs Committee 3. Catering Services Committee 4. Corporate Communication Advisory Committee 5. IT Advisory Committee 6. Professional Support Services Committee 7.

Residential Colleges Management Committee

8. Resources Allocation Committee 9.

Risk Management Group

10. Space Allocation and Facilities Management Committee 11. Committee on Sports and Physical Education 12. Staff Development Committee




Governance, Finance & Facts and Figures

Key Academic and Administrative Officers President ‣‣ Professor Simon HO Shun Man Acting Provost ‣‣ Professor HUI Yer Van Vice-President (Academic and Research) ‣‣ Professor HUI Yer Van Vice-President (Organisational Development) ‣‣ Dr Tom FONG Wing Ho Associate Vice-President (Communications and Public Affairs) and Dean, School of Communication ‣‣ Professor Scarlet TSO Hung Associate Vice-President (Technology and Smart Learning) and Director of Information Technology ‣‣ Professor WONG Po Choi Associate Vice-President (Development and Campus Services) ‣‣ Ms Antonia YEUNG Yu Hung (From 1 June 2020) Dean, School of Business ‣‣ Professor Bradley R BARNES Dean, School of Decision Sciences ‣‣ Professor Lawrence LEUNG Chi Kin Dean, School of Humanities and Social Science ‣‣ Professor TAM Kwok Kan Dean, School of Translation and Foreign Languages ‣‣ Professor Gilbert FONG Chee Fun MH University Librarian ‣‣ Ms Sarena LAW Yuk Lin Registrar ‣‣ Dr Brossa WONG Yeuk Ha Director of Student Affairs ‣‣ Ms Rebecca CHAN Po Yu (Until 30 June 2020) ‣‣ Ms Esther LEE Tak Fun (Acting Director from 1 July 2020) Director of Finance ‣‣ Mr Patrick LAM Man Ho


HSUHK REVIEW 2019-2020

Governance, Finance & Facts and Figures

Finance Analysis of Total Income 2019/20: HK$698.0 million

2018/19: HK$539.6 million



Tuition Fee



Government Grants















Premises and Related Expenses



Library and Central Computing



Other Management and Support



Analysis of Total Expenditure * 2019/20: HK$473.4 million

2018/19: HK$450.6 million

Academic, Research and Direct Support Student Services, Development Activities and Scholarships

* Excluding campus development costs and related depreciation.



Governance, Finance & Facts and Figures

Facts and Figures 1. Number of Undergraduate (UG) and Postgraduate (PG) Programmes School

UG Programmes

PG Programmes







Decision Sciences



Humanities and Social Science



Translation and Foreign Languages






Total Number







Decision Sciences



Humanities and Social Science



Translation and Foreign Languages





2. Students (Undergraduate Programmes) a. Enrolment School Business

Total Male








b. Admission Total Number of Student Admission for Year 1


Total Number of Student Admission for All Years


Average HKDSE Score of Year-1 Students (Core 5 Average)


3. Graduates a. Number of Graduates School

Number of Graduates





Decision Sciences


Humanities and Social Science


Translation and Foreign Languages




HSUHK REVIEW 2019-2020

Governance, Finance & Facts and Figures

b. Cumulative Number of Graduates Graduation Year

Total Number

HSSC Graduates (1982-2011)


HSMC/HSUHK Graduates (2012-2020)




c. Graduates Employment of Class 2019 (within 4 Months of Graduation) Employed and Further Studies


(% distribution based on Graduate Employment Survey as of January 2020)

d. Employment Industries of Full-time Employed Graduates of Class 2019 Employment Industry


Banking, Finance and Insurance


Accounting, Auditing and Business Services


Trading, Wholesale and Retail


Transport and Logistics


Communication, Marketing and Media




Information Technology


Community and Social Services


Real Estate








Hospitality and Tourism




(% distribution based on Graduate Employment Survey as of January 2020)

4. Staff a. Number of Staff Category of Staff Academic Staff Administrative and Academic Support Staff Total

Total Number








b. Professorial Staff Profile (Assistant Professors and above) Percentage of Staff Possessing Doctoral Degree (Staff data including Professorial (Practice) Post)





Governance, Finance & Facts and Figures

5. Teacher-Student Ratio

1 : 23.5

6. Global Exchange Partners Region

Number of Partner Institutions

Asia and Australia (Australia, India, Japan, Mainland China, Malaysia,


South Korea, Taiwan and Thailand) Europe (Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Finland, France, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, The Netherlands, Norway, Romania, Sweden, Switzerland


and United Kingdom)


Middle East (Israel and United Arab Emirates)


North America (Canada and United States of America)




Scholarships and Prizes Amount (HK$)/Number Amount of Scholarships and Prizes Awarded


Number of Scholarships and Prizes Awarded


Number of Students Awarded


(Including scholarships and awards distributed through HSUHK)

8. External Funding Sources Funding Source

Number of Projects

Amount (HK$)











Competitive Research Funding Schemes for the Local Self-financing Degree Sector by Research Grants Council (2020/21 Exercise) Research Matching Grant Scheme by Research Grants Council Quality Enhancement Support Scheme by Education Bureau Public Policy Research Funding Scheme (Special Round) by Policy Innovation and Co-ordination Office Other External Funding Sources Total


HSUHK REVIEW 2019-2020

Governance, Finance & Facts and Figures


Library Resources Type of Resources


Printed Books (volumes)


Printed Serials (titles)


E-books (titles)


E-journals (titles)


Multi-media Resources (volumes)


Electronic Databases (titles)


Total Library Seats


Library Presentations/Workshops


10. Campus Area and Student Residence a. Campus Area Code(s)/Building(s)

Site Area (m2)

Gross Floor Area (m2)

A - S H Ho Academic Building



B - Lee Shau Kee Complex



C - Wei Lun Square



D - Lee Quo Wei Academic Building



E - Hang Shin Link









M, N - M Building, N Building RC - HSUHK Jockey Club Residential Colleges Total

b. Student Residence Residential Colleges/Hall HSUHK Jockey Club Residential Colleges ‣‣ Mosaic College ‣‣ S H Ho Wellness College ‣‣ Patrick S C Poon Amity College ‣‣ Evergreen College Old Hall Total (Note: Some percentages do not add up to 100% owing to rounding.)

Number of Places


100 1,300




Robust Curriculum and Programmes

HSUHK REVIEW 2019-2020


Robust Curriculum and Programmes

Vigorous Programme and Curriculum Development New and Existing Programme Development The University has always been active to enrich the curriculum and spectrum of study programmes to promote a studentcentred and interdisciplinary curriculum with academic vigour, innovations and flexibility. In the reporting period, three bachelor’s degree (Level 5 learning programmes in the Qualifications Framework [QF]) and one master’s degree (QF Level 6 learning programmes) programmes in various disciplines were successfully accredited and approved to be launched in 2020-21, including Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) in Economics (BBAECON), Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) in General Business (BBA-GB), Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Art and Design (BA-AD) and Executive Master of Science in Insurance (EMSC-INS). These programmes have already been listed in the Qualifications Register (QR) for prospective students’ information. In addition, two existing programmes, namely Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Chinese (BA-CHI) and Master of Arts in Translation (Business and Legal) (MA-TBL), have passed the re-accreditation exercises in March 2020 and have been recognised for their track records in curriculum development and teaching and learning outcomes.

u u

On-site Visit for the Learning Programme Accreditation of the Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) in Economics (BBA-ECON) Programme.

On-site Visit for the Learning Programme Accreditation of the Executive Master of Science in Insurance (EMSC-INS) Programme.

On-site Visit for the Learning Programme Re-Accreditation of the Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Chinese (BA-CHI) and the Master of Arts in Translation (Business and Legal) (MA-TBL) Programmes.




Robust Curriculum and Programmes The University, in 2020-21, offers a total of 23 undergraduate programmes and six taught postgraduate programmes under five Schools, namely Business, Communication, Decision Sciences, Humanities and Social Science, and Translation and Foreign Languages. The University has also dedicated its efforts in developing four new master’s and one bachelor’s degree programmes in the year, covering social sciences, data science and language and literary studies, for launching in 2021-22, and with the objectives of developing more programmes in different disciplines to equip our graduates with necessary professional knowledge and intellectual competencies for sustainable personal and societal development. In light of the curriculum development, strategic plans of the University and the demand for upper-year entry, the University also reviewed the admission quotas of its undergraduate programmes for all years of entry in the reporting year, and subsequently proposed adjustments in the quotas for approval of related authorities.

