Buddens Bugle issue 6 Saturday

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Budden’s Bugle Issue 6

Saturday 16th Aug 2014

Your final daily dose of H0014 news and fun

Wow... what a week!

Good bye Au Revoir Arrivederci Poka Auf Wiedersehen Adiós Tot ziens Namaste Ma’ assalama Have a safe journey home. Please be off site by 14:00 Bubble bath by 17:00

With a tear in the eye, a lump in the throat and a bag full of smelly washing, it is with a heavy heart that we pack up and prepare to leave the beguiling bubble of Buddens and bimble back to our other lives. We have shared some amazing experiences together and formed new skills, memories and friendships which will last much longer than the funny smell in the bottom of our sleeping bags. Scouting demands a lot of us all but gives back in spades and it is through shared experiences like those we have enjoyed this week that makes all the time and trouble worthwhile. Here’s to doing it all again sometime soon!

Dragon Boating Results Winning Cub Team: ‘Dragoneers’ 41.83 secs Winning Scout Team: ‘Titchfield Titans 2’ 40.08 secs nd Winning Explorer Team: ‘32 Star Sky’ 32.73 secs.

Thank you! Thank you to and from everyone. The core team of Dom (The Boss), Tim (Site Services), Ash (Bookings), Norman and Gareth (Programme), John (Catering). Words are not enough – we hope you saw us all having so much fun and adventure thanks to you. Congratulations from everyone in Hampshire Scouting. You will be pleased to learn that you are all hired for the next County Camp!! The ‘Sunshine’ team – all of the wonderful staff in the yellow T-shirts. Your cheery support, welcomes and smiles made the camp. The Leaders (Adult and Young) – Thank you so very much for giving up your time (lots of holiday time) to set-up camp, bring us to camp and look after us all. The young people – Thank you for being so polite, smiley and LOUD! This reminds us ‘more experienced ones’ what fun can be had at camp. The Buddens Staff – what an awesome team! From clearing toilets to crate stacking their energy and enthusiasm has helped this week be such a success. Let’s all meet again at the next big camp.

Wise Words

“We never fail when we try to do our duty; we always fail when we neglect to do it.” Robert Baden-Powell

Quote, Unquote

“The plan worked!” said Norm of the H0014 core team.

Today’s Weather Forecast AM



Full colour version – www.hampshirescouting.org.uk/h0014/

H0014 in numbers During the week... 8,301 nights were camped 877 times on the water 912 planes taken off from Heathrow 1,084 Whole Hog Challenges completed 800 sausages scoffed by staff 200 pints of milk guzzled by staff 24 scarves worn by one leader 500 jellybean neckers sold 2,350 doughnuts, cakes and cookies sold 26,000 pages of Budden’s Bugle printed 39.5 GB downloaded via the WiFi

Three Word H0014 Explorer Scouts Vicky Edwards of Havant and Tilly Watson of Andover joined us this week to brush up their media skills. They toured the camp asking for three word summaries of H0014. Here is a Wordle of your responses.

Newshound’s World Tour Dorset’s cutest dog finishes his tour.

Inspire Others! Tell us about your everyday scouting adventures. On camp, in the HQ, special events please share with us what you do. Photos / news / quotes / stories

You tell us and we’ll tell everyone! Text - 07772 289061 Email - scouthants@gmail.com Tweet - @hampshirescouts

H0014 Awards We have been totally delighted by the amount of nominations for the H0014 awards. We are please to help publicly celebrate these H0014 heroes. They are all winners! Best Cook ‘Chef Ray’, 4th Eastleigh - ‘Making original camp food taste better’, ‘Really nice food’, ‘Always something new and different’, ‘World’s best rice pudding maker’, ‘ He lets us try new food that’s weird and crazy’ ‘Makes the best omelettes’ Richard Bloxsom, volunteer 3rd Gosport Sea Scouts – ‘Massive reasons including getting everyone involved with chopping, cooking and washing-up’ Papa Jules, 1st Stubbington - ‘Making over 104 slices of pizza and beef wellington tonight’, ‘He’s invited other people’, ‘Equal portions’, ‘Food never runs out’, ‘Delicious’, ‘He cooks while in fancy dress’, ‘He spends the entire day cooking and preparing food’. Kim Walsh, 8th Eastleigh Cub Leader – ‘Fab food’, ‘Simply the best!’ Anna Dalrymple, DC at 15th Fareham – ‘She’s been up at 5am every morning and goes to be past midnight’ Henriette Woodroof, 1st Denmead - ‘Lovely Dutch food’, ‘Every meal is different and she gives us new foods from around the world.’ John and Christine, 8th Aldershot – ‘Dinner delivered on time despite an A&E visit with a broken collar bone and very badly sprained wrist, achieved after a wide game’, ‘They still came back to cook’ Rod Cates, 2nd Welwyn – ‘Amazing pies and curries’ and ‘Rod the god!’ Gavin, 1 st Clanfield – ‘Continuously producing great meals by himself for all his patrol’. Ian Heather, 17th West Lothian, - ‘He is always making stuff that doesn’t look good but it’s really tasty’. st Kaa, 1 Purbrook – ‘Great porridge!’ Chill and Nigel, Hambleoovile, ‘For cooking great international food’.

