1 minute read

EXCELLENCE | Core Values




Michael Jordan, Ruth Bader Ginsburg , Serena Williams, John McCain. When I think of excellence, these images appear. In their chosen fields, they are considered outstanding, but they are not perfect. They all claim failures or defeats. Michael Jordan was once cut from his high school’s varsity basketball team. Ruth Bader Ginsburg graduated at the top of her Columbia Law School class but had a hard time finding a job. Serena has withstood many losses and injuries, and John McCain suffered several political losses. Despite their failures, these people all continued to excel because of their commitment to and expectation of excellence. They are not okay with status quo or good enough. They are all known for zealously practicing their craft and continually seeking improvement opportunities. Their excellence is fueled by their relentless passion for learning and achievement.

Achieving excellence requires commitment. HomeServices of Nebraska is committed to providing excellent service to our agents, customers, and employees. We know excellence does not just happen which is why we value the pursuit and are committed to a culture that seeks and develops opportunities for learning, practicing, and continuous improvement. As Vince Lombardi once said, “perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection, we can catch excellence.”

How do YOU, or others in our company you’ve observed, model excellence in your day to day work?

Let us know at hsne-marketing@homeservicesne.com. The first five submissions will be added to a drawing for a gift certificate to Jet Splash!

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