An Array of Minor Programmes for Students The University offered a total of 22 Minor Programmes in 2019-20 for undergraduate students, including:

School of Business: ‣‣ Accounting, Business Administration, Corporate Governance, Finance and Banking, Financial Analysis, Human Resource Management, Management, and Marketing

School of Communication: ‣‣ Communication, and Communication Technology

School of Decision Sciences: ‣‣ Computing, Decision Analytics, E-commerce, Insurance, Statistical Analysis, and Supply Chain Management

School of Humanities and Social Science: ‣‣ Asian Studies, Chinese, Cultural and Creative Industries, and English

School of Translation and Foreign Languages: ‣‣ European Studies, and Translation

Constant Review and Enhancement of Programme Structure and Quality Assurance Mechanism Besides new programme development, the University also endeavoured to enhance the programme structure and curriculum of existing programmes, the Quality Assurance (QA) Mechanism governing programme development and modifications, as well as other academic/curriculum-related matters. In 2019-20, the Academic Board approved the following proposals: ‣‣ Refining the QA Manual in response to internal and external new or amended policies, e.g. preparation and procedures for Periodic Institutional Review; ‣‣ Introducing new major electives for the Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Convergent Media and Communication Technology (BA-CMCT) programme; ‣‣ Restructuring of the curriculum of the Bachelor of Translation with Business (Honours) (BTB) programme; ‣‣ Changing the name of School of Translation to School of Translation and Foreign Languages;

HSUHK REVIEW 2019-2020


Robust Curriculum and Programmes ‣‣ Changing the name of Department of Mathematics and Statistics to Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Insurance; ‣‣ Changing the programme title from Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Applied and Human-Centred Computing (BA-AHCC) to Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Applied Computing (BSC-AC); ‣‣ Establishing a new Department of Art and Design; ‣‣ Guidelines for approving continuing education courses; ‣‣ Updated policy on credit transfer. The Common Core Curriculum (CCC), as one of the pivotal elements of the University’s Liberal+Professional education model, helps consolidate students’ intellectual and practical skills, cultivate their abilities in logical and critical thinking as well as aesthetic appreciation, and enhance their knowledge beyond their major field of studies. In this academic year, the University initiated a review of the current CCC with the objectives to incorporate the theme of responsible global citizenship in the General Education (GE) curriculum, to revise the academic clusters and related requirements for GE, and to strengthen and broaden the requirements for English language.

New Art and Design Programme Eligible for Study Subsidy Scheme for Designated Professions/Sectors The Study Subsidy Scheme for Designated Professions/Sectors (SSSDP) was launched by the Government to subsidise students to pursue designated full-time locally accredited self-financing undergraduate programmes in selected disciplines, aiming at nurturing talent in support of specific industries with keen demand for human resources; encouraging the self-financing post-secondary education sector to offer programmes in selected disciplines that meet Hong Kong’s social and economic needs by providing targeted financial support; and supporting the healthy and sustainable development of the self-financing post-secondary education sector to complement the University Grants Committee-funded sector in broadening and diversifying study opportunities. In the year under review, the new Art and Design programme has been accepted, making a total of six programmes listed under the SSSDP: ‣‣ Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Applied and Human-Centred Computing (BA-AHCC); ‣‣ Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Art and Design (BA-AD); ‣‣ Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) in Supply Chain Management (BBA-SCM); ‣‣ Bachelor of Management Science and Information Management (Honours) (BMSIM); ‣‣ Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Actuarial Studies and Insurance (BSC-AIN); and ‣‣ Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Date Science and Business Intelligence (BSC-DSBI).

Establishment of the Honours Academy The University established the Honours Academy (HA) in 2019-20, the first of its kind initiated in Hong Kong. Highachieving Year-two undergraduates, forming a cohort of no more than 20 students each academic year, will be selected for admission to the HA, a vibrant and supportive cradle of future leaders with academic excellence, caring for local and global communities, international perspectives and civic engagement. Admitted students to the HA will go through a three-year journey of extra focused training and experience a unique undergraduate life. The finely-selected HA students will embark on the journey of future leadership through engaging in a training programme which is innovatively and flexibly designed. Echoing the vision of HSUHK, the HA initiative signifies the University's commitment to nurturing leaders for serving and advancing our society and the world.



Innovative Teaching, Learning and Research

HSUHK REVIEW 2019-2020


Innovative Teaching, Learning and Research

Teaching and Learning Quality Enhancement Support Scheme In 2019-20, the HSUHK received a total funding of over HK$12 million for three projects under the Quality Enhancement Support Scheme (QESS), namely "Development of Real-time Cooperative VR Multi-CAVE Systems for Collaborative and Team Learning"; "Towards Student Success - Developing Holistic Support for Students with Special Educational Needs"; and "Interactive Artificial Intelligence Assisted Chatbot for Self-improving Oral English Proficiency".

Establishment of Centre for Asian Languages and Cultures With a funding support of over HK$1.8 million from the QESS, the School of Humanities and Social Science established the Centre for Asian Languages and Cultures (CALC) in January 2020, with the goals of enhancing students’ interest in and appreciation of Asian languages and cultures, as well as cultivating students’ awareness of the development trend in Asia and the potential arising from the Belt and Road Initiatives. The Centre will provide a platform for students and faculty members to explore development opportunities and potential partnership with external parties in Asia.

Induction Programme for New Academic Staff Aiming to help new academic staff familiar with the University’s teaching environment and facilitate them to have a better preparation of teaching, the second Mandatory Induction Programme in Teaching and Learning was organised in August 2019. A series of forum seminar and workshop were held, themed "Teaching and Learning with Emerging Technologies"; "Forum on Creating a Welcoming, Positive and Productive Learning Environment"; "Outcome-based Teaching and Learning (OBTL) and Criterion-Referenced Assessment - What, Why and How?"; and "Learning Programme Accreditation and Quality Assurance".

My Teaching Story To promote excellence in teaching at the University, the second issue of My Teaching Story was published in 2019-20. The publication recorded the teaching journey of the recipients of HSUHK Teaching Excellence Awards of the year, with experience sharing on teaching skills and techniques, passion, devotion and aspiration for being a good teacher.

HSUHK Innovation Project Competition 2020 In the reporting period, the fifth HSUHK Innovation Project Competition was successfully organised, receiving 14 project proposals from over 30 students of different programmes. Participating students with outstanding proposals were recommended to take part in the Pre-Incubation Programme organised by the Wu Jieh Yee Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (WUCIE), which would introduce students the start-up concept, extend their visions and network of the entrepreneurial world, and facilitate them to refine and executive their innovative ideas.

Online Teaching and Learning Arrangement Due to the outbreak of COVID-19 since early 2020 and for the sake of the health of the University’s staff and students, faceto-face teaching and learning activities were replaced by online mode for most of Semester 2 of 2019-20, i.e. conducting classes via online platforms (Microsoft Teams/Zoom). The Information Technology Services Centre facilitated teachers on video recording/streaming with teaching accessories and equipment, provided training and technical assistance on using different online tools to teachers and students, made accessible to e-Classroom and e-Laboratories, created online assessment submission platform/system, etc. A survey was conducted by the end of the academic year so as to obtain feedback from teachers and students on the online teaching and learning arrangements for future improvement.



Innovative Teaching, Learning and Research

MOOC Development The e-Learning Team co-operated with different Academic Support Offices and Departments to develop a number of miniMOOCs in 2019-20, which supported students’ learning and enhanced their learning experiences through online and inclass blended learning. The new full-MOOC Grammar Awareness Platform offered by the Department of English was developed to facilitate English learning of first-year students, attracting over 80 students enrolling in the course. With the newly developed edX platform, two full-MOOCs i.e. Japanese I and Grammar Awareness Platform were made available to the public for free access.

New Teaching and Learning Platform A new learning management platform Vclass, having the functions of tracing and monitoring student learning progress, was launched in 2019-20. Three online modules were uploaded to the platform and experienced by over 150 students. Other than the Vclass, various teaching and learning tools/platforms, e.g. Powtoon, Menitimeter and Digital Assessment System, had been explored and teachers were invited to test and trial.

Smart Learning Team A working group on smart learning, comprising representatives from the Information Technology Services Centre, the Centre for Teaching and Learning and academic units, was formed in the reporting year. The working group discussed the development of online assessment, teaching and learning initiatives of the University, and supported the organisation of training workshops and seminars for teaching staff and students.

Enhanced Teaching and Learning Experience via Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) Facilities To enable students to visualise the complexity of operations of different industries through images, a total of 17 modules were facilitated with VR/AR facilities, enhancing the learning experience of over 1,900 students since 2016-17. Despite the suspension of using the Virtual Reality Centre (VRC) in Semester 2 due to COVID-19, teaching of five modules were facilitated by VR equipment in Semester 1, namely Training and Development of the Marketing programme; Virtual Reality for Society; Principles of Responsible Enterprise: Sustainability, Responsibility, and Ethics; Shipping and Transport Logistics; and Operations and Supply Chain Management of the Supply Chain Management programmes.

VR Project "2008 Sichuan Earthquake" The VRC supported the School of Communication to jointly develop a new VR project "2008 Sichuan Earthquake" with VR scenes of the aftermath of the earthquake, aiming to facilitate students in training and practising skills on media writing and news reporting. The project would be applied to a number of Journalism and Communication modules.

Launch of Service-Learning Website and Service-Learning Portal A new website with useful Service-Learning resources, e.g. guideline, handbook, forms, etc. was launched in the 2019-20. In addition to providing essential information to students and teachers, the website also served as a platform showcasing the University’s development in service-learning to the public and potential service partners. To facilitate students’ engagement in service-learning and streamline the record process, the Service-Learning Portal was newly-created and made accessible by students for submission of pre/post Service-Learning survey as well as the logsheet and students’ self-reflection.