Most Adventurous Young Person Joshua Davis, 15th Fareham – ‘It doesn’t matter what you present him with he’ll give it a go.’ Nathan Rogers, 1st Denmead Scouts –‘Because he is always keen to do things and take risks.’ Lewis Flynn, 17th West Lothian, - ‘He is always going off to the woods and finding stuff’.

Most Adventurous Adult Stu, Site Manager – ‘For putting hands down toilets with no gloves on!’ rd Richard Bloxsom, 3 Gosport Sea Scouts – ‘For canoeing through the Durdle Dor arch in rough seas’ Dave Berry, Skip at 14th Winchester. – ‘He went through the tunnel and could only just fit and came out a really weird way’ th Philip Stuart, 17 West Lothian – ‘Trying to raise money for charity with some ice cold treatment’ Sarah Le Bas, 1 st New Forest North – ‘She is often heard saying “I don’t camp” but she has been here all week helping with the cooking’. Paul, 1 st Denmead, ‘He loves the woods and knows so much about adventure!’ Catherine Watson and Angela Bailey ‘For their epic 18 at crate stacking’.

Funniest Moment

Bailey Ricketts, 15th Fareham Scouts – ‘Dragged out of his tent feet first after he would get up’ Joe, 8th Eastleigh Cubs – ‘When he said to Akela “You need a facelift!” Henry Lucas, 14th Winchester Scouts – ‘When he woke up upside down in a ball in the corner of the ten’ Davy Smith, 7th Eastleigh Scouts – ‘He fell into a hole by the wet pit and got his onesie foot soaked in disgusting waste water’ Toby Westlake, 1st Denmead Explorer – ‘For his funny voice’ Toby, 8th Eastleigh Cubs – ‘For the chocolate cake and orange squash disaster’ Charlie, 8th Eastleigh Cubs – ‘He performed a cartwheel and managed to head-but a bin!’ Cameron Harris, 1st Clanfield - ‘Whose scout shirt buttons were flung across Brownsea Island as he leapt from a sap ridden tree revealing his muscular chest’

Friendliest Person

Ian Cox, 7th Eastleigh – ‘He helps people’, ‘When things go wrong he doesn’t get angry’, ‘He doesn’t get angry’, ‘He helps us and sorts things out’, ‘He never gives up’ st Michael Jordan, 1 Denmead Explorer – ‘He’s really kind to everyone... he treats people with the respect they deserve’, ‘He always puts everyone else before himself and makes sure everyone is fine and helps them, whatever they are doing.’ th Aaron Boyd, 17 West Lothian - ‘He is really kind and friendly’ Simon, Peter and George of Waterlooville - ‘They made our week more pleasant and friendlier’.

Scruffiest/Smartest Necker Alex Chapman, 4th Eastleigh – scruffiest necker. Zoë McWilliams, 1 st Clanfield – smartest necker - ‘for always having her necker in apple pie order’

Most Entertaining th

‘Colin’, 4 Eastleigh – ‘cos he’s crazy’, ‘Does rain dances’, ‘Sings along with his Justin Bieber toothbrush’, ‘For trying to kill a pretend rabbit!’ Hazel Dupont, 1 st Clanfield - ‘For keeping us all entertained with her never ending stream of jokes’ Ed, 1 st Denmead, ‘He is always funny and full of laughter. If someone is upset he is in there and giving them a joke.’ Jack Higdon, 8th Eastleigh Scouts - ‘For being a stupid, hilarious maniac’. Jude Robertson, 17th West Lothian - ‘He is very good at telling jokes and he always makes us laugh’. Simon, Hambleooville, ‘For being a court jester!’

Shout Out To...  Alistair the duck has earned a Heritage badge, from Frank, Thomas H, Jack and Noah of 1st New Forest North Scouts.  Beccy for losing her toothbrush INSIDE her wash bag, from Lucy Sorcha, 8th Aldershot Scouts.  Matt Rogers of the 4th Eastleigh who is 17 today. Happy Birthday!  Billy Shinn of 1st Barton Scout Group for his night time incident. Your friends are so proud!  Ollie Smith Aaron Hardy of 7th Eastleigh Scout have both just achieved their Chief Scouts Gold Award while at H0014. A HUGE well done!  Kim Walsh of 8th Eastleigh for cooking so many fantastic meals. “Our stomachs thank you!”  Philip Stuart Leader at 17th West Lothian has been fundraising for Macmillan Cancer by having loads of buckets of ice cold water poured over his head. N’ice’ idea, you mad thing!  Henriette of 1st Denmead Group who has been such a happy and amazing person. Thank you, from all the scouts.  Everyone who has supported the Jellybean Café. The team would like to thank you all for helping them get closer to their Japanese dream.  Ollie Rogers of 1st Denmead for completing the ‘Chilly Challenge’ and for making himself sick when cooling his mouth with too much milk. From the Denmead Massive.  Ray, Alan, Chloe, Tilly, Vicky, Dawn and Graham of your friendly media team for laughing to SO many wonderfully funny jokes. Sorry if we couldn’t squeeze yours in.  Luke Bloxham of 1st Denmead Scouts for trying his hardest in BMX today after not having ridden for 5 years. Well done!  Rhys Taylor of Oakley Scouts for enthusiastically embracing the scouting way and values!  Matt Baker of the One Show for shaking each member of 1st Eastleigh Group with his left hand and chatting when they met him at the tank museum!  To all staff – ‘Nothing has been too much trouble!’ from ‘Hambleooville’ pack.