HSUHK REVIEW 2019-2020


Innovative Teaching, Learning and Research

Integrating Service-Learning Components in Modules Since the pilot launch of three modules adopting service-learning components in 2018-19, the Service-Learning Section successfully lined up a number of service providers and teachers and developed nine modules in 2019-20 to enrich student learning experience through community engagement. To strive for enhancement in the module contents, Service-Learning module teachers were invited to form focus groups to review and provide feedback and suggestions on the development of Service-Learning at the HSUHK.

Research Competitive Research Funding Scheme for the Local Self-financing Degree Sector HSUHK academic staff’s commitment and continuous effort to pursue excellence in research is demonstrated by the encouraging results of the external funding secured. For the Competitive Research Funding Scheme for the Local Selffinancing Degree Sector (2020-21 Exercise) launched by the Research Grants Council, the University secured the largest number of approved projects among all eligible institutions, with a total funding of HK$14.84 million for 16 projects under the Faculty Development Scheme (FDS) and two projects under the Inter-Institutional Development Scheme (IIDS) as below. Project Title

Principal Investigator

School/ Department

Dr Belinda YAU


Faculty Development Scheme (FDS) What do Expanded Audit Reports Tell? Initial Evidence from the United Kingdom The Study of Chuci in the Qing Dynasty

Dr Ivan CHEN


Sounds in Two Cities: Soundscape and Auditory Culture in Shanghai and Hong Kong Literature (1930s -1950s)

Dr KWOK Sze Wing


Acculturative Stress, Coping Strategies, and Social Support: A Cross-cultural Comparative Study of "Hong Kong Drifters" and "Northward Drifters" in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area

Dr Howard SONG


Functional Adequacy in Second Language Speaking and Writing Tasks: Measurement and Pedagogy

Dr Gavin BUI


The Polarizing Effects of Electronic Word-of-Mouth: Self-Promotion and Self-Protection Perspectives

Dr Kevin ZENG


Inference for Multiple Change-points in Piecewise Locally Stationary Time Series

Dr NG Wai Leong

Mathematics, Statistics and Insurance

Generalized Sethi Advertising Model and Extensions

Dr SIU Chi Chung

Mathematics, Statistics and Insurance

Variable Selection Methods for Complex Data Analysis

Prof TANG Man Lai

Mathematics, Statistics and Insurance

Low-rank Matrix Optimization via Nonconvex Regularization with Applications

Dr Carisa YU

Mathematics, Statistics and Insurance

The Impact of the Anti-Extradition Law Amendment Bill Movement on Conception of Citizenship in Hong Kong

Dr Gary TANG

Social Science

Exploring the Idea of Public Reason: Studying the Later Rawls's Philosophy by the Archival Approach

Dr Baldwin WONG

Social Science

A Temporal Relationship Theory for the Justification of Love

Dr WONG Muk Yan

Social Science



Innovative Teaching, Learning and Research

Project Title

Principal Investigator

School/ Department

How Can Giant Air Cargo Forwarders be Enhanced by Partnership with Airlines: A Utilisation of Unused Baggage Capacity Approach

Dr Helen MA

Supply Chain and Information Management

The Effects of Global Aviation Network Data Analytic Approach on Strategic Network Development and Traffic Forecasting

Dr Collin WONG

Supply Chain and Information Management

Dr Jack WU

Supply Chain and Information Management

Dialogues on Strategies: Sustaining Hong Kong’s Leadership and Competitiveness in International Business Communication

Dr Sarah ZHAO


Innovative Survey and Big Data Approaches to Uprising Populism in the AsiaPacific Region

Dr WANG Shiru

Social Science

A Blockchain-enabled IoT System for Pallet-pooling Management Inter-Institutional Development Scheme (IIDS)

Research Matching Grant Scheme The Research Matching Grant Scheme (RMGS) was introduced in August 2019 by the HKSAR Government to match private donations (for research purposes only)/research grants/research contracts secured by local self-financing degreeawarding institutions and UGC-funded universities. Over the three-year operation period of the Scheme from August 2019 to July 2022, the Government has earmarked HK$3 billion as matching grants under RMGS, of which HK$50 million set aside for guaranteed matching by each eligible institution on a dollar-for-dollar matching basis. In the first year of operation, the HSUHK received a matching grant amounting to HK$20.68 million.

Public Policy Research Funding Scheme The University also received funding support of HK$1.44 million from the Public Policy Research (PPR) Funding Scheme (Special Round), launched by the Policy Innovation and Co-ordination Office in November 2019, for four projects titled "Social Media, Public Opinion and Governance in Digital Era"; "Expatriates and Overseas Returnees' Perceptions and Reactions towards Recent Social Incidents in Hong Kong and Their Migratory Plans"; "Examining 'Mutual Destruction' ('Larm-Chow') Discourse in the Anti-Extradition Bill Movement"; and "The Political Polarization and Relationship Dissolution on Social Media: An Evidence-based Study on Political Unfriending Among Hong Kong Students During the AntiExtradition Bill Movement".

Big Data Intelligence Centre To address the growing demand in industry for a fuller understanding of big data, the Big Data Intelligence Centre (BDIC) was established under the School of Decision Sciences in January 2020, aiming to undertake relevant, high-quality applied research in big data, artificial intelligence and business analytics, and disseminate related knowledge to academics, practitioners and government units in Hong Kong. Potential applications and collaborations to be developed with industry partners include facial recognition, a better development of health care and smart city.

Chinese Family Succession Research Centre Established under the School of Business in July 2020, the Chinese Family Succession Research Centre (CFSRC) aims to put the belief of “Stronger family, Stronger country” into practice and endeavours to make a significant contribution to the Two-Centenary goal of China. Combining “theory and practice”, CFSRC supports the sustainable development of family business and aspires to be a pioneer in this field. Through organising various academic and empirical events such as annual survey, consultation and training, CFSRC strives to achieve its vision and mission and bring impact to the Greater Bay Area and Greater China.

HSUHK REVIEW 2019-2020


Innovative Teaching, Learning and Research

Academic and Scholarly Activities Organised by the Deep Learning Research and Application Centre (DLC), the conference on Artificial Intelligence for the 2020’s: Deep Learning and Beyond was held on 21 September 2019. This conference provided a platform for specialists and industrial practitioners to share their discoveries and achievements in artificial intelligence (AI) and offered insights into the future of deep learning. The impact of AI on work, society and human intelligence had also been discussed. A line-up of professionals and spectacular presentations talking about the ever-expanding world of AI was another important feature of the conference.

Dr Siu Sai Cheong (HSUHK, left) and Professor Chu Xiaowen (right).

Sharing the application of AI and big data analytics.

Dr Liu Hai (HSUHK, left) and Mr Ernest Chan (right).

An industry session forum titled Risk Management and Maritime Cybersecurity for Sustainable Development of Shipping and Trade was jointly organised by the HSUHK, Hong Kong Shue Yan University, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University and The University of Hong Kong on 12 June 2020 as an integral part of the IAME Conference 2020. The forum attracted over 230 participants from more than 20 countries to attend. During the session, industry veterans shared the impacts on maritime and global supply chain after COVID-19 and a recent cyber disruption in the industry. They also elucidated the strategies

Speakers exchanging ideas with participants.

for cybersecurity as well as potential solutions and precautions from different perspectives.

Participants from different countries joining the online forum.



Transformative Student Experience

HSUHK REVIEW 2019-2020


Transformative Student Experience

Career and Internship opportunities In 2019-20, despite the impact of the pandemic and economic downturn around the globe, the Student Affairs Office (SAO) together with Schools and Departments successfully lined up over 600 internship opportunities in both Hong Kong and overseas for students to gain practical work experience. The opportunities were offered by over 250 companies/internship programmes, including Hang Seng Bank, A.S. Watsons, HKSAR Government, Towngas, Securities and Futures Commission, PwC, EY, etc. The majority of internship opportunities in this academic year were in Hong Kong due to the restriction of international travel, while only around 20 internships could take place outside Hong Kong in Semester 1 in France, Mainland China, Singapore, Spain and the US. Meanwhile, the SAO has started to explore virtual internship opportunities with global partners, with three pioneer students participated.

To embrace the challenges brought by the pandemic, all training, recruitment talks, mentorship elements, career advisory sessions were turned to online events. The eCareer Weeks with live chats, webinars and e-talks attracted around 1,200 student participants. In view of the economic downturn, the SAO has also launched the Stand Together @ HSUHK career campaign with SCMP, Recruit.com, Cyberport and HKSTP to increase the employability of our students. Out of the few components of the campaign, the career nomination scheme received strenuous support from over 90 employers across 14 industries amidst this difficult time.

Students Joining Internship Programme “It was my honour to be one of the participants of the Bordeaux Internship Program which enabled me to have a chance to work at Château Montrose in France in October 2019. I attended a three-day Wine and Oenology Program in the Chamber of Commerce and Industries (CCI) Bordeaux before working in the Château, allowing me to acquaint with the basic knowledge of wine such as the types of grapes and the entire fermentation process. I spent 14 days in the Château and assisted in the wine making processes in a cellar. My supervisor and colleagues were very helpful, and they taught me in details the wine making process even though we spoke different languages. The internship at Château Montrose was not only an unforgettable experience to me, but also a stepping stone to a career in the wine industry following my graduation.”

Jessica Lau Hoi Hin (BBA-MGT) (first left) Château Montrose, France



Transformative Student Experience

Students Joining Internship Programme “It has been a fruitful journey for me to work as a Digital Marketing Intern at Half The Sky in Singapore which strives to empower women by connecting female talents with companies via a career platform. Although this summer internship was conducted virtually, my supervisors provided me with excellent guidance on every task. We had online meetings twice a week to brainstorm ideas and marketing strategies. I learnt to design graphics and manage the posts with different online tools. Seeing my works being posted on various social media platforms, e.g. Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, was really satisfying. This experience also allowed me to gain an in-depth understanding of digital marketing as well as insights of job market for working women. It is definitely my honour to assist Half The Sky to empower all women.”

Kiki Fung Cheuk Ki (BBA-ACC) Fujian Liaison Unit, The Government of the HKSAR, Mainland China

Sharis Tong Sin Ching (BBA-MGT) (top left) Half The Sky Pte. Ltd., Singapore

“It was my first time to have worked in Mainland China and I was fortunate to join the Fujian Liaison Unit, The Government of the HKSAR as a Winter Intern. I was responsible for the research and operation work in the office, which allowed me to understand the environment and workflow of a liaison office. I also had the opportunity to arrange a business luncheon and experience how to organise a large-scale business event effectively. Through this internship, I learnt more about the business environment and economy of Fujian, and bet ter understand the economic advantages of Hong Kong in the Greater China region.”

“I am so pleased to have the opportunity to work in the Assurance Department (Financial Services team) of PwC Hong Kong for four months. Through performing fund auditing, I gained solid knowledge about asset and wealth management as well as different types of financial instruments. I participated in the fieldwork by visiting clients’ offices to perform different audit testing. This internship was valuable for me to comprehend the auditing procedures, get into the accounting industry and expand my industry network.” Kathleen Tse Chiu Sin (BBA-ACC) (right) PwC, Hong Kong

HSUHK REVIEW 2019-2020


Transformative Student Experience

HSUHK Professional Mentorship Scheme The HSUHK Professional Mentorship Scheme officially kick-started in January 2020. Despite suspension of most face-toface activities, nine online career talks were organised with mentors sharing their professional insights and career tips with around 1,000 student participants.

The Kick-off Ceremony of the HSUHK Professional Mentorship Scheme.

Students Joining Professional Mentorship Programme “As a final year student, it is my honour to meet business professionals from diverse industries through the Professional Mentorship Scheme in my last year of university study. My mentor was a senior executive in a renowned bank. Thanks him for encouraging me to step out of my comfort zone and be open to different opportunities. I worked hard in preparing for job applications and interviews and I was glad to secure a graduate job in the banking compliance field eventually. The mentoring experience has helped me better understand the industry trends of my aspired career field and I am truly thankful for my mentor’s guidance.”

Jonathan Loo Yat Chun (BBA - B&F) (left)

“I am ver y glad to have met my mentor who is an experienced professional in the learning and development field. He is kind to have given me a lot of professional advice and his patient guidance has helped reduce my worries and anxieties in face of difficulties. Also, he helped us explore our best-fit career by conducting a MBTI test, which was very interesting and useful for our career planning. Although face-to-face meetings were not possible, we communicated effectively via online platforms. I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my mentor for his insightful advice and encouragement.”

Kimberley Cheng Lok Hei (BBA - MKT) (bottom)



Transformative Student Experience

Global Connections and Exchange Programmes To embrace internationalisation, the University has been engaging in a wide spectrum of activities including building new relationships and consolidating old ones with international universities, providing exchange opportunities to students to widen their international exposure, as well as implementing cultural diversity on campus, though affected by the pandemic in Semester 2 of 2019-20.

Close Ties with Overseas Partners and Institutions In 2019-20, global partners reached 77 with new partnerships established with Griffith University (Australia), Geneva School of Business Administration (Switzerland), Zurich University of the Arts (Switzerland) and Shih Chien University (Taiwan). In the reporting period, HSUHK was delighted to have received delegations from Israel, Taiwan and the US in Semester 1. At the same time, the University sent a delegation to Finland to attend an overseas education exposition in September 2019 to keep abreast of new developments in international education. During Semester 2, the University had been keeping close contact with partners and inbound exchange students to ascertain their safety and provide support under the pandemic which enabled students to receive proper advice to complete their Exchange Programme successfully.

Receiving a delegation from University of Haifa in Israel.

Attending the 31st EAIE (European Association for International Education) Annual Conference and Exhibition in Helsinki and meeting with a representative from Estonian Business School.

Overseas Learning Experience Though overseas programmes for the Summer 2020 were cancelled, over 100 students were still able to gain international exposure through participating in shortterm study trips organised by Shanghai Jiao Tong University to Dali and Xichang in Mainland China during the winter break, attending Winter School at Hanyang University in South Korea, travelling to Miyazaki in Japan for a cultural learning experience, engaging in eco preservation projects in Indonesia and taking part in faculty-led Taiwan Election Study Tour in January 2020.

Students attending the Hanyang University International Winter School in South Korea (left) and participating in the “Creative Means to Enhance Dali’s Ecological and Economic Development Challenge” organised by the Shanghai Jiao Tong University (right).

HSUHK REVIEW 2019-2020


Transformative Student Experience

International Exposure through Exchange Programmes For inbound exchange, the University received students from Belgium, France, Finland, Germany, Mainland China, the Netherlands, Norway, South Korea, Sweden and Switzerland respectively. Students studying in Semester 1 engaged in different kinds of integration activities, including the International Carnival and sharing at the College Assembly - HSUHK Liberal Agora.

Students and staff participating in the International Carnival.

Inbound exchange students celebrating Mid-Autumn Festival in Hong Kong with their buddies. For outbound exchange, we have sent the first group of students to Australia, Lithuania and Norway, alongside with others to Austria, Belgium, Canada, Japan, Finland, France, Germany, Mainland China, the Netherlands, South Korea, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan and the US respectively. To ensure safety, most students returned to Hong Kong in March and April 2020 while they were able to continue the exchange programme offered online by the host institutions. Though experiencing interruption on the programme, many students learnt to build resilience and embrace adversity.

Outbound exchange students going to Laurea University of Applied Sciences, Finland (left) and Vilnius University, Lithuania (right).



Transformative Student Experience

Students Joining Exchange Programme

Adele Marchais (right) from the University of Lille, France

“It is the first time for me to have stayed overseas for almost half a year. The outbreak of COVID-19 has made this experience more challenging and unforgettable. The positive side was that I had more time to spend with myself and improve the self-learning and problem-solving skills. The negative side was that I did not have much chance to immerse in the English environment and explore the local culture. But after all it was still a meaningful experience as I became more independent and calmer when facing difficulties. During my time in Australia, no matter how tough the situation was, I could only rely on myself as no one would be round the clock to be there for me. My first advice to prospective exchange students is that they should stay tuned for the news of the pandemic and get to know the current situation of the country you plan to go, which teaching mode would be taken in the university you plan to go. Secondly, discuss with your family and seek their opinions as it is very important to reconsider if you are still going to exchange. Finally, list out the things you want to do. It can be related to academic or non-academic aspects. A chat with an individual, a trip to a new place can give you more than you expected. Never cease from pursuing a better self.”

“Should I go back to France? That was THE question I asked myself during my entire exchange period in Hong Kong. I had to consider my home university’s advice, what actions that the other exchange students took and what was the actual situation. Those choices were not easy to make. However, I got the precious help from the Exchange & Incoming Students Services Team of SAO to overcome that challenging situation. I met fascinating teachers and wonderful friends in HSUHK. With the assistance of my friends and classmates, I started learning Cantonese. I will keep it up as I really like the language. With my buddy, we discovered many places and we had a very good relation. I am quite impressed on the performance by student groups running for election. It was one of my most memorable events, which was so unique and amusing. Apart from that, I really love the food there. I enjoyed the canteen food and the cooking workshop organised for the exchange students. I was glad to learn to make moon cakes and “Tang Yuan” with my buddy and other friends! During my one-year stay, I have learnt that organisation and planning are useful, however, flexibility and patience are also essential for an exchange student. Many thanks for the hospitality at HSUHK!”

Ho Wing Yin (BBA) to Australian Catholic University, Australia

HSUHK REVIEW 2019-2020


Transformative Student Experience

Student Development and Residential College Programmes HSUHK Student Orientation Day 2019 Themed "Adventure Begins in HSUHK" ( 恒大有樂 ), the Student Orientation Day 2019 was held on 20 August 2019, aiming to introduce to new students various transformative learning opportunities provided by the University and encourage them to open themselves to campus life, explore and develop their potential. Over 1,700 participants, including new students, senior-year students, as well as academic and administrative staff took part in the annual event. More than 1,300 new students participated in an array of activities, including Student Life Fair, Campus Hunt, and received important information to kick-start their campus life at the HSUHK. Around 220 senior-year students, serving as Campus Life Mentors, assisted new students in adapting to new campus life by sharing their experiences and offering suggestions.

A happy together on the Student Orientation Day.