Jokes Q: What do you call a man with paper trousers? A: Russell. By 1 Clanfield Scout Group st

Q: What has 22 legs, 4 wings but doesn’t fly? A: A football team. th

No prizes for these – just for fun!

Q: What’s red and bad for your teeth? A: Bricks! Sam Craven, 8 Aldershot Scouts th

Q: What is small and grey and has a trunk? A: A mouse heading off on holiday. th

Isaac Purkiss, 8 Aldershot Cubs

By Gregory Boniface, 8 Aldershot Scouts

Q: Why didn’t the skull go to the party? A: ‘cos he had nobody to go with.

Q: How do you get 5000 Pikachu’s on a bus? A: Pokemon! By 1 Clanfield Scout Group st


By Lucy Hewitson, 8 Aldershot Scouts

Q: Why do elephants have big ears? A: ‘cos Noddy won’t pay the ransom!. th

Q: Two bears in the attic, how do you know which one is in the army? A: The one on the tank! By Lizzy Purkiss, 8 Aldershot Cub th

By Max Grady,17 Fareham Cubs

Q: What is black and white and eats like a horse? A: A zebra! By Max Grady,17 Fareham Cubs th

Q: What did the scarf say to the hat? A: You go on ahead and I’ll hang around here!. th

Q: Two bears in the airing cupboard, how do you know which one is in the air force? A: The one on the hanger! By Lizzy Purkiss, 8 Aldershot Cub th

I’d tell you the one about the butter but I don’t want the scouts to spread it about! th

Bosun, 8 Aldershot Scout Group

By Spencer Bailey, 8 Aldershot

I got woken up this morning by a tap on the door, I need to call a plumber to come and remove it. By William Miller, 1 Swanmore Scouts st

I was watching a game of football the other day and the ref walked out “Well it’s all gonna kick off now!” Toby Wehrle, 1 Clanfield scouts

Q: What is the difference between roast beef and pea soup? A: You can roast beef but you can’t pea soup! th

By James Gallimore 14 Winchester Scouts

Q: What do you call a penguin with no wings? A: A chocolate bar. By Toby Harris, 1 Eastleigh Cub st


Q: What did the hen say when she laid her first egg! A: I’m so eggcited. By Reece Allen, 8 Eastleigh Scouts th

Q: What chocolate bar lives outside the galaxy? A: Milky Way! By Bethany Flint, 1 Eastleigh Cub st

Q: What has a head and tail but no body? A: A coin! By Meredith Allen,1 Eastleigh Scouts st

Two protons walking down the road, One said to the other “I‘m feel different” – Are you sure? “Yes I’m positive!” Sam Jackson, 1 Eastleigh Cubs

Q: Why did the banana go to the hospital? A: ‘cos he wasn’t peeling well!

Two fish in a tank, one said to the other “I’ll drive and you fire!” Thomas Boniface, 8 Aldershot Cubs

A man walked into a bar and it hurt!



By Bethany Flnt,1 Eastleigh Cubs


Alex Holt, 1 Eastleigh Cubs


Q: What do you call a donkey with one eye? A: A winky! Q: What do you call a donkey with one eye and three legs? A: A winky wonky!.

Q: Why did the hedgehog cross the road? A: To show his mates he had some guts!. st

By Aiden Browning, 1 Eastleigh Cubs

Q: What’s yellow and dangerous? A: Shark invested custard! Stu Vaughan, 1




Sue Morley, 8 Eastleigh Cub Leader

My dog has got no nose! – How does he smell? – Awful! Charlotte Pope, 15 Fareham th

Q: How did Benjamin Franklin discover lightning? A: It came to him in a flash! Frank Hussey, Phoenix ESU, Fareham East

Q: What did the fish say when it swam into a wall? A: Dam! Jack Langley, aged 8, 1 Stubbington st

Q: What do penguins eat for their birthday? A: Fish cake! Ollie, Denmead Explorer

Just for Fun Double Dingbats

Bumble organiser

Dr. Sylvester Martens

Friday’s Dingbats solution: In the middle of nowhere (Today’s solution at bottom of page 7)

Q: Why don’t polar bears eat penguins? A: They can’t get off the wrappers! By Ed Spencer of 11th Andover Scouts

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