Transformative Student Experience

Convocation for New Students 2019-20 The HSUHK welcomed over 2,000 new students and around 30 exchange students at the Convocation Ceremony held on 5 September 2019, which marked the beginning of a new academic year. It was the first Convocation Ceremony to welcome new students after the approval for the University status, bestowing special meaning on the occasion.

Online Co-curricular and Physical Education Activities To facilitate students to continue their co-curricular learning and physical education activities during the suspension of face-to-face teaching and learning activities on campus, over 140 work-at-home and online activities have been organised since February 2020. In addition to gaining leisure and keeping connected with classmates at home, participating students were able to score credits to fulfill the University Graduation Requirements.

HSUHK REVIEW 2019-2020


Transformative Student Experience

Cloth Mask & Mask Cover DIY Workshop & Sharing Scheme

Cloth Mask & Mask Cover DIY Workshop.

Arranging the HSUHK Care Packs.

To build and promote a positive and caring HSUHK community, the HSUHK Students' Union, HSUSU Art Society and SAO co-organised the Cloth Mask & Mask Cover DIY Workshop & Sharing Scheme in April to June 2020 with the generous support from the Incorporated Trustees of Hsin Chong - K N Godfrey Yeh Education Fund. Over 250 HSUHK students participated in the production and preparation of the cloth masks and mask covers. A total number of over 300 HSUHK Care Packs were produced and donated to the housekeeping staff and security guards of the University, and the needy in the community through charitable organisations.

Giving the DIY cloth masks and hand sanitisers to primary students.

Giving hand sanitisers to the elderly centre.

Peer Mentor Scheme With an aim to raise awareness on mental health in the HSUHK community, the Peer Mentor Scheme “Hands in ‘Hang’", sponsored by the WeCare Fund from the Hong Kong Jockey Club Centre for Suicide Research and Prevention of The University of Hong Kong, continued to be held in 2019-20. A mental health series themed "Let’s 鬆 Zone", the first of its kind in the University, were held in October 2020 with more than 400 students visiting the campus booth to get to know the crucial mental health and suicide prevention knowledge.

A four-day campus booth and activities during the Mental Health Week.



Transformative Student Experience

Social Distancing Fun - Vlogger & Blogger A new online platform Social Distancing Fun - Vlogger & Blogger has been built since April 2020 to facilitate students to stay connected with the outside world and at the same time practicing social distancing. Over 200 students reached out and shared on various topics about well-being, self enhancement, social or academic matters through producing and posting their video clips on the platform.

Vlogs on topics varying from teaching foreign languages to cultivating hobbies and interests at home.

HSUHK Volunteer Team Embracing the mission to support our society with the spirit of mutual care, the HSUHK Volunteer Team continued to show the eagerness to serve and learn amid COVID-19. Partnering with the ELCHK North District Integrated Youth Service Centre, more than 40 volunteering students provided tutorial support to local primary students during the suspension of their face-to-face learning, including designing of teaching materials, video-making and hosting online classes, etc. “We offered lively and vivid online classes to support and inspire primary students, though we are in the challenging times. I always encourage my students to know more about themselves through learning. I would like to extend my gratitude to the organisers for allowing me to be a tutor which reminds me the nature of education.� Kenneth Leung, one of the volunteering students in his Year-2 studies, shared his experience in joining the programme.

Providing tutorial support to local primary students.

HSUHK REVIEW 2019-2020


Transformative Student Experience

Residential Life in New Perspective It has been a year full of uncertainties to embrace and challenges to overcome while new and innovative ideas evolved and transformed the Residential Colleges (RCs) into a learning community in an unprecedented way. New educational campaigns were hosted by respective RCs. RC Mosaic College

Educational Programmes ‣‣ Online workshop on "The Importance of Proper Breathing" ‣‣ Fruit distribution

S H Ho Wellness College

‣‣ Online Masters’ Meal ‣‣ Distribution of hygiene kits

Patrick S C Poon Amity College

‣‣ Creativity challenges on "How to Survive in the Pandemic" ‣‣ Zentangle Workshop

Evergreen College

‣‣ 5 Days Fitness Challenge ‣‣ Cheer-up Station


‣‣ V-Sing-Along Competition of the Council Chairman Bowl ‣‣ Sentimental Grandparent Scheme

Online Master's Meal by S H Ho Wellness College. Fruits distribution by Patrick S C Poon Amity College.

Cheer Up Station by Evergreen College. Healthy Night by Mosaic College.



Transformative Student Experience

Joint-RC High Table Dinner 2019 The annual Joint-RC High Table Dinner, which provided an opportunity for student residents, Masters, Associate Masters, Tutors of the four Residential Colleges (RCs) and the University Management to join together and establish the RC culture of dining together, was organised on 12 October 2019 and attended by over 500 participants. Mr Vivek Mahbubani, a renowned stand-up comedian in Hong Kong, gave a talk to the audience on the occasion. Participating students also seized the opportunity to get acquainted, share and exchange views with each other as well as faculty members.

The Council Chairman Bowl To foster the inter-RC interactions and sportsmanship, the Council Chairman Bowl has been organised for the third year. In this academic year, a new competition item, V-Sing-Along, was introduced to replace those with physical contacts which received overwhelming responses from students teaming up and sending in video clips of their music performances. Winning the other two competition items, i.e. Tug of War and Dodgeball, Evergreen College achieved the overall Championship of the Council Chairman Bowl of 2019-20, three years in a row.

Sentimental Grandparent Scheme The RCs have been a partner of the Sentimental Grandparent Scheme over the past few years. In the reporting year, student residents showed their care to the seniors who lived in SAGE Madam Ho Sin Hang Home for the Elderly in an innovative way by producing video clips of their daily lives under the pandemic, bringing love and laughter to the seniors during the video screening sessions.

HSUHK REVIEW 2019-2020


Transformative Student Experience

Student Achievements More HSUHK Students Gaining Scholarships Scholarships totalling of HK$20 million were awarded to 1,600 students in 2019-20 in recognition of their outstanding academic achievements and remarkable co-curricular performance. Together with the financial assistance schemes, the total amount of scholarship and financial assistance granted has grown drastically from HK$1.1 million in 2011-12 to over HK$21 million in 2019-20, including the HKSAR Self-financing Post-secondary Scholarship Scheme (SPSS). A recordbreaking number of 319 students received scholarships and awards under the SPSS, namely Outstanding Performance Scholarship, Best Progress Award, Talent Development Scholarship, Reaching Out Award and Endeavour Scholarship, amounting to a record-high HK$6 million with scholarship value ranging from HK$10,000 to HK$80,000.

Outstanding Student Achievements Competition/Event



10th International Logistics Case Competition 2019

HO Cheuk Kiu and YEUNG Lok Sze (BBA-SCM)


CILTHK Scholarship 2018-19


CILTHK Scholarship (Bachelor Degree Category)

HKICS Corporate Governance Paper Competition 2019

CHANG Kwok Ho and POON Ling Shan (BBA, B&F), and WU Junlin (BBA, ACC)

Top 6 Finalists

The 29th Chinese Poetry Writing Competition 2019

LEE Ming Yan (BA-CHI)

Merit Award


Certificate of Appreciation

CIPS Best Student Awards 2019

HO Cheuk Kiu and Gladys LAM (BBA-SCM)

年度中國歷史人物選舉 2019 香港大專生論文寫作比賽 (Annual Chinese Historical Personalities Election 2019 Hong Kong Post-Secondary Student Essay Writing Competition)

2019 Campus Newspaper Awards

Certificate of Merit


1st Runner-up

CHENG Ka Lok, CHOW Hoi Kit, KWONG Chi Ching, LING Wing Yi, MAK Ka Yan and SUNG Pui Yan (BJC)

Best in Tech News Reporting (English) - Winner Best in Headline Writing (English) Winner Best in News Writing (English) 1st Runner-up

LI Po Yee, NGAN Ching Yan, POON Hiu Tung, TSE Hiu Nga, WAN Hon Yeung and YEUNG Chin Wai (BJC)

Best in Feature Writing (Chinese) 1st Runner-up

CHENG Ka Lok, CHOW Hoi Kit, KWONG Chi Ching, LING Wing Yi, MAK Ka Yan and SUNG Pui Yan (BJC)

Best in Tech News Reporting (Chinese) - 1st Runner-up



Transformative Student Experience




NG Wai Chung, NGAN Chung Him, YIP Ying Yin and YU Tsz Chung (BJC)

Best in News Video Reporting (English) - 1st Runner-up

CHAN Lai Fun, HO Mei Ching, LI Shuk Yee and WONG Wai Wan (BJC)

Best in News Video Reporting (English) - 2nd Runner-up

LAU Cheuk Wing, NG Yui Ching, WONG Hin and WONG Pui Yee (BJC)

Best in Features Video Reporting (English) - 2nd Runner-up

CHAU Kwan Lam and WU Chun Wai (BJC)

Best in Feature Photography 2nd Runner-up

第三十一屆全港學界律詩創作 比賽 ( 大學及大專組 ) (The 31st Hong Kong Schools Chinese Poem Composition Contest [University and PostSecondary Section])


2nd Runner-up

CFA Institute Research Challenge 2019-20

CHAN Sin Yi, CHENG Hoi Sang and NG Shun On (BBA, B&F), CHENG Tsz Ying (BBA-FA) and TSE Kwan Tsz (BBA-MGT)

1st Runner-up

The 46th Youth Literary Awards


Merit Award (Literary Criticism Category)

KPMG Business Administration Paper Competition


Top 5 Finalists

The HKIE LTD Best Students Papers Awards 2019


HKIE Best Students Paper Award

3rd Social Entrepreneurship Practice Camp

CHENG Ho Long, CHOY Yin Shan (BA-AHCC)

2nd Runner-up and Youth Entrepreneurship Award

24th Human Rights Press Awards (2020)

CHAN Ching Kei, KO Tsz Shun, KONG Wan and WONG Tsz Wing (BJC)

Merit in Student Video & Audio

The 4th Undergraduate Academic Conference on Humanities

HO Kun Shun (BA-CHI)

Recommended Paper Award

Computer and Business Translation Scholarship


Computer and Business Translation Scholarship

Book Prize for Legal Translation 2019-20


Book Prize for Legal Translation 2019-20

Book Prize for Interpreting 2019-20

LEUNG Yuen Lam and LIU Sum Yee (BTB)

Book Prize for Interpreting 2019-20

Hong Kong Translation Society F C Lo Scholarships 2019-20

TSE Cheuk Ying (BTB)

Hong Kong Translation Society F C Lo Scholarship 2019-20

LEUNG Kwok Chak, NG Sze Wing and WONG Sze Ching (BBA-FB)

Top 10 Team

CHAN Sin Hang, CHAU Pak Wai and LUI Chin Ching (BBA-MKT), LEE Pak To (MSC-EM)

Honourable Mention

CHAN Sze Man (BBA-MKT), CHEUNG Cheuk Nam, SHUM Ka Pik and TONG Yuen Ki (BBA-CG)

Honourable Mention

CHEUNG Wing Yin, FUNG Ho Yin and HO Tsun Ki (BBA-CG)

Honourable Mention

2019 Campus Newspaper Awards

World Asian Business Case Competition 2020

HSUHK REVIEW 2019-2020

Transformative Student Experience




HKICPA Scholarship 2019-20

CHAN Cheuk Hei and TAM Chun Hang (BBA, ACC)

HKICPA Scholarship

HKICPA Qualification Programme (QP) Scholarships 2020

SO Ka Wing (BBA, ACC)

QP Scholarship

Hong Kong Young Chief Officers' Association’s Scholarship

LIM Hoi Ying, NG Man Yau and WU Cheuk Lam (BBA-GBM)

Hong Kong Young Chief Officers' Association’s Scholarship

The Rotary Club of Mandarin Hong Kong Scholarships

CHAN Hong Ting (BA-CMCT), CHAN Ka Hei and Chloe LING (BJC)

The Rotary Club of Mandarin Hong Kong Scholarship

CHA Thailand Open Tournament

LEE Hei Nam (BBA)

2nd Runner-up in Men C Amateur (Single) and 1st Runner-up in Men B Amateur Doubles




Dynamic Public Engagement and Advancement

HSUHK REVIEW 2019-2020


Dynamic Public Engagement and Advancement

Advancement Aiming at establishing relationships with various stakeholders of the community and promoting the University’s education philosophy and image to broader society, a host of initiatives and several naming events for the University's facilities were launched.

13 September 2019

Ir Prof Tsui Tack Kong Greater China Scholarship Ir Prof Tsui Tack Kong, Adjunct Professor of HSUHK, made a generous donation to establish a scholarship in support of student global internship.

3 October 2019

Naming Ceremony of Mr and Mrs Li Pui Leung Classroom Classroom D302 at the Lee Quo Wei Academic Building was named in honour of Mr and Mrs Li Pui Leung, who have made contributions to the University’s long-term development.

31 October 2019

Naming Ceremony of Dr and Mrs George So Classroom Classroom D310 at the Lee Quo Wei Academic Building was named in recognition of the generous support of Dr and Mrs George So to the University.



Dynamic Public Engagement and Advancement

12 December 2019

Naming Ceremony of FTLife Discussion Rooms The Library Discussion Rooms at the S H Ho Academic Building were named in appreciation of the donation from F TL ife Insurance Company in support of the University’s longterm development.

15 January 2020

Naming Ceremony of Patrick S C Poon Amity College, HSUHK Jockey Club Residential Colleges (RCs) The Amity College was named in honour of Dr Patrick Poon Sun Cheong, who has made a generous donation to advance the University’s sustainability goals and long-term development of the RCs.

10 June 2020

Naming of S H Ho Wellness College, HSUHK Jockey Club RCs The Wellness College was named in honour of The S H Ho Foundation in appreciation of its continuous support towards HSUHK’s strategic development and an endowment fund for the sustainable development of the College.

HSUHK REVIEW 2019-2020

Dynamic Public Engagement and Advancement

With Gratitude to Our Supporters The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong – Foundation The University wishes to express its heartful gratitude to all Foundation Members as of 2019-20: (Listing in chronological order of groups.) Life Honorary Chairmen (Donation of HK$10,000,000 or above) The S. H. Ho Foundation Ltd.

Wei Lun Foundation Ltd.

Dr Alice LAM

Hang Seng Bank Ltd. *

Fung Yiu King Charitable Foundation Ltd.

Sin Wai Kin Foundation Ltd.

Dr Patrick POON Sun Cheong

Lee Shau Kee Foundation Ltd.

Dr Rose LEE Wai Mun

Honorary Chairmen (Donation of HK$5,000,000 or above) Mr & Mrs XIAO Tan Ping

Wu Jieh Yee Charitable Foundation Ltd.

Honorary Vice-Chairmen (Donation of HK$1,000,000 or above) CMG International Charity Fund Ltd.

The Hon. Abraham SHEK Lai Him

Mr LAI Shu Chi

The Incorporated Trustees of Ryoden Development Charitable Trust

Hui Hoy & Chow Sin Lan Charity Fund Ltd.

Lam Tai Fai Charitable Foundation Ltd.

Mr HO Tak Sum


Dr HO Cheuk Fai

Dr Jacky CHEUNG Wah Keung

Mr & Mrs TSANG Wing Wah

Ms Stella FUNG Siu Wan

The Chinese Manufacturers' Association of Hong Kong

Mr Dannie CHEUNG Kong Ting

Mr LAU Ming Wai

Hong Kong Shun Lung Yan Chak Foundation Ltd.

Dr Charles YEUNG

Build King Holdings Ltd.

Mr Alan LI Pui Leung

Ho & Fung Charitable Foundation Ltd.

Dr HO Hing Lan

Mr LO Foo Cheung ^

Honorary Directors (Donation of HK$200,000 or above) Bright Future Charitable Foundation

Ms CHEN Yuen Ming

Shun Hing Education and Charity Fund

Dr Francis CHEUNG

Shao Ming Lo Foundation

Mr WONG Siu Hung

Dr HO Wai Kuen

The Hong Kong Seagull Scholarship Ltd.

Chino Glory Foundation

Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao-Bay Area Economic And Trade Association

Carrianna Group Holdings Co. Ltd.

Katherine & George Fan Foundation

Mr Kevin POON To Leung

Dr Tzu Leung Ho Charitable Foundation

Mrs Lynette TIONG

Zheng Ge Ru Foundation

China Star Light Charity Fund Association

Chung Shing Taxi Ltd.

Mr Marc NG Hoi Ngok

FTlife Insurance Co. Ltd.

Mr Kenneth LO Lok Fung

Dr George C. Y. SO

Professor & Mrs WONG Po Choi

The Tung Foundation

Wang On Properties Ltd.

Mr David LEE Wai Hung *



Anonymous ^




Dynamic Public Engagement and Advancement

Associate Directors (Donation of HK$100,000 or above) Professor Gilbert FONG Chee Fun

Lucky Creation Corporation Ltd.

Deutsche Asset Management S.A.

Dr Alex CHUI Chuen Shun

Dr YIP Kit Chuen

Main Power Electrical Factory Ltd.

Leung Chun Woon Kee (Service Consultant) Co. Ltd.

Dr Alan LEE Yuk Lun

Mr LAM King Lung

ICO Group Ltd.

Alltronics Tech. Mftg. Ltd.

The Hong Kong and China Gas Co. Ltd.


Mr Michael POON Chun Wai

Dr Adam LEE Yat Keung

Mr CHENG Kam Por

Professor WONG Yiu Kwan

Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants

Ms Stefanie NGAI

Professor Alice TSANG Suk Yee

Hang Lung Properties Ltd.

Mr Paul L. TAI

Hong Kong Chiu Chow Chamber of Commerce

SV Foundation ^

Ir Professor TSUI Tack Kong *

Mr LI Pau Cheung *

The Incorporated Trustees of Hsin Chong - K.N. Godfrey Yeh Education Fund ^

Harbour Light Technology Ltd. ^

Mr Alex WAN ^

Miss Vanessa WAN ^

Alliance Capital Group Ltd. ^

Association of Chinese Internal Auditors ^

Professor Simon HO Shun Man *

The Hong Kong Federation of Insurers Educational Trust *


Senior Members (Donation of HK$50,000 or above) China South City Holdings Ltd.

China Life Insurance (Overseas) Co. Ltd.

Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency

Kowloon Chamber of Commerce

Dr. Kong Footcare Ltd.

Dr Joseph LEE Chung Tak

Mr CHIK Wing Keung

Mr Eddie Chung Shun FONG

Dr John CHAN

K&K Charity Ltd.

Fuji Xerox (Hong Kong) Ltd.

Mr Martin TAM Tin Fong

Mr Charles YUK Kwok Cheung

The Board of Management of The Chinese Permanent Cemeteries

Luk Ka International Ltd.

G.M.P. Industrial Co. Ltd.

Ms Fian TSE Pui Yan

Dr Karen CHAN

BroadLearning Education (Asia) Ltd.

Dr Vincent WOO Wing Fai

The Hongkong Electric Co. Ltd.

Mrs Mandy WOO TSANG Yu Man

The Hong Kong Institute of Chartered Secretaries Foundation Ltd. *

TK Group (Holdings) Ltd. ^

Shanghai Commercial Bank ^

Rotary Club of Mandarin Hong Kong *

Mr Patrick LAM Man Ho *

Members (Donation of HK$20,000 or above) Dr KAN Che Kin Billy Albert

The Taxation Institute of Hong Kong

Dr Maurice TSE Kwok Sang

Mr Michael LAU Wing Kong

WKF Charity and Education Foundation

Dr Willie LAI Kwok Wai

Mr Raphael TONG Tai Wai

Mr CHU Chi Chiu Alaric

South China Morning Post - Education Post

Mr Ricky CHENG Sze Tsan

Ms CHEUNG Lai Hing

Mr Dominicus CHIM Che Kong

Mr Philip LEUNG Chu Kwong

Dr Teresa SO Yuen May

Mr Addy WONG Wai Hung

Mr Solomon YUNG Sze Hon

World Green Organisation

Dr Eugenia NG Mee Wah

Mr Edwin TYE

Mr Eric TYE Sze Yiu

HSUHK REVIEW 2019-2020

Dynamic Public Engagement and Advancement

Members (Donation of HK$20,000 or above) Dr Ken LOH Swee Peng

Ms Jessica NG Wai Ling

Ms Sindy NG Wai Chu

Joint Faith Assets Ltd.

Professor HUI Yer Van

Silk Road Travel Management Ltd.

China Construction Bank (Asia)

Ms Annie LEUNG Yee Mei

Mr LIU Yim Hung

Qatar Airways

Renley Watch Mfg Co. Ltd.

Shing Hing Industrial Ltd.

Red Box Toy Factory Ltd.

Mr Michael CHEUNG Kar Lok & Brothers

Monogram Products (H.K.) Ltd.

Goldlion Holdings Ltd.

Mr WONG Kim Ching

Wing & Kwong Steel Engineering Co. Ltd.

RSM Hong Kong

B Action Co. Ltd.

Education Connect

Dr Brossa WONG Yeuk Ha

The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong Alumni Association Limited

Liebherr (HKG) Ltd.

Dr Tom FONG Wing Ho

Cargotec Asia Ltd.

Dr Moses CHENG Mo Chi

The Society of Chinese Accountants & Auditors Charitable Trust

The Hong Kong Translation Society Ltd.

Professor William LEUNG Wing Cheung

Mr Amos CHAN Siu Lok

Mr Benedict SIN Nga Yan

The Dennis and Anne Beaver Foundation

Ms CHAN Siu Hing

C. B. Wong & Co.

Wong Po Kee Ltd.

Hongrita Mold Ltd. ^

Hong Kong Young Chief Officers' Association ^

L. K. Technology Holdings Ltd. ^

Shih Wing Ching Foundation Ltd. ^

Mr YEUNG Chu Kwong ^

* With membership upgraded in 2019-20 ^ New member in 2019-20

Other Donors We would also like to extend our special thanks to donors who contributed HK$1,000 or above during 2019-20: (Listing in alphabetical order of organisation names and surnames.) Apple Daily Charitable Foundation

Ms Frances CHAN

Mr CHAN Kin Bun

Dr CHAN Kow Tak

Mr CHAN Wo Ping

Mr Walter CHEUNG Shu Wai

Dunwell Industrial (Holdings) Ltd.

Excellent Power Industrial Ltd.

Dr Sunny FONG Chi Leung


Hong Kong X'tals Ltd.

Mr Samuel HUNG

Mr Andrew KAO Lap Shing

Mr KWOK Hang Tat

Mr LEE Ka Kee

Mr Andrew LEUNG Wing Lok

Dr Dennis LEUNG

Mr Jimmy POON Wing Fai

Ms Rebecca SIU Wai Fun

Mr Irons SZE

Professor TONG Chong Sze

Wah Lung Toys Co. Ltd.

Ms Helen ZEE




Dynamic Public Engagement and Advancement

Alumni Affairs In 2019-20, an array of activities and events were organised to connect HSSC/HSMC/HSUHK alumni of different graduation years and to engage them in the University’s developments and activities.

August 2019

HSUHK Alumni Yoga Trial Session Co-organised by the Alumni Association, the workout session was thoroughly enjoyed by participating alumni of HSSC, HSMC and HSUHK, together with their friends and family members.

September 2019

The Annual AC.CG Reception cum Alumni Homecoming Cocktail With the support of the Advancement and Alumni Affairs Office (AAAO), the reunion event not only served as a networking platform for alumni, staff and students of the Department of Accountancy, but also provided a good opportunity for keeping abreast of the latest developments of the University and the Department.

The First Whisky Tasting Evening Hosted by the Depar tment of Suppl y Chain and Information Management with the support of the AAAO, the event was attended by over 40 participants including alumni, students, staff members, industry mentors, and internship supervisors.

April 2020

Physical Fitness Video Series A series of physical fitness videos were conducted by HSUHK fitness instructors to promote health and wellness in the alumni community. Alumni were encouraged to get into the habit of daily workouts for a healthy lifestyle through the simple and easy fitness exercises demonstrated in the videos, which were shared via the

HSUHK Alumni E-news and uploaded to the AAAO website for viewing by the alumni and the public.

HSUHK REVIEW 2019-2020


Dynamic Public Engagement and Advancement

May 2020

President’s Chatroom The online event featured a presentation by President Simon S M Ho on the latest developments at HSUHK and a robust exchange session with 30 alumni participants.Â

June 2020

Industry Leaders' Chatroom Series Over 100 HSUHK alumni, students, staff members, as well as Hong Kong Youth Industrialist Council members joined the robust dialogue of the new online initiative "Industry Leaders' Chatroom Series", in which the first episode "Specialist and Generalist" in June 2020 featured panel speakers Dr Jacky Cheung Wah Keung and Mr Paul L Tai, both HSUHK alumni and industry leaders, with VicePresident (Organisational Development) Dr Tom Fong as the moderator. The second episode of the series "Insurance Industry Outlook and How to Get Started in the Field" in July 2020 featured Dr Moses Cheng Mo Chi, Chairman of Insurance Authority, also Governor and Council Chairman of HSUHK; Dr Patrick Poon, a veteran industry practitioner, also Governor, Chairman of Fundraising and Donation Committee, and Foundation Management Committee of HSUHK; and Mr Clement Cheung Wan Ching, CEO of Insurance Authority. The three panel speakers shared their views on the insurance industr y from personal, industrial, and regulatory perspectives while Professor Lawrence Lee Yim Hong from the Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Insurance was the moderator. More than 150 alumni and students joined the presentations and actively participated in the interactive and informative Q&A session.



Dynamic Public Engagement and Advancement

Public Engagement Arts@HSUHK In 2019-20, Arts@HSUHK presented music and visual art programmes that engaged students, staff members and the community to appreciate arts from different parts of the world. With the support from the Leisure and Cultural Services Department, a lunchtime music theatre “Along the Silk Road - All Roads Lead to Rome” was brought on campus on 24 September 2019. Along with the narration of silk road stories, Windpipe Chinese Music Ensemble played music from countries such as Korea, Japan, Philippines, Indonesia, Iran, Egypt, Turkey and Italy. Their performance took the audience to countries along the Maritime Silk Road - literally a musical and cultural tour in an hour.

Lunchtime music theatre "Along the Silk Road - All Roads lead to Rome". An exhibition, taking place between November 2019 and April 2020, introduced the exquisite porcelain works of a renowned Taiwan artist Mr Heinrich Wang and gave spectators a glimpse of the artist’s passion and mastery of porcelain art. Exhibition by Mr Heinrich Wang.

Exhibition of Watercolour Sketches To provide an alternative escape as a spiritual journey to the viewers’ romantic destinations to alleviate a common longing of people for travelling since early 2020, as well as to celebrate the establishment of the Department of Art and Design, the “Exhibition of Watercolour Sketches by Professor Desmond Hui - Glimpses” was organised at the University Library from July to September 2020.

Officiating ceremony of the Exhibition Part I.

HSUHK REVIEW 2019-2020


Dynamic Public Engagement and Advancement President Simon Ho and Guest of Honour Mr Wong Kam Shing, the Secretary for the Environment, officiated at Part I and Part II of the Exhibition respectively. The Exhibition showed the audience some UNESCO World Heritage sites around the world as well as scenic sites of interest. Through the application of technology, the Exhibition was also hosted online for local and overseas audience who were not able to visit and appreciate the art works in person.

Mr Wong Kam Shing officiating the Exhibition Part II (left) and participants appreciating the art works (right).

HSUHK Global Humanities Initiative HSUHK established the “HSUHK Global Humanities Initiative” in association with Asian New Humanities Network (ANHN) and the UNESCO Chair in Asian Humanities and Global Network to promote and drive human caring spirit. In 2019-20, the scheme invited two visiting scholars from the University of California, Irvine, to have academic exchanges with HSUHK staff and students. On 8 October 2019, Professor David Goldberg, Director of the University of California Humanities Research Institute, gave a talk on “Global Racisms, Old and New”. Professor Jeffrey Wasserstrom, Chancellor’s Professor of History, presented at the seminar on “Vigil: Hong Kong on the Brink” on 9 December 2019.

Professor David Goldberg (left) and Professor Jeffrey Wasserstrom (right) delivering their talks.



Dynamic Public Engagement and Advancement

Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Outstanding Cultural and Creative Industries Awards Ceremony

Co-organised with the China Daily , the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Outstanding Cultural and Creative Industries Awards was launched in 2019 to affirm the efforts and achievements of outstanding companies and organisations in the cultural and creative industry sectors of the Greater Bay Area, and promote public recognition and understanding of the industries. On 6 September 2019, the Awards Ceremony was attended by Officiating Guests Dr Moses Cheng Mo Chi, Governor and Chairman of Council of HSUHK and Dr Wilfred Wong Ying Wai, Chairman of the Hong Kong Arts Development Council, as well as 20 award winners selected by a panel of experts from Hong Kong, Macao, Shenzhen, Shanghai and Beijing.

HSUHK Business Journalism Awards

The Business Journalism Awards of HSUHK was presented annually to recognise professional journalists who produce outstanding reporting in business, economic and financial issues and their contributions to the industry and society. Awardees were selected based on the value, impact, quality, presentation skills, analytical skills and visual presentation of the coverage.

HSUHK REVIEW 2019-2020


Dynamic Public Engagement and Advancement The University received more than 500 submissions in nine categories in this academic year. Reviewed by a judging panel comprised of 70 professionals from various sectors, the award list of the 4th Business Journalism Awards comprised of 36 winning entries/awardees was announced online on 4 May 2020. Mr Paul Chan Mo Po, Financial Secretary of the HKSAR Government, delivered a message in a video to congratulate the award recipients and their corporations.

Junzi Corporation Survey Award Presentation Ceremony Junzi Corporation Scheme, the largest inter-disciplinary academic activity of the University, has contributed significantly to the business ethics education in Hong Kong and its meticulousness is widely recognised by the academics. Coming to its 9 th year, Junzi Corporation Award continues to recognise the contribution of local “Junzi corporations” and “Junzi entrepreneurs” to Hong Kong’s social ethics and to actively promote Confucian business culture. In this academic year, a total number of 2,346 industry questionnaires were conducted to collect the public’s evaluation of companies in seven representative industries in Hong Kong. On 6 December 2019, attended by about 180 guests including the Officiating Guest Mr Stephen Wong, the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data of Hong Kong, the University released the HSUHK Hong Kong Business Ethics Index and commended 17 Junzi Corporations that fulfilled high ethical standards.



Dynamic Public Engagement and Advancement

40th Anniversary of the Founding of HSUHK To commemorate the 40th Anniversary of the Founding of HSUHK, a collection of videos covering a wide array of topics including campus life, history and development were publicised. Members of HSUHK community, e.g. the President, some long-serving staff and alumni, were invited to share their stories and memories with HSSC/HSMC/HSUHK. A commemorative book Of Grace and Talent ( 鍾 靈 敏 秀 ) was published and featured the University’s development path, milestones and achievements over the past 40 years as well as future aspirations and plans.

HSSC alumni Mr Dannie Cheung (left) and Dr Jacky Cheung (right) sharing their fond memories.

President Simon Ho sharing the re-titling from HSMC to HSUHK.

Alumna and long-serving staff Ms Lilian Yeung sharing her stories as an HSSC student and an HSMC/HSUHK teacher.

The commemorative book Of Grace and Talent.

HSUHK REVIEW 2019-2020


Dynamic Public Engagement and Advancement

HSUHK First Honorary Doctorate Conferment In recognition of distinguished individuals of the community who have made significant accomplishments and contributions to the University, the chosen discipline/profession, and the community, the University established the HSUHK Honorary Doctorate Conferment Scheme in 2019 and announced the inaugural cohort of Honorary Doctorates on 7 May 2020. Four recipients of Doctor of Social Science honoris causa were Dr David Ho Tzu Cho, Dr Alice Piera Lam Lee Kiu Yue, Dr Helen Lee Yick Hoi Lun and Dr Rose Lee Wai Mun.

Dr David Ho Tzu Cho

Dr Alice Piera Lam Lee Kiu Yue

Dr Helen Lee Yick Hoi Lun

Dr Rose Lee Wai Mun



Sustainable Campus and Resources Management

HSUHK REVIEW 2019-2020


Sustainable Campus and Resources Management

Environmental Initiatives Achievements for the Year During the reporting year, the University made achievements in energy saving and received some notable awards in recognition of its outstanding performance in energy conservation and environmental sustainability. ‣‣ Energywi$e Certificate (Basic Level) and Wastewi$e Certificate (Basic Level) by the Environmental Campaign Committee; ‣‣ Good Class IAQ Certification Scheme by the Environmental Protection Department; ‣‣ Certification of Compliance Registration for Code of Practice for Energy Efficiency of Building Services Installation; ‣‣ Energy saving by more than 683,000 units (HK$0.81 million) was recorded as compared with that of the previous year 2018-19; and ‣‣ By joining the scheme of CLP Renewable Energy Fee-in Tariff, 30,681 units of electricity were generated (a rebate of HK$122,724) by the solar photovoltaic system installed at the Residential Colleges.



Sustainable Campus and Resources Management

Green Practices on Campus To cultivate the mindset and influence the behaviour of staff and students, the HSUHK continued to promote a green lifestyle on campus through a series of measures and educational initiatives, as well as participating in public energy conservation campaigns in the year under review, including: ‣‣ Signing up for joining Earth Hour and No Air Con Night organised by the World Wide Fund for Nature and the Green Sense respectively; ‣‣ Launching HSUHK Quar terly Hour to minimise unnecessary energy consumption; ‣‣ Participating in Energy Saving Charter 2020 organised by the Environment Bureau and Electrical and Mechanical Services Department to pledge for saving energy practices; ‣‣ Taking part in Solar Photovoltaic System Installation Role Model Election 2019 organised by the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department; ‣‣ Joining the CLP’s Peak Demand Management (PDM) programme to reduce electricity consumption during the highest electricity demand period so as to lower the maximum demand of the overall system; ‣‣ Phasing out the sale of single-use plastic bottled drinks below 1 litre from vending machines; ‣‣ Fostering conservation of sustainable agriculture by launching organic farm lease to staff and students for planting on the rooftop of the Lee Shau Kee Complex; ‣‣ Replacing existing equipment from old models to energy-efficient types, namely: a. Window-type air-conditioners were replaced by split-type air conditioners, and T8 fluorescent tubes and compact fluorescent lamps were replaced by LED lamps at the student residence (Old Hall); b. Traditional lighting fixtures were replaced by LED lighting fixtures with occupancy sensors at staircases in the S H Ho Academic Building and the Lee Quo Wei Academic Building; c. The lif ts at the M Building would be modernised by replacement with energy-efficient motor control.

HSUHK REVIEW 2019-2020


Sustainable Campus and Resources Management

Health and Safety Measures against COVID-19 In view of the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic since early 2020, protecting the health and safety of all staff and students has been the utmost priority of the University. In this connection, various precautionary measures against COVID-19 were implemented, to name a few: ‣‣ Placing hand sanitisers around campus in high-traffic areas and alcohol wet wipes at classrooms and laboratories for cleaning teaching equipment, etc; ‣‣ Applying disinfection coating for provision of antivirus protection in all public areas such as building main entrances, library, gymnasium, washrooms, lifts, meeting rooms, etc; ‣‣ Increasing the frequency of campus cleaning with appropriate disinfectant applying to furniture, lifts, floors, washrooms, etc; ‣‣ Increasing the rate of fresh air supply for all ventilation systems; ‣‣ Tightening the infection control measures on campus in accordance with the Government's regulations and in compliance with the guidelines issued by the Centre for Health Protection, e.g. social distancing measures and compulsory mask wearing, etc; ‣‣ Requesting staff members, students as well as Staff Quarters residents to complete the Health Declaration Form at least once before semesters started; ‣‣ Strengthening the health surveillance regime by checking body temperature of all entrants through the thermal screening system at campus entrances;

Disinfection coating in public areas.

‣‣ Updating health advice, e.g. health tips, general hygiene, etc. and infection control measures to staff and students regularly; ‣‣ Setting up the reporting and notification system of COVID-19 infection or suspected high-risk cases.

Thermal screening system for temperature checking.

Social distancing measures at catering outlets.

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